HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY 13. tU lAa/iu2^ litHH^yJU^ VJ, /92.S. NOV 27 1923 SIXTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIE'W CHARTERED IN 1895 OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY A PUBLIC ZOOLOGICAL PARK THE PRESERVATION OF OUR NATIVE ANIMALS THE PROMOTION OF ZOOLOGY 19 11 NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE SOCIETY, 11 WALL STREET JANUARY, 1912 Copyright, 1912, bt THE NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY H. C. SMITH & CO. New York CONTENTS Board of Managers 9 Officers of the Society 11 Officers of the Zoological Park and Aquarium . 12 Members of the Society 13 Report of the Executive Committee 33 Treasurer's Reports Income Account 55 Maintenance Fund 56 Ground Improvement Fund (Appropriation No. 5) .57 Animal Fund 59 Stokes' Bird Fund 59 Heads and Horns 60 Library Fund 60 Aquarium Maintenance Fund 61 Aquarium Improvement Fund—Revenue Bond No. 1 . 61 Aquarium Improvement Fund—Corporate Stock No. 4 61 Endow^ment Fund 62 Endowment Fund Account 63 Audit Company's Report 64 Auditing Committee's Report 65 Report of the Director .... W T. Honiadaij 67 Report of the Director : Aquarium Cha lies H. Toivnseiid 99 List of Gifts Zoological Park . 108 Heads and Horns . 116 Aquarium . 118 Documents .... Articles of Incorporation 123 By-Laws 126 Index 133 ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE White-Tailed Deer Frontispiece Gorilla 34 New Bear Dens 38 House for Wild Equines 38 Eagle and Vulture Aviary 42 Mackay Collection 66 Tasmanian Wolf 70 Cape Hunting Dog .70 Eared Vulture 74 Rattlesnake Den 78 Brown Parrot-Fish 100 Spot Snapper 100 Scamp 104 Mud Parrot-Fish 104 Mmvh of iHanagpra The Mayor of the City of New York. Ex-officu>: \ [ The President Dep't of Parks, City of New York. CLASS OF 1913 F. Augustus Schermerhorn, Frederick Gilbert Bourne, Percy R. Pyne, W. Austin Wadsworth, George B. Grinnell, Emerson McMillin, George C. Clark, Anthony R. Kuser, Cleveland H. Dodge, Watson B. Dickerman, C. Ledyard Blair, Mortimer L. Schiff. CLASS OF 1914 Henry Fairfield Osborn, James J. Hill, William C. Church, George F. Baker, Lispenard Stewart, Grant B. Schley, H. Casimir de Rham, Wm. Pierson Hamilton, Hugh D. Auchincloss, Robert S. Brewster, Charles F. Dieterich, Edward S. Harkness. CLASS OF 1915 Levi P. Morton, Henry A. C. Taylor, Andrew Carnegie, Hugh J. Chisholm, John L. Cadwalader, Frank K. Sturgis, Madison Grant, George J. Gould, William White Niles, Ogden Mills, Samuel Thorne, Lewis Rutherfurd Morris. OFFICERS OF THE N^ui fnrk Xonlngiral ^ortpty President: Henry Fairfield Osborn. f^irst Vice-President: Second Vice-President: Samuel Thorne. John L. Cadwalader. Secretary: Treasurer: Madison Grant Percy R. Pyne, 11 Wall Street, 30 Pine Street. Madison Grant, Chairman. Percy R. Pyne, Levi P. Morton, Samuel Thorne, Wm. Pierson Hamilton, William White Niles, Frank K. Sturgis, LisPENARD Stewart, Henry Fairfield Osborn, ex-officio. Aubtttng (Hiiumtittrr Hugh D. Auchincloss, Chairman. William White Niles. C. Ledyard Blair. Director of the Zoological Park: William T. Hornaday, 183d Street and Southern Boulevard. Director of the Aquarium: Charles H. Townsend. Architects: La Farge & Morris. Co7isulting Engineer: II. De B. Parsons. ®fiirrrH