TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH FRONTENAC HERITAGE COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA TIME: 6:30 PM, DATE: Thursday, May 2, 2019 PLACE: Council Chambers. 1. Call to Order a) Claire Dodds, Director of Development Services will call the meeting to order and call for nominations for Chair and Vice Chair. 2. Declaration of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof 3. Approval of Minutes a) November 26, 2018 3 - 4 4. Business Arising from the Minutes 5. New Business a) Review of Heritage Committee Terms of Reference 5 - 8 b) Establishing Priorities - Facilitated discussion on priorities setting for 9 the South Frontenac Heritage Committee 6. Upcoming Heritage Events a) Re-Imagining Places of Faith Workshop - June 1, 2019 9:00 am to 10 - 11 4:00 pm b) Ontario Heritage Conference 2019 - https://www.ontarioheritageconference.ca 7. Heritage Resources a) Ontario Heritage Toolkit - http://www.mtc.gov.on.ca/en/heritage/heritage_toolkit.shtml b) Ontario Heritage Trust - https://www.heritagetrust.on.ca c) Autumn 2018 Heritage Matters - http://fliphtml5.com/qnqes/wtfm d) Community Heritage Ontario - https://www.communityheritageontario.ca 8. Information Items a) Dan Petoran, Acting Director, Central Production and Verification 12 - 13 Services Branch, Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, re: Municipal Heritage Committees - Letter of Authority Page 1 of 13 9. Next Meeting: to be determined a) Typically have met the fourth Monday every 2 months - meeting cycle to be determined. 10. Adjournment: Page 2 of 13 Heritage Committee November 26, 2018 Time: 6:30 PM Location: Council Chambers Present: Wilma Kenny, Chair, Councillor Brad Barbeau, Linda Caird, Michael Gemmell, David Jefferies, Mark Millar, Pat Barr Staff: Claire Dodds, Director of Development Services, Angela Maddocks, Deputy Clerk 1. Call to Order a) The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. 2. Declaration of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof a) There were no declarations of pecuniary interest. 3. Approval of Minutes a) July 23, 2018 Minutes Resolution No. 2018-HC-11/26-01 Moved by David Jefferies Seconded by Brad Barbeau THAT the minutes of the July 23, 2018 Heritage Committee meeting be approved. Carried 4. Business Arising from the Minutes a) Update on Ranked Priority Initiatives Wilma Kenny will continue to work on developing the handout for distribution to the public. She will send the complete draft version to committee members for review. Mike Gemmell has researched forms from across Canada, all having their own slant on basic information. The City of Ajax has a good example to use as a guideline and he agreed to meet with Brad Barbeau and draft a form suitable for South Frontenac that will include information on heritage designation processes. Claire Dodds noted the accessibility component to consider when creating forms. b) Community Foundation Grants David Jefferies committed to looking into the grant in the spring of 2019. c) Distribution of Heritage Tool Kits Heritage Tool Kits were given to Pat Barr for the Bedford Heritage Society and to David Jefferies for the Portland District and Area Heritage Society. Two copies will remain at the municipal office and a copy kept on file for public access at the Sydenham Library. Page 3 of 13 Heritage Committee November 26, 2018 5. New Business a) Update on Smiths Falls Annual Heritage Symposium Claire Dodds reviewed her presentation with regard to the village of Brussels, Ontario in Huron County that had been a topic at the symposium in Smiths Falls. The presentation provided highlights on the various ways in which that community guided the upgrading and development of buildings with historical significance. The committee members who had attended the symposium with Ms. Dodds felt it had been very informative and interesting. Claire Dodds reviewed the resources/websites/ publications available to committee members. There is funding allocated in the 2019 budget for some publications and memberships. b) Committee Appointments Existing council members were reminded about the application process for re- apply. There will be advertising on the website and in the Frontenac News regarding all committee appointments. c) Pat Barr noted the upcoming "Heritage House Tour" where homes are decorated for the Christmas season by professionals. The cost is $30.00 per ticket and there is more information available in local newspapers. 