INFOTECH wrong. Goldsborough (2012) stated that "though it's often pooh- poohed by teachers and editors for its lack of academic rigor, Wikipedia has a self-correcting mechanism that eliminates much inaccuracy" (68). Policies. Three core content policies guide content creation on Wonderful!^ ^ ppedia, a collaboratively edited, free Internet encyclopedia run de nonprofit organization Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.. First, Revisiting Wikipipéaié á articles must present a neutral point of view. Second, the content must be verifiable. Third, original research should not be posted. Vandalism. Although vandalism continues to plague this re- Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson source, an army of volunteers helps to keep entries accurate. About 7 percent of edits to Wikipedia are vandalism, and almost all of egardless of your personal feel- these edits are made by anonymous users (Potthast, 2010). Users who violate rules-such as posting false information, promoting a ings about Wikipedia, it's being product, or adding inappropriate content-are blocked from edit- used by students every day. ing. In addition, the development of user access levels ensures that the most important articles are protected. In a recent Pew Intemet survey (Purcell, 2012), teachers indicated Authorship. Active article creators and editors are known as that Wikipedia was the second most frequently used online tool Wikipedians. While some are amateurs, others are experts in the behind Google. Even though some teachers continue to ban its use areas where they post articles. Many professionals pay close at- for particular assignments, Wikipedia use has increased steadily tention to the articles on topics related to their area of exper- overall (Zickuhr a Rainie, 2011). tise. For instance, the day Pluto was reclassified from planet to Launched a dozen years ago, Wikipedia currently contains mil- dwarf planet, the Pluto page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pluto) lions of articles written by volunteers like you. Articles by new was buzzing with activity from those actually participating in the users are reviewed prior to posting and can be edited by others International Astronomical Union vote on the issue. to improve their quality. A community of users has established Sources. Most websites, including Wikipedia, aren't primary or a set of principles to follow in adding content and guidelines for «EdiUngWiMiD«dia... ^ EOuKaiMi Tafk SandMi Pralai« incas WanMl ContAbuttona Legou resolving conflicts. Anici* Talk iMrdi Q Pluto V^IKIPEDJA a * . FmmWdpiKU.ihaliManetdoe«dto WlKIPEDiA Thiiwl ... ... ... -infinMiiií m iittiü IBM MinftiiiinftBKHiiaaitti Pluto, lonr piu»E Sclar Syai !!Sn!^^i^!^l'l!í!íí!r™'t^' EngHsh CunamnanB ÛriginaBrC wdïad aa 1ha ninlh pianst fvorn tha Sufx. Piula waa racalagcuad as a dniari pUflAC 1 anaplulcMl oning lo tha (fBCwary that H íi or^ orw ol aavaral Ivga tiodaa »thin Uw Kuipaf 1 The Free Encyclofiedia mJ^Shop Likaothai namBar« M tha Kuipar Sa«. Piulo 11 eamçotta prlrnarily ol lock Hvl Wa wy) ta 1 4 iioooo+anictos raialivalya mil. adoraiiimalaly «««nth tha maaa ol tha Eanh'a Moon am or^a^hi« ita vohvna. 1 llAaaan« cenric md tigMy iKUrwd oiW DM IMiaa H Ircm 30 to 40 Au (4.4-7.4 bUkm km) 1 Inxntf« Su i Thia cauaaa PkiM lo ptiikidtcitt^ coma doaar ID tte SIM ttvn »«(ituna. A* ol 1 Español ^ Deutsch ASOUtWlopMftl .S La enciclopedia libre / Die Ireie Enzyklopädie "^^^^^^^ Frnmitidi iconryinlOWunbliOOe.PlutoMKilaaalliadaiaplanit.InthalilaigTOt. 1 &40 000+artjctjbs 1 510 000+Aniko) ConttoWuipaiBa Wloaingth t dbcovaiv ol minor planai 2060 Ovoi m Iha outar Solar Syitam and tha | iBCognUon o< Pluto's nWlivaly low mua. iti ilalua as a major «ianat Bagwx lo ba C°" DOItNU quaaMnad. '^ In tha Ma axh anl aarty 2<st caiMuMa. mwiy oCiacta lanllar lo Pkito »wa '™' • .•rf«MliadruaM0i'*'viaamgng • PyCCKHM Français m Iha outar Solar Sysiam. ndably tha icaitwad ilBC ot^acl Eiii lr> ZtX». nfMh la RalalMcnangu a7%tTMn naatwa than PlutO.^'^ On August 24. 2006. iha IrfamaUonal Aaliorontc^ UrMn DIaeswy . L'encyclopédie libre (lAUldaTini•0 wha n mwnc to ba a 'planai' mritrin iha Soiar 3yi1*m Thia aalkMion axckidad Smoaj"' 940000+CTIITOM 1 330 000+articles PvmintnWK Pftitoaia lanol and nídaií H aa a mambar ol tha now calagoy •anuil (àtiwf along urth En> ^ K Aflac tha (Kiaasincalion. Piulo Ma addad 10 iha liai ol minor i^anMi Mid givan ^" •çamtomiaSon OH>an«t«n itwmmCw 134340.^'^^^ A numtw ol aciarllsta hola thai Pkito aMuM coMnia lo t>a Italiano Polski Cna till pao« ctaaainad aa a planat. and that othar Otmt tfanata ihauM tia addad 10 Iha roatar ol (Unat* ""nl«<uuan IMMonuM along-4lh *luto.