Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-16943-1 - Literature, Mapping, and the Politics of Space in Early Modern Britain Edited by Andrew Gordon and Bernhard Klein Index More information Index Abridgement of all Sea-Lawes (Welwood), 162–3 Bhabha, Homi, 204, 219–20 Accuratissima Orbis Antiqui Delineatio (Horn), 39 Bible, 225–6, 227, 236, 237n.6, 238n.7 Aeneid (Virgil), 178n.16, 192, 201n.61, 253 Billingsley, H., 60 Agas, Ralph, 75, 86n.18, 218 Blaeu, Joan, 242, 254 Albanactus (son of Brutus), 35, 40, 117 Blaeu, Willem, 254 Albania (ancient name for Scotland), 35, 115, Bland, John, 23–4 117 Blundeville, Thomas, 1 Alford, Frances, 29n.10 Borges, Jorge Luis, 4, 77 Allegory of Human Vanity, The (Molenaer), 254–5, Bower of Bliss, 215 Figure 28 Bowyer, Robert, 24, 25, 34n.53 Alpers, Svetlana, 92–3, 106n.29 Braun, Georg, 75, 76, 242 Alsop, J.D., 29n.10 Breviary of Britain, The (Llwyd), 37 Altdorfer, Albrecht, 153n.14 Bridewell, 184, 187, 191 Ambassadors, The (Holbein), 249–50, 255 Bridgewater, Earl of, 42 anatomy, anatomical illustrations, 89–104 Brink, Jean, 210 Anatomy of Melancholy, The (Burton), 243, 248 Bristol, 47 Anna, Queen, 94 Britain/England, distinction between, 5–6 Apian, Pierre, 91, 95 Britannia (Camden), 36, 166, 167, 171, 173, 205, Apollonius of Tyre, 157, 160 206, 208–9, 210, 220, 234, Figure 22 Aratus, 62 Britannia, 47, 48, 50, 63, 166, 167 Arcadia (Sidney), 136n.58, 136n.60, 157 Brutus, 35, 40, 41, 75, 86n.19, 115–6, 132n.18, Arches of Triumph (Stephen Harrison), 87n.26 133n.26 Art of Painting, The (Vermeer), 257–9, Figure 30 Bryskett, Lodowick, 237n.5 Astronomer, The (Vermeer), 122–3 Burton, Robert, 243, 246, 247–8, 249 atlas, history of, 241–2 Buytewech, Willem, 255–7, Figure 29 atlas of England and Wales (Saxton), 5, 55–7, 171, 208, 212, 242, Figure 7 Caesar, Sir Julius, 59–62, 164 Atlas sive meditationes de fabrica mundi et fabricati Calvin, Robert, 158 figura (Mercator), 92, 101, 242 Camber (son of Brutus), 35 Cambria (ancient name for Wales), 35–43, 115 Bacon, Francis, 158 Cambridge, University of, 67n.40, 67n.53 Bagrow, Leo, 242 Camden, William, 36, 41, 43, 166, 167, 171, Bakhtin, Mikhail, 191, 195, 196 173, 205, 206, 208–9, 210, 212, 213, 220, Balcanquahall, Walter, 250 234, Figure 22 Bale, John, 206 Camo˜es, Luis de, 249–50, 253 Barker, Francis, 85n.4 Carroll, Lewis, 4 Barker, Granville, 133n.26 cartography, cartographer, see under maps; Barret, Robert, 144 space Bataille, George, 140–4, 146, 150 Cecil, Robert, 21–2, 31n.28 Bentley, Thomas, 227 Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, 55 270 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-16943-1 - Literature, Mapping, and the Politics of Space in Early Modern Britain Edited by Andrew Gordon and Bernhard Klein Index More information Index 271 Certeau, Michel de, 69–70, 84, 102, 140, 148, Death and the Soldiers (Graf ), 144, 150 184, 208 Dee, John, 10, 45, 46, 47–51, 60, 122, 155–6, Charles I, 39, 75–6, 86n.20, 94 157, 177n.9, 217 Charles V, 254 General and Rare Memorials Pertayning to the Chartier, Roger, 233 Perfecte Arte of Navigation, 47–51, Figure 5 chorography, 1, 74, 91, 119, 128–30, 133n.26, Monas Hieroglyphica, 48 136n.58, 136n.60, 