.[) SPECIES IRIS GROUP OF NORTH AMERICA #46 Spring, 1991 pp.1659-1698 SIGNA S.Fu.E: C.:!iE:S r: ~u s G~:•,.)U? Q,F IN!l •ft,-,1 H A.'!'IE R ICA 1 Spr- i n g; ,,, 1 '99 1 Nuam,b e ir- ~6 OFFICERS & EXECUTIVES CHAIRMAN: Colin. Rigby 2087 Curtis Dr. Penngrove, CA 94951 VICE CHAIRNANl:; ILee, Q.belsh 7979 W. D Ave. •,alamazoo, MI 4912)12)9 SECRETARY : F Jl. oire lllioe S tout 150 N. Hain St. Lombard, IL 60148 TREASUHER::: !Roib:,e,r•t; IP·r i es 602 3 Antire Rd.. High Ridge, MO 63049 SEED· E XCHANGE :; Cons:tance Han sen 1931 N 33rd Lincoln City, OR 97367 R()P.JN DIRE CTOR:: Dort filu j sa.ll-~ 322 7 So. Ful ton Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 SLIDES CHAlRll'tAN:: He ].gia. A mcttn~eu.s 11 Maple Ave. Sudbury , MA 01776 PUBLICATIONS SALES : Alan NcKurt rie 22 Cal deron Crescen~, Willowdale, 0l'll'Tl tar io, Can,a.dla M2R 2E5 S I GN.~ EDI 1''('.9R:. ,,Ftcr~m, Oo.arpe;r 212 WJ . COLCnt :y Road C. Roseville, MN 55113 PAST PRE:Sl :0-E!'~nT" ::- E la:iim.e IHu lbef"t !Rouit:e 3, !lox 57 Floyd, VA 24091 AIDVISO!RY JS'z)#;iRIDJ::: :If?, ~ ILeR:QI:!: Dav:i.dsion,;; JJ'ea,n Witt;; Bruc e Richards on CONTENTS CHA I Rt'\A,IN." S lttlE:ss+\I.Gl!::: Col in Riglby 1659 N4...1tUNA:TllNtli, ' O'-O.!l'IJl'll!lf7flEJE. REIPQR:li 1659 SL IOC OHA l ~Ni"' S IRENR11" He] 9J<il An«:!!l'"'e&i.rs 1660 ERRATA A'N!D) .4\.11'.HUEJN~ Nigel Service 1661 SEED EX~ElE lf£IP:.•)i!R!1r Pho:elbxe Copl eyJ 1662 BOAIID ~ l!HIRECTOIRS t'!ilM"IUTIE'S Jeam Eri ckson, 1663 CHU./JA C-AS!Hl <cALL J allt!eS IWJ. Waddick 1665 S ! GNI-A ?RESEN'!rS T~E IRIS ~ATERCOLORS (.'J'.F JEAN WI TT 1666 I RIS BELOOllNIJ; Nigel Ser-vi ce 1667 FLORENCE~s M J. II.....B4~X Sm i th 1670 Hirs br unner 1678 Wilson 1686 SEARCHIN.16 IFO!R ll:RE:!.S PHRAGMITETORUM J aioes tw: .. I.Wladdli ck 1671 IRIS PARIENSIS -TI-IIE SEARCH CONTINUES Ja.rnes W. Waddick 1673 OUR READ!IEIRS ~RI~E 1673 HOW ORGAJNiIZE AJM! IRI S COLLECTION J e a ,111 P~rard 1674 JUNO N01!1ES- ll.991El) Alain Nctturtri e 1676 tETCALF ON NISSOORIEINSIS Rot:!I Davidson 1679 TI£ ~ll:!L~~ ~ ~ IA !Sl~~ ~PPEIR R~ Da~:ii. dslomn 1679 IRIS &-.1iQJVJIRt£.S 11JJPMTiE . Alan ll'fte::tnuritrie 1680 STIJD'II' QlF !SftlWIRll:~ :UU!S SElE10 GEm11NATlON 1681 IS TliERE: A HORTICULTURAL FUTURE FOR I. X SIBTOSA Robert H. Egli 1682 ROLE ~ INJ\JTIIUENTS llN Pl.ANT GROWTH 1684 SV~PTOMS 0~ "lCIRONUTRIENT ~~11"~61ES l N PLANTS Cleo Palmer 1685 RIEG l STRATIQN! ,; Jr ITTR(Q)OOCTl ONS,, AWARDS ETC. Joan Cooper 1687 RlEGISTRATl<olNi A.IN~ i~TIRQ>OOCTlON Kay Nelson 1688 HYP.RIDIZ AT JI:ONS lrll\lVOJLVI~ ! . VERSI COLOR, I. l.AE\tn:GA,TA. ~ INM-\1ill:VE :C: .. Q,IF" LOUIS I ANA Ch a.ndl!.eir- & St-out 1690 OOR ~ Tl~ ~ERD:~ i!FU !S Ria::11 Davi.dlso,n !;, Chas . Arny 1694 A WORD FOIR l!: RlS SPECIES A . In. Sam.il.lle :D. s .on 1697 EDITOR" S C:Ot1ill'!IE.Ni'TS Jroal!11 Coalpei,- 1698 1659 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE Last year, SIONA applied for a non-profit tax exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service, and I am happy to report that that status has been granted to us. This action helps to bring SIONA more in line with some of the other Sections of the American Iris Society. Any donation made to SIONA is now tax deductible by the donor as prescribed by law. Response to the Jean Witt watercolor Iris prints has been very favorable, especially among the SIONA membership. We hope we did not mislead you. It is true that the printing plates have been destroyed, but we had a sufficient number of folios printed to last us for quite a long time. If you hesitated to order a set, thinking the supply might be exhausted, be assured that there are sets available. The watercolor prints are being offered at cost, and unless postage costs increase, the price of $8.50 should remain the same for some time yet. Constance Hansen will be SIONA's new Seed Exchange Director starting this year and we extend a warm welcome. It will be a challenge to surpass the dedication and attention that Phoebe Copley displayed when she sorted, packaged and shipped our orders, and we extend a special thank you to her for a job well done. Even under the most trying of times, Phoebe was always bright and cheerful, a cheerfulness that helped to make all our jobs more pleasant. We appreciated working with her. We know the Exchange is again in good hands and we thank Constance for taking on this very important job. We've no doubt the challenge will be easily met. Please look for the notice on the inside front cover in this issue that