LINGUISTICS' Selected Category Scheme: Wos

LINGUISTICS' Selected Category Scheme: Wos

Journal Data Filtered By: Selected JCR Year: 2020 Selected Editions: SSCI Selected Categories: 'LINGUISTICS' Selected Category Scheme: WoS Rank Full Journal Title ISSN Journal Impact Factor 1 APPLIED LINGUISTICS 0142-6001 5.741 2 Language Teaching 0261-4448 5.327 3 Computer Assisted Language Learning 0958-8221 4.789 4 MODERN LANGUAGE JOURNAL 0026-7902 4.759 5 LANGUAGE LEARNING 0023-8333 4.667 6 LANGUAGE LEARNING & TECHNOLOGY 1094-3501 4.313 7 International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 1367-0050 4.159 8 STUDIES IN SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION 0272-2631 3.988 9 Language Teaching Research 1362-1688 3.899 10 TESOL QUARTERLY 0039-8322 3.692 11 Language Testing 0265-5322 3.551 12 JOURNAL OF SECOND LANGUAGE WRITING 1060-3743 3.538 13 Bilingualism-Language and Cognition 1366-7289 3.532 14 Annual Review of Linguistics 2333-9691 3.512 15 SYSTEM 0346-251X 3.167 16 RESEARCH ON LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION 0835-1813 3.077 17 JOURNAL OF MEMORY AND LANGUAGE 0749-596X 3.059 18 Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 2083-5205 3.036 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE & 19 COMMUNICATION DISORDERS 1368-2822 3.020 20 LANGUAGE SPEECH AND HEARING SERVICES IN SCHOOLS 0161-1461 2.983 21 ReCALL 0958-3440 2.917 JOURNAL OF MULTILINGUAL AND MULTICULTURAL 22 DEVELOPMENT 0143-4632 2.814 23 ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES 0889-4906 2.804 24 APHASIOLOGY 0268-7038 2.773 25 International Journal of Multilingualism 1479-0718 2.714 26 JOURNAL OF PHONETICS 0095-4470 2.670 27 Applied Linguistics Review 1868-6303 2.655 28 JOURNAL OF FLUENCY DISORDERS 0094-730X 2.538 29 Language Policy 1568-4555 2.491 30 International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 1754-9507 2.484 31 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY 1058-0360 2.408 32 BRAIN AND LANGUAGE 0093-934X 2.381 33 LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY 0047-4045 2.380 34 Assessing Writing 1075-2935 2.353 35 Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 1613-7027 2.346 36 Language Cognition and Neuroscience 2327-3798 2.331 37 JOURNAL OF SPEECH LANGUAGE AND HEARING RESEARCH 1092-4388 2.297 38 JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION DISORDERS 0021-9924 2.288 39 COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS 0891-2017 2.271 40 JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 0261-927X 2.253 41 Natural Language Semantics 0925-854X 2.222 42 SECOND LANGUAGE RESEARCH 0267-6583 2.178 43 Journal of English for Academic Purposes 1475-1585 2.171 44 FOREIGN LANGUAGE ANNALS 0015-718X 2.067 45 Journal of Specialised Translation 1740-357X 2.061 46 Language and Education 0950-0782 2.032 47 ELT Journal 0951-0893 2.028 48 MIND & LANGUAGE 0268-1064 1.938 49 THEORETICAL LINGUISTICS 0301-4428 1.929 50 International Multilingual Research Journal 1931-3152 1.917 51 Language and Intercultural Communication 1470-8477 1.903 52 Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 1055-1360 1.872 53 Interpreting 1384-6647 1.864 54 APPLIED PSYCHOLINGUISTICS 0142-7164 1.838 55 Language and Cognition 1866-9808 1.830 56 Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 1879-9264 1.813 57 Literacy 1741-4350 1.783 58 LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION 0271-5309 1.765 59 NATURAL LANGUAGE & LINGUISTIC THEORY 0167-806X 1.761 60 PHONETICA 0031-8388 1.759 61 Interpreter and Translator Trainer 1750-399X 1.750 62 LINGUISTIC INQUIRY 0024-3892 1.745 63 JOURNAL OF