r- ERflt Haven Hagamun Library Joe and Al Bahnaen. This farm .Mr.?. Herman Michael . New weeks of training. He commands EA.ST HAVEN NEWS g^ ^ EasE&stf HaHavenM , has an outstanding forags crop yiiunt! ccillie, ".Spar," added to the two squadrons of naval aviators, I'age 8 Thunt., .>Uy iZ. 19S? 5pa- County Farm News program which Include.* 2.1 acres of Ken Franklsl'i family In the red, based on on aircraft carrier. ,Mr. alfalfa, ,10 acres of ladlno clover Dibble spends one weekend every An Independent Servingl'^jrhe Town of Vf'd hnu.^e. Mrs. VanWie will be the guest Compiled by llie Extension Service, Production and Mar- pasture, J. S. Owens, Kxtenslon month flying at Floyd Bennett speaker and will hove ns her sub­ This is Let's Go Fishing Week; Field. ketiriB Adininlslrnlioii nnd Soil Conscrvntion Service of New Agronomist, at the University of National Foot Health Week; Na- ject, "Gardening." Weekly Newspaper East Haven Haven County. ConnecUcUt told about the newel;! llonnl Luggoge Week; World Trode Ml.ss Peggy McNeil nnd Ml.w The Indian Neck Fire Ladles methods of seeding, ferlllb.Ing and Week and "IJuddy" Poppy Week... CalheHne Ciawford of Blngham- Auxlliory held a very .succe.ssful fet I A University of Connecticut VPR- ctublo speclnllsl repoi'th lliat' sev­ bage, cauliflower and broccoli managing pastures. The .Short Beach PTA l.'s In need toii, N. v., visited Mr. and Mrs. V. Penny Raffle following their .stat­ ed meeting last evening at the PubtiitKd W((kiy hy Frrf Crrii Publications. Inf.. EAST HAVKN, CONNECTICUT, THUKSDAY, MAY 29, 1952 5 Cents A Copy—$2.50 A Year eral hundred Ihousnnd tlollnru plant. A knap.sack or bellows type ,•'•••* * • • • of Telephone Squad volunteers. If J. McNeil for the weekend. Both VII —No. 36 Yearly Suhitriplion JJ.50. Fire House. Mary Lane, presided worth of.cnbbnge, enullflower and hand duster Is most effective. ', Each year as the time for hous­ you'd be willing to help out, give girls attend the Walnut Hill School broccoli clops arc ilRlit notv In The fly resembles a house fly In ing pullets approaches, many poul- .Mns. Claire Pler.son a buzz at In Natlck. Mass. and .several guests were present. Henry DeVita Heads St. Vincent's Guild trymcn find it necessary to sell H-:mr, . small fire at Howie's Those serving on the hospitality Study Group danger of ' lielhg • wiped out or size but Is a little more grayish In Ensign Robert Farringlon lia.'i Exchange Club Graduates Plan Variety Of Careers To Elect Officer! Memorial Parade seriously dnmnBod by the cabbage color. Eggs arc laid on the stems old birds while egg prices are still Drive-In on Tuesday last. Volun- arirved lo si)end -some time with his committee were — Anna Reed, Al­ good. The sale Is made reluctantly, ice Provost, Thelma Olson, and Town The East Ilnven Exchange held SI. VIrtcent de Paul's LndlM' • loer firemen made short work of family. He Is now stationed In ningcot. t of the plants or In soil cracks near Industry It seems • can haiiily Costa, Frank Mais.ino. and David Testa, Fairfield, N. II. S. T. C. or Guild will hold their annual meet­ the plants. income slows down until the new the Job and all'-s OK ... Corpus Chrlstl, Texas. Mariyon Bryon. Get 75% Return a special meeting recently and Starts At 2 P.M. Extension vegetable si)eclnll.st, pullets are laying, and a lower elected a new slate of officei-s for wait fur our teen agers to gel out Morse at Y, M. C. A. Junior Col­ y. M. C.'A. Jr. College, Cliff Hack- ing on Monday evening, June 'JIh E, C. MInnum Rdvlses conimerclnl The eggs hatch In threq to eight Little Iluth Ann Evls wa.^) a guo.<;t Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Coss at- price Is accepted for the old birds tho ensuing year: Elected to serve of school. Many of tliem work 'long lege. liarlb Is gning lo Fnlrlleld, N. 11. Instead of Tue.iriny as usuni be- vegetable growers In apply calomel days Into tiny white maggots which of Kit Doodle on television Inst I ended I be recent Family Day S. T. C. or Y; M. C, A, Jr. College, cnusc of Class night being held at food on tho roots of the plants. because of a forced sale. One ans­ week. exercises at Ml.ss Porter's School • AAA* Topics On Questionnaire weie: President, Heniy J. DcVlto; before (Key graduate, but by the poUglns Bmvdeti, Robert Lof- At Pardee Park dust nroiinii I lie base of eaoli cnb- wer to this Is the Connecticut Com­ vice president, Fred Hunter; treas­ quLsl, Robert Keeler, Bernard Cliff Ilarkbnrtli Is going to Fair­ 'the high school. Some growers like to use cor. .TAN where their daughter, Nallca, Is a East Haven Green Garage Results of 2,000 questionnaires time tliey are through school field derinltcly. Mojor Ernest L. Pembcrton, bined Uonge and Laying Shelter. P. S.