IC3SI 2019 THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE STUDIES AND SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES SOCIAL SCIENCE STUDIES AND SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES IKAPI No.128/JTI/2011 Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang Press Jl. Danau Sentani No.99 Malang Telp. (0341) 713604, Fax. (0341) 713603 i IC3SI 2019 THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE STUDIES AND SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES SOCIAL SCIENCE STUDIES AND SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES Layout dan Cover Andhika Yudha Pratama, S.Pd., M.Sc Penerbit Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang Press (Unidha Press) Jln. Danau Sentani No.99, Malang, Jawa Timur Tlp. (0341) 713604, Fax. (0341) 713603 E-mail: [email protected] Jumlah: vii + 193 hlm. Ukuran: 21 x 27 cm Penerbitan, 2020 ISBN: 978-623-7009-29-0 Anggota IKAPI No.128/JTI/2011 Hak cipta pada penulis, dilindungi undang-undang. Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini, kecuali dalam hal pengutipan untuk keperluan penulisan artikel atau karangan ilmiah. ii PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE UNIVERSITAS WISNUWARDHANA MALANG “Social Science Studies and Sustainability Issues” Malang, October 12th 2019 Editor : Dr. Ratnawati, S.E., M.M. Dr. Kustyarini, M.Pd. Reviewer : Peter Bryan Ramsey Carey Max Lane Prof. Dr. H. Widodo, S.H., M.H. Cover Designer : Andhika Yudha Pratama, S.Pd., M.Sc. Layout Designer : Dian Utami Ikhwaningrum, S.Pd., M.H. Chief : Dr. Khoirul Effendiy, M.Pd. Secretary : Heni Masruroh, S.Pd., M.Sc. Firina Lukitaningtias, S.Si., M.M. Publishing : Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang Press IKAPI No.128/JTI/2011 iii STEERING COMMITTEE No. Name / NIDN Position 1. Prof. Dr. H. Suko Wiyono, S.H., M.H. Rector NIP. 195405011979031002 2. Dr. Khoirul Effendiy, M.Pd. Chief NIDN. 0730098501 3. Andhika Yudha Pratama, S.Pd., M.Sc. Co-Chief NIDN. 0724059201 4. Firina Lukitaningtias, S.Si., M.M. Secretary NIDN. 0709118101 5. Dian Utami Ikhwaningrum, S.Pd., M.H. Treasurer NIDN. 0703119003 6. Heni Masruroh, S.Pd., M.Sc. Co. Event NIDN. 0711119104 7. Rr. Sri Ayu Irawati, S.H., M.H. Event NIDN. 0716088102 8. Nova Dwi Hernanik, S.E., M.M. Event NIDN. 0703118604 9. Debrina Rahmawati, S.H., M.H. Event NIDN. 0715118104 10. Endrise Septina Rawanoko, S.Pd., M.Pd. Event NIDN. 0702099001 11. Esa Kharisma M. Nakti, S.Pd., M.Pd. Event NIDN. 0701028601 12. Wulan Murni Sulianti, S.E., M.M. Consumption NIDN. 0705126901 13. Imam Tobroni, S.Pd. Documentation NIDN. 0701058602 14. Bayu Firmanto, S.ST., M.T. Publication NIDN. 0715128505 15. Aulia Rahman O., S.T., M.T. Publication NIDN. 0729108302 16. Febry Chrisdanty, S.H., M.H. Publication NIDN. 0701068205 17. M. Wahid Cahyana, S.H., M.H. Transportation NIDN. 0704118203 18. M. Irfan Muchlisin, S.Pd., M.Pd. Transportation NIDN. 0708078601 iv Preface The 1st International Conference of Social Science Studies (IC3SI) is conducted by Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang. This conference held on Aula F2 Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang at 12nd October 2019. The aim of this conference such 1) as a scientific forum to share and update studies on social sciences; 2) a place for publication of research results of social sciences; 3) Increase collaboration between researchers and lecturers from various countries. There are 3 plenary Keynote speakers which invited in this conference Max Lane Fellow Institute of Southeast Asia Studies Yusof Ishak, Peter Carey Fellow Emeritus Trinity College Oxford British, and Prof. Dr. Widodo, S.H., M.H Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang which covering all the topic of conference. Organizing committee would like to express our sincere appreciation to everybody who has contributed to the conference. Heartfelt thanks are due to authors, reviewers, participants and to all the team of organizers for their support and enthusiasm which granted success to the conference. The next IC3SI will be conducted on 2019. Through this conference, we hope we can learn how to improve our research, we can do the engagement among the researchers, among the universities and we are able to get some new idea from the other side of the research so that we can be Striving for a better teaching, learning, and research in the digital era, as the theme of this conference. Dr. Khoirul Effendiy, S.Pd., M.Pd Chair of the Conference v DAFTAR ISI A. Jauhar Fuad Islam Moderation in the NKRI Frame……………………………………………………………………. 1 Abdul Kholiq, Fita Faridah Reading Comprehension Ability of Universitas Islam Lamongan Students……………………………... 10 Eny Wahyu Suryanti, Febi Dwi Widayanti The Role Of The Principal In The Implementation Of Lesson Study …………………………………... 