lists Constance' address. · The movement to establish awards for species and interspecies cross irises is gaining momentum. Interest is very high and reaction is favorable. We hope to have more to report on this in the Fall issue. And a special thanks to Howard Brookins who has agreed to do the index for us. Spring has at last arrived with the anticipation, frustration and sometimes disappointments of bloomtime. It seems like a long time ago that our irises were in bloom, but here they are again. It was worth the wait. Hope you all have wonderful bloom and a very pleasant spring. Colin Rigby Penngrove, CA NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT Dave Silverberg , Nominating Committee chairman, reports that all of SIGNA's elective officers have agreed to serve another term. Therefore, as required by the By-Laws, we are publishing the s late of officers from the Nominating Committee: CHAIRMAN : Colin Rigby ASSISTANT CHAIRMAN: Lee Welsh SECRETARY: Florence Stout TREASURER : Robert Pries 1660 IBACIK IISSILJlifS Of" SIIGlrilAl All back issues are available for $2.00 each (from # 1 to current), which includes postage. Riso available i.s the Species Iris Study Manual for ~5.00. Send orders to our Publications Chairman Rian McMurtrie (address inside front cover]. Make cheques payable to SIGNR. SLIDE CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Helga Andrews It is most heartening to know that my request for species slides missing from our collection did not vanish into thin air; in fact, the response has been wonderful and 27 new species have been added, along with many other fine new slides. My thanks to all of you who responded so generously. Sharon McAllister in New Mexico must have hit the phone the minute SIGNA arrived and sent along a great group of slides with at least a dozen oncocyclus species new to our collection. And Alan McMurtrie from Canada sent a magnificent collection of Juno and reticulata species, with many new additions. Jim Waddick sent some of his Chinese finds, including I. speculatrix, a slide of which also came from Berry Judd in New Zealand, along with other slides. Panayoti Kelaidis, bedridden with a bad back, found time to sort his slides and send a good selection, and Dr. Gordon Loveridge sent some no longer needed slides from Australia; he has, alas, had to close his nursery in Leura due to ill health. Joe Mertzwiller responded immediately when I asked for additional slides of our Louisiana species and Jean Witt and Elaine Hulbert, whose names are already on so many of our slides, continue to send along new ones. Maurice Boussard even enclosed a few slides with the seeds he so generously contributes from France. It is a special treat for me to have the chance to see all these new slides and also to realize what a diverse group SIGNA represents and what fascinating species are being grown in such varied parts of the globe. I assure all the rest of you that your slides will be warmly welcomed here in Massachusetts, and I am always glad to send out specific requests for slides from our members as long as I have adequate time to respond. It is encouraging to see that many Iris groups are now asking for species slides and write back about enthusiastic response from their members. 1661 SLIDE CHAIRMAN'S REPORT (Continued) Never content, however, I now issue a further list reflecting some of the weak spots I have found in putting together programs, and hope for an additional generous response from who-knows-where. I like to include good garden or wild shots showing the growth habit of the iris, as well as close-up shots, and particularly welcome such clump shots. I. verna I. uni/fora alba I. gracilipes I. caespitosa · I. graminea (challenge class) I. delavayi I. f orrestii I. fernaldii I. setosa nana (hookeri) I. hartwegii I. siberica I. purdyi I. ensata I. xanthospuria I. chrysographes I. lactea (close-up) I. schactii I. kernerana I. tenuifolia I. prismatica (close-up and general) I. loczyi Spuria species in general I. ung-uicularis I. missouriensis (close-up) ERRATA & ADDENDA Nigel Service writes from France: "I always enjoy getting my copy of SIGNA but it is not so good when old errors and misconceptions are perpetuated through the republication of old articles. In the spring, 1990, issue you reprinted Dr. Randolph's piece from AIS Bulletin 144 and on page 1607 he goes on ( last paragraph) about the bright red-purple color of I.
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