204–14, 247–8, 253 Elements of Geometrie (preface), 60–2, Figure 9 Christian IV, of Denmark, 77–8, 84 Dekker, Thomas, 77–81 Christian Knight Map of the World, The (Hondius), Description of Britain (William Harrison), see 227–30, 246–7, 248, 254, 257, 259, Figure Historicall Description of the Islande of Brytaine 23 Description of Cambria (Price and Llwyd), 39 Churchyard, Thomas, 39 Deuteronomy, 225 Cicero, 248 Digges, Thomas, 139, 154n.23, Figure 14 city; see space, civic/urban Discours of Voyages (Linschoten), 52–5, 59–60, civic ceremony, 70–84, 183–4, 188 Figure 6 Civitates Orbis Terrarum (Braun and Hogenberg), Discourses (Tasso), 231 242 Dodd, Thomas, 86n.18 Clio, 257 dominium, 165, 166, 171, 174, 179n.41 Coke, Sir Edward, 19–20, 22, 32n.33, 37, 165 Don Quixote (Cervantes), 187, 200n.31 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 117 Donne, John, 122, 134n.38, 250 Collier, Edwaert, 250–4, 255, 257, 259, Figure Douglas, Mary, 192 26 Drapers Company, 79 Commentarioli Brittanicae descriptionis Fragmentum, Drayton, Michael, 40, 102, 166, 204, 210–14, see Breviary of Britain 219, 220 commonplace books, 59–62, 68n.56 Du¨rer, Albrecht, 153n.14 compass rose, 166–74, 175–6, Figures 16–22 Dutton, Richard, 136n.58 Comus (Milton), 41–2 Congreve, William, 127 East India Company Connoisseur’s Repertory, The (Dodds), 86n.18 Dutch, 175 contemptus mundi, 249–50, 253, 257, 260n.5 English, 176 continents, 101 Ecclesiastes, 251, 260n.5 Cornwall, Duchy of, 116 Edinburgh, 75 Coryate, Thomas, 186–7 El Dorado, 57 Cosmographia (Apian), 91 Elements of Geometrie (Euclid, preface by Dee), Cosmographical Glasse, The (Cuningham), 60, 74, 60–2, Figure 9 123, 128–9, 224, 231–2 Elizabeth I, 47, 48–50, 55, 76, 155, 156, 226, cosmography, 1, 74, 128 227, 232 Council of the Marches of Wales, 36–7, 39, 40, Elyot, Sir Thomas, 10 42 Embarrassment of Riches, The (Schama), 256 Cromwell, Thomas, 46 empire, idea of, 45–63, 162–74; see also imperium Crooke, Helkiah, 89, 104n.3 England/Britain, distinction between, 5–6 Crudities (Coryate), 186 Ephesians, 230, 247 Cuningham, William, 6, 60, 74, 85n.13, 121, Estienne, Charles, 95–9, Figure 13 122, 123–4, 128–9, 224, 231–2 Etymologies (Isidore), 85n.3 Cunningham, Andrew, 106n.27 Euclid, 60, 212 Cymbeline, 167 Eustachius, Bartholomeus, 95 Day, John, 60 Faerie Queene, The (Spenser), 128, 191, 204, De dissectione partium corporis humani (Estienne), 215–20, 224–36 95, Figure 13 Fair Quarrel, A (Middleton and Rowley), 188 De Formato Foetu (Spigelius), 103 Fennor, William, 31n.22 De humani corporis fabrica (Spigelius), 98–100 Ferris, Richard, 185 De humani corporis fabrica (Vesalius), 92, 94–5, Findlen, Paul, 46 100, 103 First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Dean, David, 24 Regiment of Women (Knox), 227 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-16943-1 - Literature, Mapping, and the Politics of Space in Early Modern Britain Edited by Andrew Gordon and Bernhard Klein Index More information 272 Index Fisher, Jasper, 41 Hatton, Christopher, 156 Fitter, Chris, 222n.39 Hawkes, Terence, 110, 116, 133n.26 Flahiff, Frederic T., 124, 135n.50, 136n.58 Hedinger, Ba¨rbel, 256 Fleet Prison, 187, 188–9 