Interactions Profile Uses and Administration

Interactions Profile Uses and Administration

1672 nasal use as probably not porphyrinogenic; it may be used Pentqxyverine, hyqrogenootrate . de; PentoxyYenni (itras; mineral acids and in solutions of alkali hydroxides. Store in as a drug of first choice and no precautions are needed.1 Pento,.;yverini Hydrogenpdtras; UCB-2543; 0eHToKCr1BE'P11Ha airtight containers. Protect from light. l. The Drug Database for Acute Porphyria. Available at: http://www. (accessed 19110/ll) Phenylephrine Acid Ta rtrate · Interactions Sitarfrato d�;> fen i.fefrina; • F<rf1i lefr in.>,·: de; Phenyl­ ephri(le Bit<:�rtrate {ril\jN�J!J ; Phenyiephrln!.i, \litO;(trate Since oxymetazoline is absorbed through the mucosa • .• . .de; Pht?nylephrine Tartrate . (Bi\NM}; Phenylephrini ··. Bitartras; interactions may follow topical application. The BNF .· · T< lrrrat(J 1\cidode fenilefrl na; !lleH!1n3<)lp11Ha 5HTaptpaT. considers that all sympathomimetic nasal decongestants .C9H,,NO,;C.H006,3173 may cause a hypertensive crisis if used during treatment Ph. Eur. 8: (Pentoxyverine Hydrogen Citrate; Pentoxyver­ with an MAOI. For the interactions of sympathomimetics in cA S -)3998·21- 1. ine Citrate BP 2014). A white or almost white crystalline ATC -" (0 10.06; ROIAA04; ROIA$01i RQ MAQ3; general, see p. 1508.3. · . ·SIJ1!'001; powder. M.p. about 93 degrees. Freely soluble in water and · · J .•••·. · . •.•• • • S01GA05 .•·· . · •• • • · • . · . .. · · . ·· in methyl alcohol; soluble in alcohol and in dichlor­ Ate: vet ·.�: QC0 1C406; QR(!. 1.M();t; .QRI.l1AB01,. • · QRO!Bi\03; omethane; very soluble in glacial acetic acid. A 10% OS. Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Volume B) solution in water has a pH of 3.3 to 3.7. Protect from light. os£)1FBO!; qsm (;A UN/( .:..C2103()5.MLS7 Single-ingredient Preparations. Arg.: Apracur Nasal; Lidil; New­ dar; Rinox VX; Visine D; Yusin; Austral. : Chemists Own Pentoxyverine Hydrochloride IBANMJ Pharmacopoeias. In US. Decongestant Nasal Spray; Dimetapp 12 Hour Nasal; Drixine USP 36: (Phenylephrine Bitartrate). A white or almost Pentoksiverin Hldrol<lbrur;. Pentoxiverthi!, Nasal; Logidn Rapid Relief; Sudafed Nasal Decongestant; Vicks white powder or colourless crystals. Freely soluble in water. !le1-1TOKC>1Bepwi;!a �.QpO)(JlOj'j!A.$1. Sinex; Austria: Nasiben; Nasivin; Belg.: Nesivine; Rhino l pH of a 10% solution in water is between 3.0 and 4.0. Store C20H;tNO�HCI=369.9 Humext; Vicks Sinex; Braz.: Afrin; Aturgyl; Desfrin; Freenal; in airtight containers. Protect from light. 1('45·2 1-2. Nasivin; Oxifrin; Rinidal; Canad.: Afrint; Claritin Allergic Con� C4S�,. gestion Relief; Claritin Eye Allergy Relieft; Decongestant Nasal ATC �. f!MD/3:05. Mist; Dristan; Drixoral; Long Lasting Nasal Mist; Vicks Sinex; Phenylephrine Hydrochloride(BANM, r/NNM} ..,_, .•QROS DfJ()5. Visine Workplace; Zicam Congestion Relieft; Zicam Sinus ATc Ver . · (}Nil M(;,1AT3Hf{!; . fenl!�frln HJ rokti:irur;'F�nilef rlna ritodori:Jrode:. F r\i!efrlrr­ Relieft; Chile: Facimin; Iliadin; Oxilin; China: Da Fen Lin _,__ e (:it3f hidr klprlq; �Fenilefiino.· hidrochlarldas: · . Fenylefrin. hydro­ Dan Zhong Di Bi Ye Di Li Tuo (i!!!:lz:tt); ? .