] "xlTLAND DAILY PRESS. VOLUME II. MONDAY PORTLAND, ME., MORNING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1803. WHOLE NO. 380. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, MISCELLANEOUS. DRY GOODS. & TO JOHN T. FOR SALE LET. I BUSINESS CARDS. MEDICAL. GILMAN, Editor. | BUSINESS CARDS. la published at Xo. 82} EXCHANGE STREET, IX FOX GRAND Continue Room to Let. A CAItU. BLOCK, by worn; ? IS. A. FOSTER A V O. THE LATEST NEWS! ROOM over No. 90 Commercial St. ! TisTnioviAhs COAI. & f DR. EXCURSION ! C10UNTINGThomas Block, to let. Apply to S. C. FERNALD, WOOD, N. J. MILLER, CHEAP for : inch ?.l dtf Over 92 CommerciaJ CASH, Street. DKI.IT EKED TO ANY Tnit Foutlam) Dailv Fukbs i« publi.hed every WVJXT1ST, PART OF T11E CIT V morning (Sundav s at $6.00 per year in excepted), To Let No. 175 SPRING advance, to which will be added twenty-live ceuts THOMAS LUCAS, Mi<i<ll Strec*t. MRS. MANCHESTER MOUNTAIN LRU la // HAZELTON lor each three mouth.-' dclav, and it not paid for at rilllE commodious Chamber in the cor I.EIIIGH. | northerly References.Drs. Bacon and Bueplin. Is the end ot will be discontinued. new constantly receivin unsolicited testimonials of COL E It A INK l E HK! the year the paper No. 1*25 Tlitldlr Slroct — Portland, L uerof the brick block, orner of Lime and H, ceuts. $20 to Milk the Portland, 25,18G8. the cures I LOCUST Single copies three Only Chicago! Streets, directly facing market. Rent low. May tf | astonishing perform? by her. Among MOUNTAIN. The M aine state; Press is published every Thurs- Enquire at ollice of JOHN ’.S', AM> RETl'RX, j many recently received are the following, which arc < day morning,at e&00 per annum, iu advance: $2.25 calls OCEAN INSURANCE CO., THE GENUINE t'IA MILW ACKER. WHITE Respectfully your particular attention to ! commended to the notice of the Man- LOEBERT, if paid within six months; and $2.50, if payment be ! MOCXTAIXS, Sept. 15,1862. dtt No. 27 St I>r. J. II. IIR4LD afflicted. Mrs. Toll OX ami TOUT Exchange Pore and delayed beyond the year. MOXTREAL, TO, Chester may be consulted at Free Horning. SARXIA. disposed of his entire interest in his j Office to Let. f Mlice No. I 1 ( llloi’k, Itooin G. ItateH of His Great HAVINGto Dr. S.C l- KiiN ALL), would cheerfully lap p’s No. Advertising: Via the (lininil Trunk anil Sale of second floor. Middle reccommend CUMBERLAND COAL Riiilway, Closing-out Street,centrally situated hitn to his former patients and the pub- $1.25 square lir.-t week; 76 cents week 1 per daily per ONand easy of access. Apply at No. 61 Coimner- lic. Dr. r kuna li», from A ( ASIC OF SPINAL DISEASE ( (BED. FOR SMITHS’ USE. tnree insertions or Ion# experience, is prepar- after; less, $1.00; continuing eve- cial Street. ed to insert M STEAMERS OF FIRST CLASS. j>17 tf Artilicial Teeth on the “Vulcanite This is to see other day after first week, 50 cents. SPRING AND SUMMER Base certify that I went to Mrs. Manches- ofth« ry i j am. all other methods known to the profession t'oaleareetrictly beet quality, an 'Half square, three insertions or less, 75 ceuts: one Through I.akk IIukoh to Mackinaw and Lake i’or.'aud, ter lad March with a daughter of mine troubled with THESEwarranted to give .ati,taction. cents Michigan at To be Let. May 25,1863. tf week, $1.00; 00 per week alter. Torts; touching Milwaukee. for which she had been doctored for thence to A M BERS in the second spinal disease, Under head of A mcskm knts. $2 00 per square per Chicago, and return same route— DRY GOODS, story, over Store 98 week or a of about 40 hours. Stale Rooms > Middle street—Mitchell’s live years, and by a number of of all Alan. be.t three insertions less, $1,60. passage CHI Building. Possession physicians for.ale, qualitj of Nova Scotia and other and on 11? Special Noth’eb. $1.75 square find week, Meals included "teamen*. given immediatel} Inquire ol T OU kinds; and stie lias had twenty-one applications of per From $1,00 per square after; three insertions or $1.25: Portland. Yarmouth and Danville Junction to WHICH WILL BE BOLD OFF FOR Ian2tf A. T. DOLE. Hard less, -WART THK- electricity applied, but all to no effect; but she con and Soil Wood. half a square, throe insert ions, $1.00; one week, Chicago, via Michigan Central or Michigan Southern-all worse. I came to the as $1.25. tinually grew conclusion, The are rail.