The Independent THIJEISOAI APRIl 17,1975 Florida Alligator VOl. 67.NO. 115 no Cc e e F d O~O~ - o do Eaton, IsA cAdam in runoff By LESLIE GOLAY proposals to meet the problems ol st udents, and "SINCE WE DID IT before the election. the~ can hold i~ DEBBIE ERICKSON to those proposals alter the election We ~.iII meet the AllI8 at. SW! Written probleTils our literature specified. Florida Student Party vice presidential candidate Hued A 20 per cent student voter turnout ot more than StE a 'aid. Our party is getting its second "md and the forced the Action party slate of Jim Eaton*Dan [obeck an d nionjentun, ~ II carry us right through until Wednesday. the Florida Student party slate of Alyce McAdam-Bubb a Huerta said he telt his party was mtsdass.fied as anti- Huerta into a Student Government election runoff ije, Greek Alyce Wednesday. April 23. "OUR PARTY IS not anti-Greek. but running against Byron Petersen, 3LW, won an overwhelming victor very strong Alue Key block' capturing 2,810 votes, to win the Honor Court Chancelk Alter his victory, Petersen said. I just ended my politics Ilostition. But I will Continue to support the people on my slate. Jim EATON AND LOBECK look a total of 2.718 vote 5 Open courts involve more than the public right to knox. McAdam and Huerta took a total ol 1.237 votes. It involves the defendants name in the newspaper. Eaton A 50 per cent plus one vote was needed for either slate 0 PETERSEN SAID he would like to see the senate have '.m the election outright. 'lull-fledged control over how the Honor Court cheating square MeAdan, said she was 'pleased' so many students votec hearings should be handled. This is what I have been talking about all along. It shrn The Independent 'Family' slate of Richard 'Alftedo of f the students care about what is happening.' Fettucini' Snyder and Anthony Caminte received 8S7 votes. Grassroots Reform Organization's GRO) slate of Ross April23 lhompsoi, and Ilene Young received 963 votes. Lobeck 'aid. What we have done is present specif Snyder 'aid. This is the at time we run a clean Cain- paign. 1 ON A MORE SERIOUS note. Snyder said. "The people who vote for us are not the people who are apathetic. [hey just ire concerned but think SG isa joke. Whoever wins is going photo by g.org* kochonmn I' to run SC and it has to change. Both campaigns have the ended m V same ideas and the same people. but just a different ~.ay of THE FOLLOWING FIVE senat',r' ~ere etected from first getting there -, 'ear Ii ,,'versitv (oft~ge Jeftrev Kldnt.n. Action Steven politics thompson sai~l, 'What we started here will never fie. Our I hiesse. Action. Brenda Andrews. Action. Mark Bousquet. party will have a nltttlng tomorrow night and will decide \ition. ~id lee 'swain, ALlion --Byron ~.here we will go Ironi here. Peterser 'Snyder's campaign and ours showed an overwhelming I he ~ winners Ironi 211C ierc Pam Goodrich, Ted Gollnick. protest against what SO has been, stood for and the elite core John Itspinosa. Johnny Dna,. Robin Brmmn md Billie Ann ol people they represent. We made a crack in thus structure Koinis. all Action, Honor Court wnnen Ironi 2LIC are Pam Petersen added. I want to reaffirm LW is not a school (~odlenberR and Peter I ibma. both Action benny lax about academic achievement. KEN AVERSYACTION, "a' the one senator elected rxr Forty Student Senate seats came up for election Wednesday iron, he Cotege of Agriculture. Craig Clifton, Action, was in the Student Government general elections elected the Honor Court justice Irom that college /' '~0 '~$~ photo by g.op. hochcni.c it, I he following t,&o senators were elected 1mm the (alleged Fngineering: lames Blackman and Josh Rodstein. both of Action party. I here was a tie lot the seat of Honor Courtjustiee in the collegee ol Engineering between Chris Will. Action, and Vietnamese students- William H. Wadsworth. Florida Student Party. WALLACE LIPPONCOTT, Action, was elected the senator from the School of Forestry. rhe Honor Court Justice elected front the School of Forestry was Linda (liollwiter of uns ure, hope for peace the Florida Student Party. rwo Senators. Alan Stone and Carol Henry. both ol' the By TERRI Action Party, were elated as senators from the College of Ataiff StC Wite Jourijalism and Coniniunications. Susan Wright. Action, was elected as the Honor Court justice from the Journlism She said it might be her last call.Nguyen Mnh Tam school. spoke to her mother three weeks ago. Now she sat at the small Mike Norvell. Action, was elected senator horn the College kitchen gable haIfa 'orld away recalling herwords. nf Law. ftc Honor Court Justice from that college is Clarles "She was very penirnistic.