lJlittnftnniaI ~isfllrit lJlooh 1776 - 1976 ......••• -, - ,-,-- - ---- - - ~ ....•• \ -,. ,-_:/ . ~- t- •••• =.._ _ __ 0; .-' ~, ( .- -"'"--- -?-'. """\_.r 'f- ( -. J .. r 1.1 J -"'\ r: ~ ~, J~--- ") ~--- )l=r - - ~ - 0._ --: ~~~~~~.,~~~ ~rr" at '-r-r-; . o _ - r :»: '0 --=-' ..._~ __ #.~!'.""" __ --c. -..,_, I... ttWlp~ <IDlrl1fiOB ~edinB ;Mouse" -:( \::::::-~ --Co -"-t' ~ 1776 ::-::--r-- - -~j- -:sr ""'\__-__ -= = ~ -:-\ r· " )--=-r-:-r--,- - -- ~,. 1=: ~( ~ -r . <t1arutr's <t1rtth ~nittd ~tflylldisf <t1lyurtly t) .. ,. WACCAMAW BANK & TRUST CO. RIEGELWOOD, NORTH CAROLINA A FULL SERVICE BANK Copyright ~1976 by National Consumer's Research, P. O. Box 27567, Raleigh, North Carolina 27601. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the Drior written pennission of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in connection with reviews written specifically for inclusion in a magazine or newspaper. <tIaruer's <tIreek ~nibd (~lttlyodist <tIlyUrtly ~irentenniaI ~istnrir ~nnk 1776 - 1976 Archives & History Com. 1307 Glenwood Ave. Ralelgh, NC 27605 A«.c.lt +0 CONTENTS PICTORIAL REVUE Letter of Dedication and Acknowledgement The Reverend Johnnie S. Huggins The Bicentennial Committee Officers and Advisors PART ONE . A History of Ca.rvez+s Creek United Methodist Church and Community A Listing of Ministers Who Served Car ver l s Creek United Methodist Church Since 1790. PICTORIAL REVUE PART TWO.•..•......•....... The Bicentennial Worship Services and Program Bulletin List of Members and Guests Who Registered Their Attendance The Flag and Flag Pole Dedication Ceremony The Happenings of The Day PICTORIAL REVUE PART THREE ..............•.. The Membership Roll of Car ver 's Creek United Methodist Church , \" ~ . ...'I...,...© \! ~ ~'-. CARVERS CREEK-'l METHODIST CHURCH I TWO HUNDRED FEET SOUTH WEST. STANDS, CARVERS CREEK METHODIST CHURCH.BlRTII- . PLACE OF )lETIIODI8M IN BLADEN CaUIIT.V• THE METHODIST MOVEMENT HERE WAS I ORCAt.lIZED BY BISHOP FRANCIS ASBURY DURINCTHE LAST YEARS OF THE El!lllTEENllI CENTURy. 1J[r/lnk '/lyne & jjoqnnie~. ~uggins JJoljn ~. '/Irks ~r. center being presented fnitq ~ertlice J\ul/1rd hl;l ~eil. ~uggins and ,N orma ~tei1ens J\merican & ~qristian ~Iags presented 10 ~aruer's ~reek ~elqodisl ~en's ~Iub bl! ;l{icqard ~ridgers of Wqe ~oodman of Wqe .orld ~ociell;! ~lizabelqlofnn, ;N. ~. ~qarler JIfront rofn ~.-~.- JJ. ~. J\lIen - ~. J\~ ~igman - •. J\. ~ettlemel;!er- ~. ~ridgm - 'aul ~ampbell . ~. ~. ~teuelts JJr. - Jlfrank Jlal!ne ~ach rofn ~.-~. JJ. ~ .• est - JJ. ~. ;Nicqolson - ~auid Jlarns - ~eu. ~uggins - ~ob ;Jtuffstetler _ ~. ~. ~c~ullocq - ~ .•• ~uggins - ~. J\. $ettlemel;!u IDr. - ~ddit $teUtltS - ;Jt. ~. ~Iahe JJoqn ~. Jlarks, ~r. r eceiuing seruice afnard fnitq memhere of qill familu standing bl!. lfieft to ;JRig~t - JJ. ~. ;Nic~olson . JJo~n <@. _ut- 'IDerrl,l~acon . ~ob ;fIuffstetler - lfie;Rog lliason ~udlr1;1 and 1iena ~hill ~ a 'ltfI~ ","'" ""- """M a- ;. ::: Gila ~r=: .., u:> .es- -:r -1#1 ee'"s 1#1 '" '"$+. '."..• , ::::: c '" - .~~= ~~ ~ ;:;~:! IO!'"l ~~ •... •. ..'c"- ..c- .."c'. •...\5) ..•. c ~" •... = 0 •. E'" to ~~ C .a'"t, '" -es •... '" ..•c.- e ..'"c OJ E -'" •... -•... !::l '-I :: i""V..:!~ '.". cr,~ . ~ = ::>.. E ..0=- ~e .~ Wt/.<iil ~ tJilarbara & ~illiam murner talking to JUddie ~teuens, )!ofnllrd JJoqnson & 3!lisitorz J!ilisl!op tJillllthburn J!ilitentennial tJilanner of (!laruer's (!lreen ,iaRicky ;Nye, )Rel1• JJoqnnie ;MugBins ;lIinited ,iaRet}!odist (!ll)urdl merr!! ,iaRacon s:: c -•• -.:•.I. ::~:::;c ..ms:: •N s:: ",m •... :::: ....