P R E F E A C . In issu ing the fourth volum e of Wiltshire Registers the Editors are glad to be able to include one more practi c ally com lete — of — 1 8 p Register that Urchfont which begins in 53 , and is of continuous from that date . With the exception the first c of volume , which has received some damage during an existen e to over three centuries and a half, the books appear be as com plete as they have ever been . 1 37 9 2 6 8 In the adjoining parish of Stert the Registers begin about forty years later 3but those ofPreshute and Colerne date only from 6 6 1 c 1 6 0 6 1 . the seventeenth entury, viz . , from and respectively Already there have been printed in this series the Marriage Registers ofthe following parishes VOLU ME I . o . M . d ere , Al ert n So wo . Monkton Deverill . p rth o . Kingston Deverill . Grittlet n L D m Magna . eigh ela ere V L ME I I O U . ’ M oo . P Y o K . arlb r ugh, St eter s att n eynell ’ M D o . M oo . arlb r ugh, St ary s urringt n VOLU ME I II . M E K o o . ast n yle . ilst n o B od B d . ritf r . ulf r Ashley . Newton Tony. Q o . C rud well . Allingt n Bo co . Stockton . s mbe Long Newnton . In the next volume it is proposed to print the Marriage ’ of of . Register the important parish St Thomas , Salisbury If any evid en ce is needed ofthe advisability of printing the c ofou r d ontents Parish Registers, it may be foun in the fact that during January last two churches in Nottinghamshire were burnt d on own . In e case the Registers were saved whether they were the lost in other has not been heard , but it is gratifying to know that the Marriages of both parishes ha d already been transcribed for ottin ha mshir f the N g e volumes o this series . The Editors desire to acknowledge their indebtedness to the clergymen of the various parishes for affording permission and f c f r r o . a ilities the t anscription of the Registers ; to the Rev Dr . f r ' J . Hamlyn Hill o the transcription and collation of those of c to . Ur hfont and Stert the Rev . Maxwell H . Smith and the Rev for f LI o . H . H . Stephens those Colerne , and to Mr E Gwillim of f for those Preshute . I t is by means o such assistance alon e r that the work is at all practicable , and the Editors ea nestly invite co- similar operation with regard toother parishes. Again the Editors wish to point ou t that these transcripts “ ” a r e a li e not legal evidence . When certificates are need d pp cation must be made to the clergy in whose custody the Registers are . 1 2 Cfia mer a n WC . 4 , y L e, u ne 1 0 f , 9 7 . 1 1 1 a riz 1 11 1 1 5 11 2 afi hR egisters. Ma rria s t Pr h ge a es u te, 6 6 1 0 to 1 8 1 2 . NOTE — T he Registers ofthis parish prior to 1 81 3 are c ontained in nine o me the of w c ou nd cod d B m v lu s , in first six hi h are f re r e aptis s , M a nd B the th no n of arriages , urials ; in seven there are e tries h re M M a nd t e a a on . T he n arriage, in eighth arri ges ly ni th is a R egister of Marriages only for the then extra- parochial d istricts of P a nd o a nd o P C d . Savernake ark F rest, latf r ark o m w d d 2 8 1 60 6 a nd e d w V lu e I begins ith an entry ate July , n s ith 1 - 0 one d ated 1 February 639 4 . o m co om1 8 Ma 1 6 0 to 1 6 0 V lu e I I ntains the entries fr y 4 3 June 5 , f a nd an incomplete one of 1 1 January 1 70 4 . There is a ga p o a little more than four years between the e nd of this volume a nd the of the w c ha s on the the od beginning next , hi h first page rec r f w - ih of he R a nd e o t o 1 6 to 1 6 . the s earing egistrar ; an th r, 4 3 4 7 Volume I II commences on 7 August 1 654 a nd goes on to2 0 January 1 686 - 7 . m 1 68 a nd on 1 1 T he Volu e IV begins in April 7 end s 2 April 70 7 . entry above - mentioned in Volume I I should have been