Lewiston-Auburn’s Weekly Newspaper! TWIN CITYTIMES © Twin City TIMES, Inc. 2017 (207) 795-5017 • [email protected] • 33 Dunn St., Auburn, ME 04210 FREE • Vol. XVI, No. 41 Your Hometown Newspaper Since 1999 January 19, 2017 • FREE Norway Savings donates $10,000 Governor LePage and First Lady to Community Concepts have weight-loss surgery at CMMC Norway Savings “We are excited to for home ownership. The “I really feel like I’m getting my life back.” —First Lady Ann LePage Bank recently presented partner with Community agency’s support contin- a $10,000 donation to Concepts in their efforts ues post-purchase with Community Concepts to to support and educate counseling to ensure that help Maine families access Maine families preparing the home owner success- home ownership and stay for home ownership” said fully manages the respon- in their homes. With the Janice deLima, CRA Of- sibilities and opportunities funds, Community Con- ficer of Norway Savings that come with owning a cepts will provide one- Bank. home. on-one financial coun- Community Con- These free and confi - seling to families seeking cepts’ counseling sessions dential programs have been a home of their own and provide budgeting tips as built to support and help to those who are facing well as credit and fi nanc- low- to moderate-income financial difficulties as ing solutions to help pre- families through tough home owners. pare prospective buyer s times. Governor Paul R. LePage, First Lady Ann LePage and Dr. Jamie Loggins share a laugh in the kitchen of the historic Blaine House, the Governor’s residence. Keeping the weight off was a challenge, as the Blaine House staff makes mouth-watering pastries, scrumptious baked goods and freshly prepared meals almost on a daily basis for the many events held there. (TCT photo by Laurie A. Steele) BY PETER A. STEELE Did he put a treadmill in landmark in Waterville, Governor Paul R. his offi ce to use while poring which was founded in 1891 LePage made news last over legislation, budgets and and closed in 1996. week when he announced vetoes? More importantly, “I really get the biggest he had undergone bariatric was he sick? chuckle out of it,” said the surgery to lose weight and Quite the contrary. Governor. “I’m wearing a improve his health, but he In fact, thanks to bariatric suit from a store that closed was not alone. His wife, surgery, the Governor—and 20 years ago.” First Lady Ann LePage, also the First Lady—are health- The Governor and had the weight-loss surgery. ier now more than ever. First Lady each had a min- The Maine media and At 68 and weighing in at imally invasive weight-loss people at public events had a svelte 200 pounds with a procedure called a sleeve been speculating for months 34-inch waist, the Governor gastrectomy at the renowned about the Governor’s notice- hasn’t been this slim since Central Maine Bariatric Janice deLima (2nd from l.), VP and CRA Offi cer of Norway Savings Bank, presents Surgery at Central Maine a donation check to (from l.) Glenn Holmes, Melissa Green, and Dennis Lajoie of able weight loss. Was he on his college days. He’s lost Medical Center in Lewis- Community Concepts Finance Corp. some kind of crash diet? Had 53 pounds so far and may he turned into a triathlete? continue to lose more. ton. Jamie Loggins, M.D., Preparing to travel to medical director of Central the 58th Presidential In- Maine Bariatric Surgery ROGER’S HAIRCUTTERS auguration, the Governor and an expert at robotic WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME reached into his closet and and laparoscopic surgery, pulled out a tuxedo that performed the procedures 15% OFF is nearly 25 years old. It on the Governor and the Lunch, Monday-Friday ANGELICA First Lady. Limit 1 per order, not to be combined w/other offers. Expires January 31, 2017. TO THE TEAM! fi t perfectly, no alterations needed—just a good dry “Both the Governor cleaning. He also has an and the First Lady met the Music Line Up Thursdays 7-9pm Italian suit that fits per- National Institute of Health January 19th fectly; this one he got at guidelines for this kind of Levine’s, a family-owned surgery,” he said. Every Thursday Peter Carriveau See LePage, page 6 is Mermaid Night clothing store and local January 26th ~ Phil N’ the Blanks Choose a February 2nd ~ The Court Jesters 0M0JHU»[ÄUK^OH[`V\»YLSVVRPUNMVY Treasure P[KVLZU»[L_PZ[ from our February 9th ~ Ron Bergeron Fishbowl! Foreclosure February 16th ~ Nick Racioppi Specialist 754-7300 Angelica is 795-9640 now available for appointments. Crazy Wednesdays 40 EAST AVENUE from 3-7 pm LEWISTON, ME 94 Main St., Auburn, ME 04210 $4 Crazy Sushi Rolls 207-795-6888 Telephone: (207) 784-0251 OPEN MIC from 7-10 pm Sea40me.com [email protected] GDYHGHSRW#PDVLHOORFRP&HQWHU6W$XEXUQ0( Movie Listings Every Week! Only in TCT. See page 13. www.FlagshipCinemas.com See