nf tl|p 2onIagtral Park William T. Hornaday, Sc.D., Director and General Curator. H. R. Mitchell, W. Reid Blair, D.V.S., Raymond L. Ditmars, H. W. Merkel, C. William Beebe, Elwin R. Sanborn, Lee S. Crandall, George M. Beerbower. (iflSrpra of X\\i Aquarium Charles H. Townsend, Director. Raymond C. Osburn Robert Sutcliffe W. I. De Nyse Aquarium (Enmmittcr Charles H. Townsend, Chairman. Charles L. Bristol, Edmund B. Wilson, Bashford Dean, Roswell Morse Shurtleff. Alfred G. Mayer, Cleveland H. Dodge, Thomas H. Morgan, Charles B. Davenport. M EMBERS JJfui fnrk Znnlngtral ^nrtFty. January 1st, 1912. Hfonnrary UJembrrB. *Prof. Alexander Agassiz^ Sir William Flower, Prof. J. A. Allen^ *Dr. F. L. Hoest, The Duke of Bedford, Sir Edmund G. Loder, Herr F. E. Blaauw, Dr. C. Hart Merriam, *I\Ir. Arthur Erwix Browk, Hon. Lionel Walter Rothschild, Dr. Fraxk yi. Chapman, Dr. Philip Lutlev Sclater, Prof. Daniel Giraud Elliot, Mr. Frederick Couhteney Selous. iSpnrfartora. Baker, George F., liOCKEFELLER, WiLLIAM, Dodge, Cleveland H., Schiff, Jacob H., KusER, Col. Anthony R., Thorne, Saimuel. Morgan, J. Pierpon r. iFnunbrrH in Prrprtttttg. Bourne, Frederick G., Morton. Hon. Levi P., * Barney, Charles T., Pyne, Percy R., Cadwalader, John L., Robinson, Nelson, Carnegie, Andrew, Rockefeller. John D., Dieterich, Charles F., Tayior, Henry A. C, Gould, George J., Stewart, Lispenard, Hill, James J., Thompson, Mrs. Frederick F., Mills, Ogden. *Thorne, Miss Phoebe Anna, Mackay, Clarence H., 'Whitney. Hon William C. JFmtnbpra. Archbold, John D., Perkins, George AV., *AvERY, Samuel P., Rainey, Paul J., *Barnes, John S., Schermerhoan, F. Augustus, Berwind, Edward J., Schiff, Mortimer L., Brewster, Robert S., Schley, Grant B., Clark, George Crawford, Sloane. Williasi D., *Dodge, William E., *Stokes, ]Miss Caroline Phelps, *GoELET, Robert, Sturgis. Frank K., Gould, Miss Helen ]Miller, Trevor, ^NIiss Ejiily, Harkness, Edward S., Trevor, Mrs. John B., *Huntington, C. p., *Vanderbilt, Cornelius, McMiLLiN, Ejierson, Vanderbilt, Williaji K., *Ottendorfer. Oswald, W^ooD, Mrs. Antoinette Eno. Payne, Col. Oliver H., ^Deceased. 14 NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY AaHariatr iFnititbrra. *Babcock, SAjruKi. D., OsBORX, Prof. Henry Fairftei d, Blair, C. Leuyard, RHINEI.ANnER, MiSS SerEX A, *Carteu, James C, *ScHUYT.ER, Philip, Chisholm, Hugh J., Schuyler, Mrs. Philip, DC Rham, H. Casimir, Sturgis, Mrs. Fraxk K., *Crocker. George, Tiffany & Company, *Jesup, Morris K., ^'axderbilt, corx'eltus. J^atrnna. *Arxold, Hicks, Morris, Newboi.d, AucHixcLoss, Mrs. Hugh D., *MoRRis, A. Newbold, Barney, James W., *Morris, Mrs. A. Newbold, * Bliss, Corx'elius N., OsBORX, William Church, *Bliss, George T., *Osborx', Mrs. William H., Broxson, Edgar Beecher, Poor, Hexry W., Clark, Mrs. George Crawfcud, *Py'xe, Mrs. Percy R., *CoxsTABLE, Frederick A., Ryax-, Thomas F., "Cook, Hexry H., *schermerhcrx, wlt.liabi c, Ehret, George, Seligmax, Isaac Newtox, * Flower, Roswell P., ^Sexff, Charles H., Ford, James B., Simpson, Miss Jean Walker, Ford, J. Howard, *Stickney, Joseph, Gould, Jr., Edwin, Stickney, Mrs. Joseph, Harkxess, Charles W., Taylor. Jr., James B., Harrisox", Jr., George L., Thorxe, Edwin, Hawkes, Mrs. McDougall, Thorne, Frax'cis B., *Havemeyer, Hexry