Thought: The more spil'it­ ual a man desires to be, the Scripture: Blessed are those more bitter does this pre­ who hunger and thirst after sent life become to him.­ righteousness for they shall Thomas a' Kempis. ANDERSONIAN be filled.-Matthew 5:6. VOL. 4-No. 24. ANDERSON, INDIANA, MARCH 29,1950. TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR M~~el Assembly 'Meets: Expectations * .* * * * "" * :0 DELEGATES MOVE UN POLICE GERMANY (ONTROl ATOM, ACCEPT RED CHINA "This year~s session was the best U. N. model 'Assembly held so far. It showed the results of three years exper­ ience that we have obtained, with the previous assemblies," stated Dr. Candace Stone. Dr. Stone went on to say that at the close of the Saturday morning session, the advisors met and mad,e plans for the U. N. project next year. In the first session, which began at 2 :00 p. m. Friday, the topic of discussion was "Atomic Energy Control." The proposal, which was carried by a vote of 43-13, was made by Costa Rica and stated, "All nations must submit inform­ ation about atomic progress. All nations must be willing to lay open their records .and facilities in order that the in­ formatiol'l submitted by them may be properly checked and verified by an inspection committee appointed by this • assembly.'" The second session which CHOIR RECEIVES convened at 7 :30 p. m. Fri­ day, de.alt with the problems SECOND HONOR • of "Recognition of Communist MODE,L UN ASSEMBLY CONVENES-Delegates and observers seated ih the gymnasium of And- China." The United States made , Anaerson College's 40-voice a p.roposal, which was carried erson College await the opening of the fourth annual Model United Nations Model Assembly spon- mixed choir will make its second 47-10, that read: sored by College International Relations Club. Approximately 150 students Anderson, EI- appearance on a nation'al radio "This assembly calls 'upon all wood, Alexandria, Kokomo, Daleville and Frank ton high schools along with social science students network Sunday morning, April d' 2, (1) of A n d erson C0 11 ege part ··lClpa ted' In the t wo-d ay meet' mg. Shown In. th e f oregroun IS the S eeret ary. at 9·-.30 (CST). The .choral sing- states:cal independence to respect of Cbinathe politi- and General, George Wood of Anderson High School. -Courtesy Bulletin ers will present music on a half- to be guided by the principles of -----------------------'------"---:--------------- hour program, "Church of the the United Nations in their rela­ Air," a weekly feature of the Co- tions with China; (2) to respect lumbia Broadcasting Company. the rights of the people of China In announcing the event, Ro'b- in the future to choose freely Prep Scientists Here Soon ert Nicholson, diredor, indicated their political institutions and to ~----__- ____-------------_-_- that the collegiate singers would maintain a government lndepen· ..-----------....., ....... ,............ .,.... .. -~---...-.- have a busy month during April. dent' of foreign control; (3) to Passion, P. lay ON THE 'GENDA On Monday, following the Palm respect existing treaties relating FIELD'DAY SET Sunday radio program, the choral to China; and (4) to refrain from · --------------------...,.. -----~. group is slated to present Stain- (a) seeking to acquire spheres of FOR APRIL 14 tage ga.n;, FRIDAY, MARCH 31 er's'cantata, "The Crucifixion," at influence or to create foreign 5 d A French and Spanish Chlb Park Place Church. controlled regimes within the Scores of students from nearby The famous "American Passion Formals Plan For-Tour territory of China." high schools will convene on the Play" at Bloomington, Ill., w1ll be Faculty Recital at Park Place I Final preparations are being The final session of the Assem- campus of Anderson College Fri­ presented' for its 28th consecutive Ohurch made by the radio singers for bly convened at 9 :30 a. m. Satur- day, April 14, for a "Day of season this year beginning Sun- day, and the topic was "Re,:" Science." Under the direction of 1 SATURDAY APRIL 1 their annual tour which will take ,arming of Western Germany." Miss Zy lpha Hurlbut, assistant day, April 2; at 1:30 p. m. Pans'Triad Anniversary Party them throug h" severa. 1 M'dI wes t - The proYlosal .of importance was call for ten performances, includ- t t S h dul d t 1 ~ professor of biology, the project Sachem ·Formal ern s a es. c e e 0 eave made by Costa Rica and stated} ing the evening presentation. A d A "122 th 11 g is being sponsored by the physics; . WEDNESDAY APRIL 5 . n er~on on pri , e co e. - "To establish a Police Force unM biology· and chemistry depart­ Subsequent appearances will be .. .. '. _ lans WIll make 14 appearances In der the direction of the United ments. made each Sunday during April Sprmg vacatlOn begms at noon Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Nations for five years, to be re- Established to stimulate in, and May. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 Oklahoma. placed gradually by German creased interest among students The cast,. composed of commun- Classes resume at 7 :40 a. m. The itinerary includes: manpower, but 'Still under United in the field of science, partici­ ity residents, receives no com- April 22, Chureh of God, St. Nations control. pants will be divided into small pensation except spiritual satis- The Andersonian will not be Elmo, Ill.; April 23, Washington On Friday evening in the col- groups at the time of regi '>tra­ faction, and is a non-profit organ- published for three weeks ·be- Park 'Church of God, East St.llege cafeteria, the annual U. N. tion. Each group will proceed ization. cause of spring vacation, \vhich Louis, Ill.' 'Garfield Avenue Model' Assembly banquet was to different laboratories where The Rev. H. n. Walters,' who begins next Wednesday. The Church of' God and the First held with James A. Eldridge as demonstrations will be in pro­ has portrayed the Christus for first edition fonowing vacation Church of God,' St. Louis, Mo.; the speaker. ~r.. ~ldridge's gress. In the exhibit room, high the past twelve years, will take will appear on April 26. April 24, Perry Street Church speecI;t- ¥ave_ a VIVld pIcture ,of school students will present a the role again. Mary, mother.of The staff desires to take this of God, Kansas City, Mo.; the dIffICultIes that face the y. display followed by the showing Jesus, will be played by Mrs. iopportunity to wish one and April 25, First Church of God, N., and he compared them wlth of several films-"God of Crea­ Rosa Lee McElroy for her second all a .happy Easter. Wichita, Kans.; April 26, First the campus assembly. tion," "God of the Atom," and season. (Continued on Page 2) Mr. Eldridge said that at Ahd- others yet to be named. _______-'- ___-..;. __________________---;- ___--:':..-______ erson all delegates speak the Highlighting the day of. activi­ same language, but we should ties. will be a banquet in the try to imagine how dif.ficult it cafeteria at which a renowned . is to carryon proceedings where speaker 'in the field of science there are 59 nations and almost will discuss the relation of that many different languages science . to students. For the spoken. He challenged the group group having the top exhibits, by stating that it is up to the a. 17 -inch. gold and ivory cup is people rep:resented by the U. N. to be ~warded. to bring about peace despite Specific places to be toure~ on these differences_ ' the campus include: gymnaslum~ recreation hall, Morrison hall, music hall and the government 'SPEAKERS ANALYZE building, Committees working on the BUSINESS PROBLEMS project are: Program-Dr. Jo~ Buehler,' Myrl Ahrendt, Miss Under the direction of Victor Hurlbut Miss Theo Reynolds J. Wiric1 instructor in business and Ja~k Weaver; publicit)T­ education, the marke~ing class is Oran Pass Dan Bedsole, Joe sponsoring a series of outside lec­ Batdorf, Glenn Sands, Earl V:~l­ tures this semester. During each osky, Jim Austin, Charles Klme class session last week a visiting and Carl Faldon; tickets-Paul speaker headed diScussion on Ward. contemporary problems in bus­ iness. STUDENTS GUESTS OF On Monday, Clay Riley, adver­ .tising manager for The Anderson INDIANA UNIVERSITY Daily Bulletin, spoke to the class A group of senior and junior on the '''Place of Advertising in students from Anderson College, Marketing." His remarks depicted interested in social w~rk, !ast· advertising as an, instrument in week took' an observatlOn fleld distribution. \ . trip to Indianapolis under t?-e "Operation of the New York auspices of the Student AssocJa­ THE 40-VOICE ANDERSON COLLEGE CHOIR, heard weekly from over the Stock Exchange;" was the topic tion, the Alumni Associ,etion an~. "Christian Brotherhood Hour," has marked out a busy schedule for April. Activities for the discussed Friday by Robert Beck, the faculty of the Indl~na Um-' representative of ithomson and v'ersity Division of SOCIal Serv- month include a halfwhout" broadeast over the CBS network, presentation of a cantata at Park Place and the. annual spring tour. McKinnon, , brokers. ice. WEDNESDAY, MARCH u, 19i~: THE ANDERSONIAN PAGE TWO ~~ GONE FOREVER WlltlClltlDIJ ,. Tile lion's Den You were mine for awhile­ By DANIELt Your charms I tried to hold; ~~~~~~~~~~~~I~ AHDi:RSONIAN April ~chauer's may come your, Without a word you left, way. I didn't know that Homer' Greetings all you dandruff You did aliso bold. ridden Ravens. Dandruff. that's had a sister, but I hear that she those little whiteish dots that is bringing May Flours.
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