US 20170145187A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2017/0145187 A1 PFEIFFER et al. (43) Pub. Date: May 25, 2017 (54) PLASTICZER COMPOSITION WHCH (30) Foreign Application Priority Data CONTAINS ALPHATC DCARBOXYLC ACD ESTERS UND TEREPHTHALIC ACID Jul. 8, 2014 (EP) .................................. 141761445 DALKYL ESTERS Jan. 30, 2015 (EP) .................................. 15153263.7 (71) Applicant: BASF SE, Ludwigshafen (DE) Publication Classification (72) Inventors: Matthias PFEIFFER, Böhl-lggelheim (51) Int. Cl. (DE); Boris BREITSCHEIDEL, CSK 5/12 (2006.01) Waldsee (DE); Axel GRIMM, CSK 5/II (2006.01) Edenkoben (DE); Herbert (52) U.S. Cl. MORGENSTERN, Ellerstadt (DE) CPC. C08K 5/12 (2013.01); C08K 5/II (2013.01) (21) Appl. No.: 15/323,584 (57) ABSTRACT The invention relates to a plasticizer composition containing (22) PCT Fed: Jul. 7, 2015 at least one aliphatic dicarboxylic acid ester and at least one terephthalic acid dialkyl ester, to molding compounds con (86) PCT No.: PCT/EP2O15/065421 taining a thermoplastic polymer or an elastomer and a S 371 (c)(1), plasticizer composition of said type, and to the use of said (2) Date: Jan. 3, 2017 plasticizer compositions and molding compounds. Patent Application Publication May 25, 2017. Sheet 1 of 7 US 2017/O145187 A1 Fig. : s 3. 3: g i. : & is a “n. S. 3 : 3 & 8 :8 ... 3 s s 8 i. sS.sŠs&35. s s S s s 8 is esses Patent Application Publication May 25, 2017. Sheet 2 of 7 US 2017/O145187 A1 Patent Application Publication May 25, 2017. Sheet 3 of 7 US 2017/O145187 A1 &v % SSo Patent Application Publication May 25, 2017. Sheet 4 of 7 US 2017/O145187 A1 ' BioS Patent Application Publication May 25, 2017. Sheet 5 of 7 US 2017/O145187 A1 Fig.5: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 's- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . www w w w w w w w w w w w w w w x 3 wwww.www.www.w'w'www's Y'Y'Y' '''''x''Y'Y'Y'YYYYY.' Patent Application Publication May 25, 2017. Sheet 7 of 7 US 2017/O145187 A1 Fig. 7: ###{}{};„?;};&#s:83••*************************************** A. s SSR. A sists US 2017/O 1451 87 A1 May 25, 2017 PLASTICZER COMPOSITION WHICH phthalate (DIBP), disobutyl phthalate (DIBP), benzylbutyl CONTAINS ALPHATC DICARBOXYLC phthalate (BBP) or diisoheptyl phthalate (DIHP), are also ACID ESTERS UND TEREPHTHALIC ACID used as fast fusers, for example in the production of what are DALKYL ESTERS known as plastisols. It is also possible to use dibenzoic esters, such as dipropylene glycol dibenzoates, for the same CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED purpose alongside the short-chain phthalates. Phenyl and APPLICATIONS cresyl esters of alkylsulfonic acids are examples of another 0001. This application is a national stage application class of plasticizers with good gelling properties, and are (under 35 U.S.C. S371) of PCT/EP2015/065421, filed Jul. 7, obtainable with trademark MesamollR). 2015, which claims benefit of European Application Nos. 0008 Plastisols initially are a suspension of finely pull Verulent plastics in liquid plasticizers. The Solvation rate of 14176144.5, filed Jul. 8, 2014, and 15153263.7, filed Jan. the polymer in the plasticizer here is very low at ambient 30, 2015, all of which are incorporated herein by reference temperature. The polymer is noticeably solvated in the in their entirety. plasticizer only on heating to relatively high temperatures. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The individual isolated polymer aggregates here Swell and fuse to give a three-dimensional high-viscosity gel. This 0002 The present invention relates to a plasticizer com procedure is termed gelling, and begins at a certain mini position which comprises at least one aliphatic dicarboxylic mum temperature which is termed gel point or Solvation ester and at least one dialkyl terephthalate, to molding temperature. The gelling step is not reversible. compositions which comprise a thermoplastic polymer or an 0009 Since plastisols take the form of liquids, they are elastomer and this plasticizer composition, and to the use of very often used for the coating of a very wide variety of these plasticizer compositions and molding compositions. materials, e.g. textiles, glass nonwovens, etc. This coating is very often composed of a plurality of sublayers. PRIOR ART 0010. In a procedure often used in the Industrial process 0003. Desired processing properties or desired perfor ing of plastisols, a layer of plastisol is therefore applied and mance properties are achieved in many plastics by adding directly thereafter the plastic, in particular PVC, with the what are known as plasticizers, in order to render the plastics plasticizer is Subjected to incipient gelling above the Solva softer, more flexible and/or more extensible. In general, the tion temperature, thus producing a solid layer composed of use of plasticizers serves to shift the thermoplastic range of a mixture of gelled, partially gelled, and ungelled polymer plastics toward lower temperatures, so that the desired particles. The next sublayer is then applied to this incipiently