LlIIIIAII Y tiJ:..l1I .Mup Lih ((} x ·OX REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA ANNUAL REPORT OFTHE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR 1983 PRICE: P3,OO PRI"'TED BY THE GOVEIt.l'MEf\T PRlf\TER, GABORO"'E, BOTSWA"'A MINISTRY OF MINERAL RESOURCES AND WATER AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY [ DIRECTOR '-___ PelSOoal I SecretaI'( [DEPUTY DIRECTOR J I '",001Secretary ~-RECORDS FIElO GEOLOGY HYOROGEOlOGY GEOPHYSICS ADMINISTRATION LABORATORY ~OFFICE ~~-SECTION LABORATORY Assislant Principal Principal I -Princij,lal I Director Geologist Geolo9ist ChemISt I I MIN. EXPLORATION MAPPING I S I Principal Chfet Technical Sen~r Senmr emor Administration Officer Geologist Geologist GeologISt officel lCanogrnphy) rh I -'- .-l Senior Senior Senior1 Senior Geol3gisl Gelwgis, Gelgisl Geologist I tlectronics Chemist Chemist ChI!mtst Technical Technical Technical Technical (2) I . (3) (~) Engineer I Officer Officer, Officer Off~er. Technical ASSl Admin. Officer Admin_ Officer Admin. Officer Senior 1, Geologist Technical Chemist Officer"'." Officer r- I Publicaoon ~"',""' A"tffi ~C""I""I Technical TechrOCal Technical r- OffICer Officer Officer Officer I I °re.fJ._1 I STAlTA STA/TA STA/T.A STA/TA STA/TA TA $AA/A S"hand TYPISt SAA/AA SAA/AA STAlTA STLTA STA~TA TA TA STA/TA ~r (61 (31 (101 Typist (21 (21 ( I (21 RECORDS MANAGEMENT REGIDNAl GEOLOGICAL EOPHYSICAl SURVEYS CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PRODUCTION OF MAPS DRIlliNG fOR WE OF PUBLICATIONS MAPPING lECTRONIC EOUIPMENT OF ROCKS MINERALS DRAWINGS AND MINERAL EXPLORATION GEOTfCHNICAl SURVEYS DESIGN ANO NATURAL WATERS PHOTOGRAPHS FOR GROUNDWATER SAMPtE STOMGf GEOCHRONOLOGY MAINTENANCE PUBLJCATIONS AND STRAT!GRAPH!C SURVEYS MINERALOGY/PETROLOGY ~ INTERNAL REPORTS GtQTECHNICAl SURVEYS ADMINISTRATION Of REGIONAL HYOROGtoLOGICAl STAFF ·ACCOUNTS STORES ROCK AND MINERAL I, PRIVATE SECTOR MAPPING WATER BOREHDlE TRANSPORT SAMPLE PREPARATION EXPl.ORATION RECORDS REGISTRY TYPING INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT EXPLORATION GROUNOWATER STLJ[)IES MINERALS TESTING --_.. 1. GENERAL 1.1 Introduction The Geological Survey Department remained within the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Water Affairs and continued with its main functions of gathering, assessing and disseminating all data related to the rocks, miner~ deposi ts and groundwater resources of Botswana. The depart- '.c.:: mental organisation remained as in previous years and consists of the Directorate, three operational divisions of Field Geology, Hydrogeology, and Geophysics, plus an administrative and training division. Support to these divisions was provided by the Chemistry and Industrial Minerals laboratories, drawing office, library and records, and drilling sections. The staffing position within the professional and technical cadres remained reasonably satisfactory, making 1983 a generally productive year in all the operational divisions. The posts of senior chemist and technical records officer remained vacant throughout the year, and following various staff changes seven professional vacancies existed at the year's end. Two long serving members of the department, Mr. R.J. Peart, geophysicist, and Mr. E. Milner, electronics engineer, returned to the U.K. on completion of their tours, both having served in the department for eight years. Mr. Milner's post was 1 filled by Mr. B. Tlhabologang whose appointment increased the number of localised professional posts to five. Dr. C. Mortimer, Assistant Director, left in November on completion of his tour of service and his post was occupied by Mr. M.P. Modisi on confirmation of his appointment to PR1 grade. The new Assistant Director represents the first stage of localising the Directorate, a localisation programme that will be completed in early 1984 when the Director and Deputy Director posts will be taken over by Mr. T.P. Machacha and Mr. M. Sekwale respectively, on completion of the present incumbents' tours of service A generally satisfactory work programme was completed by the Field Geology division. The final reports of the field surveys conducted last year were completed and field mapping continued with the production of the first edition geological sheets of poorly exposed ground in southern Bot~wana (QDS 2425D, 2525C, D). The division continued with its strong exploration activity in the field of industrial minerals and, to a much lesser extent, in base metal exploration. The Mineral Resource Report No. 6, describing the Carbonate deposits in Botswana, was published during the year. A close overview of the exploration work undertaken by the private exploration companies was main­ tained where the main thrust continued to be directed towards the search for diamondiferous kimberlites and the detailed evaluation of the known coalfields. Both the Hydrogeology and Geophysics diviSions were 2 