Plastic Surgery Considerations for Holoprosencephaly Patients Jennifer M. Hendi, MPH* Robert Nemerofsky, MD* Cynthia Stolman, PhD† Mark S. Granick, MD* Newark, New Jersey Holoprosencephaly (HPE) is considered the lead- and upper lip, with normal or near-normal brain de- ing abnormality of the brain and face in humans velopment. Some data indicate that patients with less and is frequently associated with a wide spectrum severe manifestations of holoprosencephaly (i.e., of specific craniofacial anomalies including mid- semilobar and lobar) have survived into adulthood.3 line facial clefts, cyclopia and nasal irregularities. A A standard course of treatment of holoprosenceph- standard course of treatment has not been devel- aly has not been developed, and treatment is symp- oped and management is symptomatic and sup- tomatic and supportive. portive. In this work, the authors discuss the wide- Few guidelines have been described for surgical ranging spectrum of HPE and propose surgical candidates, resulting in conflicting recommendations guidelines to provide more uniform and appropri- as well as ethical and practical dilemmas for sur- ate care to patients suffering from holoprosenceph- geons. Given the prevalence and the wide-ranging manifestations of this disease, surgical guidelines aly. Assessment of the patient’s brain abnormality should be established to provide more uniform and is essential in determining the extent and benefit of appropriate care to patients suffering from holo- surgical intervention. The authors discuss a median prosencephaly. Assessment of the patient’s brain ab- straight-line repair of the lip and repair of the an- normality is essential in determining the extent and terior palate in a one-year old female and review benefit of surgical intervention. the risks and benefits of surgery. Consistent with the ethical approach of surgical beneficence, the CASE REPORT authors recommend intervention at the earliest pos- sible time. primary pediatrician referred a 1-year-old fe- Amale infant with semilobar holoprosencephaly to plastic surgery for cleft lip and palate repair (Fig Key Words: Holoprosencephaly, median oral facial 1). The patient was born at 32 weeks with semilobar cleft, surgical risks, beneficence, cleft lip repair holoprosencephaly (Fig 2), an absent septum pellu- cidum, a monoventricle, fused thalami, premaxillary oloprosencephaly was first described in agenesis with a midline cleft lip, bilateral optic nerve 1963 and is considered the foremost ab- hypoplasia, and chromosome 8 deletion. The patient normality of the brain and face in human suffered from bilateral hearing loss, bilateral vision beings, with an estimated birth preva- loss, dysphagia, hypotelorism, cerebral palsy, and Hlence of 5 to 12 per 100,000 live births.1 Most cases are seizures. Developmentally, the patient exhibited no associated with severe brain malformations that are verbal output, an inability to sit up, and difficulty in incompatible with life and often cause spontaneous feeding. The mother was anxious to proceed with cor- intrauterine death. Less severely affected babies rective surgery to make the child look more normal. demonstrate a spectrum of defects and malforma- The patient was missing the prolabium and the tions of the brain and face. Holoprosencephaly is fre- anterior prolabial segment of the primary palate. The quently associated with specific craniofacial anoma- columella and nasal septum were also absent. It was lies, including midline facial clefts, cyclopia, and elected to do a repair consisting of a median straight- nasal irregularities.2 Less severe malformations in- line repair of the lip and repair of the anterior palate clude facial defects that may affect the eyes, nose, by sealing off the nasal floor and upper palate (Fig 3). The procedure used a simple straight-line repair. The From the *Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, columella and septal deficiencies were not ad- † and Division of Medical Ethics, Department of Pediatrics, New dressed. There were no surgical complications of the Jersey Medical School-University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, New Jersey. surgery, and blood loss was minimal. The patient’s Address correspondence to Dr Granick, 90 Bergen Street, DOC hospital course was prolonged to deal with feeding 7200, Newark, NJ 07103; e-mail: [email protected]. problems, social issues, and seizure control. For 1 675 THE JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY / VOLUME 15, NUMBER 4 July 2004 Fig 1 A patient with semilobar holoprosencephaly and Fig 3 The patient seen 12 months post-operatively. median oro-facial clefting. cebocephaly; median cleft lip; and less severe facial year after surgery, the patient had a satisfactory es- dysmorphism such as hypotelorism or