6. Next Meeting a) The Director of Development Services will schedule meetings for 2019 once the new committee appointments are confirmed by Council early in the New Year. 7. Adjournment a) Resolution Resolution No. 2018-HC-11/26-02 Moved by Mike Gemmell Seconded by Pat Barr THAT the meeting be adjourned at 7:45 pm. Carried Page 4 of 13 Approved by Council May 1, 2018 South Frontenac Heritage Committee (SFHC) TERMS OF REFERENCE PURPOSE To advise and assist Council on matters relating to Part IV (conservation of properties of architectural and / or cultural heritage value or interest) and Part V (identification of a potential Heritage Conservation District) of the Ontario Heritage Act. Specifically, a Heritage Committee would be engaged: o during the heritage designation process for individual properties and for districts; o on applications to alter heritage designated properties; o on applications to demolish or remove heritage designated properties; o on applications to repeal designation by-law of a heritage designated property. To identify properties and features which have architectural and / or cultural heritage value or interests. To assist with the registration of properties which have been identified as having architectural and / or cultural heritage value or interests. To assist and advise Council on the research, education/training, promotion and celebration of the heritage of South Frontenac and the area’s rural traditions and values. To initiate programs such as interpretive plaques showcasing heritage locations and features, historical walking tours, Doors Open events and similar celebrations of heritage which contribute to the overall sense of place and appeal of South Frontenac as a place to live and visit. To explore financial assistance programs related to the conservation of heritage properties and features. To assist and advise Council on changes to Official Plan policies and Zoning By-law regulations related to heritage matters. To assist and advise Council on proposals for adaptive reuse of properties and features having architectural and / or cultural heritage value or interests. To facilitate and assist with communication with local and regional heritage interests and the exchange of ideas and expertise through cooperation, partnership and consultation. To prepare an Annual Work Plan and Budget estimates for Council’s consideration. To carry out other assigned duties and responsibilities identified by Council related to heritage matters. Reporting Structure The committee reports regularly to the Development Services Committee through the Director of Development Services by means of distribution of minutes and periodic reports and recommendations. Page 5 of 13 Approved by Council May 1, 2018 Composition Committee positions are advertised at the beginning of each council term or as vacancies occur. Council shall appoint one councilor and a minimum of 4 members of the public. The Committee shall have a maximum size of 9 members, including the Council representative but not including the Mayor who shall sit on the Committee as an ex officio, voting member. The Director of Development Services shall sit on the committee as staff resource and a non-voting member. The committee selects a Chair and Vice Chair annually at its first meeting of the calendar year. The Chair and Vice Chair positions must be community members. Vacancies on the Heritage Committee will be advertised and filled as soon as possible. In appointing committee members, Council will seek individuals who have one or more of the following skills sets: o a demonstrated interest in heritage conservation and an ability to work with Council; o an understanding of heritage conservation approaches; o a knowledge of historical research; o a knowledge of heritage construction trades; o an expertise in architectural history; o a knowledge of land use planning; o an understanding of municipal procedures; and, o other related skills. The term of office for members of the committee shall be as per the Township’s Procedural Bylaw The Director of Development Services will be responsible for screening applicants for the Heritage Committee and making recommendations to Council on the best candidates. Meeting Frequency The committee will meet routinely at a minimum of 6 times per year or at the call of the Chair. Quorum: A quorum is considered a majority of the voting members. Meetings are held in Council Chamber’s or at a location as arranged by the Chair. All meetings of the Heritage Committee shall be open to the public. Decision Making/Authority The committee follows Councils procedures for conducting meetings and making decisions as a group. The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act applies to the all members of the committee. The committee will strive for consensus on all items, however if voting is necessary; all members of the committee shall have a vote, a simple majority will decide an issue, questions resulting in a tie vote will be defeated. Page 6 of 13 Approved by Council May 1, 2018 The Committee Chair may seek direction from the Director of Development Services or Senior Staff to assist with
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