^î*^ *nnunaMIen «•'okm L'enciclopedia libera V/oIrm encyklopedia 99aoOO+voci Portugués A enciclopódia livre secondary sources. However, this doesn't mean they aren't valu- able. Most of us grew up using tertiary sources such as World Book Fncyclopedia. Tertiary sources collect existing knowledge rather Soarch . Sudim . RBehwdiw • Zookni. RIcaica . Siuk» . Buicar. no«« . ttm • Buaca. SSk K Tim Wim . nouiy« . Oofca • Sak • Hdku . HIaiUni. lUnUt. ii71 . C«ri. Ara . j;l..,. Ciulara . .i: than generating new information. Article content is only as good Hradal' ' Sag. Sariu. nparpara • PaMka - PDIICI ' Cari • via'n . Ttpcaxa - Uoay • Bllatu Suk. Unga-Tnu-M as the sources cited. Reliability. The reliability of Wikipedia compared with other JÍ encyclopedias has been studied extensively over the past decade. One of the most controversial studies compared the accuracy of WICKED OR WONDERFUL? Wikipedia with Fncyclopedia Britannica head to head. It found that they were similar in accuracy (Giles, 2005). A more recent In the early days, scholars charged that Wikipedia was full of in- study comparing the two encyclopedias on the topic of mental accuracies, bias beyond belief, and even harmful to young minds. disorders found that Wikipedia was as good or better than Britan- However, over the years, research has proven these naysayers nica (Reavley, 2012). Ragagopalan[Q: diff spelling in refs] (2011) HI 68 TEACHER LIBRARIAN 40;4 discovered that inaccuracies were rare in • EdiüngWIKipedla... 4 Eduscapes TalK sandbox Wikipedia, and Haigh (2011) concluded ¡Starch that Wikipedia was of sufficient quality Abraham Lincoln for nursing students. While Rector (2008) Prom Wikipedia. Ihe free encydopsdii This article is about the American prasident. For other uass, SOB Abmham Uncoln (disambiguation}. found Wikipedia to be less accurate than Main page Conisnts Abrstum Lincoln N»V«t>rehœm 1ir]i(sn/(rebru80' 13. 1B09-April 15, 1885) was Ihe 16th Abraham Lincoln other sources. Brown (2011) noted that Feaured content President of Ihe United States, setving from March 1861 until his assasslnalion in April 186S. Currant events Uncotn succasstully led Ns courity through its grealsst constitutional, military, and moral crisis Wikipedia was almost always accurate. Random anide - the American Civil War - prasarving the Union while ending slavery and promoiir^ acooomic Donate to Wkipedia and financial modernization. Reared in a poor family ort the westem Irorttier, Uncoln was mostly Academic Research. While it's not ap- Wiklmedia Shop seli-educated, and became a country lawyer, a Whig Party leader. Itlirxiia state legislator during the 1830s, afxj a ore-term member ot the United States House of Représentatives during the propriate to cite Wikipedia in most aca- » In »faction 1640s. Help Aboui Wikipedia After a series of debates in 1858 that gave nationel visibility to his opposition to the expansion demic research, Wikipedia is an excellent Community portal (À slavery. LirKOin lost a Senate race to his arch-rival, Stephen A. Douglas. Uncdn. a modérais Recent changes from a swing state, secured the Republican Party presittential nomination In 1860. With almost starting point for student inquiries and Contad Wikipedia no support in Ihe South. Uncoin swept the North and was alecled president In 1860. His election was the signal for seven southem slave states to declare their secession from the Union artd is pariicularly useful when investigating •" Toolbox form Ihe Confederacy, The departure of the Southemers gave Lincoln's party firm control of What links hers Congress, but no fomiula for compromise or reconciliation was found. Uncoln explained In Ns emerging topics not covered through other Reland changes second inai>gural address; 'Both parties deprec^ed war, but one of them would make war rather Upload nie than let the Natiort survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war Daguotrootypo o( AtnaNtm Urcok^ ol 090 S4. sources. Wikipedia should be only one of Sped ai pagas came." Psnnanent Hide t PiwidMl of tlM UnRiad S many sources used in the triangulation of evidence. By using multiple forms of evi- This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or dence, the student can ensure the validity discuss these issues on the talli page. and reliability of findings. Many educators • Tl^ neutraiity of this article is disputed. suggest teaching student to use Wikipedia • This article irrcludes a list of references, related reading or properly rather telling them not to use it extemal links, but its sources remain unciear ttecause it (Harouni, 2009; Murley, 2008). iaci(s Iniine citations. (Aug20i0) The key is using Wikipedia effectively Q • This article may contain improper references to seif> is understanding how the resource is con- pubiished sources. (March 2011) structed. • This biographical article needs additionai citations for verification. (March 2012} WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW School librarians often find themselves in who can edit these pages. A biographies of be addressed to improve the ariicle. These the middle of the Wikipedia debate deal- living persons policy (http://en.wiklpedia. messages may dispute the neutrality of ing with misconceptions and misuse of this org/wiki/Wikipedia:Biographies_of_liv- ariicle, question the factual accuracy, or resource. ing_persons] stresses the imporiance of note the need for additional citations for Let's explore a dozen things you should taking great care when reporiing on living verification.
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