THE WITCH'S LULLABY THE WITCH'S LULLABY by Martha Bennett King by Marth. BennettBased Kingon "Malcolm Macbeth" by John Storm Based on "Malcolm Macbeth" by John Storm The Dramatic Publishing Company Woodstock, Dlinois • London, England • Melbomne. Austtalia The Dramatic: Publishing Company Woodstoc~IUinois • ~ England • Melbourne. AusaraIia © The Dramatic Publishing Company, Woodstock, Illinois *** NOTICE *** The amateur and stock acting rights to this work are controlled exclu­ sively by THE DRAMATIC PUBUSHING COMPANY without whose permission in writing no perfonnance of it may be given. Royalty fees are given in our cu...rrent catalogue and are subject to change without notice.*** RoyaltyNOTICEmust be***paid every time a play is performed whether or not it is presented for profit and whether or not admission is charged. A The amateur and stockplay actingis performed rights to anytimethis workit areis acted controlledbefore exclu­an audience. 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This worklisher. is Itfullymay protectednot be perfonned by copyrighteither Noby alterations,professionals or amateurs with­ deletions or substitutionsout paymentmay be ofmaderoyalty. in theAll workrights, withoutincluding the butpriornot limited to the pro­ written consent of thefessional, publisher. motionNo partpicture, of this workradio, maytelevisi~ be reproducedvideotape, foreign language, or transmitted in anytabloid, fonn orrecitation, by any means,lecturing, elecll'OnicpublicatioIl.; or mechanical, and reading are reserved. On all including photocopy, programsrecordingt thisvideotape.notice ftIm,should or appear:any information"Produced stor­by special arrangement age and retrieval syst~with TIlEwithoutDRAMATIC perm.issionPUBUSHING in writing fromCOMPANY the pub­of Woodstock, lllinois." lisher. It may not be perfonned either by professionals or amateurs with­ out payment of royalty. All rights, including but not<1:>MCMLVby limited to the pro­ fessional, motion picture. radio, televisi~ MARTHAvideotapet BENNE'ITforeign language~lONG tabloid, recitation, lecturing, publication., andBased readingOIl "Malcolm are reserved.Macbeth" On allby programs this notice should appear: "'Produced byJOHN specialSTORM arrangement with THE DRAMATIC PUBUSHING CO:MPANYthrough of Woodstock,arrangement Dlinois." with Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., Inc., New York City, NY COMCMLVby Printed in the United States of America MARTHA BENNETI' KlNG All Rights Reserved Based on MMalcolm Macbeth(THE..WITCH'S by LULLABY) JOHN STORM through arrangement with ISBN 0-87129-071-5 Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., In.c. t New York City. NY Printed in the United States of America All Rights Reserved (THE WITCHll S LULLABY) ISBN 0-87129-071-5 © The Dramatic Publishing Company, Woodstock, Illinois THE WITCH'S LULLABY A Play in Three Acts For Four Men and Eight Women, doubling THE WITCH'S LULLABYCHARACTERS GERTRUDE] G'THAA Play in Three Acts..... the last three witches in Scotland For Four MenGORINA and Eight Women, doubling MALCOLM MACBETH . a y01mg Scottish HigWand lad JEANCHARACTERS., Malcolm's younger sister BETSY another younger sister GERTRUDE) MRS. MACBETH his mother ~IHA in G MR.. MACBETH. the last three witches Scotland his father GORINA CONSTABLE of the town MALCOLM MACBETH . a young Scottish Highland lad A JUDGE (played by Malcolm's father in Act III) Malcolm~s JEAN . A •• a, ••••••••••••• A • younger sister MRS. MeTAVISH (played by Malcolm's mother in Act TIl) A •• , s •••••••••••••••• another younger sister BETSY .. 1WO VlllAGE GIRLS (played by Maloolm's sisters in Act lII) MRS. MACBETH MISS FITCH, his mother a town gossip MR. MACBETH A SHOPKEEPER, ~ . his father CONSTABLE of the town A JUDGE (played by Malcolm·s fatherSYNOPSIS in Act Ill)OF SCENES MRS. MeTAVISH (played by Malcolm's mother in Act lIT) 1WO VIUAGE GIRLS by Malcolm~ssisters .in Act III) ACT(playedONE MlSS FITCH , a town gossip The kitchen in the Macbeth cottage in Scotland. A SHOPKEEPER ACT1WO SYNOPSISA rocky OFledge SCENESin front of the witches' cave. ACT ONE ACT THREE in in The kitchen the AMacbethvillage cottagestreet. Scotland. ACTlWO A rocky ledge in front of the witchest cave. ACT THREE A village street. © The