hypertelor- thetic appearance and was independently feeding ism, lateral cleft lip, and/or iris coloboma. Associ- but had made little additional functional gain. The ated anomalies include a single maxillary central in- mother was pleased with the outcome. The patient cisor, absence of nasal septal cartilage, stenosis of the died 13 months after surgery. pyriform aperture, absence of the labial frenum, and absence of the philtral ridges.4 DISCUSSION Holoprosencephaly is caused by teratogens and oloprosencephaly has been described as the genetic factors. Maternal diabetes, alcohol, and reti- Hmost common major malformation of the brain noic acid are teratogens associated with holopros- and face in human beings. Various gradations of fa- encephaly; however, their significance has not been cial dysmorphism are commonly associated with ho- determined.5 Evidence for genetic causes of holo- loprosencephaly, including cyclopia; ethmocephaly; prosencephaly comes from nonrandom chromosom- al anomalies in regions that have been theorized to contain genes essential for normal forebrain devel- opment.5 As many as 12 chromosomal regions have been implicated in the pathogenesis of holoprosen- cephaly.5 Three classifications of the disease currently ex- ist. Alobar is considered the most severe manifesta- tion, with patients exhibiting premaxillary agenesis and unilateral or bilateral cleft lip. Approximately half of the infants born with this form of the disease die before the age of 4 to 5 months, and 20% to 30% live for at least 1 year.3 Semilobar holoprosencephaly results from less development of the anterior brain structures, with only partial separation into two hemispheres. In this form of the disease, the facial anomalies are mild or absent. Patients with lobar ho- loprosencephaly, considered the least severe expres- sion of the disease, are less clinically abnormal than patients with alobar or semilobar holoprosenceph- aly. These patients may exhibit mild or moderate developmental delay, hypothalamic-pituitary dys- function, or visual problems.6 Fig 2 CT scan demonstrating semilobar holoprosencephaly. Computed tomography findings of the brain 676 PLASTIC SURGERY CONSIDERATIONS FOR HOLOPROSENCEPHALY / Hendi et al coupled with a period of observation can help to ily interaction for a significant additional portion of distinguish patients who will benefit from surgical her life. The surgical procedure was basic and ad- intervention from those who are unlikely to thrive. dressed limited but important goals. Had the patient The degree of treatment performed may be deter- survived and the family requested repair of the col- mined by the extent of the malformation. For in- umella, this could have been accomplished with local stance, patients suffering from mild retardation may flaps.10 Holoprosencephaly patients have a greater benefit most from repair of the false median cleft lip anesthesia risk because of their altered thermoregu- and palate, whereas a patient exhibiting normal or latory ability, depressed seizure threshold, and alter- near-normal mentality with hypotelorism and naso- ation of upper airway anatomy as a result of median maxillary hypoplasia can be treated with simulta- orofacial clefting.11 Nevertheless, in a stable patient, neous midface advancement, facial bipartition ex- anesthesia can be performed safely. pansion, and nasal reconstruction.7 A classification In summary, a holoprosencephaly patient pre- system proposed by Elias et al. identifies patient sented with multiple congenital defects and physi- anomalies, with greater emphasis on the wide spec- ological derangements. The decision to undertake re- trum of midface hypoplasia and false median clefts constructive surgery requires an assessment of the that can exist in the absence of brain malformation.7 patient’s needs and specific anomalies. An assess- The differentiation of these cases from true median ment of altered respiratory, cardiac, and central ner- clefts addresses the embryological origin of the defi- vous system function is required to ensure that pa- cit and, ultimately, more precise guidelines for the tient health is not compromised. Although few surgical management of these patients. guidelines have been established for selecting surgi- Among the dilemmas faced by treating physi- cal candidates, we believe that surgery is warranted cians are the decision to operate, the timing, and the for patients with semilobar and lobar holoprosen- extent of surgery. Given the patient’s limited likeli- cephaly as soon as is practical. The goals of surgery hood of long-term survival, is it ethical to proceed are limited to improving function (i.e., feeding) and with surgery at all? Ethical considerations in support appearance to facilitate
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