• :::; .:: .!:l :::; 'C;; '""u'"c •.• ~ '". s::. •. ~ ~ :I' •.. -.:I s:: :::; .. l#(; ~ -.:I s:: ,~•.. C '"•.. !lilt .. -.:I ~ s: £: '" .. ~~ tr' ..• e e -'"=- I>- ~ '"::I :'":I 1:Ii!R'> '~ '" "t!I! ..• 1!i! .. I>'"- ~ «es ::I •• ~ tc tc ~ -=-- e ~~ .• I>- :: .. a- ::I e I>- 0 ::I .•..• ~..• •• ~ ::I .• ::I '" I>- .a-• . ::I ~ ::I ~ '" .'" ..• '::I" ~ <!.!:il .,.. tc ..•e o ~ •. ~"'" !'!.~ -=- ,Ie< :> ~ .I>•- -'" .•::I ;.~ ~..• ....• ...o ~ ~-'" ::I a..•- '" :::'I:ZeI '"0 ~!..• ~ ..,..• .'" QIatqrrinr (~Jf!\!nn, ~udlr~ ~ rill JJ. ~. ~icqoI50n,JJoqnnir ~ltggins, ]Urro!! ~a50n, QIqarles ;Nobbs, JJran 'jIofu£r5 and (jIrcgorl! ~a50n QIrofud fnelcc m in g tqr arr iual of JJ. !--.!--uman, ~ist. ~up£rinl£ndant of 'aul QIampbtll ~ilmington ~ist. on ccuer ed fuagon "C!Ioffee ~our" ;Jjda ~e1le ~uggins uisiting fuit~ ~annie Jarns ~eu. JJo~nnie ~uggin!l ~uhe & 1fiinde' ,!IllIorgan talking to "~eriou!l Walk" ~eu. JJ. ,!IllI.C!IarroIl, ~etired ,!IllIelanie~ettleme!!er and ~~erri Jlflofuers ";lRe5ting" '''iuittle ~iS5" ~ngellt ~ltcon Wim ~ettlemetler, an d ~rendlt ~est ~. ~. ~ettlemetler, Jlr. Jlllljn !:fl. 'ltrks, ~r. r ereiuer of "~eruice ~fultrd " for 1976 ~rs. lJilliott ~enrl!' (fl:ltrrie /fiou ~ltrdl! lJiltrl ~ilIer, ~r. & ~r. ~enrl! (fl:ltro(e ~feuens .•. •.•... .J:> o ~ :: :: ; ~ CI'ls:» .- ::t t8t~ ~::: ~~ . c •... '" ~-~ ~ (.OOi/.• .0., "'::: 1ti "t!I! ... 0 "' er 0 ...•.• ? •• 1ti ~~ .se-. =: - --"'=-Q... ~ ..• 0 ~"_. '::: er Q... ...• ~ •• ;~ ::: ::: "' Q"'... .a.. ~ ~ ::: -e Q... -e "' er.. "irIJ -:: g .!"- --=- September 6, 1976 To The Reader: It is with a humble and thankful heart that I dedicate this Bicentennial Historic Book of Carver's Creek United Methodist Church to the glory of God, and to my wife, Ruby. I also acknowledge and thank all the people of the Church who have contributed material to complete this book, and I especially thank all those who worked so hard in preparation for the Bicentennial Observance held on August 29, 1976. Compiling and editing the material has been a rich and rewarding experience; one that has made me very much aware of the Christian faith and beliefs of the people of Carver's Creek United Methodist Church down through the ye';lrs. This historical Church is steeped in tradition. that dates back to the settling of the Carver's Creek section of Bladen County. It is a tradition that has been carried on by the people who have committed their lives to the principles set down by our Lord, Jesus Christ. Down through the years Carver's Creek United Methodist Church has been aware of her mission and witness, and has carried on a program that has nutured the Spiritual life of the people in her Charge. By the grace of Almighty God, and the future commitment of her congregations, she will continue to do so for many years to come. Again, I thank God for the opportunity that He has given me to be a part of the ministry and leadership of this, His Church The Reverend Johnnie S. Huggins THE BICENTENNIAL OBSERVANCE COMMITTEE C'ornrn itt ee Chairperson Paul R. Campbell C o-ordinator- - Treasurer Shelby M. Hobbs Worship Co-Chairpersons Helen M. Sanderlin, Martha Jackson Historical Room Lisa B. Flowers Publicity Co-Chairpersons Carole Stevens, J. K. Nicholson, Jr. Registration Co-Chairpersons Ruby