®h.e J& to H am pshire VOLUME NO. 43 ISSUE 12 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, N. H. — December 12, 1953 PRICE — SEVEN CENTS Audience Applauds Dramatic ‘John Brown’s Body’ Adaption; Cast Gives Spectators Praises by Jeanne Kennett High Praise has been accorded the University of New Hamp­ shire by newspapers and people all over the state for bringing Charles Laughton’s adaptation of “JaMi Brown’s Body” to the campus and state. “Witnessing this Benet-inspired drama is a rare opportunity and service . .” wrote the Manchester Union Leader in a front page editorial. “The University of New Hampshire is highly praised for presenting at the Lewis Field House Charles Laughton’s adaptation of Johns Brown’s Body,” the editorial continued. Governor Gregg and his wife attended the production, which played to an audi­ ence of approximately 3,000 people at the Student Senate Field House last Friday. “ From the response, both from the Vote Approves campus and the state, it seems most en­ couraging for the planning of future events of this sort,” declared Mr. Eddy, Directory Query of the Blue and White committee. M IL ARTS CADET CO LO N E L CAN D ID A TE S nominated by housing units and fraternities met at Phi At the very short meeting of the Stu­ Mu Delta for a tea and appear in the above photograph. The candidates for this year are, first row: Sonny Jones, The stars were, according to Mr. Eddy, dent Senate held Monday night in Hewitt Hall, a motion was made to set up a Mary Henderson, Jean Watson, Betty Crowe, Betty Ann Paders, and Ruth Granston. Second row, standing are: most impressed by the mature response of three-man committee to investigate the Marilyn Needham, Mary Kuchar, Alice Morin, Arline Fitzpatrick, Joan Abrhamson, and Roxanne Dane. The hon­ the audience. Mr. Power and Mr. Massey orary cadet colonel is picked and crowned at the annual Mil Arts Ball to be held this year on Friday night. Claude sale and distribution of the 1953-54 Stu­ Thornhill will provide the music; guests will include Governor Gregg, President Dickey of Dartmouth, and President declared that this was one of the two dent Directory. The motion, made by Guy Gillette, was Chandler of UNH , and the commander of the Portsmouth naval base. or three best places at which they have played throughout their entire tour. They carried without a dissenting vote. were especially grateful and touched by To fill one of the vacancies on the W o­ men’s Judiciary Board, President Carle- the sensitivity of the audience, which re­ ton Eldredge appointed Ruth Clayton. He Coronation Time frained from applauding at the high spots appointed Richard Fellenberg to the of the performance. chairmanship of the constitutions com­ Mr. Massey was especially moved by mittee, and Richard Hewitt to the chair­ the fact that the majority of the audi­ manship of the constitutions re-write committee. ence was seated in bleachers, but still It was announced that Miss Norma Mil Art Ball Starts Formal Season maintained the absolute attention and .si­ Farrar has agreed to advise the welfare by Dick Fellenberg ' lence of an audience seated in theater committee, chairmaned by Shirley Ron- seats. dow. The campus chest is tentatively “ It’s finally here,” seems to be the attitude of those concerned with the Mil Art Ball to be held Professor Carroll S. Tow le said of the scheduled for March 15-21. Any and all tomorrow night. Preparations for the ball have been going on since early this year and prospective production that he was most impressed students who are interested in assisting the welfare committee are asked to come by the players’ supreme sense of timing, attendance figures seem to forecast a big success tomorrow night, according to co-chairmen Bob Sager to a meeting in Murkland 16 at 7 p.m. and John Burpee. The ball will feature the music of Claude Thornhill and his orchestra, and the songs He felt that they came to UNH at the oh Dec. 14. of Paula Martin. Mr. Thornhill will be featured on the piano in his unique arrangements of dance height of their work, bringing to the The Student Senate statement of oper­ reading the experience of previous per­ ations, released at the meeting, showed a music. formances, and yet retaining freshness surplus of $20.72 for June 1 to Oct. 31, Last Tuesday afternoon the judging for and interest. giving a total surplus of $2,901.52. the Mil Arts Queen was held at a tea at Phi Mu Delta. The judges were Dr. Conference Delegate Race Exclusion Long and Mr. Gilmore of the History department, Major Kelly of the A F ­ De'bbi Atherton of the UNH Board Three Departments Combine For ROTC, and Col. Barker and Capt. Charron of Student Governors is slated to speak Problem Starts