• :1\1:); (ftcfiilf4/&); . Fenylef!)' .1Y Feng Lang (JX\�Jl);Oxylin (!lk!!Ji�);Cz.: Nasivin; Oxamet; Sinex Profile chlodd; F" nylefri qhydroklori�;. 1 ShloroWodorek: Vicks; Denm.: Iliadint; Fin.: Vicks Sinex; Fr.: Aturgyl; Perna� fenyyfiefriinihydrok!aridi; Hidracl.oruro de fe nj!efrin!J;. esa" Pentoxyverine is a centrally acting cough suppressant used lyl zene; Ger.: Nasivin Sanftt; Nasivin; Vistoxynt; Wick Sinex; tonum; Metaoxedrlni . Chlondqm; PhenyiE'Rhrine, Chlorhy­ for non-productive cough (p. 1651.2). Usual doses of up to Gr.: Ezixin; lliadin; Narol; Ronal; Vicks Vapospray; Hong Kong: drate d<;:; Phenylephrinhydrochlorid; f-'henylephri!'ll Hydro, 180 mg daily of tbe citrate or hydrochloride have been given Afrin; Durationt; Iliadin; Logicin Rapid Relief; Long Lasting chloridum; !lJE'HVJ13¢p>l;ta r11ilpOX110plilA· orally in divided doses. The tannate is also given orally and Decongestant Nasal Mist; Hung.: Afrin; Nasivin; India: Naselin; C9H1 1N01;HCI,.,2Q3.7 Nasivion; Nazoden; Oxylin; Sinarest�PD; Sinarest; Indon.: the base has been given rectally. /5.1'5!6 -7. Afrin; Iliadin; Visine LR; Irl. : Iliadint; Oxylint; Vicks Sinex; CA S c..; . (."01 (,4 06; Israel: Af�Tipa; Alrin; Nasivin; Rhinoclir; Sinulen; Ital.: Actifed Porphyria. Tbe Drug Database for Acute Porphyria, com­ ATC _... Nasale; Equimet; Ossimet; Oxilin; Rino Calyptol; Jpn: Nasivin; piled by the Norwegian Porphyria Centre (NAPOS) and 50 1G;\05. Malaysia: Afrin; Iliadin; Oxynase; Mex. : Afrint; Iliadin; Naztril; the Porphyria Centre Sweden, classifies pentoxyverine as AT� Vet � q(IJ !CA06; Oxylin; Sinex; Visine AD; Neth.: Afrin; Nasivin; Oxylin; Vicks Q$0 1Ffi()l; possibly porphyrinogenic; it should be used only when no . QSO IGAQS Sinex; Norw.: Iliadint; Rhinox; NZ: At-Ezet; Dimetapp 12 safer alternative is available and precautions should be i.JfV!i. ·_:_. 04JA$9t'NSJ. Hour Nasal; Philipp.: Drixine; Nasivin; Pol. : Acatar; Afrin; Nasi­ considered in vulnerable patients. 1 vin; Nosox; Oxalin; Resoxym; Port.: Alerjon; Bisolspray; Nasar� NOTE. PHNL is a code approved by the BP 2014 for use on l. The Drug Database for Acute Porphyria. Available at: http:l/www. single unit doses of eye drops containing phenylephrine ox; Nasex; Nasorhinathiol; Oxylin; Rinerge; Sinexsensi; Vicks (accessed 19/10/11) Vapospray; Rus.: Nasivin (Ha3HBHH); Nazol (Ha3orr); Nesopin hydrochloride where the individual container may be too (Hecomrn); Noksprey (HoKcrrpeH); Sanorinchik (CaHopHHIIHK); S. P epa a ons small to bear all the appropriate labelling information. Afr. : Allergex; DriNasal; Dristan; Drixine; Iliadin; Oxylin; r r ti . PHNCYC is a similar code approved for eye drops containing ···················· ............................. ........................... Sparkling White Eye Dropst; Vicks Decongestantt; Singapore: Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Volume B) phenylephrine hydrochloride and cyclopentolate hydro­ Afrin; Iliadin; Nazolin; Oxy�Nase; Utabont; Spain: Alerfrin; chloride. Single-ingredient Preparations. Austral.: Nyal Dry Cough; Aus­ Antirrinum; Corilisinat; Couldespir; Cuvenax; Friresp; Lairesp; Pharmacopoeias. In Chin., Bur. (see p. vii), Jp n, and US. Nasolina; Nebulicina; Novag Rino; Nuerel; Oftinalt; Respibien; tria: Sedotussint; Belg.: Balsoclase Antitussivum; Fin.: Respir; Serranasalt; SinexSensi; Utabon; Swed.: Iliadin; Nasin; Toclaset; Fr.: Clarix Toux Seche; Codotussyl Toux Seche; Ph. Eur. 8: (Phenylephrine Hydrochloride). A white or Nezeril; Vicks Sin ex; Switz.: Nasivine; Thai.: Ilia din; Metzodin; . Codotussyl Toux Seche; Toclase Toux Seche; Vicks Pectoral; almost white, crystalline powder. Freely soluble in water Ger.: Sedotussin; Silomat; Gr.: Tuclase; Hong Kong: Toclaset; Oxymet; Pernazene Oxy; Turk.: Burazin; Iliadin; Oksinazal; i and in alcohol. Hung.: Sedotussint; Ital. : Tuclaset; Neth.: Balsoclaset; Rinidin; UAE: Nasivin; UK: Afrazine; Nasivin; Vicks Sinex; USP 36: (Phenylephrine Hydrochloride). White or Ukr. : Nasalong (HruanoHr); Nasivin (H33HBHH); Naso�Spray Tuclaset; Philipp.: Toclase; Thai.: Toclaset; Turk.: Toclase; USA: Solotusst. practically white, odourless, crystals. Freely soluble in (HaJo�CnpeH); Nazol (Ha3on); Noxprey (HoKcnpeH); Oxamet water and in alcohol. Store in airtight containers at a (OKcaMeT)t; Rinazoline (PHHa30IDIH)t; Rint (PHHT); USA: 4·Way Mul�-ingredient Preparations. Arg.: Bio Grip Plus; Wilpan Anti­ temperature of 25 degrees, excursions permitted between Long Lasting; Afrin Extra Moisturizing; Afrin Sinus; Afrin; gripal; Austral.: Vicks Cough Syrupt; Braz.: Coldrin; Resprin; 15 degrees and 30 degrees. Protect from light. Allerest 12 Hour Nasalt; Chlorphed�LA; Dristan 12·hr Nasal China: Xiaoke (���); Fin.: Toclase Expectorantt; Hong Kong: Decongestant Spray; Dristan Long Lasting; Durarnist Plus; Active Cough Syrupt; Against Cought; Broncholaxt; Coci� Duration; Genasal; Nasal Relief; Nasal Spray; Nee-Synephrine Fedrat: Cofetalt; Marflu-Xt; Marsedyl lit: Vida Caught; Neth.: Uses and Administration 12 Hour; Nostrilla Complete Congestion Relief; Nostrilla; NTZ Balsoclase Compositumt; Balsoclase�Et; S.Afr. : Vicks Acta Long Acting Nasal; Twice·A·Day; Vicks Sinex 12�Hour; Visine Phenylephrine hydrochloride is a sympathomimetic Plust; Turk.: Gayaben; Seskadeks; USA: Albatussin; Allres Pdt; LR; Venez.: Afrin; Airfen; Clarix; Drixine; Nasin. AMBI 1000/St; Aquatab Ct; Aridex; BetaVentt; C-Tanna 12D; (p. 1507.3) with mainly direct effects on adrenergic Carb Pseudo�Tan; Carbatab; Carbatuss; Corzall Plus; Corzall-PE; receptors. It has mainly alpha-adrenergic activity and is Multi-ingredient Preparations. Arg.: Alosol; Panoxi; Austral.: without significant stimulating effects on the CNS at usual Nasext; Austria: Wick SinexAloe; Fr.: Deturgylone; Ger.: Nasi� Corzall; D-Tann CD; Diphen Tann/ PE Tann/ CT Tann; Dura� doses. Its pressor activity is weaker than that of vin Zinkt; Hong Kong: Bonjedex; Hung. : Nasopax; Israel: tuss CSt; Dynex VRt; Dytan-AT; Dytan-CDt; Dytan-CS; Exali­ noradrenaline (p. 1458.3) but of longer duration. After Sinaft; Ital. : Vicks Sinex; Mex. : Grimal; Hyalox; NZ: Vicks D; Exall; Exratuss; Extendryl GCP; Gentext; Levall 12; Levall; Sinext; Rus.: Nazol Advance (Ha3oJI A,l:lBaHc); S.Afr. : Nazene Z; Oratuss; Pyrlex CB; Re�Tann; Rentamine Pediatric; Respi�Tann injection it produces peripheral vasoconstriction and Spain: Respibien Antialergico; Seniosprayt; Utabon Complex; Gt;

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