18 Ayu Dian Ningtias Law Enforcement of Criminal Offences Accessing Other People's Electronic System Against The Law. 27 Sri Ayu Irawati A Comparative Study of Mianyang-China Polytechnic Case Study: Analyzing the Social Problems of 31 The Cracter of Young Indonesia People in Millenial Society and the development of the Character of Indonesia Society in the Future…………………………………………………………………………. Suryaningsih Transfer of Land Function for Development and Growth of Green Open Space By The Government of 37 Surabaya City……………………………………………………………………………………………. Septa Rahadian, Feri Candra Setiawan The Role of the Kanjuruhan Site in the Geopolitical Map of the Kanjuruhan Kingdom……………….. 45 Fita Faridah, Nur Qomariyah Nawafilah Critical Reading Strategies for Improving Students' Reading Achievemnet in an Informatics 55 Engineering Classroom: An Action Research……………………………………………………………. Feri Candra Setiawan, Septa Rahadian Social, Cultural and Political Condition in Malang Before Kanjuruhan Kingdom……………………… 63 Joko Pramono, Y. Warella, Retno Sunu, Hardi Warsono Implementation of Community Protection in Surakarta City…………………………………………….. 70 Kemal Farouq Maulidi, Nurul Fuad The Effect of the SUTET Electricity Network on Interest in Purchasing Smarphones in the Graha Indah 76 Region of Lamongan Regency……………………………………………………………………............. Kustyarini Social Culture and Gender Inequality in Literature…………………………………………………..… 84 Ludwina Harahap, Ati Harianti, Hendyansyah Awareness to Finacial Reporting and Sustainability Of Micro And Small Business…………………. 89 M. Ghofar Rohman, Purnomo Hadi Susilo Efficiency of ICT Based Learning in the Millenial Generation………………………………………….…... 98 Nadiya Andromeda, Sri Wiworo Indah Explorative Study of Academic Achievement Thorugh Emotional Regulation Ability and Self Esteem in 104 Student……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Nawangsih, Kurniawan Yunus, Khoirul Ifa Decision Making Consumers to Choose a Coffee Shop Based on Product Quality, Price, Promotion 111 Service Quality…………………………………………………………………………………………… Nurin Fitriana Analysis Critical Thinking Ability Using Online Discussion Forum in Chemical Material with Blended 119 Learning…………………………………………………………………………………………..………. Nurul Muddarisna, Eny Dyah Yuniwati, Heni Masruroh, Aulia Rahman Local Wisdom as Landslide Conservation in the Gede Catchment Malang Regency…………………... 126 Nia Wahyu Damayanti Student Image Representation To Solve Problem About Numbers………………………………………. 132 Novi Indah Earlyanti, Shandy W.G, Suawa Competency and Assessment of Perfomance Managemnet System Affecting Position Promotion in 137 Kendari Resort Police……………………………………………………………………………………. vi Rivatul Ridho Elvierayani, Abdul Kholiq Tutor's and student with intelectual disability' s gesture to solving Mathematic Problem…………… 143 Riryn Fatmawaty Increasing Students’ Interest In Learning English Through Culture-Based Instruction… 157 Sizillia Noranda Mayangsari, Fidyah Jayatri Economic Literacy As A Student Financial Management Efforts To Achieve Primary School In 161 Kedungkandang Malang…………………………………….………………………………………….... Suhartono The Effect of Use Different Learning Strategies and Cognitive Styles Toward Learning Outcome in 168 Class VII Student of SMP Negeri 2 Taman Sidoarjo…………………………………………………….. Yoyok Febrianto, Erva Elli Kristanti Nursing Student's Achievement in Applying Alternative Assessment Portofolio "CRADLE" in CLT for 175 English Nursing ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Yuni Rusmwati DJ, Evi Fitrotun Najiah, Sabilar Rosyad The Effect of Organization Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) and Emotional Intelligence on Employee 188 Perfomance in PT Swardharma Sarana Informatika Surabaya…………………………………………. vii International Conference of Social Science Studies and Sustainability Issues (IC3SI) Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang, 12 Oktober 2019 | 1 Islamic Moderation in The NKRI Frame A. Jauhar Fuada aInstitut Agama Islam Tribakti Kediri Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected] This paper tries to analyze some of the verses in the Quran that are related to moderation in the context of the nation-state. Qualitative research methods using the hermeneetic approach by examining several commentaries. The results of the study: (1) moderation of the creed, these Muslims are in the midst of people who are inclined towards dangerous extremists and people who are inclined towards harmful frivolity; (2) sharia moderation, relating to amaliyah committed by humans; (3) Moderation of Sufism, Muslims in saving spiritual crisis, universal values and humanitarian crises due to material orientation that is too dominant; (4) modersai education, mainstreaming moderate Islam into the identity of Islamic education; (5) moderation muamalah, modersai in life is a balance in activities, both those related to physical or spiritual life; (6) social moderation, theocentric moderation and religious ethics. A just, balanced society, helping each other, like deliberation and putting people in the same degree and dignity. The six Islamic moderation
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