SEE STORY BELOW Cloudy and cold with rain ex* HOME pecteayoday and lonight. Red Bank, Freehold Cleartafand cold tomorrow. Long Branch FINAL Page !) ;»/ Monmouth County's Home Newspaper tor 90 Years VOt. 91, NO. 145 RED BANK, N.J., TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1969 18 PAGES TEN CENTS Ball Oven Nixon at Work WASHINGTON (AP) - meeting-of4he National Se- It was at 12:16 p,m. Mon- President Richard Milhous curity .Council today.. : day that the 56-year-old son Nixon, the pomp and pageant- Nixon also planned to meet • of a California, grocer stood ry of his. inauguration day with Gen. Earle Wheeler, in the shadow of the towering behind him, turned today to chairman of the Joint Chiefs Capitol dome and, with his the somber tasks of guiding of Staff, and aides said he' right hand upraised and his the nation through turmoil at would confer soon with his-. left hand on two family Bi- home and war abroad. Cabinet and Urban Affairs; bles held by his.wife Pat, repeated in' a firm and force- The politician whose career, Council.' '.'.''••' 1 once teetered on oblivion be-' tl> In the heady atmosphere of , ful voice the 35-word oath gan his term as 37th Presi- Inauguration Day, the formal administered by Chief Justice dent yesterday with a pledge transfer of presidential power Earl Warren. "to consecrate my office, my from Democrat Lyndon B. Spiro T. Agriew, former energies, and all of the wis- Johnson to Republican Nixon Maryland governor and son dom I can summon, to the was carried out in peace and of a Greek Immigrant, had cause of peace among na- harmony. tions." The day was marred, how- been sworn in moments ear- Even before he plunged in- ever,, by brief and scattered lier as vice president. to the merry whirl of Mon- but sometimes bloody con- Look On day night's inaugural balls- frontations between police Looking on were President AT THE BALL — America's new President, Richard where Republicans celebrat- and a small band of antiwar Johnson and Hubert H. Hum- Nixon, flashed this big smile last night near the end ed their return to power after protestors who tried but failed phrey, the Democratic vice of a round'of inaugural parties'he attended with Mrs. an eight-year gap — the new to seriously disrupt the inau-. president whom Nixon nar- Nixon. ' CAP Wirephotol President had arranged for a . guration events. (See NIXON, Fg. 2, Col. 1) Beadleston Would Be 'Pleased' A MOMENT OF REMINISCENCE — Former President Lyndon B. Johnson, wipes a tear from his eye as he recalls his childhood days in the hill country of Texas at a welcome home ceremony at Stonewall, Tex., last night. About 400 friends and neighbors were on hand at the LBJ Ranch to greet their Number One ,citizen on To Accept Bid to Talk to Jury his return home after more than 30 years of public service in Washington. - - (AP Wirephoto) By DORIS KULMAN "My recent reference to 'pretty damn quick,' including him if newspaper reports wide investigation, In all 21 RUMSON -State Sen. Al- Monmouth County was in an- Monmouth County, as to the about Frank Cocchiaro, also counties, by the State Inves- fred N. Beadleston, chairman swer to the direct question of existence of organized crime known as Frank Condi, an tigation Commission ''which of a bipartisan legislative a newspaper reporter who in the state. Ocean Township resident be- is organizing now. And from committee which probed al- asked me whether I had read Would Be Pleased lieved by law enforcement what I read in the papers an leged links between some state recent'articles about the Cosa "It is unnecessary to state agencies to be preparing to .investigation is needed, and it legislators and organized Nostra in Monmouth County, that I would be very pleased take over control of the Ma- had better come into Mon- t crime, said yesterday he and if I thought it indicated to appear before the Mon- fia in Monmouth, indicated mouth pretty damn quick." Scuttle would be "very pleased" to need for an investigation here. mouth County Grand Jury if the need for an investigation Mr. Keuper said yesterday appear before the Monmouth I presumed the reference was that is Mr.Ksuper's wish." of organized crime in thia that "after his experience as County Grand Jury if County to-Mr. Hyland's Commission. Mr. Beadieston's statement county. chairman of the legislative Prosecutor Vincent P. Keuper My reply was that all 21 coun. last Thursday was made to a Mr, Beadleston replied that committee if is likely" Sen. wants Inm-to; • ••••*•• — --•*- tij^ should-be^looked Jhto Register reporter who asked there was- going to be a state- (BEADLESTON, Pg. 2, Col. 4) Pueblo: Bucher Mr. Keuper said yesterday C0RONAD0, Calif. (AP)- of the 82 others for 11 months. : Frank L: Johnson, former