LLANDUDNO Cylchgrawn Plwyf Parish Magazine 50p March 2017 1 POYNTONS 417 ABERGELE RD OLD COLWYN 01492-515377 - 10 GLODDAETH ST LLANDUDNO 01492-876921 PENSIONERS’ DISCOUNT - MON, TUE & WED 2 Services Holy Trinity Church St. Tudno’s Church, Sundays Great Orme 8.00 am Holy Eucharist 9.00 am Morning Prayer (Sat) 10.30 am Sung Eucharist (1st, 3 rd & 11.00 am Open Air Service (Sun 4th Sundays) from end of May to end of September) Matins followed by shortened Eucharist (2nd On the first Sunday of Sunday) each month, the service is followed by a shortened Family Worship (5th Eucharist in the church. Sunday when applicable – Eucharist included in The pattern of Sunday and Weekday service or follows it) services sometimes changes. Please check the calendar in each month’s 5.00 pm Evening Prayer magazine and the weekly bulletin. 6.00 pm Exploring Worship – in The Rector is in Holy Trinity church nd Church Hall (2 Sunday on most Saturday mornings from unless notified otherwise) 11.30 - 12.00 to see parishioners on Weekdays any matter – for confessions, spiritual guidance, the booking of baptisms or 8.30 am Morning Prayer (Tue, Wed weddings etc. Thurs & Fri) Cancelled TFN 9.00 am Holy Eucharist (Wed) © 2017 Rectorial Benefice of 11.00 am Holy Eucharist (Thurs & Llandudno major saints’ days) Registered Charity 1131171 Holy Eucharist in Welsh www.llandudno-parish.org.uk (Sat) The deadline for copy for any edition is 5.00 pm Evening Prayer (Tue, Wed, the 7th of the previous month. Please Thurs & Fri) leave copy in box near pulpit in Holy Trinity Church or e-mail: [email protected] Copy may be on disk, printed or handwritten. 3 GARDENING R. EVANS SERVICESDAVID JAMES Est 1980 Traditional Cabinetmaker, Carpenter HIGH CLASS FAMILY BUTCHER and Wood Carver Need any help with garden MARKET STREET, LLANDUDNO All aspects of woodwork maintenance? Tel: 01492 878875 restoration - domestic Phoneand listed William buildings Maidlow and to WELSH LAMB - FRESH PORK churches a speciality discuss your requirements. PRIME WELSH BEEF MATURED MINIMUM 21 DAYS 01745Tel: 01492 355199 583043 PERSONAL SERVICE GUARANTEED 07749£8/hour 714700 4 Victoria_Williams_ad_Layout 1 12/01/2015 09:50 Page 1 Victoria Williams The Platt Partnership Ltd. Principal Partner Practice of St. James’s Place Wealth Management 01492 817425 / 07771 804469 [email protected] AA w weeaaltlhth o of fe exxppeerrtitsisee... At the Platt Partnership we provide an experienced wealth management service, specialising in meeting the financial needs of our clients, whilst offering a high level of personal service with regular face to face meetings/reviews. 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The Platt Partnership Ltd. represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website www.sjp.co.uk/products. The title 'Partner Practice' is a marketing term used to describe St. James's Place representatives. 5 Clergy & Officers Page deliberately blank 6 Page deliberately blank 7 From the Rectory Lent begins rather neatly on Perhaps we could put more 1st March this year, the first effort in trying to cope with time I can remember this a difficult family member or happening. It means that, even being a more patient driver. in Wales, the Church will be There are lots of aspects of celebrating Dewi Sant a day our daily lives which could do earlier than usual on 28th with some attention – think February. Ash Wednesday, as what in your own life might an observance of the uni- be worth considering. Then versal Church takes precedence even on Ash Wednesday offer these to God over the celebration of a patron saint. asking for his grace – and see what However I don’t think Wales’ patron happens. would object to his day giving way to One of the ‘little things’ most of us do Ash Wednesday. Fasting and discipline regularly is to share in the celebration were practices close to his heart and of the Eucharist and to receive the this was, after all, a man who spent Sacrament of the Body and Blood of long hours praying waist high in cold Christ. You might not think of this as a water! little thing as it is certainly one of the Now I’m not going to suggest that we most important and profound things should adopt St. David’s way of pray- in our Christian lives. I describe it as a ing as part of our Lenten discipline – ‘little thing’ because for most of us it’s though you are welcome to try it if you a routine part of life; something we do want to! But the tradition surrounding week by week or perhaps even more Wales’ patron saint can certainly inspire often than this. On Mothering Sunday us as we enter into this special season. this month we will implement the new I’m thinking especially of his frequently Church in Wales policy to welcome all quoted exhortation to his followers to who are baptized to receive Commun- ‘do the little things well’. ion. As we prepare to welcome them to Communion it seems sensible to Perhaps instead of trying to take on take time to reflect upon what sharing all manner of extra disciplines this in the Eucharist means to us. Lent, we might try instead to try to do the little things in our own lives So on the parish level, our focus this much better. How about re-thinking Lent will be on the Eucharist. There will our times of private prayer, giving them be a short series of three sermons on a ‘freshen-up’ and greater attention? this subject on the first three Sundays 8 of Lent, and at St David’s Hospice after munion – I want to thank everyone the Wednesday evening services of who has taken part in the consultations Compline there will be an opportunity on how we put this new policy into to share in a ‘Pilgrim’ Course exploring practice in our parish. I am especially the meaning of the Eucharist. As usual grateful to the Sunday School leaders, this will be a joint activity with our to the Revd. Mike Harrison and to Jen- friends across the diocesan border in nifer Roberts, who have been helping what is now the Aberconwy Mission to prepare our children for this change. Area. I hope that a goodly number of Following this letter you will find set us will take part in these activities and out exactly how the policy will be so deepen our own Eucharistic life. implemented. On the subject of the new Church in Have a joyful and fruitful Lent! Wales policy on admission to Com- Fr. John News and Notices On Mothering Sunday – 26th March blessing from the Priest as before, 2017 the Parish of Llandudno will of- but parents may if they wish com- ficially implement the new Church in municate their child by breaking off Wales policy of inviting all baptized a small piece of their own Com- persons to receive Communion. Fol- munion wafer and giving it to them lowing consultations with parishioners, to consume. Parents must make the Children & Young Families Group sure that the wafer is completely and the Parochial Church Council the consumed by the child. policy will be implemented in the fol- lowing way: • Primary-age baptized children • All baptized adults and chil- Children of this age will be invited dren present in church will be to receive Communion from the invited to receive Communion. This priest in one kind only (the conse- invitation will be issued verbally crated bread). Appropriate training and in writing in the weekly bulletin will be given in Sunday School/ and in special notices. There will be Ysgol San Sior prior to the intro- no pressure for anyone to do this duction of the new arrangements it will be their choice. on Mothering Sunday 2017 and repeated whenever there are new • Pre-school age children children making their Communion Very young children will receive a for the first time. 9 • Secondary-age young people able for everybody on the Sunday and adults before Lent. Everyone of secondary school age • On the first three Sundays of Lent upwards will be invited to receive there will be a series of sermons on Communion if they wish to do ‘The Body of Christ’ at both morn- so. They will receive Communion ing services. As we will be reflecting in the normal way (ie with both on the Eucharist on each of these consecrated bread & wine).
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