Rives named NCAA offers legal guidelines to serve on for athlete counseling panels C ommission There has been a serious concern rectly, any form of compensation, request it. Stanley G. Rives, president of East- among NCAA member institutions gratuity or expenses from the student, 3. Care should be exercised to give em Illinois University, has been elected that some player agents have exploited a player agent or a professional sports specific advice only to student-athletes to serve as the Di&on I-AA CentraI student-athletes by contacting them organization. who request it. region representative on the NCAA early and often in their collegiate Because of the involvement of Presidents Commission. careers to offer financial inducements player agents in exchanging informa- 4. An institution’s policy regarding that may jeopardize their remaining tion with these counseling panels, the agents’contacts with student-athletes He replaces Herb F. Reinhard, should not attempt to bar unregistered eligibility under NCAA legislation NCAA’s legal counsel reports that former president of Morehead State agents from any and all contacts with and mislead them in terms of career there may be a greater potential for University who now is president at student-athletes, but merely deny choices. institutional liability in those situa- Frostburg State College, a Division them the use of institutional facilities As a result, in January 1984, the tions than would be the case with III institution. Rives was elected in and services for such contacts. balloting by the chief executive off& membership revised NCAA Consti- most other college programs designed 5. The institution and its counseling cers of the 17 Division I-AA Central tution 3-ldh)44) to permit a member for the benefit of students. Stanley G. Rives panel should not participate in an member institutions. institution to provide assistance to For example, litigation against the and a Ph.D. at Northwestern. He is student-athletes about professional institution or the NCAA could be athlete’s negotiations for contracts In his third year as president at the author or coauthor of four books athletics careers through institutional initiated by a dissatisfied agent or with agents or with professional Eastern Illinois, Rives previously and has published numerous articles counseling panels. Panel members student-athlete. The Association’s le- teams. The role of the counseling served as provost and vice-president in a variety of scholarly journals. are appointed by the institution’s gal counsel has addressed this issue panel should be that of providing for academic affairs at the Charleston, He served as president of the Asso- chief executive officer from among and developed guidelines that could general information and of giving Ihinois, institution. ciation of Mid-Continent Universities university employees, one of whom help reduce the potential for litigation advice only when, and only to the He held faculty and administrative Athletic Association in 1984-85. may be an athletics department staff arising out of the implementation of extent, requested by the athlete. positions for 22 years at Illinois State Rives was a member of the National member. the professional athletics counseling With the observance of these prin- University, where he was associate Advisory Council, Commission on The counseling panel’s primary panels. ciples, potential liability can be mini- provost and dean of instruction prior Higher Education Issues of the Amer- role is to assist the student-athlete in These guidelines are as follows: mized in connection with the profes- to joining the Eastern Illinois admin- sional athletics counseling panel ican Council on Education in 1982- making a knowledgeable decision re- 1. Only truthful information or istration. He also has been on the program, Association legal counsel 83, and he currently serves on the garding a professional athletics career. honest advice should be conveyed to faculties at West Virginia University, says. Committee on Academic Affairs Re- The panel is not intended to provide student-athletes. Speculation or hear- Northwestern University and Elm- Any member institution with con- source Centers of the American AS- direct material benefits to the student- say should be avoided. burst College. He was a visiting pro- sociation of State Colleges and Uni- athlete (for instance, the development cerns regarding the implementation fessor at the University of Hawaii. versities and the Council of of specific contracts or tax plans for 2. Care should be exercised to of its counseling panel program Rives earned bachelor’s and mas- Presidents, Board of Governors of the student-athlete). Also, no panel convey information regarding specific should contact the legislative services ter’s degrees at Illinois State University State Colleges and Universities. member may receive, directly or indi- atgents only to student-athletes who department at the national office. Committee appointed to handle TV Speakers rights for basketball championship f or seminar A six-member special committee The five are Eugene