X » --- _ i», farm agent, for *2.75 a buabel. it was discover**! there wa* J to TEXAS COMPANY according Henry Alsmeyer,-.Cam age her*, and Mr. Hunt wfl CONFIDENTOF HUNT WINS FOR •ron county farm agent advising him on the pri<"B Veteran Mr. HARLINGEN wired Twirler IS Alsmeyer Mr. Hunt when potatoes. BUYS OUT LEWIS _a_—--- F > 5 \r" 5 V ~' 1 » • WINNING WINNER TEXAS AGGIES MEXIA, Texas, Oct. 9.—<A*>—Sale OVER of the FINAL, Holds and of t^e Lew's Oil Yanks properties ■ - in 9 Corporation Texas, Oklahoma, PAY YOUR Kansas and Arkansas was revealed Sewanee Beat- here Saturday, when the Texas Com- Tigers WORLD’S SERIES CARDS ASSERT Wins Sixth SANBENITANS pany, purchaser, took charge of the Tilt en in Last Five Min- 20 pumpers operated since 1922 by • utes of the Lewis Company. BETS Yankees Dis- Play The consideration was not Frankly (By Allan J. Gould) intervals thereafter the Cardinal given. NEW Oct. It is understood) here that tUe deal YORK. 9.—UPV—The clouting kep$ up a steady bombard- Strength Developed by appointed in Failure was made by the respective presi- Cardinals fighting like falcons in- ment, coming to a climax in the sev- DALLAS, Texas. Oct. 9.—UP)—J. | stead of red clawed their Junction City Team dents of the two companies in New To Cop the Series in birds, way enth when Shawkey was shelled from Hunt a shadow man from Aggie land, back into of York last Thursday and included the thick the world’s the hill and his successor Shocker, to bore away the laurels earned by Fans; — — Surprise about 30,000 acres of undeveloped . Sixth Game series battle today as their old pitch- likewise shattered when four runs producing during the last five min- With leases, two gas plants in Cxlahoma ing master, Grover Cleveland Alex- clattered over the plate. Win By 36-6 Score utes of play a touchdown which gave and about 3,500 barrels ot settled (By Brian Bell.) ander, subdued the Yankees for the Lester Bell, stalwart third base- the Texas Aggies a 6 to 3 football # mid-continental products. NEW YORK. Oct. 9.—OP)—Jubilant second time. was the in the victory over the Sewanee Tigers of man, big gun barrage —-/- Cardinal made the welkin behind SAN BENITO. Texas, Oct. ^Dis- from players Rallying the effective box laid down by the Cardinal attack. the University of the South, tain of Saxon, Rufus King, and Stalter r'ng in their club house after today's work of their veteran right hander, His in the playing the best brand football Sewanee. Tenn., here Saturday. The single first inning brought >erf 0ff 'ong "sins through holes had returned the St. Louis ever seen on the San Benito field a game the National league champions over two runs, including what pam'e was played before crowd of proved ths Har- torn by “Tiny "Gooch, giant tackle club the winner and extended the crushed their rivals in sixth to be the this early in the season, 7.0Q9 as an openinw day fea- thg winning tally, while in the people ••".j owner Steer the school overwhelmed the j forwards, and world series to its full length of game by a score of 10 to 2 with an seventh he lingen high ture of the Texas State Fair. walloped a terrific home Haymakers were impotent to stop seven games. attack of such local high team in a spir ted game of the of a savage fury that nei- run into the left field stands that The story retrieving the march. can’t beat us score of 32 to 6. 1 “They now,” declared ther Bob Shawkey or Urban Shocker, scored Bottomley ahead of him. Bell yesterday by the cause seemingly lost beyond hope the National leaguers. "We came stars of the Yankee The day was rather warm for foot- resolves itself almost into j twirling troupe, had one other hit, a double in the entirely ABILENE HIGH WINS f of the from behind again, and we’ll win to- could check it. ball, and the staying powers a of the of Hunt, sixth, but his two big blows were story rampage ABILENE, Oct. 9.