NEUROLINGUISTICS 0911-6044 1.710 64 International Journal of Bilingualism 1367-0069 1.693 65 Linguistic Typology 1430-0532 1.684 66 Laboratory Phonology 1868-6346 1.667 66 Language Assessment Quarterly 1543-4303 1.667 68 Language Awareness 0965-8416 1.654 69 RELC Journal 0033-6882 1.596 70 Linguistics and Education 0898-5898 1.592 71 LANGUAGE 0097-8507 1.583 72 METAPHOR AND SYMBOL 1092-6488 1.568 73 COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS 0936-5907 1.553 74 Current Issues in Language Planning 1466-4208 1.523 75 LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY 0165-0157 1.514 76 LANGUAGE AND SPEECH 0023-8309 1.500 77 Journal of Semantics 0167-5133 1.488 78 TOPICS IN LANGUAGE DISORDERS 0271-8294 1.484 79 JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS 0378-2166 1.476 80 Signs and Society 2326-4489 1.452 81 Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 0267-1905 1.440 82 Language Culture and Curriculum 0790-8318 1.439 83 JOURNAL OF CHILD LANGUAGE 0305-0009 1.429 84 Journal of Language Identity and Education 1534-8458 1.370 85 Language Acquisition 1048-9223 1.349 86 CLINICAL LINGUISTICS & PHONETICS 0269-9206 1.346 87 JOURNAL OF SOCIOLINGUISTICS 1360-6441 1.340 Multilingua-Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage 88 Communication 0167-8507 1.339 89 First Language 0142-7237 1.328 90 Child Language Teaching & Therapy 0265-6590 1.324 91 Social Semiotics 1035-0330 1.320 92 International Journal of Applied Linguistics 0802-6106 1.267 92 Language Variation and Change 0954-3945 1.267 94 Journal of Politeness Research-Language Behaviour Culture 1612-5681 1.217 95 Porta Linguarum 1697-7467 1.200 96 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLINGUISTIC RESEARCH 0090-6905 1.180 97 Glossa-A Journal of General Linguistics 2397-1835 1.170 98 Perspectives-Studies in Translation Theory and Practice 0907-676X 1.165 99 Across Languages and Cultures 1585-1923 1.160 100 English Today 0266-0784 1.123 Syntax-A Journal of Theoretical Experimental and Interdisciplinary 101 Research 1368-0005 1.115 102 Argumentation 0920-427X 1.089 103 English World-Wide 0172-8865 1.083 104 Phonology 0952-6757 1.073 105 JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS 0022-2267 1.070 105 Natural Language Engineering 1351-3249 1.070 107 International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 1384-6655 1.059 108 Spanish in Context 1571-0718 1.025 109 Journal of the International Phonetic Association 0025-1003 1.000 109 Language Learning and Development 1547-5441 1.000 109 Target-International Journal of Translation Studies 0924-1884 1.000 112 Gender and Language 1747-6321 0.976 113 Linguistics Vanguard 2199-174X 0.971 IRAL-INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS IN 114 LANGUAGE TEACHING 0019-042X 0.970 115 World Englishes 0883-2919 0.920 116 Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 0929-6174 0.914 117 Journal of Language and Politics 1569-2159 0.899 118 Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 2055-7671 0.894 119 Intercultural Pragmatics 1612-295X 0.875 120 English Language & Linguistics 1360-6743 0.870 121 JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LINGUISTICS 0075-4242 0.846 122 English Teaching-Practice and Critique 1175-8708 0.833 123 Terminology 0929-9971 0.826 124 Interaction Studies 1572-0373 0.824 125 PROBUS 0921-4771 0.818 126 Iberica 1139-7241 0.816 127 AMERICAN SPEECH 0003-1283 0.811 128 LINGUISTICS 0024-3949 0.803 CANADIAN MODERN LANGUAGE REVIEW-REVUE 129 CANADIENNE DES LANGUES VIVANTES 0008-4506 0.792 130 Zeitschrift fur Sprachwissenschaft 0721-9067 0.750 131 Translation Studies 