VOLUME 244 • NUMBER 138 56 pages 35 cents rn ente os nsragands beyond x0 mile from Bonne T8orton otot MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1993 30 years later, TV re-embraces JFK Medium that made Camelot cashes in By Joseph P. Kahn ea's ongoing JFK love fest becomes GLOBE STAFF a full-fledged JFK film fest, as much of that old Camelot magic — and or 30 years, the question heartache — is recaptured for a con- F has gnawed at the coun- temporary audience in documentary, try's conscience. Who docudrama and miniseries form. All . shot John F. Kennedy? told, more than a dozen Kennedy-re- For the next seven lated specials will air during this days, television viewers will get a time period, including at least seven video-land, cable-ready answer: major new prime-time offerings. Everyone with a production bud- What will he found all over the get, a bankable script and access to TV dial are images that simulta- the Abraham Zapruder parade- neously deify and debunk the mem- route assassination footage has now ory of our 35th president, in ways shot a JFK retrospective. that may surprise even the most Beginning today and continuing jaundiced viewer. Rarely glimpsed through next Monday, the 30th anni- footage of Kennedy the charismatic Lee Haney Oswald after his capture. versary of Kennedy's death, Ameri- JFK, Page 8 John F. Kennedy on campaign trail. classified CIA files, "Frontline" probes deeper into the Oswald saga than any film before it. political rivals is so dramatic. A Among its discoveries are impor- brooding Nixon played piano at his tant new information on Oswald's • JFK own birthday parties. A bubbly Continued from Page 1 dealings with the CLA and KGB, his Marilyn Monroe crooned to JFK at relationship with David Ferrie (a fa- politician and consummate family his birthday party. Nixon swapped vorite Stone villain in the film man will blend ceaselessly, if not al- jokes with Hollywood's Rat Pack. "JFK") and fresh evidence connect- ways seamlessly, with big-bucks JFK swapped girlfriends. Enough ing Oswald to the rifle that killed Hollywood recreations and soap-op- said. Kennedy. Conspicuous among the era scenes. The impact of the Kenne- field guides to Oswald's twisted life dy family on American tastes and When it comes to remining the is Gerald Posner, author of "Case sensibilities, never mind JFK's influ- Kennedy legacy, there is always Closed," a new book that lends im- ence on the political landscape, will more to say. Yet does this glut of pressive support to the Warren be recalled with every zap of the re- sweeps-month programming mean- Commission's lone-gunman theory. mote control. ingfully advance our understanding of the Kennedy era and its tragic CBS' sixth foray Television, the medium that ending? Or does it merely feed the Posner also surfaces prominently loved Jack Kennedy, helped make same appetite for nostalgia that on CBS' "Who Killed JFK: The Fi- his political fortunes possible and fi- brings us Brady Bunch reunion nal Chapter?," the network's sixth nally laid him to rest before a grief- shows and baby-boomer memoirs of major investigation into the assassi- stricken nation, is going deep on lost innocence? Where does history nation. By now Dan Rather's pres- JFK one more (and probably not cross the line into hagiography? His- ence in the anchor position on these last) time. Like those fabled touch- torical drama into self-parody? Like shows is less a guarantee of hard- football games in Hyannis Port, it's the single-bullet theory, satisfactory hitting journalism than a puckish re- everybody-out-for-a-pass time. Grab answers may never be found, nor the minder that he too was in Dallas that yourself a piece of glory, a quick weird trajectory of popular culture fateful day, making his network score or birth. Once Camelot wove its fully plotted. reputation. That quibble aside, Rath- mystical spell of yore. Now it just er and Posner's analysis of eyewit- sells. And sells. And sells some Latest conspiracy theory ness testimony and the Zapruder se- more. quence is valuable - more valuable Best supporting roles this week than the recycled history lesson that America cannot get enough of its precedes it, certainly. adopted royal family, it seems, even are assured for Jackie 0., the glam- orous widow, and Lee Harvey Os- There is far more to quibble the nearly half of us horn since No- wald, the enigmatic assassin. View- about, moreover, when it comes to vember 22, 1963. Two new books ers will seldom be more than (an Oli- rivals ABC's and NBC's entries into about JFK - one focusing on his the JFK prime-time sweepstakes. At presidency, the other on his assassi- least the ABC miniseries "Reckless nation -..are among the big events of ver) stone's throw away from the lat- Youth" has the virtue of being based the