1 2 Installation of a lift on a wind turbine on the Harfleur 426 TWh enterprise zone. The estimated electricity production from wind power in the EU of 28 in 2019 wind energy barometer wind energy barometer WIND ENERGY BAROMETER A study carried out by EurObserv’ER. was a good year for the global wind market, which expanded 2019 in its three main zones, namely China, the United States and Europe. Given that the UK was still a Member State in 2019, the European Union’s additional capacity was upwards of 12 GW compared to just below 11 GW in 2018. The European Union of 27 (minus the UK) added about 10 GW of capacity in 2019, taking its installed base to 167.6 GW, compared to just over 8.7 GW in 2018. 191.5 GW 12.2 GW Cumulative wind power capacity installed Wind power capacity installed EDF in the EU of 28 at the end of 2019 in the EU of 28 during 2019 WIND ENERGY BAROMETER – EUROBSERV’ER – MARCH 2020 WIND ENERGY BAROMETER – EUROBSERV’ER – MARCH 2020 3 4 that this decision should encourage deve- by producers and major electricity consu- News from arouNd lopers to install as many wind turbine mers, enabling the former to guarantee Tabl. n° 1 the maiN markets sites as possible during 2020, with expec- the profitability of their power plants by Wind power capacity installed* in the European Union at the end of 2019 (MW) ted additional capacity put at about ensuring that the output is sold at a pre- Global installed wind capacity grew signi- 28 GW. The analysts expect the market determined price. Cumulative Of which Cumulative Of which New installations Of which ficantly in 2019. The analysts forecast to contract by about 23% in 2021 when According to AWEA, project developers capacity 2018 Offshore capacity 2019 Offshore 2019 Offshore 58–71 GW of new capacity, compared to the new “subsidy-free” policy comes into claim to have clinched almost 8 726 MW Germany 58 843.0 6 396.0 60 840.0 7 507.0 2 074.0 1 111.0 51.3 GW in 2018 (according to the GWEC). force. Furthermore, the Wood Mackenzie in power purchase agreements in 2019, Spain 23 594.0 5.0 25 742.0 5.0 2 148.0 0.0 If these figures are confirmed, they could analysts cast doubt on the developers’ 2 077 MW of which was announced during United Kingdom 21 770.4 8 216.5 23 931.0 9 785.0 2 177.6 1 568.5 amount to the highest wind energy total capacity to achieve parity with coal by the last quarter of the year. It should be France* 15 133.0 2.0 16 494.0 2.0 1 361.0 wind energy barometer ever commissioned in a single year. Most the deadline and forecast that they are pointed out that the wind production wind energy barometer of this sharp increase can be ascribed to unlikely to do so before 2023. This will tax credit (PTC) was due to be completely Italy 10 230.2 10 512.0 281.8 positive growth in China, North America incur serious financial consequences for phased out at the end of 2019, but thanks Sweden 7 300.0 203.0 8 984.0 192.5 1 684.0 and Europe as well as remarkable project developers in China. Furthermore, to a late change to the tax law, it has been Poland 6 116.1 1 700.8 6 112.1 1 700.8 28.0 worldwide growth in the offshore wind while onshore wind power is already on extended through to the end of 2020. As a Denmark 5 766.1 5 917 150.9 segment. the rails, China is increasingly engaged result, wind projects whose construction Portugal 5 172.4 0.0 5 242.1 8.4 69.7 8.4 in the offshore wind segment. China started in 2019 are eligible for 40% tax Wind energy Three Gorges (CTG) has started construc- credit and those that start construction Netherlands 4 393.0 957.0 4 463.0 957.0 120.0 takes off in China ting TWo super projects which will be in 2020 will be eligible for a 60% tax cre- Ireland 3 676.1 25.2 4 127.1 25.2 451.0 fully operational in 2021. The Yangjiang dit. In detail, the PTC awards a tax credit Romania 3 260.7 1 185.9 3 826.0 1 548.0 565.3 362.1 According to the China Electricity Council, Shapa Wind Farm (1300 MW), off the coast of 2.5 cents (US$ 0.25) (2019 projects) for Austria 2 877.5 3 607.4 729.9 the country installed 25 740 MW of wind of Yangjiang City in Guangdong province each kWh of electricity sold for a 10-year Belgium 