USAFE WEATHER FORECAST One Year Ago Today NORTH & WEST: Cloudy with scat- German armed forces surrender tered showers, Max. 65, Min. 38; SOUTH & EAST: Same, Max. 66, Min. 38; unconditionally at 2:41 a.m. (French BERLIN: Partly cloudy and continued time). Reims, France. V. S. cele- cool, Max. 64, Min. 38; BREMEN: Same, Max 62, Min. 38; VIENNA: Cloudy brates prematurely. with" scattered showers, Max. 66, Min. J8. Unofficial Newspaper of U.S. Armed '-S^lfitt^ Force* in the turopean •heeler Volume 2, Number 126 20 Pfg„ 2 fr., 1 d. Tuesday, May 7, 1946 Chimp Is Champ West Is Firm In Newsboy Role There is no monkey business on this Miami street corner when Rightist Sweep Kills Against Reds Kip sells newspapers. Giving further evidence of his reputation as the nation's "best-trained chim- panzee." Kip goes into action on On Trieste a hot sale. His tips—which usu- ally exceed his take for the day PARIS, May 6 (UP)—The —go into his jeans and are later French Constitution United States, Great Britain spent for over-ripe bananas and and France today formed a roasted peanuts. (SA- "f PARIS, May 6 (AP)—A Communist and Socialist supported solid front against Russia at the 'constitution for the Fourth Republic was rejected today in the Council of Foreign Ministers, sharpest setback to the left-wing bloc since the liberation of and informed Foreign Minister France. Vyachslav M. Molotov cateT The ministry of interior's complete count for the 93 depart- gorically that they would ments of France, including all three in North Africa, showed a under no circumstances agree to margin of 1,170,497 votes?" hand over Trieste to Yugoslavia. against the constitution out of The three Western Powers took a total vote of 19,731,269. Leftist Press flat "no compromise" on Trieste These were the final figures: after Molotov had proposed a deal Against the constitution—10,632,- whereby the port city would be 883. Splits; Rightists handed over to Yugoslavia in For the constitution—9,280,386. return for concessions to Italy over It was an even stronger turnout colonies reparations. Molotov stood than had been expected from See New Gains equally pat on Trieste demand and France's 25,063,490 registered voters. the ministers finally were forced to Dissension in the Ranks PARIS, May 6 (UP)—Moderate admit a complete deadlock which and right-wing newspapers shrieked And since abstention could not could only be broken by some big- jubilation foday over the results of explain the outcome, it appeared time bargain, possibly later in con- the constitutional referendum, while that there had been dissension in the Socialist and Communist press ference. the ranks of the Communist and hung its head and exchanged charges Trieste Stalemate Socialist parties which gave the Both the United States and British constitution their full backing. The of disunity. delegation spokesmen later said that whole vote for the charter fell some "The MRP Has Gained the Battle neither Secretary of State James F. 50,000 short of the vote the Com- for Liberty," headlined L'Aube, Byrnes nor Foreign Secretary munists and Socialists polled in the organ of the predominantly Catholic Ernest Bevin would give way on elections last fall. Popular Republican Movement. Trieste, which they regard as a L'Humanite, official organ of the "The French people have mar- ked their refusal to betray the major question of principle. Con- Communist Party, appealed this traditional French ideal of liberty sequently, it appeared that the only and have opposed the dictatorship LILLE, France, May 6 (UP)— that they sensed in the Communist FARIS, May 6 (AP)—Foreign The first results of the referendum document," L'Aube said. —and the swing of France away Secretary Ernest Bevin of Great L'Aube urged its readers not to Britain was minus a toothache from left—were seen here today in a sharp rise of the price of the relax their efforts and called on and two teeth today. them to elect "authenic democrats" Bothered for several days by franc on the black market. Belgian traffickers have been of- in the balloting for the new Con- pains, he went to a dentist yester- stituent Assembly June 2. day and had the teeth pulled, a fering 25 Belgian francs for member of his delegation dis- French. Today as much as 40—or Under the headline "France Has closed. He went back to his dentist more than the official rate of 38 Voted Against Red Fascism," for a checkup before today's con- francs 50 centimes—is being given. L'Epoque, organ of the extreme ference of ministers. right, acclaimed the defeat of the morning for unity and said the<f constitution but warned its followers whole left wing must increase its that "Hitler, too, once suffered an hope of a bargain could come as electoral defeat." result of Molotov himself yielding