heavily involved in groundwater exploration and development projects. A considc?rable amount of the work undertaken was in direct response to the countrywide drought conditions, and to the serious water supply shortage to the Gaborone­ Lobatse area. In association with the Department of Water Affairs much effort has been directed to the search for groundwater in the eastern part of the country. Despite the emergency drought relief projects, work continued on the production of the 1 :500,000 hydrogeological reconnaissance map sheets, and support on this programme is being provided through a research project being under­ taken jointly with the Department of Geology, University of Botswana. The geophysics division supported a research project by the University of Michigan, USA, whereby heat flow measurements were obtained from deep boreholes drilled at several localities throughout Botswana. One very important finding from this study was the identification of high rock temperatures within the Kgaswe coalfield. The principal geophysicist, Mr. D.G. Hutchins, was heavily involved in the organisation of a seminar entitled 'Mineral Exploration in the Kalahari'. The seminar, organised jointly with the Botswana Geoscientists Association, and which was chaired by Professor D. Pretorius of the University of Witwatersrand and attended by more than 120 delegates, was formally opened by the Minister for Mineral Resources and Water Affairs, Dr. G.K.T. Chiepe. A strong input to the seminar proceedings was provided by the department with 3 the release of the results of the various bilateral funded mineral exploration projects undertaken in the Kalahari within the last three years. In the support section the Drawing Office had a very 'full work programme and towards the year's end much effort was directed towards completion of the second edition of the Geological Map of Botswana, to be published in early 1984. In the, chemistry laboratory Mr. Sutcliffe departed in July on completion of his contract and for most of the second half of the year only one professional chemist was in post, )who was, however, strongly supported by a full complement of technical staff. Mr. D. AlIen, diamond driller, joined the department in January, and the second driller post was occupied in May by Mr. R. Gagne, who is to take charge of a CIDA funded driller training project. Two of the bilateral funded technical aid projects were completed during the year. The final phase of the CIDA funded GS-12 project, Airborne Magnetic Survey, was completed with the preparation of a final report and accompanying maps. The project leader, Mr. H. Meixner, left Botswana in July. Within the GS-17 project, Mineral Exploration in the Kalahari, that part of the project funded by the Republic of West Germany was completed in December and an interim report prepared, with the final published report becoming available in early 1984. The U.K. funded part of the GS-17 project, over the Molopo Farms area finalised all the required field work and the 4 final report will be completed in mid-1984. Two new bilateral aid projects were initiated, both funded by CIDA. The diamond driller training project commenced in May, it will continue for two years and is designed to produce Batswana diamond drillers at the T3 level. The CIDA funded programme to localise the geophysics division commenced and four Batswana students have been sent to Canada for graduate training in geophysics. The project includes facility for technician training to diploma level and it is anticipated that in total six students will be sent for degree courses and eight for technical training, the total input by the project being some 52 student years. Both the U.K. and the Republic of West Germany have expressed interest in financing and undertaking further mineral exploration projects. Subject to formal approval by Botswana and the donor governments it is anticipated that a mineral exploration project over the Vumba schist belt, Northeast District and funded by West Germany, will commence in 1984. The U.K. government are reviewing the possibility of undertaking a mineral exploration/mapping project over the Ghanzi ridge, although this project may not commence before 1985. It is also anticipated that other groundwater or mineral exploration studies, perhaps funded by Italy, France and Sweden, will be initiated in 1984. 5 HYOROGEOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE MAP OF THE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA AI SCAII. I bllll IIIH) PROGRESS IN M~.PP!NG AS AT 1.5.84 Published I: :: Awaiting production J ~~~~j Under rovislon G_~: ;: in Dra\r\ling Office --- 19 5. HYDROGEOLOGY DIVISION 5.1 Introduction During 1983 the Hydrogeology Division has been almost entirely engaged in groundwater exploration and development projects as a result of the drought and the water
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