IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE THE MUSICAL BOOK & LYRICS BY Keith Ferguson MUSIC BY Bruce Greer FROM THE SCREENPLAY BY FRANCES GOODRICH, ALBERT HACKETT, FRANK CAPRA, AND JO SWERLING 4IPX1FSVTBM 7/13/17 It’s a Wonderful Life - The Musical (1st ed. - 07.11.11) - wonderfullifemusicalgm Copyright © 2011 Keith Ferguson and Bruce Greer ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright Protection. This play (the “Play”) is fully protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America and all countries with which the United States has reciprocal copyright relations, whether through bilateral or multilateral treaties or otherwise, and including, but not limited to, all coun- tries covered by the Pan-American Copyright Convention, the Universal Copyright Convention, and the Berne Convention. Reservation of Rights. 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U.S. copyright law also provides for possible criminal sanctions. Visit the website of WKH86&RS\ULJKW2IÀFH ZZZFRS\ULJKWJRY IRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ THE BOTTOM LINE: If you break copyright law, you are robbing a playwright and opening yourself to expensive legal action. Follow the rules, and when in doubt, ask us. Playscripts, Inc. toll-free phone: 1-866-NEW-PLAY 7 Penn Plaza, Suite 940 email: [email protected] New York, NY 10001 website: www.playscripts.com Cast of Characters (In order of appearance:) JOSEPH’S VOICE FRANKLIN’S VOICE CLARENCE, an Angel BERT, the cop ERNIE, the taxi driver GEORGE BAILEY, our hero JOE HEPNER*, shop owner, Building & Loan customer MR. GOWER, the pharmacist MR. MARTINI, immigrant from Italy MRS. MARTINI, his wife HARRY BAILEY, George’s brother VIOLET BICK, George’s friend MOTHER BAILEY, George’s mother UNCLE BILLY, George’s uncle COUSIN TILLY, Billy’s cousin HENRY POTTER, the richest and meanest man in town POTTER’S GOON, moves Potter around in wheelchair, non-speaking POP BAILEY*, George’s father SAM WAINWRIGHT, George’s friend MARTY HATCH*, Mary’s brother MARY (HATCH) BAILEY, George’s wife MAYOR* of Bedford Falls MR. REINEMAN*, Potter’s employee TOM*, Bailey Building & Loan Board member, customer RUTH DAKIN BAILEY*, Harry’s wife MRS. HATCH*, Mary’s Mother ED*, Building & Loan customer CHARLIE*, Building & Loan customer RANDALL*, Building & Loan customer MRS. THOMPSON*, Building & Loan customer WOMAN 1*, Building & Loan customer WOMAN 2*, Building & Loan customer WOMAN 3*, Building & Loan customer WOMAN 4*, Building & Loan customer MRS. DAVIS*, Building & Loan customer PETE BAILEY, age 9 JANIE BAILEY, age 8 TOMMY BAILEY, age 5 ZUZU BAILEY, age 6 WOMAN 5*, on Main Street MR. CARTER*, the Bank Examiner SHIRLEY*, the Bank Teller SALVATION ARMY MAN* CHORUS of Bedford Falls Townspeople SHERIFF Character Notes Character names in BOLD typeface are singing roles in the script. * indicates roles that are easily taken by chorus members and/or doubled. Acknowledgments It’s a Wonderful Life—The Musical had its World Premiere at the Majestic Theatre in Dallas, Texas, on December 18, 1998. It’s a Wonderful Life–The Musical, The Majestic Theater, Dallas, Texas (2000). It's A Wonderful Life Vocal Ranges GEORGE HARRY & GOWER POTTER œn œn œn V V V œb œb œb MOTHER MARY VIOLET & TILLY œn œn œn & & & œn œb œb SAM UNCLE BILLY CLARENCE œ# œn œn V V V œn œb œn MR. MARTINI MRS. MARTINI POP œn œn V & V œ# œn œn œn It’s A Wonderful Life: The Musical Scenes, Characters, Musical Numbers, and Pages Act I Prologue………………………………………………………......................................1 Clarence, Chorus, Voices of Gower, Martini, Mrs. Bailey, Bert, Ernie, Mary, Janie, Zuzu, Franklin, and Joseph #1 Prologue—Prayers
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