—Folks who laugh a lot are .sludent. Dominlclc H. Ferrara urer, Albert Bowden; secretary, While, and Tlionin.i Uj-nn will nt- The mcellng will he held In Ihe roslvo sublimate solution. To make A shelter 10 by 10 feet will house dislributcd to Hist llnveners re­ nearly all those who ore not Eoing I'eiid Stale Technical Instltule., Carol RoberLs and Marlon Vau- church hall following the Miracu­ grand mnr.ihall of the Memorial. ten gallons, dLisnlvc one ounce of never lonely. I..ouls I... Maggiore .„ 's Did yi)U cvo'r see so ninny rainy Joseph Annunziata. The Board of •Wo Oarry A Full Line of 250 laying birds, and It [irovldcs ,ir^L Sundays. It .soeni.s we never really cently liy local ,boy scout groups controls includes James Milano, to college will ho on the Job one ; Eleanor Oerber will work tor the Iso will be secretaries nl the Unit­ lous Medal Novcnn. The business Day Parodc, onnounces that plans fine grain corrosive subllmotc roasting and nesting space, as well GENERAL REPAIRING way or another'right after gradu­ Blue Cross!, nnd Irene Kelsey, the ed lUumlnntlnK Company. Us a tie meeting will be presided over by powder In a smiill quantity' of hot '^Mia\e any Spring, a lot of wet days for tho P. T. A. School Study Frank Barker. Peter Limoncelll, have been completed tor the Mem- as protection from predatory ani­ Indian Neck ON ALL MAKES OF CARS Charles Copeland, Pnsquale Zam- ation. tlo\v,5ynvcn Register. between Mni'yland or Bates for Mrs, Potrlck Eagan. Masury water. Add enough cold water to mals. Birds moved to such a loylng PINE ORCHARD 178 Main .Street East Haven IL and a jump right Into hot wool her. Group were disclosed Wednesday .!;OSi Amento will attend Ilnrt- Shirley Hill and for Don Lecza, orll Day program. make ten gallons. Please leave items for tilts paro and Snlvntore Lohgobardl. The future of some of tlic Senlor-s Th6 nominating comnilttce shelter during May will not be up­ Phone HO 7-3735 P .Muny entries have been re- by Mrs. Wllinm Cashiuan, chair­ (^ord Drcssmnklng School and Cnlli- Brown of U. Conn. Bob I.lndeman hearted by Mrs. Horry Polrol, n.i- Assisting Major Pemberton nre: Dcvoe I'leusn I'lionc Sfrs. Amos F. column at Lounshury's Store or The retiring officers were is listed below; glrl.s planning to A cupful of the solution should set by the moving proccs.'!. Now l.s phone Mrs. Evelyn Lounshiiry, P, , leUeil for the 4th annual (iurilen man, Brine Glbbs at llnlrdresslng .School. ttLso has to choose between the Uni­ .sisleil by Miss Mary K. Turhllt iinil Honorary Chairman, Frank Bark­ bo poured around the hose of each Ilnrnes, IH, 8-3715, items for Charles Copolniul, president; vice enter the nurse's profession will he er, First Scleclinan ot Enst HaVenj the lime, to build such a, shelter this column. S-0488 fjV J Club's Mower Show lo he held Tho five questions with refer­ Linden Prann and B'rances Spad- 1'Tele|)hone Company girls will be versity of Maryland or Purdue. Mrs. Albert K. Dolon will iiresent ALDEN plant. Two or three applications ijnd plans may be obtained by con­ 8* Tuesday, .Iinic lotli in the Town president, Cliauiieey Warner; Al­ Naiicy Brewer, Flo Davis, Anna Shirley Lupoli made her choice a slate of candidates for offices for Clilpr of (Staff, John P. Morgan, at weekly Interval.H arc generally 1"he Pine Orchard Ilomemakers The local P. T. A. met on May ence to the East ll.iven Schools bert Anastasio, treasurer; Joseiih ccnta at Hartford School of Nur­ Legion District Finance Otflctr: tacting the County Agents office at I'lth at which lime the following CAPITOL THEATRE h Hall from 2 to U I*. .M. The var- contained on the survey were: Are sing; Jnnn Degnnll and Ann Engcl- Canna, Louis Pannella, Jonn Mac- quite a While ago- lis definitely Al- the coming year. necessary for adequate control.The 3.1.'! Prospect Street, New Haven, will meet tonight at 8 at the home Annunzlata was reelected for a sec­ Klnnel, Marie Howe, Shirley Wnss- Luco Mooll, Comnuitider AMVSTS Paint & of Mrs. F. A. Relmers on Pine Or­ new officers were elected: presl- *. ious connnittee niendiers urn you a parent of clilldien in sciiool! Imrdt at Norwich Hospital; Mary- berlus Magnus, Winchesters wel­ Members arc urged lo be present sublimate will corrode metal and Connecticut. ond term as secretary. niBr, onU Pat Prlsley. comes Bob Mnrley nnd Leon Tan- Post 14; John Faclh, Commander.
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