FACTS UCPH - FACULTY OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL SCIENCES 20 minutes to Lyngby-Taarbæk City of Knowledge, FACTSFAKTA and the Technical University of Denmark 2020 minutterminutes tilto Danmarksthe Technical Tekniske University Universitet of Denmark •• 200350 •innovative innovative 200 life knowledgescience knowledge virksomheder based based companies companies UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN - FACULTY OF SCIENCE •• 30,00020,000• researchers30.000 researchers forskere and and oghighly highly højtuddannede educated educated employes employees ansatte • 20,000 students • 20,000• students20.000 studerende METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE •• 160,000160,000• 160.000 m m office office m space spaceerhvervsarealer SCIENCE PARKS, HUBS AND OFFICE HOTELS Lyngbyvej Lyngbyvej Lyngbyvej j eejj e JagtJagtJagtvv v UNIVERSITETSSPARKEN RIGSHOSPITALET, UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN UNIVERSITETSPARKENResearch and innovation in fields such as pharmacology, Alsdesrororgadsgadrogadee e AlAldederr UNIVERSITETSPARKENnano-science, quantum computing, chemistry, physics Research in fields such as pharmacology, nano-science, STUDENT RESIDENCES quantumand biology. physics, Entrepreneurs biology and and Big businessesData is located are at the Forskningrepresented i felter in somSCIENCE farmakologi, Innovation nano-science, Hub, the GTS biologi, é é é Faculties of SUND and SCIENCE and at the ESS Data l al Big Data mødes i KU Fakulteterne SUND og SCIENCE, METRO STATIONS l al l al Institute Bioneer: FARMA and Copenhagen Bio Science VV V Management Centre. Entrepreneurs and businesses are k 10 minutes to ee e ar k ar k rr r ar samt i ESS Data Management Center. Iværksættere og mm m P P P Park which houses biotech and life science companies. uu u Frederiksberg Science City, n ø n ø represented in COBIS, UCPH Innovation Hub and the n ø dsgadsgadsgadd d s s Copenhagen Business School s erhvervsliv er stærkt til stede med COBIS, UCPH r Le GTS Institute Bioneer: FARMA. r Le r and University of1010 Copenhagen minutterminutes tilto ee e Le Innovation Hub og GTS-instituttet Bioneer:FARMA. (Frederiksberg CopenhagenCampus)Copenhagen BusinessBusiness 111111111 ee e SchoolSchool dd d sga sga sgald 10 ldld a 1010 aa 55 5 HaHarr Har 1 COPENHAGEN BIO SCIENCE PARK 99 9 Universitets ØØ Ø ss s j ttee te 2 COPENHAGEN BIOCENTER j j e r Al ee rr A All parken l lélé é Jagtv JagtJagtvv 3 NIELS BOHR BUILDING – UNDER CONSTRUCTION 4 NANO-SCIENCE CENTER é é l é l l l l l A A A e e e r r r r r 5 PHARMA SCIENCE BUILDING 3 r 3 ø 3 ø ø N N 44 4 N 13 6 ESS DATA MANAGEMENT CENTRE 7 FACULTY OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL SCIENCES 2 22 1313 HARALDSGADE DISTRICT 6 HARALDSGADE DISTRICT 11 1 8 SUND VÆKST HUSET Home to theHome Metropolitan to the Metropolitan University College, University College Several commercial tenancies and to the HARALDSGADEKVARTERETand to the start-up and accelerator TT Ta 9 HOUSE OF PRACTICE AND INNOVATION aagengensgens s start-up andenvironment accelerator ofenvironments DARE2mansion of and the newly vv ve Bioanalytikere, laboranter og laboratorie- eejj j DARE2mansion and SingularityU Denmark. teknikereestablished uddannes SingularityU på Professionshøjskolen Denmark. An ideal 10 SINGULARITYU DENMARK An ideal location for innovative businesses due 14 Metropol.location for DARE2mansion innovative businesses og SingularityU due to the to the proximity to the innovation ecosystem, Denmarkproximity udbyderto the innovation acceleratorprogrammer, ecosystem, the the university, university hospital and the 11 DARE2mansion kontorpladseruniversity, university og kurser hospital i erhvervsmæssig and university university college. anvendelsecollege. af ny teknologi. 