elastic properties are obtained in the region of low process gelled layer, and once the final layer has been applied the ing temperatures and service temperatures. entire structure is processed in its entirety to give the fully 0004 Production quantities of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gelled plastics product by heating to relatively high tem are among the highest of any plastic. Because of the versa peratures. tility of this material, it is nowadays found in a wide variety 0011. Another possibility, alongside production of plas of products used in everyday life. PVC therefore has very tisols, is production of dry pulverulant mixtures of plasti great economic importance. Intrinsically, PVC is a plastic cizer and polymers. These dry blends, in particular based on which is hard and brittle at up to about 80°C., and is used PVC, can then be further processed at elevated temperatures in the form of rigid PVC (PVC-U) by addition of heat for example by extrusion to give pellets, or processed stabilizers and other adjuvants. Flexible PVC (PVC-P) is through conventional shaping processes, such as injection obtained only by adding Suitable plasticizers, and can be molding, extrusion, or calendering, to give the fully gelled used for many applications for which rigid PVC is unsuit plastics product. able. 0012 Plasticizers with good gelling properties are addi 0005 Examples of other important thermoplastic poly tionally required because of increasing technical and eco mers in which plasticizers are usually used are polyvinyl nomic demands on the processing of thermoplastic polymers butyral (PVB), homopolymers and copolymers of styrene, and elastomers. polyacrylates, polysulfides, or thermoplastic polyurethanes 0013. In particular in the production and processing of (PU). PVC plastisols, for example for producing PVC coatings, it 0006. The suitability of a substance for use as a plasti is inter alia desirable to have available, as fast fuser, a cizer for a particular polymer depends largely on the prop plasticizer with low gelling point. High Storage stability of erties of the polymer that is to be plasticized. The desire is the plastisol is moreover also desirable, i.e. the ungelled generally for plasticizers which enjoy high compatibility plastisol is intended to exhibit no, or only a slight, viscosity with the polymer to be plasticized, i.e., which endow it with rise over the course of time at ambient temperature. As far good thermoplastic properties, and which possess only low as possible, these properties are intended to be achieved by propensity to evaporation and/or exudation (high perma addition of a suitable plasticizer with rapid-gelling proper nence). ties, with no need for the use of other viscosity-reducing 0007. A host of different compounds are available on the additives and/or of solvents. market for the plasticizing of PVC and other plastics. On 0014. However, fast fusers generally often have unsatis account of their high compatibility with PVC and because of factory compatibility with the additized polymers. More their advantageous performance properties, phthalic diesters over, they usually exhibit high volatility both on processing with alcohols of various chemical structures have been much and in use of the final products. Moreover, the addition of used in the past as plasticizers, examples being diethylhexyl fast fusers in many cases has a deleterious effect on the phthalate (DEHP), diisononyl phthalate (DINP), and diiso mechanical properties of the final products. Another known decyl phthalate (DIDP). Short-chain phthalates, e.g. dibutyl method for establishing the desired plasticizer properties is US 2017/O 1451 87 A1 May 25, 2017 therefore to use mixtures of plasticizers, e.g. at least one necessary here as well to use large amounts of these isodecyl plasticizer which provides good thermoplastic properties but benzoates. Moreover, these plasticizers likewise exhibit high provides relatively poor gelling, in combination with at least Volatility, and adding them is detrimental to the mechanical one fast fuser. properties of the final products. 0015. Furthermore, there is a need to replace at least 0025. It is an object of the present invention to provide a Some of the aforementioned phthalate plasticizers, given that plasticizer composition for thermoplastic polymers and elas they are suspected of being injurious to health. This is tomers which endows the composition on the one hand with especially so for sensible areas of application, Such as good thermoplastic and mechanical properties and on the children's toys, food packaging, or medical articles. other hand with good gelling properties, i.e., a low gelling 0016 Known in the prior art are a variety of alternative temperature. The plasticizer composition is intended as a plasticizers with different properties for a diversity of plas result to be suitable particularly for the provision of plasti tics, and especially for PVC. Sols. The plasticizer composition is to exhibit high compat 0017.
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