'V J- v_ ■ j . *7 N; Thursday, January 12, 1950 THE CLINTON CHRONICLE Pasre Three —.....—-f~ ------------ presiding. The project song was cloth, intricately woven, had as a Mrs. Wm. P. "Jacobs, secretary of SOCIETY TO MEET r~*~ sung by the club and the creed read center piece a Florentine mirror, sil- World Missions in the auxiliary. She The Woman’s Society df Christian. gave - arTeVie^v" of the book, "Japan in unison by the members.* I ver% shells and stemless -pinlc-gTad- Service of Broad'Street Methodist Mts. P. B. Mitrhellgave the dcvo- ioli%surrounded by a festoon of pre- Begins Again.’’ (.by William Kerr). tional. She read from the book of cious 18th century Malrnes laces. Later [a social hour was enjbyed church will meet Monday -affternoo i TheWOMAN’S PAGE Matthew find led in prayer. Koll was j Miss Wickham had rpodeled and and Russian tea, sandwiches and at the church at four o’clock. A t called by the secretary and each created her party dress, of a lovely cookies served. members are-.risked to be present SOCIETY EVENTS, NEWS memSer answered with “My Most iridescent green taffeta that she wore CLUB AND CHURCH i Embarrassing Moment.’ without other jewels^than a string of Local Girl Enlists i] An article on Health' was read by pearls. According to family tradi­ OF INTEREST...... TELEPHONE 74 or 495 ' the president. tions, the young couple will be unit- In Woman's Arjny Corps , 1 MclNTOSH'S During a business session the ecj jn marriage at a very simple Mrs. Elizabeth Falls Sellers, SHOE SHOP JWSident stated that a card of thanks church wedding which will take granddaughtef^rf-^lrs. C. Q. Holland for the health bond had been re- piace^orr'Triday, January 27 of this city, has enlist^d-mjhe Wom­ Send Your Shoes To Us for Putnam-Ballard Smith, Mrs. H. C. Suber, Miss Doris ceived. an's Army Corps, it was announced " Best Materials and - ! Suber, Mrs. O. C. Woodruff, Mrs. yesterday by Major C. P. Derrick, The membership and citizenship /*LlirrL C\rc\e» MppK Workmanship. engagement • James C. Dickert, Mrs. Adair, Mrs. chairman gave a report hr L li D j TS commanding officer of the Green­ Mr. and Mrs.. Clyde Putman, of R w: Rolahd and Mrs- w- w- John- ville recruiting office. this city, announce the engagement son- . The Pr0*r®rn closed with the Miss Dean, assistant-home dem- Inf ft n MlSS DUrOCftC _ Im'mediately after being sworn- in of their sister, Edna Putman, to Ru-vjLords lonstration agenA, gave an interesting Monday evening Miss Florrie Bur- Recruit Sellers left for Camp Lee, fus Ballard of Joanna.-The weddingi -After a business session a social demonstration on “Making Lamp dette entertained the Business Wom^ Va., where she ' will be until- she ♦ AIRWAY will take place in April. hour was enjoyed and the hostess Shades. ’ She displayed material and an-s cjrc]e 0f ^e First Presbyterian completes her basic training. She is —:_m ___ -- served a salad and sweets. braid for making shades. i church at her home on Oakland interested in medicine and wants to SANITIZOR During the social hour a contest street. become a medical technician by The world’s only completely Finley-r-Buchanan was enjoyed and refreshments serv-^ jn t^e- absence 0f \irs Lonnie Me studying at the arn>y medical school, Mrs. Pitts Hostess Fort Sam Hounstoh, Texas. sanitary vacuum cleaner. Announcement ed by the hostess. Millian, circle chairman, Mrs. Kay Uhtil recently she was employed For Health’s Sake Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Finley, of To Sarah Glenn Circle Mills presided over the business ses- here by Moore's Dress Shoppe. Call 9294. sioniThe-circle had as guest speaker,- Mountvtlle, announce the engage­ Members of the Sarah Glenn Cir­ Party Honors ■ A-i- t For a free demonstration in ment ox their daughter, Rosanne, to cle of Broad Street Methodist I’. D.IC. TO*MFET your home. Furman Buchanan, son of Mrs. Rob- j church met on Monday evening at Betrothed Couple ert P. Buchanan and the late Mr. the home «f Mrs. Ray Pitts, with I Honoring Miss Francine Wickham The Stephen D. Lee Chapter U Buchanan of Greenwood. The wed-,Mrs. Lewis Wallace and Mrs. P. B. ami her fiance, Gebrge McMillan Mervin F. Barbee D. C. will meet this evening’at 7:30 Your Airway Dealer ding will take place in the late Adair, assisting as hostesses. Reeves, Jr., a reception was given at the home of Mrs. P. M. Pitts. spring. Miss Rose Lee had arranged the; last Friday at Calvert House, the evening’s program and gave the in-j residence of Dr. and Mrs. Edouard aVVTjW •r* K **e Bridge Club^Meets troduction to “The Whole of Love! Patte. t _ Best Known COMMERCIAL Is My Answer” as the topic for dis­ One hundred and twenty guests HOME REMEDY TO RELIEVE With Mrs. Little cussion. Miss Jeanette Pitts gave including members’of the faculty of HOUSEHOLD WIRING Gray ’ Mrs. John W. Little entertained * the devotional. Following the pro-j Presbyterian college and other Electrical Appliance her bridge club on Thursday for a gram a. business session was held friends from this city. Spartanburg, COUGHING Funeral Home number of afternoon games. by the chairman, Mrs. J. K. Hasel- and Augusta, Ga. attended the in­ Repairins: and >• Clinton, 9. C.