he would invite Mr...Beadle- The skipper, of the USS Pueb- Bucher, apparently .still commander of naval forces ston and Col. David B. Kelly, lo says the Navy didn't pro- tense from his prison experi- at Japan, and Cmdr. Charles superintendent of the State Po- vide retaliatory help or ade- ence, was expected to testify R. Clark, skipper of a sister . lice, to appear before a spe- Ask 7^12 R-FH Regional quate guns, communications for two or three days. The intelligence ship. cial session of the Grand Jury or explosives to destroy se- court of five admirals could When he sailed the Pueblo on Jan. 28 because of an ar- cret equipment when Nortlj recommend anything from. on its mission to scout North ticle in last Thursday's Daily RUMSON — The Rumson-. the ultimate answer to edu- nior high school building, or mittee to continue and vote Koreans captured his intelli- medals to court-martial. Korean radar and North Ko- Register quoting-Mr; Beadle--> Fair Haven School Study cational problems in the two move the junior high grade's • upon it at the next meeting. gence ship. But Navy lawyers told Bu- rean and Soviet ships in the ston as saying an investiga- Committee' will recommend boroughs.. into the present high school Dr. John F. Kinney, super- Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher cher that so far he was not Sea of Japan, Bucher testi- tion into organize- d- crim• e i•n that regionalization be ex-, The chief reason' for post- and build a senior high, be- intendent of the 9-12 high testified yesterday at the suspected of violating any fied, he wanted twin 20 or 40 Monmouth County is needed tended down through the . poning full regionalization came the sole question yet school now regionalized for opening of a court of inquiry military laws. millimeter guns. "pretty damn quick." seventh grade. was a consensus that such a to be resolved by the com- Rumson and Fair Haven stu- into the loss of the ship last The Navy said Bucher will He said he talked at length In response to reporters' The committee decided proposal might'jeopardize a mittee. dents,, -made an emotion- Jan. 23, the death of one" be followed on the stand by ajxjut the request to Rear questions yesterday, Mr. Bea- against recommending full plan that will pull the three Heated Debate charged plea for a new high crewman and imprisonment his superior, Rear Adm.. Adm. Roy Isaman and "he dleston said he was referring KJ2 regionalization at this schools out of the space prob- The discussion became school. In a community that took copious,notes, also I had to the need for ^.an investiga- .time, although many mem- lems they now face. heated, and opened up new places more value upon the telephone conversations with tion "pretty damn quick" in bers appeared to favor it as Whether to build a new ju- questions impelling the com- upper years of .school, it him." all 21 counties, including Mon- makes sense to build espe- Confirm McKnight But instead,. Bucher said, mouth. cially to accommodate the he got two-.50-caliber machine- "I appreciate that Mr. Keu- modular schedule if you like guns, 3,000 to 5,000 rounds of per, as chief law enforcement the; program, he said, saying ammunition, a spare barrel officer of Monmouth Countyr Hook Inlet Feasibility _ .the small additional expendi- For Post of Chief and a mount for a third ,50- is sensitive to any reference, ture would repay for many caliber machine-gun he never to an investigation," Mr. Bea- -•years-to comer --—7—— BED, BANK - Mayor There hasn't been any de- dleston said. Daniel J. O'Hern made it cision yet on appointment of received. Arthur L. Adamson, presi- The weapons were , much Re Commission dent of the regional school absolutely official last night- a new deputy chief,. accord- smaller and lighter than "I was, of course, referring Data Due in 4 Months Deputy Police Chief Leroy ing to the mayor. board supported Dr. Kinney, those he said he had request- to the work of the newly-cre- FREEHOLD — The feasi- the U.S. Army Engineer Wa- pointing out that ever-increas- McKnight becomes head of Mr, O'Hern named Chief ed. ated ' Senate Investigating the project was being worked the department on Feb. 1. McKnight and Andrew De Commission headed by former bility, of a proposed inlet, for terways Experiment Station, on, he said, adding that the ing teacher salaries must, in They were installed in Ja- Sandy Hook, which was first Vicksburg, Miss.,'last week. freeholders emphasized coun- the, future, be met with more _The • mayor's appointment Ponte to the Substandard pan, Bucher said,, a few Assembly Speaker William F, 7 was confirmed unanimously Housing Committee.' The weeks before the Pueblo was Hyland Jr.
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