publishing season. President est in conspiracy theory and autopsy on a book (by Nigel Hamilton) that analysis, while talk-show hosts sum- Clinton's appearance last month at takes a scholarly approach to the the JFK Museum dedication seemed mon celebrities out of the greenroom seamier side of JFK's pre-congres- to ask "Where were you...?" with calculated to polish his profile as a sional career. The production values Kennedyesque torchbearer for the damp-eyed reverie. are impressive and the acting above- 1990s. From Marina Oswald ("Fatal De- average for this sort of fare, but the ception," NBC) to Inga Arvad script swings such a heavy cudgel John Jr. has gone from saluting ("JFK: Reckless Youth," ABC), the against patriach Joe and matriarch soldiers to dating starlets in the bedroom partners of LHO and JFK Rose that it often plays like an ex- wink of an eye, or so the prying me- will be given MPTE: Maximum tended episode of "All My (Dysfunc- dia make us believe. When "60 Min- Prime-Time Exposure. In the best tional) Children." utes" correspondents were polled on and most ambitious of the upcoming As for the Marina Oswald story whom they most regret not inter- offerings, at least some conscientious on NBC tonight, well, any movie viewing, the answer was unanimous: effort is made to enlighten as well as that purports to equate her with Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. No- entertain. The worst stray into Jackie - both sudden widows, both body is shooting miniseries on the mawkishness and titillation. Just with two young kids, both searching life and times of Gerald Ford, Jimmy when you think you've seen enough for answers, get it? - is in trouble Carter ur George Bush. Previously of the Zapruder film to last a lifetime before the first commercial. unseen footage of the Johnson or come endless slow-mo shots of the All in all it adds up to a memora- Reagans relaxing at home on the president's skull exploding in Dealey ble week of JFK-inspired memories. ranch is likely to remain just that, Plaza, all freshly sickening if That, and the nagging suspicion that unseen. strangely compelling. in the not too distant future, with 50(1 A standout in regard to its seri- channels available, broadcasting may Among modern presidents only ousness of purpose is a three-hour introduce its first all-Kennedy net- Richard Nixon, the antiKennedy, "Frontline" investigation titled "Who work. continues to fascinate a new genera- Was Lee Harvey Oswald?" Capital- tion of Americans to anything like Don't laugh. When Americans izing on the breakup of the Soviet cannot seem to get enough of some- the same degree, perhaps because Union and the release of previously the contrast between these two old thing, history suggests, they usually wind up getting more than they bar- gained for. TV offers a full week on JFK The followingis a sample of ispannins as definitively as CBS hoped nor as am- prime-tire Kennedy prognamming, Cheri biguously as the title suggests. Grassy times and local listings. Some cable offer. knoll gets a good re-mowing, though. ins repeat, Many other show's airing this "The End of Camelot" (Discovery Chan- week hare been pretrionsl y broadcast net. Nov. 21): Two more hours on the trag "Fatal Deception: Mrs. Lee Harvey edy in Dallas. Not available fur preview Oswald" (NBC, Nov. 15): Helena Bonham but many of the usual suspects listed as in Carter stars as the befuddled wife of US terviewees. history's most notorious assassin - or pat- "JFK: Reckless Youth" (ABC, Nov. 21 ti sy. Ask not what your husband did to you 22): Nigel Hamilton's tell-all bio of randy ask how you can cash in on your husband. young JFK and his power-obsessed fathet Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?" (PBS, gets lavish Hollywood treatment - ant Nov. 16): A "Frontline'' investigation into higher marks for its production values am the life of JFK's killer that boldly goes. acting than for its tawdry pop psychology. where no documentary film has gone be- `November 22, 1963: Where Were You' fore. (TNT, Nov. 21): Larry King asks Margaret "Jack" (CBS. Nov. 17): Producer Peter Thatcher, the Clintons, Harry Belafonte. Davis aims for the heart of the Kennedy Barbra Streisand, Chubby Checker ant mystique - wit, wealth, smarts, sexiness - many others to recall where they were and scores a direct hit. Sometimes sappy. when they heard The News that day. Oh always satisfying. boy. "The Kennedy Years In Words and Mu• "With the President" (Disney Channel. sic- (PBS, Nov. 17): Photographer Jacques Nov. 22): Ex-White House photographer Lowe captures the glory of a political err Cecil Stoughton shares sentimental memo that was also put to music as no presidency ties and portraits from those fabled Thou- has been since.
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