INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CLIMATE CHANGE (ISCC) List of Participants 31 March - 3 April, 2003 Beijing, China List of ISCC Participants Bulgaria Christine ACHBERGER Phone: (+359-2) 975 3986 (ext.455) Ph D student Fax: (+359-2) 988 4494 Dept. of Earth Sciences mailto:[email protected] Physical Geography Goteborg University Mr. Younis AL-FENADI Box 460, S-405 30 Goteborg, Sweden Student from Libyan Tel: ++46-31-7731962 Department of Meteorology, mailto:[email protected] 17 Leighton Court, Earley, RG6 5SG, Reading The United Kingdom Prof. AN Zhisheng Tel: 0118 376 5816 Chinese Academy of Sciences Mobile:07919254545 Xi'an 710025, China mailto:[email protected] Tel: 029-5524749(0); 029-5262121(h) WMO rote in controlling climate change Prof. Sharad P. ADHIKARY Bohloul ALIJANI Himalayan Climate Centre P. 0. Professor of Synoptic Climatology Box 10872 Kathmandu, Nepal Department of Geography Teacher Tel: + 977 1 434 741 Fax: 977 1 Training University Mofatteh 482 008 Avenue, Tehran IRAN mailto:[email protected] Telefax: 0098261-45796002480 mailto:[email protected]; mailto:[email protected] Dr. Janvier AGBADJAGAN Service Meteorologigue du Benin Asecna- Dr. John David ALL meteo BP 96 cotonou Benin West Western Kentucky University Africa 1 Big Red Way, Western Kentucky University, Tel: (229) 300292/301413 Department of Geography and Geology, Bowling Fax: (229) 300839 Green, Kentucky, 42101, USA Tel: 270 745 5975 Fax: 270 745 6410 mailto:[email protected] Sergey Mihailovich ALEKSEEV Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation 6 Ilyinka str. MOSCOW 103684, Russia Tel: 787-0459 Fax: 787-0459 mailto:[email protected]; Dr. Keith ALVERSON mailto:[email protected] Executive Director 66 Tzarigradsko shose Blvd., BG-1784 Sofia, PAGES International Project Office Dr. Vesselin ALEXANDROV Barenplatz 2, 3011 Bern, Switzerland National Institute of Meteorology Hydrology and http://www.pages-igbp.org Tel (office): +41 31 312 31 33 2 Tel (direct): +41 31 312 31 54 9919-9276 mailto:[email protected] Fax: +4131312 31 68 mailto:[email protected] Ms. BAI Meilan Inner Mongolia Climate Center Ms. Dymphina Kwamboka ANDIMA Hubhot, 010051 China Tel: 86- KARL-Regional research Centre, Kisii Box 0471-6516333-5362 Fax: 86- 523, Kisii, Kenya Tel: 254-2-733-837921 0471-6525021 Fax: 254-2-381-31056 mailto:[email protected] Dr. Dale BARKER NCAR/RAP Dr. Richard A. ANTHES 1850 Table Mesa Drive President Boulder CO 80305 University Corporation for Atmospheric U.S.A. Research (UCAR) Telephone: (303) 497-8422 P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307 Fax: (303) 497-8401 Tel: 303-497-1652 Fax: 303-497- mailto:feichen@ucaredu 1654 mailto:[email protected] Dr. Punsalmaa BATIMA Dr. Watita ARIYAPHANPHITAK Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, School of Energy and Materials Building, NAMHEM, Mongolia King Mongkut's University of Technology Khudaldaany gudamj-5 Thonburi, Ulaanbaatar-46, Mongolia Fax: 91Parchauthit Rd. Bangmod, Tungkru, Bangkok, 976-1-326611 or 329966 10140, Thailand mailto:[email protected] Tel: 66-2-4708309-10 Ext. 4115, Fax: 66-2-8726736, 66-2-4279634 Dr. Stefan BECKER mailto:[email protected] Geographisches Institut, Universität Giessen Senckenbergstr. 