all of this week’s stories and ads online. Free! www.TwinCityTimes.com Page 2 Twin City TIMES • January 19, 2017 Newsmakers, Names & Faces Mary Mayhew to address Rotary Club Jan. 26 Museum L-A takes step Maine Department reforming the state’s welfare toward AMA accreditation of Health and Human Ser- programs to encourage self- vices Commissioner Mary sufficiency and long-term Museum L-A recently Mayhew will be the guest employment, establishing received a “Pledge of Ex- speaker at the next meeting effective prioritization and cellence” certificate from of the Lewiston Auburn fi nancial management prac- the American Alliance of Rotary Club on Thursday, tices, halting more than Museums in affirmation January 26, from noon to 1 a decade of multi-mil- that the Museum pledges p.m. at Rolandeau’s Restau- lion-dollar budget shortfalls “to operate according to rant, 775 Washington Street and strengthening support national standards and best in Auburn. The public is for at-risk families. Prior to practices to the best of [its] invited to attend. Reser- her appointment, Mayhew abilities and in accordance vations are recommended was the Senior Health Pol- with [its] resources.” for the general public and icy Advisor for the LePage Taken on behalf of Mayhew has served as visiting Rotarians. To make Administration. She also the museum by Executive Commissioner of Maine a reservation, call 753-9040. served for 11 years as Vice Director Rachel Desgros- Department of Health and Commissioner May- President of the Maine seilliers and Board Chair Human Services since 2011. hew was appointed in Hospital Association. John Cleveland, the pledge 2011 by Governor Paul R. with approximately 3,000 For more information demonstrates the Museum’s LePage. She provides lead- employees and accounting about this or other Rotary allegiance to the Code of ership, guidance and pol- for more than one-third programs, contact Monica Ethics for Museums and icy direction to the largest of the state’s budget. Her Millhime at 753-9040 or its commitment to meeting Taking the pledge on behalf of the museum were Board agency in state government, leadership has focused on [email protected]. AAM standards, which Chair John Cleveland and Executive Director Rachel establish guidelines for best Desgrosseilliers. practice in the following Auburn Ski Association presents scholarships areas: Public Trust and Ac- eligible to apply to become to exhibit and document Congratulations to countability, Mission and a Smithsonian Affi liate. history, it also functions 2016 Edward Little High Planning, Leadership and The American Alli- as an extended classroom, School graduates Brooke Organizational Structure, ance of Museums has been community resource, and Lever and Anna Hathaway, Collections Stewardship, bringing museums together showcase of various indus- who each received a $500 Education and Interpreta- since 1906 by gathering and tries, workers and products. Auburn Ski Association tion, Financial Stability, and sharing knowledge, helping Continual efforts are being Scholarship at Lost Valley Facilities and Risk Man- to develop standards and made to preserve the his- recently. agement. best practices, and provid- torical legacy represented Brooke Lever is a The Pledge of Excel- ing advocacy on issues of by the mills and the indus- nursing major at the Uni- lence certifi cate is the fi rst concern to the museum tries of the past. Museum versity of Maine at Orono. step toward accreditation community. Representing L-A works to encourage An avid alpine racer, she status under the Ameri- more than 30,000 individual collaboration and foster was a four-year member can Alliance of Museums, museum professionals and innovation with the goal of of the ELHS Alpine Ski which has been the recog- volunteers, institutions, and honoring the past to inspire Team and its captain in nized mark of distinction corporate partners serving the future. 2016. She was the Class A within the museum field the museum fi eld, the Al- Located in the Bates State Champion for Slalom since 1971. Accreditation liance stands for the broad Mill Complex at 35 Ca- in 2016 and earned second confers peer-based valida- scope of the museum com- nal Street in Lewiston, place in the Class A Giant tion of a museum’s oper- munity. For more infor- Museum L-A is currently Slalom competition. ations and impact, while mation on the American showing the exhibit “Cov- Anna Hathaway is an increasing its credibility Alliance of Museums, see ering the Nation: The Art Elementary Education ma- and value to funders, pol- aam-us.org. of The Bates Bedspread.” Brooke Lever and Anna Hathaway receive their scholarships jor at St. Michael’s College icy makers, insurers, peers Opening to the public The museum is open Tues- recently at Lost Valley.
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