Helgerson, Richard, 3–4, 166, 181, 221n.25 Fleet River, Fleet Ditch, 181, 188–9, 192, 197 Henry VII, 41, 167 Fleetwood, William, 21 Henry VIII, 35, 206 Fool’s Cap Map (Gourmont), 243–9, 253, 257, Henry, Prince of Wales, 57–9, 94, 116, 171, 185, 259, 260, Figure 25 196 Foucault, Michel, 197 Hercules, 53, 187 Fourquevaux, Raimond de, 138, 146–7 Herendeen, Wyman H., 222n.27 Foxe, John, 60 Herodotus, 2 Fried, Michael, 27 Heyden, Jan van der, 250–4, 255, 257, 259, Frisius, Gemma, 47 Figure 27 frontispieces, 46, 48, 49, 53–63, 67n.45, 92, Heydon, Sir Christopher, 187 100–3, 123, 129, 166, 186, Figures 5–9 Higham, Sergeant, 30n.19 Fulton, T.W., 156, 164 Hipparchus, 62 Furness, Horace Howard, 127 Hispanicae Advocationis Libri Duo (Gentili), 155 Historia Regum Britanniae (Geoffrey of Gadamer, Hans Georg, 33n.52 Monmouth), 35 Garrard, William, 138 Historicall Description of the Islande of Brytaine General and Rare Memorials pertayning to the Perfect (Harrison), 36, 133n.21, 133n.26, 205, Arte of Navigation (Dee), 47–51, 155–6, 206–8, 209, 220, 221n.9 Figure 5 Histories, The (Herodotus), 2 Geneva Bible, 226 History of Cartography (Bagrow), 242 genre painting, Dutch, 259–60 History of Eroticism (Bataille), 140 Gentili, Alberico, 155 History of the World, The (Ralegh), 57–9, Figure ‘Gentlemen opposers’, 37 8 Geoffrey of Monmouth, 35, 36, 41 Hogenberg, Frans, 75, 76, 242 Geographer, The (Vermeer), 122–3, 134n.41–3 Holbein, Hans (the Younger), 249–50, 255 geography, as discipline, 1, 45–6, 47–8, 51, 55, Holcroft, Sir Thomas, 24–5 59–63, 74, 90–1, 119, 128, 224, 231, 241; see Hole, William, 222n.29 also maps; space Holinshed, Raphael, 76, 112, 115–7 Gilbert, Humphrey, 47 Holinshed’s Chronicles, 132n.11, 132n.18, 133n.26, Gillies, John, 90 206, 208, 209 Gloucester, Earl of, Lord Robert, 35 Holland, Philemon, 208 Godet, Giles, 86n.17 Homer, 197 Goos, Abraham, 254 Hondius, Jodocus, 227–30, 246–7, 248, 249, Gourmont, Jean de, 243, 246, 248, Figure 25 254, 255, Figure 23 Graf, Urs, 143, 144, 150 Hooker, John, 17–19, 22, 25, 32n.32–3 Grand Atlas (Blaeu), 242 Hooker, Richard, 25–6 Great Fire of London, 73, 85n.8 Hopfer, Daniel, 143, 144, 150 Gregory, Derek, 230 horizon, 204, 232 Grosz, Elisabeth, 105n.7 Horn, George, 37, 38 grotesque, conception of, 191, 198 House of Commons, 15–29, 30n.16, Figures Grotius, Hugo, 162, 163, 171, 175, 178n.16 1–2 House of Lords, 27–8, Figure 3 Hakluyt, Richard, 51–2, 55 Humber, River, 35, 40 Hale, John, 145 Husserl, Edmund, 123 Hall, Arthur, 21, 31n.25 Hydrographiae Descriptio (Wright), 249 Hamilton, A.C., 225, 235 ‘Hymn to God My God, in My Sickness’ Harington, Sir John, 192, 197 (Donne), 250 Harley, J.B., 111, 117 Harrison, Stephen, 87n.26 imperium, 46, 155, 165, 166, 167, 175, 179n.41, see Harrison, William, 36, 133n.21, 190, 205, also empire 206–8, 209, 220, 221n.9 Impositions, Case of, 166 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-16943-1 - Literature, Mapping, and the Politics of Space in Early Modern Britain Edited by Andrew Gordon and Bernhard Klein Index More information Index 273 Ireland, 6, 94, 230–1, 237n.1 Lord Mayor of London, 77, 79 Irigaray, Luce, 140,
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