1, D-35390 Giessen, Germany Moetasim ASHFAQ Tel.: 0049-641-99 36264 Fax: 0049-641-99 Research Fellow 36259 mailto: [email protected] Global Change Impact Studies Centre giessen.de Post Box 3022, Islamabad, Pakistan Tel: 92-51-9219785 Fax: 92-51-9219787 Mrs. Bold BOLORTSETSEG mailto:[email protected] NAMHEM, Mongolia Khudaldaany gudamj-5 Dr. Dolgorsuren AZZAYA Ulaanbaatar-46, Mongolia Fax: NAMHEM, Mongolia 976-1-326611 or 329966 Khudaldaany gudamj-5 Ulaanbaatar-46, Mongolia Fax: 976-1-326611 or 329966 Dr. Badarch M. Director of Mongolian Nature. and Environment Consortium 210526 Ulaanbaatar, PO 388, Mongolia Tel: 976-11-310342 Mobile phone: 976- 3 Mr. Yadowsun BOODHOO Analysis The president of CCI/WMO, Lund University Meteorological Services, Solvegatan 13 St. Paul Road ACOAS Mauritius 22361 Lund, Sweden Tel: (+230) 686 1031 Fax: (+230) Tel: 0046 46 223830 (o), 149234(h) 686 1033 mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] Mr. Paulo Lazaro Ortiz BULTO Center of Climate. Institute of Meteorological Dr Isabella BORDI (INSMET). Cuba. Department of Physics, Edificio Fermi Loma de Casablanca. Carretera del. asilo. Municipio University of Rome La Sapienza Piazzale Regla. La Habana, Cuba Tel: 537-867-0718 A.Moro 5 Fax: 537-33 8010 00185 Roma, Italy Fax: mailto: [email protected] ..0039-064454858 Tel: ..0039-064991-3527 Ms. CAI Jingning mailto:[email protected] Department of Atmospheric Sciences, School of Physics, Peking University Beijing, 100089, China Cynthia A. BRADY Tel: +86-10-62755568 U. S. Department of State, mailto:[email protected] Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs OES/EGC Room 4330, 2201 Mr. CAI Xuezhan C Street, N. W. Washington, DC 20520 Meteorological Observatory of Fujian Province, Tel: 202-647-2425 Fuzhou 350001, China Fax: 202-647-0191 Tel: +86-0591-3330514 Fax: mailto:[email protected] +86-0591-3345408 mailto:[email protected] Dr. Guy P. BRASSEUR, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Mr. Sekouba CAMARA Bundesstr 55, 20146 Hamburg, Germany World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Tel: 0049-40-41173-421 Fax: 0049-40- Direction Nationale de la Meteorologie BP : 566 - 41173-430 E-mail. [email protected] Conakry - Republique de Guinee. Tel: (224) 45 48 15 45 21 06 Fax: (224) 41 35 77 Prof. Lino BRIGUGLIO mailto:[email protected] Dept of Economics, FEMA, University of Malta, Malta Prof. CAO Hongxing Tel: 356 3290 2735 Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Fax: 356 21.340335 CMA, Beijing, 100081, China Tel: +86-10- mailto: [email protected] 68408360 or 68408947 mailto:[email protected] Sara BROGAARD (PhD Student) Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem 4 Mr. CAO Naihe Shanghai Typhoon Institute Rugao Meteorological Bureau, Jiangsu Province, Shanghai, 200030, China Fax: Rugao, China +86-021-64391966 Tel: +86-0513-7652683 mailto:[email protected] Mr. CHEN Dagang Beijing Meteorological Bureau Dr. David CARSON Beijing, 100089, China Joint Planning staff World Climate Research Prpgramme c/o Dr. CHEN Dehui World Climate Research Programme c/o Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, World Meteorological Organization CMA, Beijing, 100081, China Tel: +86-10- Ibis, avenue de la Paix,Case Postale No. 2300 68408074 CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland Tel: +4122 730 Fax: +86-10-62176430 8246 mailto:[email protected] Fax: +4122 730 8036 mailto:carson [email protected] Dr. Deliang CHEN Physical Meteorology, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Mr. CHAE Son Suk Goteborg University, Sweden Box 460, 405 30 