on efforts. Even before the final count was It published a large frontpage Trieste, which thus far he has shown cartoon of Maurice Thorez, leader no sign of doing. known, there was talk in political circles of a cabinet crisis as Social- of the French Communist Party, With the deadlock on Trieste ist President Felix Gouin found struggling to pull a half-naked, apparently complete, Byrnes pro- his provisional government in un- protesting mademoiselle into bed. posed instructing/ deputies to certain status. La Liberation, moderate left-wing prepare the agenda for the discus- There was speculation that the morning paper, despite having sup- sion of Balkan treaties and Fin- strong moderate Popular Republican ported the new constitution, showed land, to enable the conference to Movement (MRP) might walk out readiness to accept the result and continue without wasting time. The on the coalition government which hoped for a clear majority for either deputies met this afternoon to do Border Guards White House it had formed with the Socialists left or right in the June 2 election so, and the ministers themselves and Communists, and from which to end a "simply negative situation." will remeet in a plenary session its leaders, repeatedly threatened to Le Populaire, official Socialist tomorrow morning. Open Coffins, Talk Expected withdraw in their objection to the Party newspaper, of which Leon Despite the completeness of the Communist-Socialist program for a Blum is editor, blamed the Com- Trieste impasse, both the United one-house, all-powerful legislature. munists for rejection of the constitu- States and British delegations Pinch 'Corpses' In Mine Strike The United Press reported that tion, saying the people feared it described the atmosphere today as WIESBADEN, May 6 (UP)—Two WASHINGTON, May 6 (INS)— (Continued on Page 8) (Continued on Page 8) "freer and easier" than recent American soldiers today told of wit- The President was reported today sessions. to be considering a White House nessing the surprise ending of a Compromise Hinted conference with John L. Lewis, pres- German funeral procession—in ident of the United Mine Workers, Whether Molotov had given any which the "two corpses" got up and Parisians Stand in Cold hint of possible willingness com- AFL, and the mine operators in a slowly walked away—in the custody showdown effort to end the 35-day- promise at the last moment was of MPs. not disclosed, but it was evident old industry-paralyzing coal strike. W'O George W. Kimber, of Informed sources said the Pres- To Hear Election Returns that the Western Power delegations Brookfield, Mo., and Cpl. Homer were banking on some such devel- ident might make a personal appeal PARIS, May 6 (UP)—As the results of the referendum began to take opment. United States sources, in Phillips, of Coffeeville, Kan., were to Lewis and the mine owners to standing at the French-German shape, thousands of Parisians stood on dimly lighted streets shivering in a reach a compromise and end the fact, hinted for the first time that border near Saarbrucken when a bitter north wind in the early «iorning hours before various party head- walkout of 400,000 UMW which is the Western Powers might possibly meat truck serving as a hearse was quarters and newspaper buildings listening intently to loudspeaker an- relax some of their objections to rapidly dimming the lights across nouncements on the latest totals. The island in the middle of the Place Russia's $300,000,000 reparations halted for inspection by the border the nation. patrol. de 1'Opera, packed with capacity crowds spilling over into traffic, heard demand from Italy if Molotov would announcements from L'Aube, news-*? - The French police sniffed around The Government was moving into back down on Trieste. a climatic week in its drive to ter- paper of the Popular Republican | Byrnes, Bevin and Foreign Minis- and then opened the coffins. packed the street from one gi(Je tQ Kimber, who is maintenance of- minate the strike described by Mr. Movement (MRP). Half of the group the other, completely blocking all ter Georges Bidault all made it Truman and the Office of War clear at this morning's meeting, ficer at the Wiesbaden Air Forces cheered and applauded when the traffic. garage, said, "Out walked two of the Mobilization and reconversion a3 a reporting district went "no." Leftist The group, standing in strong however, that they could not com- "national disaster." promise on Trieste, as this would livest corpses I ever hope to see. supporters in this area were silent floodlights, sang party songs and constitute a violation of the Pots- They were Krauts, trying to Congress Steps In throughout. shouted jokes between announce- dam agreement.
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