AUGUST, 1909 .~;, Railroad - Dep~rtm(n-l ,. .: ~:- .· , . y. JV\. (. A. , .. BUILDERS' HARDWARE ABSOLUTELY EUROPEAN FIREF;tOOF TH£ PLAN ~o't'EL Ess~~ For every need and of the highest BOSTON quality in every class New Britain, Conn. DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE SOUTH STATION CONVENIENT TO BUSINESSCENTii:RB AND RUBLIC INSTITUTIONS ACCOMMODATIONS, CATERING AND OUR HOME DOOR CHECK SERVICE UNSURPASSED is the only appliance of its kind that with­ WRITE FOR BOOKLET. stands the hard use of railway service. 1-- ~ - ' . PINT~Cn LltiHT (LfCTRIC LltiHT Car Lighting by the PINT~cn Axle Driven Dqnomo~y~tem ~ \'~ Tf)1 with perfected -;iO­ of electric lighting. l:quip­ gle mantle lamp~. ment~ either ~old or oper­ Co~t-Ooe cent per hour. ated under contract. , ~T(A~ HfAT Car Heating by controllable direct steam and water circulating systems, steam tight couplers, traps, train pipe valves and other appliances. Thermo- Jet System where pressure is not desired. , SAF.ETY CAR HEATING & LIGHTING COMPANY,.. 2 RECTOR STREET, NEW YORK ,- Chicago Philadelphia St. Louis Boston Berkeley, Cal. Atlanta Montreal I T - ' 1Rew lJlorlit 1Rew lba"en anb lbartforb 1Railroab 1Rews. VoL. XII NEW HAVEN, CONN., AUGUST, 1909 No. 10 Train Service To_ The Boats. Brockton) anrl :\liddleboro to the "new road" (just completed under title of Dighton & "Old Colony Passenger Station. Fall River Line to New York" was the way the big signs Somerset) through Randolph and Taunton. used to read which hung for years on either The following in regard to the steamboat train over the "new road" and a description side of the Old Colony Depot at the corner of the towns through which it passed is taken of South and Kneeland streets in Boston. from Leonard's "Travelers' Instructor," edi­ \ Vhen the steamboat line between New York tion September, 1868: and Fall River was opened it became necessary "Boston and X cw York via Old Colony and to insure success that a connection should be Newport Hailway. Passenger trains leave Bos­ made with Boston by rail. ton for Newport at 8:30 A. 1\.I. and 4:30 and At that time there had been completed a 5 :30 P. l\I. i\. R. Porter, E. B. Harrington, railroad from Fall River to South Braintree, T. J. ClaAin and IV. D. Jones, Conductors. known as the Fall River Railroad. At South Passenger trains leave X ewport for Boston at Braintree connection was made with the Old 4 :00 and 7 :4:5 A. i\I. and 3 :00 P. 1\I. Colony Railroad, which had been opened from Express passenger trains for :01 cw York Boston to Plymouth in 1845, which road via Taunton, Fall River and Newport, leave took the Fall River Railroad trains into Bos­ Boston at ..J. :30 and 5 :30 P. i\1. and are due ton, so that the first steamboat train between at Newport at 7 :10 and 7 :.J.O, connecting with Boston and Fall River ran over two distinct steamboat Old Colony, Captain Augustus N. and separate railroads, the Old Colony from Miller, on :\fondays, \Vednesdays and Fri­ Boston to South Braintree, and the Fall River days; with steamboat X ewport, Captain Wil­ l{ailroad from South Braintree to Fall River, liam Brown, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat­ and it. will be noted that the route between urdays, ~hich are due in New York about 6 :00 Boston and Fall River was a different one than o'clock the next morning, ,in time to connect is used by the steamboat express trains of to­ with early trains and boats for the Korth, day. South and \\'est. Supper is served on the The first record of a "boat train" appears in boats on arri\·al of each train. the Old Colony Railroad time-table, in effect The cars of this route are first class in Tllay Hl, 1847, which reads as follows: "Ac­ every detail. Particular attention is invited commodation trains for Fall River leave Bos­ to the new and elegant English railway car­ ton at 7 A. l\1. and 4 P . M. Steamboat train at riages attached to each steamboat train-the 5 P. l\1." first in the country They arc divided into In 1855 the Old Colony and the Fall River apartments seating eight persons each, espec­ Railroad consolidated under the name of Old ially adapted for families or parties who wish Colony and Fall River Railroad, and on the to travel in seclusion. They are elegantly up­ time-table of the Old Colony and Fall River, holstered, and run very quiet and easy, being in effect February 13, 1856, the "Steamboat mounted upon trucks of peculiar construction, Passenger" is shown as leaving Boston 5 :30 and arc much superior in finish and appoint­ p. m., arriving Fall River 7:15 p. m. In 1864 ment to rail\\'ay carriages in ordinary use on the Old Colony and Fall River Railroad con­ foreign railways. Have been very popular solidated with the Newport and