Dramatic Publishing Company, Woodstock, Illinois NOTE: Bagpipe music is all off stage. Recording: ·Scottish Bagpipe runes (recorded in Scot­ land) played by Major John MacClellan. Folkways Re­ cords EP17 or, Decca Records 175 "Bagpipe Selec­ tions." Music for the ·Witch's Lullaby; ·Wi' a Hundred Pip­ ers an' a'· and for ·Leezie Lindsay· in back ofb<x>k. NOTE: Bagpipe music is aU off stage. Recording: ~Scottish Bagpipe tunes (recorded in Scot­ land) played by Major John MacClellan. Folkways Re­ cords EP17 or, Decca R~ords 175 ~gpipe Selec­ tions." Music for the "Witch·s Lullaby.." "'Wi· a Hundred Pip­ ers an· a· M and for MLeezie Lindsay" in back of book. © The Dramatic Publishing Company, Woodstock, Illinois ACT ONE ACT ONE SCENE: The kitchen ofa modest, thatch-roofed cottage in the Highlands of Scotland. There is a cooking stove, cupboard, table and benches, and bagpipes hang on the SCENE: The kitchen ofa modest, thatch-roofed cottage in wall. One door opens to a bedroom Another opens to a the Highlaru:Js of Scot1LJ.nd. There is a cooking stove, world of silence broken only by the baa-ing of sheep. cupboard, table and benches~ and bagpipes hang on the Shadows of mountains bring early nigh1s. Silver fogs wall. One door opeM to a bedroom. Another opens to a descend without warning. Winds sigh in the larch and world of silence broken Dnly by the baa-ing of sheep. oak and pine trees. It is a wnely land where ghosts and Shadows of mountains bring early nights. Silver fogs witches roar. descend without warning. Winds sigh in the larch and oak aM pine trees. It is a lonely land where ghosts and AS THE CURTAIN OPENS: JEAN is stirring porridge on witches roar. the stove. BETSY kneels on a bench by the table, study­ ing a big family Bible. MALCOLM elllers with wood AS THE CURTAIN OPENS: JEAN is stirring porridge on for the big family stove. JEAN helps him put it on the the stove. BETSY kneels on a bench by the table~ study­ floor. He brushes his sleeves and goes over to rumple ing a big family Bible. MALCOLM enters with wood BETSY's hair. for the big family stove. JEAN helps him put it on the floor.. He brushes his sleeves and goes over to rumple MALCOLM (teasing). So now you are reading the book. BETSY's hair. BETSY (smiling shyly). You know I can't read. JEAN. We've been waiting fot you to go on with the tale. MALCOLM (teasing). So now you are reading the book. MALCOLM. When I've fmished the work outside. BETSY (smiling shyly). You know I can·t read. JEAN. We'll help you. (She takes a shawl from a peg on JEAN. We·ve been waiting for you to go on with the tale. the walL A pig squeals outside. BETSYjumps up.) MALCOLM. When I·ve fmished the work outside. BETSY. There it is again. Jfu\N. We·n help you. (She takes a shawl from a peg on JEAN. Malcohn. Did you hear? A pig squealed. the walL A pig squea~ outside. BETSYjumps up.) MALCOLM. We have no pigs. BETSY. There it is again. JEAN. Malcohn. Did you hear? A pig squealed. 5 MALCOLM. We have no pigs. 5 © The Dramatic Publishing Company, Woodstock, Illinois Page 6 TIffi WITCH'S LULLABY Act I BETSY. It's the witches. MALCOLM (scoffing). Has Granny Burns been telling you shiver tales again? TIIE WITCHliS LULLABY Act I Page 6 JEAN. Oh, Malcolm. She's seen them! 1bree of them. BETSY. One squeals like a pig. BETSY. Ifs the witches. JEAN. And one barks like a dog. MALCOLM (scoffing).MALCOLM. Has GrannyWhoosh Bums beenwith yourtelling talk. I have work to do. you shiver tales again? (He goes out.) Oh~ She~s JEAN. Malcolm. JEAN. seenLet's them!go Threewith him. of them. BETSY. One squeals like a pig. JEAN. And one barks like(They a dog.run as if afraid to stoy alone. BETSY dashes back MALCOLM. Whoosh withto yourput the tB1k.blue I haveribbon workfrom toher do.hair on the table. Darts (He go~s out.) out. There is a scuffling outside the door. A dog barks. JEAN. Let·s go with him. The door swings open and G -rHA enters stealthily. She motions and GERTRUDE and GORlNA enter. GER­ (They run as if afraid toTRUDE stay alone.moves BETSYto the dashescenter backof the room and leans on to put the blue ribbon fromher broomstick,her hair onbut thethe table.OTHERS Darts examine everything.) out There is a scuffling outside the door.
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