Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 1-23-1958 Spectator 1958-01-23 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1958-01-23" (1958). The Spectator. 603. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/603 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. Period Over; 40% Returns $4,000 Solicitation Gavin,Mary; Gerschke, Alberts, Anthony; Allen, JoAnne; Carlone, Angelo; Carroll, Michael; Deymonaz, Jo Ann; Dl- Garay,Natalie; development officially berts, Adolf; mond. Gill, Kimness, Joyce; The drive Susan; Alexander, Dorothy; Anderson, Mary; Carroll, Patricia; Carter, Bar- cicco, Janet; DiGrazia,Mary; Sherry; Karen; Glitschka, Donald; Gliva, Charles; ended this week and it was an- Carol; Anderson, Gary;Anderson, Ger- bara; Castonguay, Thomas; Diluzio Marjorie; Divall, Benny; nounced by the drive committee aldlne; Anderson, Kathryn; Ceccarelli, Don; Cejka, Doris; Cha- Dollard, Barbara; Dombek, Donna; Glowacki, EJaya; Golden, Henry; Daniel;Goodman, Lawrence; Anderson, Shirley; ncy, Diane; Chatman, Joan; Chavis, Dormer, Joan; Donohue, Larry; Drake, Goodman, that so far the tabulations show Anderson, Oscar; Billie; Gordon, Barbara; Anderson, Wilfred; Andrews; Richard; Bonnie; Chesley,Mary; Chickettl, Jean- Lorene; Driscoll, Maureen; Drong, Goodrich, Gor- it to be a tremendous success. Arlma, ette; Chinen, Paul; Christianson, Nell; Janie; Drum, Michael; Dugaw, Kath- don, Barbara; Gordon, Jacqueline; Gor- Anglin,Florence; Arata, Joanne; Goudeare, Gloria; Forty per cent of the total stu- Ranganatha; Arndt, Maureen; Arralde, Chrlstophergon, Gail; Clasen, Diane; leen; Dumas, George; Dundon, Sheila; ger, Elizabeth; dent body have donatedtheir sup- Isabel; Arsenault, Joann; Artoe, San- Cleary, Kathleen; Clemen, James; Dunne, Diane; Dwyer, Joseph; Dwyer, Grady, James; port already and 100 per cent of dra; Assante, Michael; Atwood, Marl- Clemen,Mark;Cluphf, Wallace; Coates, Mary; Graften, Donald; Grant, Alexander; ella; Augustlny,John; Linda; Cobb, Julie; Cole, Wesley; Eberhardt, Lee; Eberhart, Elissa; Grant, Gerald; Grant, Joseph; Greene, those people contacted pledged Joan; Bachelder, Karen; Baglnski,Dolores; Conger, John; Conley, Charles; Con- Eckhoff, Helen; Egashira, Henry; Elsl- Richard; Gribbon, Anne; Gross, money. BaUard, lon, Carol; Conners, Cecilia; Conners, mlnger, Thomas; Elleflot, Jan; Elliot, Guinn, Sandra; Gussman, Ruth; Guth, Baker, Virginia; Ballard, Dan; Carol; Over $4,000 has been realizedto Judith; Banks, Nancy; Barker, Ben Lucy; Contreras, Santos; Mary; Emerson, Mark; Eng, Jack; Ens- Barbara; Gwina, Susan; Gyrog, Erickson, figure cannot be Etta; Barnes, Frank; Barone, Gloria; Cook, Howard; Cook, Richard, Jr.; low, Dan; Ericjson, Gerald; Hansen, Robert; Hardison, Janice; datebut the final Estes, James; Evans, Burke; given until all the money and Barr, Margery; Barrett, Patricia; Bar- Coombs, Robert; Copp, Bryan; Corco- Margaret; Betty; Harnlsh, John; Harrell, P. Har- rle, Mary Ann; Barry, Robert; ran, Floyd; Costanti, Judith; Costello, Evans, Raymond; rison, Mary; Hart, Janet; Harwood, pledge cards have been turned in Barry, Roberta; Bartz, Frank; Bauer, Leo; Cote, Joseph; Covich, Eleanor; Fagan, Kathleen; Farabaugh, Earl; Adria; Hasenoehrl, Loretta; Haslam, to the committee. The importance Kathleen; Bauer, Marilyn; Bean, I.ei- Cozzetti, Louis; Crane, Dick; Farrell, Frances; Fedora, Jeamette; James; Hastings, William; Hata, Elaine; of doing this cannot be over- lani; Becker, William; Belmont, Char- Crenna, Patricia; Crowder, Carol; Feid, Frances; Feller, Marion; Fernan- Hattrup, Wayne W.; Hayashida, lotte; Benson, Bentz, Beatrice; Fernandez, Field, Lorette; Jacquelyn; Rich- Crowley, William; Cullerton, Brian; dez, Mary; Neal; Healy, Timothy; Hebert, emphasized and it is requestedby ard; Alice;Berglund, Catherine; Fleece, Bergevin, Marilyn; Culver, Craig; Cunningham, Connie; Yvonne; Finegan, Heck, Elsie; Heenan, Denise; Hender- Leo Costello, drive chairman, that Bergman,Sharon;Bertucci, Santicia; Judith; Flint, Shelly; Fogelberg, John; Jo; Hen- Curry, Charles W.; Curry, Sheila; son, Harold; Hennlnger,Mary the do this immediately. Bldwell, Sandra; Bigger, Gary; Bill- Folden, Nolan; Fordon, James; rickson, Brian; Herald, Chester; Her- solicitors Bissett, Dally, Robert; Daniels, Jack; Dar- For- A staffed by development man, Susan; Binnetti, Joseph; molo, Jill; Fosnick, Gerald; Fournler, bert, Mary; Hill, Christina; Hill, Mi- table Ronald; Blanc, Virginia; Blazina, Den- ghety, Terry; Davies, Patrick; Davis, Hlndman, Ronald; Hines, Alicia; up in Mary;.Davis, Melvln; Deboer, Victoria; Margaret; Fouty, Clifford; Franks,Lor- chael; drive members has been set nis; Blewett, Anita; Blood, Barbara; Jean; Fuda, Don; Fuller, Hannah; Dederer, Gary; Derma, Dorothy; raine; Fraser, Hirabayashi, the from 11 a.m. to 1 Bloom, Felice; De- Mlltnn, Jr.; Hobcroft, Robert; Hodson, Joan; Chieftain grazla, Fred; Delohunty,Teresa; Kenneth; Furness, Fury, p.m., with the express purpose of Booriak, Vlacllmer; Bosko, Rose- Lynn; Hoeffler, Barbara; Hofmann, Margaret; Delaney, Sheila; Delglanni, James; '.'