‘ January jasmine and sidonia made den. ‘ - formal party. DISTRESS a pretty background for the two ta­ Colds Electrical Construction FUNERAL DIRECTORS During the evening the hostesses bles in play. When scores were count­ The guests were received in the Only Vicks VapoRutf gives you this served a salad course with Russian living rooms by Mrs. Patte, then es­ special Penetrating-Stimulating Work ...and.. ed top honors went to- Mrs. Pringle tea. action when you rub it on throat, Copeland who was presented a prize. corted into a lovely sitting room to- EMBALMERS be introduced to the, honored guests. chest and back at bedtime: — Floor Plugs A Specialty When cards were laid aside a salad It penetrates to upper bronchial AMBULANCE SERVICE course and cookies were served. Musgrove Club Meets Mrs. Alexander B. Stump then in­ vited the visitors into the dining tubes with special medicinal vapors. Phones 41 and 399-J With Mrs. Bragg It stimulates chest andback surfaces room where refreshments were ser­ like a warming poultice. And it ARNOLD M. CANNON L. RUSSELL GRAY and Mrs. R. F. Block The Musgrove Home Demonstra­ ved by Mrs. William P. Jacobs and -keeps working for . m m ^ 406 W. Maple St. Tel. 312-Xj V. PARKS ADAIR. Gen. Mgr*. tion club met with Mrs. Ray Bragg Mrs. Robert de Dardel. The buffet hours-even %#| W V\9 Is Club Hostess on January 4, with the president, table, covered with an old Flemish while you sleep! ▼ vapopuw A dessert bridge was given recent­ ft . --------- ly by Mrs. Robert F. Black for mem­ bers of the Wednesday club. Three tables were laid for re­ freshments and a sweet course was served when the guests assembled. Score prize for the afternoon was presented Mrs. Edward Ferguson. Bouquets ..of pastel tinted snap­ dragons with potted plants added at­ tractiveness to the card rooms. Bridge Club 1 # Enjoys Meeting Sale Begins 9 A. M. Thursday—Many-Items on Sale Not Listed Here Thursday afttrnoon Mrs. Arnold M. Cannon entertained members of her bridge club. Two tables w«re arranged for the games in the living room which was prettily adorned with pink cyclamen and flowering quince. High and se­ cond high scores went to Mrs. Posey W. Copeland, a club visitor and Mrs. J. B. Arnold. ' When cards were laid aside the hostess served a tempting refresh- ^ment course of sandwiches, Russian *tea and fudge with other dainties, j Mrs. Eichelberger .Hostess To Club Mrs. H. L. Eichelberger was host-' Chicken ess to her dub on Thursday after­ noon for a dessert bridge. Pie a la mode and coffee were served at two daintily, appointed ta­ bles after which a number of pro­ Feather Pillows gressions \yere enjoyed. Mrs. Thorn- well Dunlap and Mrs. Harry Wilkes were winners of top score honors. V » Reular Size Club visitors for the afternoon were Mrs, Preston Thompson, \Jrs. Wal­ 8 Oz. Stripe Ticking ter Danhoff and Mrs. W\ R. Ander­ son. Seasonal arrangements were at- tractive in the living room, and sun Big parlor for the occasion. Little Boy Has 1.19 Cannon Towels Birthday Party Regular 1.79 Each ' 4, Yellow, Pink, Aqua, Flamingo, Chartreuse Thursday afternoon in celebration of his birhtday, William Bell, young SAVE! On Cannon son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bell in­ Bath Towel, Reg. 89c . vited .sixteen little friends for a 20x40 party. 63c ^ Muslin Sheets Each guest was presented a party Special! | . hat to vyear and myriads of colSrful HAND TOWELS, reg. 49c 35c Fine 130 Thread Count baloons used in decoration were al­ WASH CLOTH, reg. 25c 15c » * so given the little folk. After a num­ Slight Irregulars ber of games refreshments were served in the dining room where the Shower Curtain Set I CHENILLE 81x99 birthday* cake with three pink can­ dles centered the table. Individual 1.94 cakes with one candle, ice cream, Made of Beautiful Printed Plastic BATH MAT SET mint baskets, and novelty favors Set includes Window Drapes and Muslin Cases............. 1.00 pair were on each party plate. 81x108 2.09—72x108 1.94—72x99 1.79 Shower Curtains, 6’x6’ Set Baptist Circle Meets . 1.00 63x99 1.59 * With Miss Jamie Little The January meeting of the Busi­ PERMANENT FINISH h •i.
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