1478-1700 0.732 132 Functions of Language 0929-998X 0.731 133 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEXICOGRAPHY 0950-3846 0.721 134 LINGUA 0024-3841 0.719 135 Pragmatics 1018-2101 0.717 136 LANGUAGE SCIENCES 0388-0001 0.682 137 Language and Literature 0963-9470 0.677 138 Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 1383-4924 0.647 139 LINGUISTIC REVIEW 0167-6318 0.628 140 Australian Journal of Linguistics 0726-8602 0.622 141 Journal of French Language Studies 0959-2695 0.611 142 Linguistica Antverpiensia New Series-Themes in Translation Studies 2295-5739 0.607 143 Language Matters 1022-8195 0.605 144 Pragmatics and Society 1878-9714 0.600 145 Translation and Interpreting Studies 1932-2798 0.596 146 Revista Signos 0718-0934 0.585 147 Circulo de Linguistica Aplicada a la Comunicacion 1576-4737 0.583 147 NARRATIVE INQUIRY 1387-6740 0.583 149 Translator 1355-6509 0.578 150 Acta Linguistica Hungarica 1216-8076 0.523 151 Language Problems & Language Planning 0272-2690 0.517 152 Diachronica 0176-4225 0.516 153 Text & Talk 1860-7330 0.507 154 JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN LINGUISTICS 0925-8558 0.500 155 JOURNAL OF PIDGIN AND CREOLE LANGUAGES 0920-9034 0.474 156 RILCE-Revista de Filologia Hispanica 0213-2370 0.456 157 Slovo a Slovesnost 0037-7031 0.435 158 STUDIES IN LANGUAGE 0378-4177 0.434 159 FOLIA LINGUISTICA 0165-4004 0.426 160 Onomazein 0717-1285 0.419 161 HISTORIOGRAPHIA LINGUISTICA 0302-5160 0.409 162 Review of Cognitive Linguistics 1877-9751 0.405 163 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AMERICAN LINGUISTICS 0020-7071 0.404 164 Sintagma 0214-9141 0.400 165 Names-A Journal of Onomastics 0027-7738 0.390 166 Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 1897-7499 0.386 167 Pragmatics & Cognition 0929-0907 0.378 168 Lexikos 1684-4904 0.371 169 International Journal of Speech Language and the Law 1748-8885 0.368 170 Atlantis-Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 0210-6124 0.359 171 Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 1607-3614 0.353 172 European Journal of English Studies 1382-5577 0.341 173 VIAL-Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics 1697-0381 0.333 174 JOURNAL OF CHINESE LINGUISTICS 0091-3723 0.324 175 INDOGERMANISCHE FORSCHUNGEN 0019-7262 0.320 176 Revista Espanola de Linguistica Aplicada 0213-2028 0.319 177 RLA-Revista de Linguistica Teorica y Aplicada 0718-4883 0.310 Babel-Revue Internationale de la Traduction-International Journal of 178 Translation 0521-9744 0.289 179 Dialectologia et Geolinguistica 0942-4040 0.286 180 Journal of Historical Pragmatics 1566-5852 0.281 181 Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 0167-6164 0.267 182 Journal of Germanic Linguistics 1470-5427 0.222 183 Nordic Journal of Linguistics 0332-5865 0.192 HISPANIA-A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE TEACHING OF 184 SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE 0018-2133 0.165 185 Revue Francaise de Linguistique Appliquee 1386-1204 0.136 186 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DIALEKTOLOGIE UND LINGUISTIK 0044-1449 0.125 187 Revue Roumaine de Linguistique-Romanian Review of Linguistics 0035-3957 0.109 188 ESTUDIOS FILOLOGICOS 0071-1713 0.108 189 Language and Linguistics 1606-822X 0.106 190 Language & History 1759-7536 0.087 191 Langages 0458-726X 0.080 192 Africana Linguistica 0065-4124 0.067 193 Syntax and Semantics 0092-4563 Not Available Copyright © 2021 Clarivate By exporting the selected data, you agree to the data usage policy set forth in the Terms of Use.

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