12 SYMBION COBIS RIGSHOSPITALETRIGSHOSPITALET jj j 13 STATION Q AND QUBIZ COBISCopenhagen Bio Science Park houses 85 SjælSjælSjællalandndsgadlasgadndsgadee e ee e Denmark’s most specialized hospital and a vv v ss s Danmarks mest specialiserede hospital og et m mm a biotech and life science companies and is TT T aa lighthouse in the healthcare sector. Educates aa agens dd d Copenhagen Bio Science Park huser 85 gengenss gg g fyrtårn i sundhedsvæsenet. Uddanner ee le Denmark's leading venue in the area. 8 8 ll B health professionals, develops new treatment 8 v v BB biotek- og life science-virksomheder og er vee e sundhedsprofessionelle, udvikler nye behand- 14 NIELS BOHR INSTITUTE jj j RIGSHOSPITALET Danmarks førende mødested på området. lingsmetodermethods, and og collaborates samarbejder with med industry erhvervslivet on DE GAMLESDE GAMLES BY BY omtestingDenmark’s test solutionsaf løsninger most and specialized og products produkter universityfor tilhealthtech sundheds hospital - andand healthcare. a beacon in the healthcare sector. Sund Vækst Huset is home to a cross-sectorial sektoren. Health education at the University of Copenhagen and 7 Educates health professionals, develops new partnershipDE of Copenhagen GAMLES Health BY Innovation, the University College Metropol meets entrepreneurship 77 treatment methods, and collaborates with research group CopenRehab, the City of Sundhedsuddannelserand development of new møder technology entreprenørskab in the “Sund og industry on testing solutions and products for Copenhagen’sVaekst Center Hus”. for This Welfare houses Technology Copenhagen and Health adadee ade 25 minutes to Copenhagen Airport udvikling af ny teknologi i Sund Vækst Huset. 66 pharma, healthtech and healthcare. the UCPH SUND Hub, where entrepreneurial Mølleg é é l Innovation, SUND Hub, CopenRehab and Center for MølleMøllegg é l l l l Det huser Copenhagen Health Innovation, SUND Hub, l 25 minutter til Københavns Lufthavn A A A students develop novel health solutions. e e Welfare Innovation. e r r r CopenRehab og Center for Velfærdsinnovation. r r r ø ø ø 6025 minutes minutes to toEuropean Copenhagen Spallation Airport Source and MAX IV N N N 60 minutter til European Spallation Source og MAX IV SYMBIONSYMBIONSYMBION 60 minutes PANUMto European Spallation Source and MAX IV Office communityKontorfællesskabOffice communityfor innovative forfor start-ups,vidensintensiveknowledge-intensive entrepreneurs start-ups, start-ups, PANUMThe Panum Building with the Maersk Tower is and growthiværksætter-entrepreneurs companies og and vækstvirksomheder. growth companies home to the Faculty of Health and Medical PANUMSundhedsvidenskabeligSciences at University of og Copenhagen. medicinsk It forskning og uddannelse i verdensklasse. The Panumhouses Building reseach with and the education Maersk Tower and novel is home to F Panum-bygningen og det nye Mærsk Tårnet r FF centers such as the Center for Stem Cell u rruu the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at University ebjer ebjeebjerr huser Københavns Universitets Sundheds- 12 1212 Research – DanStem, the Novo Nordisk g gg of Copenhagen (UCPH). It houses research and v v videnskabelige Fakultet, Novo Nordisk e vee j jj educationFoundation and novel Center centres for such Protein as theResearch Center andfor Fondensthe Novo forskningscentreNordisk Foundation for metabolisme,Center for Basic Stem Cellproteiner Research, og stamcellebiologi the Novo Nordisk og Foundation det Center forMetabolic Protein Research.Research andThe Centerfaculty alsofor Basic europæiskecoordinates partnerskabthe university’s for partnershipsundheds- in the j Metabolic Research. The faculty coordinates the ve eejj innovation, EIT-Health. m vv European knowledge innovation community, a aamm N university’s partnership in the European knowledge rød 0 100 200 300 400 500 meters t ttrørødd 00 100100 200200 300300 400400 500500 metermeters EIT Health. S SS innovation community, EIT Health..
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