Fall River since their introduction. Smoking cars at­ Railroad (then building) under the name Old tached to each train. The following stations Colony and Newport Railroad, and the time­ are enroutc between Boston and Newport: table of the 0. C. & N. R. R. of April 17, Crescent Avenue, Savin Hill, Harrison Square, 186:5, is the first showing the time through :01 eponset and \\'oil aston. These places arc ·to 1'\ewport. On the time-table of April 29, chiefly noted as suburban homes of people 1867, the boat train was changed from the doing business in Boston. They are located "old road" through North Bridgewater (now in the ancient town of Dorchester, which was 174 NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN AND HARTFORD RAILROAD NEWS. settled and incorporated in 1630 by emigrants of the United States- John Adams and John from Plymouth in England. Dorchester is Quincy Adams, his son. Also as the homes of agreeably diversified by hills and valleys, and John Hancock, Josiah Quincy, and our late the soil is generally rich and highly cultivated. minister to Great Britain, lion. Charles Its fertile hills have been taken advantage of Francis Adams. The old 'Adams House' is for beautiful building sites, commanding a standing in a good state of preservation. fine view of the islands and waters at the head of Massachusetts Bay. Savin Hill is situated BR.\1 NTHEE AND 1 ORTII BRAINTREE. between the inlets from Dorchester Bay, and is a place of some resort. Commercial Point is This town originally included Quincy and '1 place of some note, a little south of Savin Randolph. The first settlement was made as Hill, as is also the Peninsula of Squantum, on early as 162:>. It was incorporated in 1610. the opposite shore. The first water mill in this The Marriquot River, after passing through country was erected in Dorchester in 1633. this town and affording many mill sites, meets Dorchester Heights, celebrated in Revolution­ the tide waters of Weymouth Fore River at ary annals, are two hills a short distance from Braintree Landing. Excellent granite is each other, on the eastern extremity of the found in the town. The South Shore Railway Peninsula of Dorchester Point, now within diverges here for Hingham, Cohasset and way the limits of South Boston. A most excellent stations. view of the surrounding country and of the SOUTH BRAINTREE. \!arbor of Boston is obtained from the sum­ mit of these heights. General Washington Two miles south of this place the Old fortified them during the time the British Colony Railway diverges in two directions, the troops held Boston, compelling them to evacu­ old road for l\'ewport via Bridgewater and ate the city. i\liddleboro, and for the Cape Cod Railway, and the other (the new ro8d) via Taunton, QUINCY AND QUINCY ADAMS connecting again a few miles north of Fall River Express trains for Newport go via Was first settled in 1G':!5 by a Captain Taunton on the road formerly called the Wollaston, and from him was named Mount 'Dighton and Somerset Railway' and incorpo­ Wollaston. He bi!came discouraged, and rated in 1864. This route saves several miles returned to England, and his successor, in distance between the two rities. A railway Lieutenant Filcher, was compelled to leave also connects for Plymouth from South Brain­ the plantation by Thomas Morton, who tree. excited sedition against him. Morton and his associates rioted and disturbed the peace and RANDOLPH sold fire-arms to the Indians. This alarmed 'vVas incorporated as a town in 1793. Boots other plantations and Captain Standish came and shoes are the principal manufactured ar­ from Plymouth to Mount ·wollaston and dis­ ticles. Farming is extensively carried on. persed the rioters. Morton was sent back to England. Quincy was incorporated as a town STOUGHTON in 1792. It received its name from Mr Ed­ mund Quincy, one of the early inhabitants of \Vas originally a part of Dorchester, and Boston. The southwestern part of this town embraced within its limits the present towns forms, with but little exception, a complete of Canton, Sharon and Foxboro. It was in­ body of granite rock, rising six hundred feet corporated in 1720. It has a large and varied above the level of the sea. Blocks of this business. granite weighing three hundred tons have been NoRTH EAsToN. quarried. The first railway in America was here put into operation in 1826, to transport North Easton is noted for the most ex­ this granite from its bed to tide-water on tensive shovel and spade works in the United Neponset River, three miles distant. The rails States, if not in the world, established half a were of wood six feet apart, firmly laid upon century ago by Olive Ames.
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