CHAPTER NO.III HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF BALASAHBB DBSAI SAHAKARI SAEHAR EAREHANA LTD ., DAULATNAGAR 3.1 • Origin. 3.2 Background of Sugar factory. 3.3 Registration of the factory. 3.4 Aims and objectives of the factory. 3.5 Project implementation. 3.6 Cost of Project. 3.7 Capital position. 3.8 Operational Area 3.9 Sugarcane crushed by factory. 3.10 Various Welfare facilities. 3.11 Development of sugarcane area. 3.12 20 Point Programme of the Government of Maharashtra. 3.13 Balasaheb Desai Foundation. 3.14 Financial Position. 4 Patan taluka H. &• Villages District boundary Talgka boundary Road River CHAPTBR-III HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OP BALASAHSB DBSAI SAHAKARI SAKHAR KARKHANA LIMITED, DAULATNAGAR 3.1 ORIGIN i Maharashtra is the pioneering state in the Co-operative field, accounting for 87 co-operative factories and 35% of the National Production. The Cane growers in Ahmednagar district in Western Maharashtra were able to establish the first successfully co-operative sugar factory at Pravaranagar in 1950, under the guidance of distinguished co-operators like Sarvashree Dr♦ Dhananj ayrao Gadgil, Shri Vaikunthbhai Mehta, and Shri Vithalrao Vikhe Patil, which provides the model for similar venturers latter. "The Co-operatives have functioned as important growth centres in the region and their role has been significant in the reduction of incomes disparities, amergence of leadership and increased participation of the members in the development process." 3.2 BACKGROUND OP SUGAR FACTORY : This factory is situated at about 3 Km. towards South side of Karad Chiplun^major)District Road and 2 Km. towards South side of Koyana River. Karad Railway Station is 42 Kas. away from this factory. Whole Patan Taluka is area of opera­ tion which is completely hilly, wherein the mountain lines of the Sahyadri mountain run through. Patan taluka is a backward area consisting of hills. It was a difficult job to establish a sugar factory in such area and still more difficult to get government's approval to start a factory. However, the Late Balasaheb Desai, the honourable leader of the Patan Taluka and the Maharashtra put all his strength and energy to establish the factory. The dream of sugar factory for Patan taluka was realized only because of his arduous efforts and valuable guidance and co-operation. The tender plant of sugar factory was watered and tended by his son tSe Late Hon.Shivajirao Desai, the then Chairman of Balasaheb Desai S.S. Karkhana. He used the Sugar factory as a medium for the upliftment of the hilly region of Patan taluka. He planned Development Projects in \ the villages of the taluka and worked out the projects successfully. The face of the taluka was changed in a very short period. He was regarded as the head of the family of Patan taluka. But fate did not approve of his good deeds. A severe heart attack killed him on 12th July, 1986 at Barshi while he was on his way home from Beed where he had been on some mission in connection with the sugar factory. The sugar factory lost its best administrator. He spent seventeen years of his life for the develop­ ment of the taluka with the medium of the factory. The Honourable Shambhuraje Desai his enthusiastic son, who has been recently elected to the Chairmanship of the factory is determined to bring into reality the dream of his father and grand-father. He has been ceaselessly striving for the development of the Pat an taluka. 3.3 REGISTRATION OF THE FACTORY : Balasaheb Desai Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana ltd., Dsulatnagar was registered as a Co-operative Society, under the Seetion-9(i) of Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 (Maharashtra Act, XX7I of 1961), on 14-10-1969. The registration number of the Society is SAT/PRO/(A) 3. The licence No.l-25/N-246/70 1C, dated 19.9.1970 and year of installation September, 1973. 3.4 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OP THE FACTORY ; The aim and objective of the Co-operative Sugar Factory are to secure social justice and /Import) modern technology in agricultural operations and other objectives such as to improve the economic conditions of the agriculturists through the Co-operative Processing and marketing of their products mainly of sugarcane and its by-products. Besides, attaining the economic uplift of oane cultivators, the co-operative leaders aimed at spreading to the weaker section of the community at large a part of the gains arising from successful functioning of the sugar factory, providing much needed irri­ gation facilities and disseminating technical guidance and agricultural expansion service to obtain high yields. In addition to this, other social activities like education, primary health, small agro-based industries and alround deve­ lopment of the farmers is the primary aim; the sugar factory*s agricultural extension service includes soil testing, tractor, ploughing etc. 3.5 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION : Balasaheb Desai Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Daulatnagar is located in the Industrially and naturally backward area of Satara district near the town of Karad and Patan. Project cost the factory is less than other sugar factories licenced in the year 1970. This sugar factory is famous sugar factory in Maharashtra because of its sugar A-1 quality. 