4TH . JANUARY, 2005 Ramsden Bellhouse Parish Council Minutes A Meeting of the Parish Council was held on Tuesday, 4 th . January, at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. PRESENT Cllr. Ferris in the Chair, Cllrs. Mrs. Cummins, Harvey, Mrs. Jeffree and Skinner. Also in attendance were the Clerk and one member of the public. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from District Cllrs. Allen and Mrs. Sargent. 2. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The Minutes were signed as a true record of the Meeting held on 23 rd . November, 2004. 3. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING There was nothing to report. 4. CORRESPONDENCE a) Fair and Equal Life Chances Partnership It was noted that the next meeting would be on 18 th . January at the Northlands park Children Centre, Pitsea. 5. FINANCE a) Precept The Precept was confirmed at £9298.80. b) Precept Form The Clerk was instructed to complete the form and forward to Basildon District Council. c) Payments The following receipt was noted: From Date To Amount £ Explanation Account Barclays 6/12/04 Deposit 33.68 Interest 6/9-5/12/04 The following cheques were signed: (24) ____________(initials/signature) 050104 Ramsden Bellhouse Parish Council Minutes 4 TH . JANUARY, 2005 To: Cheque NET £ VAT £ Total £ Explanation Power Society of 100275 25.48 .28 of annual LGA 1972 Local Council subscription S143 Clerks Post Office 100276 149.28 PAYE Oct-Dec. LGA 1972 Ltd. S112 J.A. Dobson 100277 125.00 145.00 Memorial War 20.00 Garden Memorials Maintenance & (LAP) Act lawn weed & 1923 feed K. Plumridge 100278 32.21 Reimbursements LGA 1972 & expenses S112 K. Plumridge 100279 193.74 January salary, LGA 1972 28/1/05 Office allowance, S112 B/band 13/12- 12/1/05 Basildon 100280 82.84 14.50 97.34 Directional sign at LGA 1972 District London Road to S.144 Council Church 6. PLANNING a) Clerk responded to the following applications in consultation with councillors as comments were required before this meeting: 04/01465/OUT Dalmanutha, Church Road (replacement dwelling) It was noted that this is an outline application only, so the illustrations supplied might vary significantly from the final plans. The Parish Council would object to the house in the illustration supplied as being in contravention of policy BAS BE 13 being a substantial two-storey house when policy requires bungalows or chalets. The Parish Council would also object to any other design which does not comply with policy. 04/01472/FULL The Glen, Ramsden Park Road (demolish existing bungalow & erect detached house) The proposed house contravenes Policy BAS BE 13 in that it is a house as opposed to the required chalet or bungalow and is .75m from the flank boundary as opposed to the required minimum 2.5m. It would appear to be unnecessary for it to be so close to the flank boundary, as it is new build and could be placed centrally on the plot. Also it appears to extend into the green belt due to its depth. The height of the proposed house would have an overbearing impact on the surrounding properties, which are mainly bungalows. For the above reasons the Parish Council objects to the proposed replacement house. (25) ____________(initials/signature) 050104 4TH . JANUARY, 2005 Ramsden Bellhouse Parish Council Minutes b) The following applications were considered at the Meeting: 04/01464/OUT The View, Orchard Avenue (demolition of existing bungalow & erection of a five bedroom detached house) It was noted that this is an outline application so the plans and elevations are for ‘indicative’ purposes only and might bear no resemblance to the finished article. The site is outside the village defined settlement boundary and completely in the green belt and is therefore subject to Policy BAS GB3. The plans of the ‘indicative’ house have a floor area of 235 square metres which greatly exceeds the permitted 90 square metres or 35 metres more than the floor area of the existing building. The ‘indicative’ house has three habitable floors which makes it a very tall building for its situation in the open countryside. The Parish Council has no objection to the replacement of the bungalow as long as that replacement complies with greenbelt policy. The example design of a house supplied for indicative purposes does not comply with that policy because of its size and the Parish Council would object to it for that reason. b) Planning applications considered at the Meeting: 04/01495/FULL Ramsden Lodge, Church Road (erection of stable block on land to rear) There was no objection to the application. 04/01514/FULL Glenmore, Glebe Road (demolition of existing dwelling & erection of a six bedroom detached dwelling) The proposed house is a three storey house which fails to comply with Policy BAS BE13 which restricts development to chalets or bungalows. The size and massing of the building is such that it would constitute over-development of the site in this rural, village location. It is noted that these is no garaging shown on the plan, and the Parish Council would object to garaging being placed in the front garden. c) Draft East of England Plan (Regional Spatial Strategy) It was noted that the Draft has been published and is out to consultation until 16 th . March. The RSS will replace much of the County Structure Plan. It would be an Agenda Item at the South Area Forum on 24 th . January. County Council questionnaires were distributed to councillors for return to the Clerk to collate. 7. BASILDON ASSOCIATION OF TOWN AND PARISH COUNCILS a) Cllr. Mrs. Cummins’s report. There was nothing to report. b) BDC/Parish Councils Liaison Meeting, 30 th . November. Cllr. Mrs. Cummins had presented the findings of the study of planning applications in Ramsden Bellhouse Parish. She had been asked to send details of a few of the contentious applications and had done so on 13 th . December, and Cllr. Buckley had acknowledged receipt. A detailed response was awaited. c) Action Required. There was no action required at this point. 8. TAXI VOUCHER SCHEME a) Progress to date Two applications had been made for grant funding. (26) ____________(initials/signature) 050104 Ramsden Bellhouse Parish Council Minutes 4 TH . JANUARY, 2005 b) Action Required. Arrangements would need to be finalised at the Meeting in February. 9. PLAYING FIELD PROJECT a) Progress to date . Delivery was expected at the end of January. BDC was to investigate turning the hinges around on the gate and to repair fence panels. b) Action Required. No action was required at this point. 10. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SCHEME a) Cllr. Harvey’s Report . Tree or small kerb build outs would cost in the region of £820 per pair. The requirement would probably be for three pairs. Each pair is spaced 35m from centre to centre. b) Action Required. It was agreed that Cllr. Harvey should ask BDC to prepare a plan. It was noted that it would be necessary to consult residents. 11. QUALITY STATUS a) Action Required . At this stage it was agreed that reports of PC Meetings should be sent to the Billericay and Wickford Gazette for inclusion in the community news section, and PC Minutes should be posted in both entrances of the Village Hall once signed. 12. MATTERS FOR REPORT a) Refuse Sacks It was noted that some householders were leaving refuse sacks out the night before the refuse collection. It was believed that this was a prosecutable offence, and could result in a fine. b) Blocked Drain Water draining into the road by Mill Lodge during rain was thought to be due to a blocked ditch pipe. The Clerk undertook to notify BDC. c) Derelict Cars Old cars with smashed windows in the front garden of Pine Lodge were thought to be a danger to users of the footway. The Clerk undertook to report to BDC. There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9.38pm. (27) ____________(initials/signature) 050104 .
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