H. Huggins, Clovis B. Settleyre Chairperson of Food Betty Parks Tables Charles Hobbs, Ernest Guyton, Terry Macon Ice, Drinks, Etc. Jimmy Flowers Breakfast Committee John B. Allen, Bob Huffstetler, J. K. Nicholson Chairperson of Parking Jeff Flowers Arrangements -Out of town guests Carrie Stevens Mailing Co-Chairpersons Vonnie Rae Guyton, Norma Guyton Altar Ware Lois B. Johns on Program and Participants Reverend Johnnie S. Huggins Historical Book Reverend Johnnie S. Huggins Printing the Bulletin Brenda S. Marshall Official Hosts Charles and Shelby Hobbs, Albert and Mattie Settlmeyer, Paul and Ruby Campbell, Ernest and Vonnie Rae Guyton Co-Chairpersons of Ushers B. A. Sigman and John O. West Advisors Dorma and Lynette Guyton, Florance G. Savage, Ruth Sigman, Iva Bush, Alice F redere Decorations Jean Jackson and Blanche S. Long PART ONE QIljarles ~ohb5-tJi[izabetlj, ~had, Wim tJiarll,l in tlje morning and ~i[[l,l ~ett[emel,ler-QIIjt5ter QIounh .!:: -e-i tl tl ;::: tl ~~ i]•... o -••• {!tlL .:: 1...l 1ti!~ •• _:.:s..t:Ir .-.. -.... Q... •••• 1t!ci ":'";'S a t:I ••• _Q.... :_.:s .. ..a-. ~-, - -g-~ ..... '"::: ..:r ..a, Carver's Creek United Methodist Church is rich in history and steeped in tradition that dates back to the settling of the Cape F ear River Community of Carver's Creek, Carver's Creek was one of the first sections of Bladen County to be settled by our forefathers. Between 1730 and 1750 many families had acquired land, either by grant from the King of England or by purchase from the Lord's Proprietors. Back in those days the western bank of the Cape Fear River was rich with tracts of well timbered land which came into the possession of the early settlers. The people who first inhabited the Carver's Creek section wer~ mostly of English stock. Like other pioneers of that age they were a sturdy, industrious, peace-loving, .and God fearing people They at once began to cle ar the forest and establish homes along the river, and became an agricultural region. The woods were filled with virgin long leaf pine; therefore, their homes were built of the best timber in the country and all the work was done by hand with great care an d pride in their workmanship. At the time two houses w~re built with brick brought over from England. They were the Brown Home at Oakland and the Andres Home at Ramah. Ramah has long since burned, but Oakland still stands today as it did before the Revolution. Other early plantations were White Hall, Mount Holly, Ashwood, Strawberry (which was part of Ramah), Brighton, Nancy Hall, Westbrook, and Kings Bluff. By the year of 1750 a large number of people had established homes and plan tations along the banks of the Cape Fear River in the Carver's Creek section of Bladen County. Among were a group of Quakers who built a log meeting house on the site where Carver's Creek United Methodist Church now stands. The Quakers worshipped there until the outbreak of the War of the Revolution. Being a peace-loving people they dreaded the horrors of war so they refused to take part in the hostility. Many of them moved from Carver's Creek and settled in Mecklenburg and Guilford Counties. As the war spread, ', they found once again that they were in the midst of hostilites; so therefore, .. they joined wholeheartedly and fought valiantly for the cause of the Colonies until the su r r ende r of Cornwallis.
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