3.6 COST OF PROJECT : As originally scheduled, the plant was to go into operation in the beginning of year 1969 at an estimated cost of Rs.3*00 crores. However, due to many uncontrolable factors, actual production could be commenced only in the month of November, 1973 during which the project cost went up sub- staintally on account of additional interest burden and other expenses. The project cost finally increased to the tune of Rs.3.25 crores. 3.7 CAPITAL POSITION i The Share Capital collected from the sugarcane growers and non-producer institutions of the factory. Collection of Share Capital from the member was a difficult task in so far as the member of the sugar factory happen to be the farmers who were denied membership by the neighbouring co-operative sugar factory. Hence, special efforts were made to persuade the Reserve Bank of India to issue authorisation for sanction and disbursement of long-term loans to the poor cultivator members for purchase of shares through the village primary co-operatives. Initially, Government of Maharashtra has contributed an amount of Rs.45.00 lakhs towards Share Capital. Table No.1 : Following table shows that growth of the member­ ship and their number of shares amount contri­ buted from beginning from 1969-70 to 1986-87. Year No. of No. of Amount members shares subscribed 1969-70 795 1500 18,50,280 1970-71 1907 2559 18,77,500 1971-72 3200 4086 27,74,025 1972-73 3841 4123 29,16,125 30 Table No.1 : (Contd...) Year No. of No. of Amount Members Shares subscribed 1973-74 4299 4581 32,38,125 1974-75 4746 4327 41,39,370 1975-76 4803 5384 41,96,370 1976-77 4678 5011 40,97,153 1977-78 4755 5049 41,40,000 1978-79 4778 5063 42,30,055 1979-80 4808 5096 42,65,567 1980-81 4987 5259 44,05,610 1981-82 5399 5672 46,91,693 1982-83 5748 5748 48,49,000 1983-84 5748 6000 50,42,000 1984-85 5751 6000 52,24,000 1985-86 5760 6000 53,28,630 1986-87 5767 6000 53,74,328 Source : Annual Reports of Balasaheb Desai Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana, Ltd., Daulatnagar. 3.8 OPERATIONAL AREA : The operational area of the sugar factory comprises of whole Patan Taluka of Satara District. Comprises 203 villages from Patan Taluka. 86-87 8**8€ ) 9 8 ^ 84-85 o T 8<i 85- UP n « 82-85 01-62 SHARes ATNAGAR 8o-8. u l - o r OA NO 73-8o 4 Ltd. 78-73 K. 77-78 S.S. 7«-77 7»*7< m e m b e r s h i p DESA] 74-7S o f 7 f . f r 72-75 BALASAHEB g r o w t h 71-72. *-* — 70-71 YEARS 32 Table No.2 : Statement showing operational area of factory. District Taluk a No .of villages Satara Pat an 203 Source ; Memorandum of Balasaheb Desai S.S.K., Ltd., 3.9 SUGrARCANB CRUSHED BY FACTORY : The factory went into production in the year 1973-74 its first trial season. The work was completed and the factory started with the sincere efforts of the Chairman and the Board of Directors of this factory. This factory is situated in hilly area, soils in this area of operation are light to medium, so shortage of cane during crushing season. So the Chairman has trying to increase area under sugarcane • In the subsequent years, however, increasing quantities of sugarcane were crushed as detailed here under. (See Table No.3). • • • Table No*3 : Sugarcane crushed by the Factory. • Season : Annual Cru- • Total cane : Sugar pro- i Recovery : shing capa- : crushed : duced (in * <*) • • i city of the e (in lakhs : lakhs bags) • • • • : Mill (per • M.T.) • • • • • : day M.T.) • • • 1973-74 1250 0.16 0.16 10.24 1974-75 1250 1.41 1.62 11.50 1975-76 1250 1.78 2.09 11.74 1976-77 1250 1.87 2.00 10.71 1977-78 1250 2.06 2.40 11.65 1978-79 1250 2.01 2.48 12.26 II 1979-80 1250 1.52 1.76 11.55 1980-81 1250 1.73 2.07 11.86 1981-82 1250 2.58 3.02 11.71 1982-83 1250 2.62 3.02 11.53 1983-84 1250 1.70 2.01 11.82 1984-85 1250 1.39 1.62 11.67 1985-86 1250 1.78 2.06 11.58 1986-87 1250 2.13 2.53 11.86 Source : Annual Reports of Balasaheb Desai Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana ltd., Note : Figures in Roman Script in Column No.5 indicate the ranks in respect of recovery obtained by thefactory all over India.
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