—(>P>—The Ab- morrow^ two etams was temai’fcable in that HatJ The the Cardinals of 22 victory put back sufficient to enable him to tie the smallest, except one, players ilene high school Eagles, snowed Rogers Hornsby, manager of the on even terms with the each not a player was knocked out or had who started the contest. Yankees, ^world’s series record for driving in under the Brownwood High School National league in with three to be taken out. Several substitutions Three times the last two (champions, joined games to their credit, and runs. By bringing four across alto- daring pe- Lions in of the the second official class the enthusiasm of his men although forced the baseball he were made in ths latter part riods .the got at- gether, equalled the single game Aggies promising ] a game heie this 74 to 0. control his championship but not because of afternoon, he managed to emotiop. struggle to the limit of seven mark first set game, injuries. tacks well under way only to have games by Elmer Smith in The Eagles were complete masters He was when he hard from the start to confident, however, for the third year in a row. 1920. when he hit a home run with They fought them crumple against a marvelous throughout and used mnny substi- said: the finish. Sewanee It looked as I A Stirring Come-Back the bases full again Brooklyn, and defense. tutes. ; them and the crowd that "Alexander stopped won, It was n stirring come-back for tied by Babe Ruth last Wednesday Probably largest though the field goal kicked from as I said he would. Alexander has ever witnessed a football gam? just the Cardinals, battling for the first when the Yanks' star lashed out placement by Helveny, Sewanee full- has left a mark for the next genera- in the San Benito park was on hand in was to time in the game's greatest classic, three home runs, one of them with back, the second period | Seed Potatoes Be BrownsvilleTexas. I tion Vo aim at, with his world series to greet the and there was May and on the strength of it they may a mate on base. players, decide the battle. 1 games eleven years apart. I was ab- much enthusiasm on both sides* but fourth and Purchased have whatever odds prevail for the the successful Ag- For $2.75 The Little Around the confident that Alexander Cards Get This was the first league game of * Those farmers Shop Corner solutely seventh and deciding game tomorrow 13 Hits gie attack opened with a 12-yard who are having a would beat the Yankees and I the and the Harlingen team hard time today at the Yankee Stadium. Not only have All told the Cardinals registered season, pass. Hunt to Petty. Hunt then | securing seed potatoe. /or am as confident that Jesse showed to old-tim- fall just the sluggers of St. Louis reached the thirteen safe blows, six of them for advantage. Many passed to Petty for 10 yards, but the i plantings may get them from Haines will beat th *m tomor- extra ers are the Hurl ngen Glenn A. again peak, after a relapse that thrytened bases, off the combined de- predicting play was recalled and the Aggies Hunt of Ksmbail, Nebras- | rom and give us the liveries of Shocker team will win the flag in the Valley. championship. to put them out of the running on Shawkey, and were penalised for offside. A line j Har- Jesse not shut them out again, Miles who twirled The game started at 4:10 and thrust failed. was may hsmie grounds, but they are further young Thomas, Next in order we don't will have the kicked to San Benito. After but figure he to, fortified for the decisive test in last two innings. O’Farrcll and lingen a pass, from Willis, substitute full- lin** to win. pitching. Alexander, the Cardinal battery, failing to dent the Harlingen back. to Hunt for a 29-yard gain to “We hit the ball when we San Benito kicked to safety. Har- *loday here Rogers Hornsby has big alone failed to figure in the hit col- the nine-yard line. Hunt followed had to. and we will hit tomn'- lingen then started hitting the San again Jesse Haines, hero of a shut-out tri- umn, but their bats weren't needed it up with a wide end run, dodging row when hits will mean even more Benito line, but fa led to make prog- umph over the Yankees, primed for as they formed a combination that a diving tackier, twisting from the than they did to^-*" ress and kicked to safety. Fullback tomorrow s big battle, Miller Huggins effectually checked the attacking ef- grip of another and falling over the The Yankees took their defeat forts of their Lero Welch fumbled the ball and probably must call on Waite Hoyt to opponents. goal line held by another for the j over for the philosophically. They were lia..... It was too one-sided a to be Marling*n carried it J take the mound out of turn. Shock- game winning points. Lister, another sub- In the World disappointed for had and too for much first touchdown, failing to kick goal. failed to they expected er was slated for the seventh game, thrilling chilly stitute, kick goal for the to end the series but San Benito fought hard but was today, they but he eliminated himself today by- warmth of spirit on the part of the extra point.
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