$30,00 For Snip. public reqne.ted to call, aa we are deter Business Notices, in cents Best or the last reading columns, 12 To Milwaukit ia Detroit & Milwaukio R. R. 28,00 The Ambrotype Photograph, resort, to go and see Mrs. M mchester, and mined to Kite good bargain, to tho«e who line for one insertion. No less than TNext Thirty THE Three Story Brick House, pay cmab. per charge fifty Days, Dwelling ► did so; and to mv great she told me the first ceuts. No. 19.7 street, comer street. not tail to pall at No. 27 Market surprise Ticket* *>ol<l to return until Congress Quincy Square, where Office,Commercial .Sf„ head Maine jjood Oct, -FOE- Said House D< they take l-EBFEt T cause of the and how of KTi’J Leiial Notices at usual rates. 10,1803. .UL contains fourteen 'finished LIKENESSES, and war- disease, she had beeu from lime rooms; is warmed bv furnace; of bard and rant satisfaction, at vhich Advertisements inserted in the Maine State plenty pricer defy competition. to time, which encouraged me to tag her nudiciue* «AWYEB * WHITNEY. Two Through TraiuB leave Portland at 7.45 soft water; an abundance of closet room. rach20 Press (which has a large circulation iu every part o j daily Enquire N.B.—Larue 6£dly | a m and 1.25 p. M. WHAT THEY WILL BRING! i of Ambrotypes only fifteen Cents. I did so. and now my daughter is able to be around the Mate) lor 50 cents per square in addition to the JAMES E. FERNALD. above ratos for each insertion. ap23tf 87 Middle Street. TRASK At the house all of the time. She also rides ten or fif- I his Excursion affords facilities never before offer- LEWIS, Transient advertisements must be for iu ad- teen miles without trouble or paid ed the Tourist, to visit any inconvenience,and Scotch vance Canada. Niagara l ulls, To- TO LET. Market S<i«are, h’«l Pre ble St Canvas, ! roulo, Port Sarnia, the Grand Lakes of Huron and I think in a short time she will be restored to perfect if-A11 communications intended for the a term of vears, the vacant Lot of Land on 1862. —FOR RALE BY- paper Michigan, the Great West! Silk smil Lure July 14th, dt( health. should be directed to the "Editor the and ! Mantillas, Fore Since my daughter 1ms been 1 of Pr^ss," American I^OR street, above India street, recently occu- doctoring. those of a money taken at par at all the business character to the Publishers. prin- pied bv B. F. Noble & Co., as a Lumber Yard. have heard of a great many ca« that Mrs. Mauclu $- cipal Hotels at Niagara Falls, Toronto, Montreal and Berajres, Borage Oonltlo Itcbct. JAMES T. PATTEN & -4T“The Portland Dailv and Maine .State to LEWIS PIERCE, ter has cured. 1 think if CO., Quebec: also on the Grand Trunk Rail wav for Apply JOHN any per*on deserve* pat- Press Cflioe, iu Fox Block, No. Sleep- tf Mid CROCKETT& 82j Exchange Car and lor raraioh, ftp30 64 die Street. 00, Math, Ye. ing Berths, meals, Ac., at Refreshment Miislins, -I'KA LJCK9 IN- ronage it is the one who tries to the health Street, is oj»eu at all hours during the day and eve- Saloon**. preserve ning, from 7 o’clock in the to 9 iu the of the sick and and I know that she uses BO ITS morning fiekets For Snip or to Lp(. suffering: " Superior Bleaehed eteului. ^y from Bangor and otherpoiuts, at re- -AND ALL KINDB OF- anti .Secoii!! Ilaiul riii <>/")/} | iluerd uiuirr, effort which iies in her -I*1” do AM Hong flax “Oov- | rat*-# to Tourist Ticket Holders. CLIFF over 20 every power to benefit her 7’, F. COTTAGE, containing -AMD- ernmeiit contract Alma Woraa, Tracy, Traveling Agent. THUOVGH TICKET'S, and other stable and Sauaii L. i information, rooms,large sheds—situated two patient*. Kmouth, do Extra All Arbroath. to all the Grand Trunk in > ainc and pun I.. dax | apply Agents and one-half miles from Portland, and the FURNISHING <iK'i .ok New Brunsw ick—or to SUMMER GOODS GOODS. Kmotni, aOodoNavy Fine connecting Steamboat Offices, finest situation in Cape Elizabeth fora wa- I'li \ Monday Morning, September II, 1803. 130 Exchange Street. A HBT E. K SHOUTS, H Delivered in Portland or Burton. And 9© sIitH. tering place, and summer boarders. For Ex<-li;iii£i‘ Portland, for the may 11 dtf Emma €lica|» Million* ! particulars enquire of GEO. OWEN. KNionis. Bath, April20.1S63. ap22dtf .1 dtf 31 Winter Street, Portland. Mr. Fernando W ood't* C BRIDGES, Managing Director, Montreal. ap7 Brunswick, Maine, August 5th. orrespondence with 8. SHACK General Eastern ELL, Agent, Boston. As BMALL PROFITS AND CETURNR are ’ the QUICK the s I \ a k sc s. President. FOB SALE* ONE OF THE OFF. A TEST CUFES on RECORD.
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