Researcher, Central Meteorological Institute, State Göteborg, Sweden. Tel: +46-31-7734813; Hydrometeorological Administration Oesong-dong, Fax: +46-31-7731986 Central District, Pyongyang, DRP of Korea mailto: [email protected] Tel: (850-2) 321-4539, Fax: (850-2) 381-4410/4416 Dr. Fei CHEN NCAR/RAP Prof. Johnny C. L. CHAN 1850 Table Mesa Drive Laboratory for Atmospheric Research Boulder CO 80305, U.S.A. Dept. of Physics & Mat. Sci., City University Telephone: (303) 497-8422 of Hong Kong Fax: (303) 497-8401 83 Tat Chee Ave., Kowloon, Hong Kong, China Tel: mailto:[email protected] 852-2788-7820 Fax: 852-2788-7830 Dr. CHEN Haishan mailto: [email protected] Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing Institute of Meteorology, Mr. CHAN Li Nanjing 210044, China' Tel: +86-025- Xinjiang Institute of Biology and Geography 8731022 Fax: +86-025-7792468 CAS, China mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected] [email protected] Prof. CHAO Jiping, Dr. CHEN Juying State Oceanic Administration (SOA), Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China CMA, Beijing, 100081, China Tel: +86-10- Tel: 62173631 (0); 64712836 (11) 68406766 Dr. CHEN Bomin 5 Fax: +86-10-62175931 Mr. CHEN Xing mailto:[email protected] Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210093, China Tel: +86- Prof. CHEN Lianshou 025-3592575 Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, mailto:[email protected]; [email protected] CMA, Beijing, 100081, China Tel: 68407056 Fax: +86-10-62175931 Dr. Youmin CHEN Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Mr. CHEN Liting Potsdam. Germany Heilongjiang Provincial Meteorological Bureau Potsdam Inst. for Climate Impact Research Harbin, 150030 China, Telegrafenberg A51, P.O. Box 60 12 03 D- Tel: +86-0451-5333032 14412 Potsdam, Germany Tel: 49 331 288 Fax: +86-0451-5333031 2626 Fax: 49 331 288 2695 mailto: mailto:[email protected] [email protected] Prof. CHEN Longxun Prof. CHEN Zhenghong Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Hubei Institute of Meteorological Sciences CMA, Beijing, 100081, China Tel: +86-10- Wuhan, 430074, China Tel: +86-027-76450243 68406758/88541452 Fax: +86-10-62176793 Fax: +86-027-87456223 mailto:lxchen@ 163bj.com mailto:[email protected] Prof. ShuHua CHEN Prof. Hyo CHOI, Dept of Land, Air, and Water Resources (President of Korean Environmental Sciences University of California One Shields Society) Avenue Hoagland Hall Dept. of Atmospheric Environmental Sciences Davis, CA 95616, U.S.A Kangnung National University Kangnung, Telephone: (303) 497-8422 Kangwondo 210-702, Korea Fax: (303) 497-8401 mailto:[email protected] Tel: +82- mailto:[email protected] 33-652-0356 (same as Fax No.) Handyphone: +82-17-374-0357 Mr. CHEN Song Beijing Meteorological Bureau. Prof. CHOU Jifan Beijing 100089, China Tel: +86- National Satellite Meteorological Center, 10-68414488-6379 China Meteorological Administration Beijing 100081, China Tel: 68407897 (0), Ms. CHEN X~anyan 68406231 (H) Beijing Meteorological Bureau Beijing, 100089, China Tel: +86-10- Yong-Seung CHUNG 68414488-6236 Korea-China Centre for Atmospheric Research mailto:[email protected] Khangnae, Chongwon, Choongbook 363-891, Korea. Tel: +82-43-233-0002 6 Fax: +82-43-232-1100 China Meteorological Administration, mailto: [email protected] Beijing, 100081, China Tel: +86-10- 68408676 Fax: +86-10-62180679 Dr.
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