mad e in o m a nd d o od e ofd this v lu e , is printe here in its pr per r r ate . Volume V contains the Marri a ge entries between 1 3 April 1 70 7 a nd 1 1 T he two e o of the 5 July 74 . first are r petiti ns last in the pre oo n the two d the o c d a d o . e ing b k , last are repeate in next b k Volume VI begins on 1 8 April 1 74 1 a nd end s on 1 1 February 1 7 54 . of c of B m M a a nd B In it is a table statisti s aptis s , arri ges , urials f om1 688 to1 w omo e om o . r 7 79, ith s e thMr inf r ati n Volume VI I contains noentry of arriage . Volume VII I is mad e up of the ord i nary printe d forms ad opted at he R e the m a nd on 1 Oc o 1 . t ti e, begins 4 t ber 7 54 It is first gister ofM o a nd co tothe end of 1 81 2 . arriages nly, ntinues m I X M R the for Volu e is a separate arriage egister, first Saver P a nd o a nd C od P a nd d om1 O c o nake ark F rest , latf r ark , ates fr t 1 8 w c m c ha d o d c c for ber 7 3, at hi h ti e the Vi ar btaine a li en e a R e separate gister . c h md a nd co d w the R e These trans ripts ave been a e , llate ith egist rs , ME L] o of r. w ma n d w the m . G d by illi , are printe ith per issi n the R ev . W. H o d t e f P . G . ubbar h Vica r reshute , WI T — I V L S . ' l st Wils/z ire P a msk Regi ers . VOLUME I . of . William Sympson Hester Wood, P Steven Petty Agnes Church Thomas Andrewes Anne C ha mberleine Thomas Gregory Agnes Lelowe Anthony Wake Katherine T ogwell rd l 5 1 ° of Richa y elder, Manton , Susan Ei-3035 Bristowe Simon Cooley E lsa beth Godd erd John Davidge Mary S mith the last William Jacob Alice William Winkeworth Mary Early William Harris Elsa beth Gou ghe C he ma n a ls. c theld er Thomas p , Hitch ock , i wd . Agnes Garrat , Richard Godward 81 Mary Brod ewell John Panter Em Smith Robert Batt Elsa beth Hiller John Potter Agnes Flgyvgr Ni cholas Dobson An Trye Henry Kimmer Dorithe Isard Henry Wallis Mary Bu sshell John King Mary Ped linga me John Saunders Jone C lifte he ma n a ls John Harris Susan C p , . Hitchcock , 6 at Wotten Bassett Aug. in kna m . a ls. a ter e Lu c 8 John Bristowe , Panter, C Oct k r John Stoc b id g 81 Kathrine Painter 2 9 Oct . rn Raphe Gaskins C a te i e Smith 3 Nov . c d 8: o Ri har Osmond Elisabet E553 5 N v. V incent Moore Marget Stanmer 4 Feb . c d 2 8 John Biden Ali e Alexan er Mar . f 0 Richard Potter Elizabet B rod ord 3 Sept . 1 John Bullock Ann Alexand er 4 Oct . c Li htfoot Ri hard g e Margery Smith 9 Jan . John Jones Elizabet Fran cklyn 1 8 Feb . Ed ward Arnold Susanna Hitchcocke 1 8 May 2 Edmund Jones Elizabet Billyu 7 Aug . 2 Robert Blake An Applegate 7 Sept. or Andrew Dimer Martha Buston [ Bufton 5 Oct. 1 6 I P eesé u l e M 9] arriages . John Hoscoct 81 Jane Erly Ed ward Pric e 81 Christian D ownye Robert Potter 81 Anne Pound d M Am r E ward illington 81 y Sca plehone Philippe Smith 81 Alice Pearse t 81 Thomas White , gen , Elizabet Daniell William Wishiere 81 Mary Kad e George Holbrooke 81 Elizabet Reed e Water Townsend 81 C a terine Lu ckham Thomas Hayes 81 Ma rgett Weight John Grenea wa y 81 Ann Smith Richard Hooper 81 E liz a bett Hitchcock John Harris 81 Ann Crooke John Burt 81 Ellen Ma ttocke Henry Shipway 81 Jone Alexander Ri chard Lime 81 C a terine Hard ing John Hulett 81 Ma bell Hit ch c o ck Alfonces Moore 81 Elizabet God wyn Thomas Newe 81 Susan Hitchcock William Hit chcoc k 81 Marrian Blake Thomas Keate 81 Alice Jacob c d E lina r f Ni holas Lelan 81 Gardiner, o William Greene 81 Jone Foord e Andrew Pope 81 Ed ith Evans John Hitchcock 81 Alice Denson William Bryant Margaret Wickes Hi chgo k 81 2 Thomas Joyce Mooring, 5 May, t‘ g being Whitsun Mon d ay Sca nd in er 81 William Smith , servant to Aza [ ], c Jone Browne, servant to Mr .
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