~ she said of her mother, who Steinberg. Action. called front Singapore theft slit ni W' mu. type of business.' IN ThE COLLEGE of Physical Education. Jason Smith. lilt HUSBAND, 24-year-old La Thanli Han. described a Action. non the one senate seat. Batty Fasold. Anion, was Inter he received from his pa~It~ in Sauce a week and a half the ,inconle.ted Honor Court justice winner in that college. ago. saying. "n.y father tries to be reassuring. -. ritey just hope. They don't kiwi.- what will happen." he rso soaton nere elected in the college or Architecture said. and Fine Arts: Mike Frksic and Charles Scott. both or the He nos %ilent for a moment nod then added. 'They hope 4 Anion Party. Don Erwin of the Florida Student Party was the lb. a peaceM solution. uncontested dinner in the college. lam and Han an both UF studwt from Salmon. They lb. following eight senators were elected iii the College ol came to this country for graduate work. planning to take the Arts and Sciences: Jon Edison. Action; Ingrid Andenon. knn-ledg. they gained and put it to work In their own Grassroots; Frank Roberts. Grassroots: James Cunningham. CCII n try - Adiom; Izzy Perdonjo. GRO; Mike Hutiell, GRO: Ronac No. i.ith con~munists controlling nioit than two thirds of Keher. Action: and Jean Cameron. CR0. South Vietnam and rapidly' approaching Saigwi. the couple's STEVE JOHNSON, ACTION. ,. as elected Honor Court plans, like those of approximately 40 other Vietnamese in lustre Ac. the College of Arts and Sciences. GainesvIlle. an unentSui. I ~o senators Inn Business Administraticu,. Russell Divine Not knowing what is happening to their families, the and April keller, both fiom the Action Party. wtn elected. Vietnamese students do the best they can. trying to con- Honor Coon Justice Iron, Business Administration wa~ cernrate on their, studies. but finding it difikult. Michelle Darcy. from Actic. Party. IN FACT, SOME of the students have considered going I he lollowint tour senators stri elected from the College home immediately. ci Education: Patti Pallman. and Carol Breltcnbucher. Than Mich Hosing has a wife and b-month-old child still In Kimhei-13 Kirk and M. Denise Leach. Della Brod was electS Floor Court justice from that collep. (See Sudegus. page t'k;'eeJ All live nero from the Anion Pany. Peg. f.m. in4 epe.de* MoM. MII,.tr, Thwtd.y. 4.1111, iY75 Cambodians sue for peace but thursday enemy continues to advance (UPI) - Khmer Rouge rebels pushed Into Phnoni Penh Earlier, Red Cross officials said they had seen reports troiji Wednesday and battled to within I.~ yards of the aban- Peking that Sihanouk had rejected the offer, but added: we 18th province capital doned 11.5. Embassy. The international Red Cross in Geneva kno.~ nothingofficiallyandjust haveto~ait bra reply. said the Cambodian government offered to surrender, but What appeared to be the final battle for Phnom Penh Peking reports said exiled Prince Norodom Sihanouk rejected began 'tith more than 50 rockets and artillery shells that falls to enemy attack the proposal. killed at least 10 persons and i.ounded 50 others and an The capital began its final collapse under a barrage of insurgent drive than sent retreating government defenders SAIGON (UPl~ - Communist forces attacking 'tith larks rockets and artillery shells and a push by the communistled and artillery Wednesday captured heir 18th ~ Capital. insurgents across the United National bridge towards the U.S. plunging intothe Rassac River. someofthem ,odroi~n. outed a government regiment and shelled South Vietnam's embassy. biggest air base icr the third day. ftc Red Cross said the Cambodian government had South Vietnamese intelligence reports said governrncni handed to the Red Cross delegation in Phnomn Penh a Non-key people reconnaissance planes had spotted a Russian-built MN] q proposal lot a cease-fire and transfer of power that lighter pet parked at a one-time U.S. base at Pleiku. 234) 'iiile, amounted to an otter of surrender The proposal was north of Saigon - '.ithin striking range ofihe capital. passed on to the rebels attacking the capital and to Sihanouk to leave 'Nam Phan Rang. capital of Nuib Thuan province lbS miles in Peking. northeast ol Saigon. fell to a tank-led. S.~-nian (onxnhijnig Yugoslavia's national news agency Tanjug. in a dispatch WASHINGTON (LIPI)- President Ford has ordered the circe that sent government defenders. outnumbered t~o to datelined Peking. quoted Sihanouk sources as saying, evacuation ol all non-essential U.S. civilrs from South (IIiC, fleeing to rescue ships waiting off the coast in the Stitith 'Sihanouk has rejected the offer of the quislings in Phnom Vietnam. but a State Department official said Wednesday the China Sea.
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