3 132.7 3 159.0 58.3 capacity in 2019 as against 21 270 MW in and the Jiangsu Rudong project (800 MW), period after the wind farm’s commissio- 2018. This 21% growth took China’s instal- off the coast of Rudong city in Jiangsu ning date. Greece 3 032.3 3 032.3 0.0 led capacity to 210 050 MW by the end of province. CTG points out that phase 1 of Finland 2 041.0 72.7 2 284.0 72.7 243.0 2019 (184 270 MW at the end of 2018). The the Yangjiang Shapa project (300 MW) is an additional 12 gW Bulgaria 698.9 698.9 0.0 same source claims that wind energy out- already up and running and that it deli- if not more in the eU of 28 Croatia 586.3 646.2 59.9 put exceeded 400 TWh in 2019, 405.7 TWh vered its first kWh in November 2019. The Lithuania 533.0 534.0 1.0 to be precise (365.8 TWh in 2018). The Global Offshore Wind Report 2019 of the The EurObserv’ER indicators are based Chinese wind sector’s watershed was its World Forum Offshore Wind (WFO) claims on the data collected from ministries, Hungary 316.2 337.0 20.8 government’s May 2019 announcement that China, with 3.7 GW under construc- statistics offices, national energy agen- Estonia 329.0 329.0 0.0 that from the start of 2021, onshore wind tion at the start of 2020, is well on the way cies or grid managers. In the absence Czechia 310.0 320.0 10.0 electricity Feed-in Tariffs could no longer to becoming the global offshore market of other information sources, they are Cyprus 157.7 157.7 0.0 exceed those of electricity produced in leader. supplemented using data produced by Luxembourg 122.9 127.0 4.1 coal-fired plants. The government views the national wind energy associations that the Chinese wind energy sector is the United states passes or syndicates (see the list of sources at Latvia 78.2 78.2 0.0 now mature enough to cope without the 100-gW mark the end of this barometer). This method Slovenia 5.2 5.2 0.0 incentives. The National Development differs from that of WindEurope, the Slovakia 3.0 3.0 0.0 and Reform Commission (NDRC) indica- Wind is on a winning streak in the United European sector’s association, thus, Malta 0.1 0.1 0.0 ted that the tariffs paid to onshore wind States. AWEA (American Wind Energy their indicators may differ slightly from power projects will fall to 0.29 yuan (€ Association) data indicates that last year ours. According to our barometer, the Total EU 28 179 479.0 18 764.1 191 509.3 21 803.6 12 238.3 3 050.0 0.038) per kWh in 2020, while network the US installed 9 143 MW of wind capa- newly-installed capacity figure for the Total EU 27 157 708.6 10 547.6 167 578.3 12 018.6 10 060.6 1 481.5 price parity with electricity generated city (7 588 MW in 2018), which amounts EU in 2019 (which at the time still had 28 * Cumulative capacity in each country reflects decommissioning in 2019: Germany (77 MW), Netherlands (50 MW), Denmark (32 MW), Austria (32 MW) and United using coal will apply to all new projects to 20.5% growth. It takes US capacity to Member States) was about 12 238.3 MW. If Kingdom (17 MW). Sources: EurObserv’ER 2020 from 1 January 2021 onwards. Thus, date to 105 583 MW, making 2019 the third we subtract the year’s decommissioned Beijing confirms last year’s renewable best year for annual installations (the wind turbine capacity (208 MW accor- energy support policy shift towards pha- record was set in 2012 with 13 341 MW ding to EurObserv’ER), the net addition of additional capacity, compared to connected capacity figure for France fell Rev 3 offshore Wind Farm (406.7 MW) sing out subsidies to the sector. In May installed). Both short- and medium-term was 12 030.3 MW in 2019 (10 906.5 MW 689 MW in 2018), as well as Greece for the second year running amounting to came on stream in 2019, it will not be 2019, the NDRC also published an initial growth prospects remain positive. At the in 2018), taking the European Union’s (729.9 MW added compared to 253.5 MW) 1 361 MW in 2019 (1 788 MW in 2017 and officially included in the statistics until list of approved subsidy-free projects for end of 2019 there were 22 115 MW of pro- wind turbine base to 191 509.3 MW.
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