O., Thorxe, Hexry S., Havemeyer, William F., Thorx-e, Joel W., * Hewitt, Abram S., Thorxe, Landon K., Horxaday, William T., Thorne, Jr., Samuel, House, Edward J., Thorne, S. Brix^ckerhom. *Hoffman, Very Rev. E. A., Thorxe, Victor C, *Iselin, Adrian, *Thorx'e. William, *James, D. Willis, T.TADER, Mrs. Margaret T., James, Norman, *TwoMBLY, H. McK. James, Dr. Walter B., Von Post, Herman C, Jenxixgs, Miss A. B., *Webb, William H., *Lewis, Mrs. George, * Wolff, A., Mayer, Dr. Alfred G., Whitxey. Harry. ICifr Mtmhvrs. Adams, Edward Dean, "Barnes, Miss Cora F., Agnew, Cornelius R., Barxes, Miss Mildred, Agxew, George B., Beebe, C. WiLLIAjM, Andrews, Coxstant A., Bell, Mrs. C. M., Andrews, J. Sherlock, Bell, Gordox Kx'^ox, AucHiNCLoss, Hugh D., Belmoxt, August, *Ballantine, Robert F., Betts, Samuel Rcssiter, Barbour, Thomas, Bishop, Heber Regixai.d, Barbour, William, Bird, Charles Sumner, Barhydt, Mrs. P. Hackley, *Blackford, Eugene, G., *Deceasecl. SIXTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT 15 lil.AlR, Du. W. Rei.), Dressler, Oscar, BoLDT, Geouge C, DuBois, Miss Ethel, BoxD, Fraxk S., DuBois, Miss Katherine, Booth. Wii.i.iaji H., DuBois, William A., BouRY, Louis J., DuGMOuE, A. Radclyffe, BowDOiN, George S., Dux'iiam, Edward K., Bradley, J. R., DuxscoMBE, George Ellsworth, BrixsmadEj Charles I>Y3iax, Dwyer, Thomas, Brown, George McKessex, Edgar, Newbold, ^ Bruce, Miss Matilda W., Elliot, Sasiuel, Burdex, 2xD, Hexry, Ellis, W. Dixox, BURRAGE, CaI'T. GuY H., Ely', Ambrose K., Bushxell, Joseph, Exo, Amos F., Butler, William Mill, Fairchild, Hon^. Charles S., Cammax'x, George P., Fearix'G, George R., Cajip, Hugh N., Fergusox", Mrs. Farquhar, Cauldwei.l, Du. Charles Mii.raxk. Fergusox, Miss May, Chanler, Wixthrop, Field, Cortlaxdt de Peysteu, CiiAPix, Chester W., Fisher, Mrs. Hex'ry J., Chapix', Charles M., Fleitmaxx, William Medlicot CHisH0L:>r, Jr., Hugh J., Flixt, Charles R., *Church, E. Dwight, Ford, Hexuy, Church, Mrs. Nellie E., P'rexch, S. Bartox', Church, Willard, Gerry, Elbridge T., Church, Williaxi Cox^^axt, Goodwix, James J., Clark, F. A:\ihrose, Gould, George H., Clarksox, Baxyer, Graxt, Madisox, CoE, William R., Grixxell, George Bird, CoFFix, Charles A., Guggexheim, S. R., Colgate, AVillia.-ni, Guxther, Berxard G., Collier, Robert J., GUXTHER, FrAXKLIN L., CoLLORD, George W., Guthrie, Wm. D., *CoLLORu, Mrs. George W., Hagexbeck, Caul, *Cox"yxgham, William I>., Hamiltox', Wm. Piersox, Cook, C. T., Hardixg, J. Horace, corxixg, johx j., Harkxess, Mrs. S. V., *CoxE, Davies, Harrah, Charles J., CoxE, Mrs. Alice McC, Harris, Alax C, Craxe, Zex'as, Hart, Fraxk, Crimmixx's, Johx' D., Haupt, Dr. Louis, cuyler, c. c, *Havex, George G., *Davis, E. W., Hearx'^, Geouge A., Davis, Johx W. A., *Hexdersox, Charles R., DE Coppett, Edward J., *HiGGixsox', James J., Deerix^g, Charles, Hill, Hugh, Delafield, Albert, Hoe, Richard M., *DE Rham, Charles, Hoe, Mrs. Richard M., DiCKERMAN, WaTSOX' B., HoPKixs, George B., Dickey, Charles D., Hubbard, Thomas H., DissTox, Jr., Hexry, HuxTixGTOK, Archer M., Ditmars, R. L., Hyde, James H., Dodge, George Eglestox', Jacksox, Theodore F., Dodge, Marcellus Hartley, Jexxix'GS, Oliver G., Doelger, Charles P., Jesup, Mrs. Morris K., Doelger, Peteu,
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