*-£ (J/V/Y Homestead, Delbert; collecting cards money from mary; Bosserman, Peter; Boulanger, Galbraith, Patrick; Gallagher,Patrl-" ! llnlil. Suzanne; and Lawrence; Bowen, Margaret; Boyle, Delworth, Gail; Demko, Andrew; Den- ' people. nehy, Patricia; DePillo, Esther; da; Gallivan, Ronald; Continued to Pane Four) these Maureen; Boyle, Michael;Bradley,Leo; Des- Grace;^.fthicc), The following is the first partof Brady,Irvine;Brandes, Barbara; Bren- of students who havepledged nan,Rebecca; Brlskey,Mary; alist Bruck, their support. This list is not com- Broell,John; Brown,S. Felix; — Robert; Buckly, Michael; Burby, Mary SEATTLE UNIVERSITY plete more names will be run Pat; Burke, Beverly; Burley,Gerard; next week. Cahill, Patrick; Cain, Mary; Cain, Abegglen, Harold; Abrams, Frances; Maureen; Calhoun, Darla; Cammarano, Abrams, Richard; Adams, Andrea; Al- William; Caraway, Betty; Carey, M. Category Rules Explained Spectator January 23, 1958 No. 13 As Literary Contest Opens Volume XXV Seattle, Washington, Thursday, Entry blanksarenow availablefor tion will be held in any category the first annual Gamma Sigma with less than ten entries. Vets Dance Alpha student writing contest. A explicit may be They may list of rules be obtainedat the In- entry Saturday Booth in the Pigott obtained with the blank. Nite formation may enter in one of four Building, English Students Saturday evening, 25, the at the House on article, editorial, poetry Jan. is St., Spectator divisions: for first Vets Club dance Marion or in the of- and short-story. date the fice in the StudentUnionBuilding. of winter quarter, at the Senator The blanks should be left in the In this contest, "article" will be Ballroom in Eagles Auditorium, Public Relations Office. considered a non-fiction category Seventh and Union. Dancing will This contest is open to all stu- and isnot to be considereda news be from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m., to dents enrolled at Seattle U during story. This category includes fea- the music of the eight-piece or- the 1957-58 school year, and all ture stories, interviews, essays, chestra, the "Stardusters." The entrants must file an entry blank. book reviewsand articles. evening's entertainment includes Astudent may enter as many cate- Entries in the editorial category awarding of door prizes. judged application gories as he wishes. willbe on their The dance is to veterans deadline to student life. All entries will be limited The for submission of ; and their guests. Admission is all materialis Monday, March 10, judged on the basis of adherence concepts $2.50 per couple for club members 1958. All entries become the prop- to the traditional of the who present quarter of the Spectator. No competi- category. their winter erty membership cards at the door and $3 for non-members. President Gil Martin adds that identification SU Men Ditch Razors As cards will be checked as usual for male students. "SPANISH FANDANGO" Co-ChairmenPeggy Prendergast and Jo- Beard-Growing Contest Starts Arsenault are shown in the party dresses they're wearing to Arrangements have been made anne living Five o'clock shadow is destined Beards will be judged on original- the AWS Tolo tomorrow evening. for 2 a.m. leave for co-eds Faculty to darken the SU campus ity, neatness and general appear- in the dorms. members are within guests the next few weeks. ance. Names of judges and prizes invited to attend as of the All regularly enrolled male stu- to be awarded will be announced club. dents, with the exception of con- later. Spanish Fandango'Featuredat Jim O'Reilly, general chairman test committee members, have In another Homecoming an- of the dance, states that refresh- been beeninvited to participate in nouncement, Pat Galbraith, gen- ments will be furnished free of aHomecoming beard-growingcon- eral co-chairman, urged all clubs Winter Tolo Tomorrow Night charge. test, newly inaugurated this year. and organizations planning to for the contest were re- enter skits, displays, or posters in "Spanish Fandango," the AW- ture at the Spanish Castle for 25 Assisting O'Reilly are Leo Cos- Rules tello, in charge of refreshments; leased today by Don Barrett, con- Open House competition to submit SSU winter tolo, will be staged years and originally played
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