F. Corrigan, sent not only the basketball commit- announced has been appointed by the NCAA University of Notre Dame; James E. tee, but also the other constituents in Successful and innovative sports- Administrative Committee to handle Delany, Ohio Valley Conference; Ced- a strong manner in a negotiation marketing professionals are scheduled negotiations for the rights to televise ric W. Dempsey, University of Ari- climate that will be very crucial to the to speak at the NCAA Professional future Division 1 Men’s Basketball zona; C. Arnold Fen-in, University of NCAA and its member institutions in Development Seminar August 15-l 6 Championships and possibly other Utah, and Richard D. Schultz. Uni- the years ahead,” Schultz said. in Indianapolis. NCAA championships. versity of Virginia. Schultz, who The seminar, “Marketing Collegiate He emphasized that the negotia- The Association’s current contract chairs the men’s basketball committee, Athletics,” will be moderated by John tions committee will conduct in-per- with CBS-TV ends in 1987. The first also will chair the negotiations com- J. Crouthamel, athletics director at son hearings with interested NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Cham- mittee. Syracuse University. Crouthamel has conferences, committees or organiza- served as a member of the NCAA pionship to be covered by the new Frank Windegger, Texas Christian tions prior to negotiating with televi- agreement will be the 1988 event. Football Television Committee and University and another member of sion networks. It also will welcome was instrumental in the formation of Five members of the Division I the men’s basketball committee, was written suggestions from such entities. the Big East Conference in 1979. He Men’s Basketball Committee were named as an alternate if anyone of the Negotiations will begin this fall, played a key role in the construction appointed to the negotiations com- appointed five is unable to serve. mittee, along with NCAA Secretary- and the final decisions will be subject of the Carrier Dome in Syracuse and Treasurer Wilford S. Bailey, Auburn “I think this will be a very strong to the approval of the NCAA Execu- has been active on numerous Eastern University. committee and will be able to repre- tive Committee. Richard D. Schultz See Speakers, page 5 . In the News Association officer, Council nominations open An assessment The 1987 NCAA Nominating Com- be replaced. Two of the Division I representa- one must be a chief executive officer University of Virginia officials mittee is accepting nominations for The deadline for submitting nomi- tives elected or reelected must be and one must be a woman. assess the nonmonetary costs of president, secretary-treasurer, Divi- nations is September 5. Nominations from Division I-A conferences (the Members of the 1987 NCAA Nom- achieving big-time college athletics sions 1 and II vice-presidents, and I1 may be sent to Cecil W. “Hootie” Pacific Coast Athletic Association inating Committee from Division I status. Page 2. Council positions that expire in Janu- Ingram, director of athletics, Florida and Southeastern Conference). One are Edward Leland, director of ath- ary 1987. State University (P.O. Box 2195, Tal- of those elected or reelected must be letics, Dartmouth College (Region I- Statistics Four of the five elected NCAA lahassee, Florida 32316) chair of the from Division I, Region 1 (Districts 1 District 1); Kathleen M. Wear, assist- Final statistics in NCAA Divi- officers will be replaced in January. Nominating Committee, or to any and 2). Four of those elected or re- ant director of athletics, La Salle sions 11 and III baseball and soft- President John R. Davis, Oregon member of the committee. Nomina- elected must be women (reelection of University (I-2); Nelson E. Townsend, _~ ball. Pages 6-7. State University, and Secretary-lreas- Cronan, Durant and West plus rem director of athletics, Florida A&M Tightening up urer Wilford S. Bailey, Auburn Uni- Nomination form placement of Norrell-Thomas would University (2-3); Richard M. Bay, Most Southwest Athletic Con- versity, will conclude their two-year on page 5 fulfill this requirement). director of athletics, Ohio State Uni- ference schools are taking steps to terms in those offices at the 1987 -_.- Division II representatives not eli- versity (34); John P. Mahlstede, as- make their drug-education and Convention, and Division 1 Vice- tions also should be sent directly to gible for reelection are Rudy Carvajal, sociate dean, Iowa State University testing programs more effective. President Lewis A. Cryer, Pacific Fannie B. Vaughan, administrative California State University, Bakers- (3-5); Fred Jacoby, commissioner, Page 10. Coast Athletic Association, and Divi- assistant, at the NCAA national office field; Green, and James R. Spalding, Southwest Athletic Conference (4-6); sion 11 Vice-President Asa N. Green, (P.O. Box 1906, Mission, Kansas Bellarmine College. One of the Divi- Barbara B. Hollmann, associate di- Scholar-athletes Livingston University, will be leaving 66201).
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