of the ROTC. Candidates for Mil Arts Sunday, Dec. 13, at the fifth Annual queen and her aides were Sonny Jones, Regional Conference, Association of ‘Night Before Christmas’ Concert Mary Henderson, Jean Watson, Betty College Unions, to be held at the Uni­ leaux and lighting effects were created Crow, Betty Ann Raders, Ruth Grapston, By Ellen Terry Georgia Fracas versity of Connecticut. Her subject by Proffessor J D Batcheller. Marilyn Needham, Mary Kuchar, Alice Over three hundred students repre­ will be “ The Student Board of Gover­ The Dance Club will present an ab­ Morin, Arline Fitzpatrick, Joan Abraham- senting all three colleges of UNH will nors Looks at Their D irector.” stract dance based on the theme and The University of Georgia student son, and Roxanne Dane. The Coronation participate in the annual Christmas Miss Atherton is on a Sunday morn­ variation of a “ Gloucestershire Was­ newspaper, “ The Red and Black” an­ will be held at the ball. concert to be presented Wednesday and nounced editorially this week that it would ing program with Dr. Chester Berry, sail” created by Miss Sylvia Masters Chaperones For Event director of the University of Rhode Thursday, Dec. 16 and 17 at 8 p. m. “ stand up for what we believe,” in reply in New Hampshire Hall. Members^ of of the dance department. The dance, Don Wheeler, chaircan of the chaper­ Island union. Fifteen New England to an attack on it by University Regent the department of music, speech divi­ expressing Christmas spirit and cele­ ones committee, has announced the fol­ colleges and universities will be re­ Roy V. Harris. sion, physical education department, bration, will feature background music Harris, a former speaker of the state lowing as chaperones for the ball: Dean presented by over 150' student delegates by the Mens Glee Club. and studnt union executives. Discus­ and Mask and Dagger will take part House of Representatives and one of and Mrs. Edward Y. Blewett, Dean and The concert-will open each evening sions will be held on all phases of oper­ in the production. About 1,000 are ex­ Governor Herman Talmadge’s top politi­ Mrs. William A. Medesy, Dean and Mrs. with a carillon prelude 7:30-7:50 and ation of campus student centers. pected to attend each performance. cal lieutenants, announced last Wednes­ Everett B. Sackett, President and Mrs. will close with a community sing led Chandler, Dean and Mrs. Lauren E. day that he would seek to have the Board The programs theme will be “The by Proffessor Bratton. Ther.e will be of Regents cut off the campus weekly’s Seeley, Major, and Mrs. Eugene Kelly, Night Before Christmas” and will fea­ a delayed broadcast of the concert on. and Lt. Col. and Mrs. Troy A. Barker. appropriations if the publication does not ture music keyed to all musical tastes. Christmas day coming from WTSL, “ stop running editorials advocating the Guests of honor at the ball will be Durham Area Votes They will present traditional carols Hanover, N. H.; WTSV, Claremont, abolition of segregation in schools.” Governor Hugh Gregg, Dr. John S. along with classical and modern Christ­ N. H.; WHOB, Gardner, Mass.; and Earlier the newspaper had attacked Tal­ Dickey, President of Dartmouth College mas compositions. WKBR, Manchester, N. H., from 3-4 and the Commander of the Portsmouth madge’s stand on admitting Negro stu­ Expansion Of School Mask and Dagger members will p.m. The concert will be carried from dents to Georgia schools. Naval Base. participate in three tableaux: “ Sanc­ 3-4:30 over WHEB, Portsmouth, and Refreshments, arranged by chairman tuary” “The Miracle of the Rose,” and 1-2 over WWNH, Rochester, N. H., Dave Richardson, will be served by the The toyvns of the Durham area have also on Christmas Day. ROTC and A FR O TC drill team. The voted to establish a cooperative school “The Virgin and the Child.” The tab­ Drill Team has also been active in sell­ district in Durham which will provide ing tickets for the ball. junior-senior high school facilities for Official Notices the area. All students are responsible for knowledge Formal Clothes Voters of the respective towns met of notices appearing here. As mentioned in previous issues, all in New Hampshire Hall on Nov. students in the A FR O TC and ROTC 24 to japprove th measure to construct M ER R Y CH RISTM AS (but watch departments, and also those outside the a wing on th Durham Center School those cuts). The Christmas holidays program are invited to attend. Women to include 18 new classrooms. In the junior-high school are to be included start at 12 noon Dec. 19 and end will receive 2:15 permission for the night science laboratories, shop, music room, it 8 a.m.
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