Mid-Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 1980 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 000 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o THURLES SARSFIELDS 0 o 0 B IRISH NIGHT B o 0 B DANCING AND CABARET B o 0 o IN SA RSFIELDS SOCIAL CENTRE 0 o 0 B EVERY SA TURDA Y NIGHT B o 0 o 0 8 (NOTE VENUE) 8 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 o 0 o 0 o 0 B JOHN & BREDA KENNEDY B o 0 B THE RAGG CABARET LOUNGE B o 0 o 0 o WISH EVERY SUCCESS TO 0 o 0 o DROM- INCH 0 B IN TODA Y'S GAME B o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o Here~ Hoping for a Good Final 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 00001 1000000000000ni 10000000000001 'OOO[JOOOO Tipperary Board presenting the Johnny Leahy Cup to Sarsfields Captain Michael Dundon after last years mid final. Mid Board Secretary Mr Tom O'Hara is also present. Failte b Chathaoirleach na Roinne A Ch'lrde Gaelt, bring Mid TipP8fary hurling back to its rightful M&r chathaolrleach ns Roinne $eO tugaim place in the county. "ilte romhaibh dti cluiche ceannai, Thiobrad T' luil agam, d' bhri sin, go mbeidh cluiche Arann Meanach na Blial'l8 1980. brea fuinniuil ag.ainn • th,bh.rfaidh sjsamh is Feltow Gaels 01 Mid Tipptf"ary, I welcome gcleondar d'r luch! leanuOl, you once more to the Mid Tipperary Senior Hurling final between Thurles Sarsfields and I, Mise, Orom and Inch. Drom, defeated recently, Tadhg O'Meachair, CathlOirieach. promoted Clonmore in their semi final game while Sarsfields rather easily disposed of Holycross·Battycsh III. AN REITEOIR- MARTIN O'GRADY We look forward then to a keenly contested sporting game which hopefully will measure up The popular Moyne official I. one of the to the beu of what our supporters traditionelly best known G.A.A. personalities in the County. e~pect from Mid Tipperary. Stitt an active playing member of hi, club, he After our County', recent poor ,how· has won many honours In both hurling and ing lIIIinst old rivals Cork, in the MUO$lfJr football. With his brothers Bill, Michael and championship, many TipP. suppol"\ers both Tom he played with Moynllt-Templetuohy in inside and outside the County .... asking their historic .nd only senior succeu in 1971. question, and ,"king the answer to TipPerary's Martin has ,Iso collected junior hurting hurling dltCline. One theory put forward i, the decline medals in 1961 .nd 1966.nd ali All Ireland of hurling In our division and judging by our Intermediate medal also in '66. He is the holder showing in rltCent years. we find it difficult to of four Mid senior medals, 1970, '72, '76 and deny ,uch I theory. Gone ere the day, whln '77. In football he helped 10 win two Mid the player, of Mid Tipperary occupied with junior titles. pride end distinction the majority of position, He has been refereeing 98mes 81 aU levels on our county team. Gone. also seems to be the since 1974 and last year he had control of the e~cllfJment and anticipation which Imong Our Mid Senior Hurling Final belween Moycarkey supporters was for so long part and parcel of IBorri, and ThurlfJI Sarsfields, Mid finel day. We confidently look forward to the day when Mid Tipperary will once agIIin take hs proper place in the hurlir"lg scene In CH.Ir county and we are hoping that now, com­ Cover photo: Action from III' VMr. Mid fi nal mencing a new decade, the players of Thurles Sarsfield .... MoyCMttey BOl"f iL Sarsfields and Drom and Inch will set the spark Photo- O'Shea Thud" of hurting enthusia,,"" atight once more and 3 ... Photo - O'Shu. Th\UIU THURLES SARSFIELDS- MID TIPPERARY SENIOR HURLING CHAMPIONS 1919 Back row: Pat Leane, Connie Maher, Tom Barry, Johnny Bourke, Paul Byrne, Pat McCormack, Pat Stake/um. Front row: Michael Maher, Pat McCormack, Jimmy Doyle. Michael Gleeson, John Cahill, Michael Dundon, Jim Ryan, Francis Murphy. THURLES SARSFIELDS In this short ,rtielill is im!)Olllbl' to do justice slerllng service to the club in Ihe '30s and to the history of this most femous of all Tipp­ '40s. Jar, Carnally and Tommy Doyle both won erary hurling clubs. Suffice it to lay thtl IU their firS! Celtic Crosses in Killarney In '37 end story Is to 8 grill IKllnt the nary of Tipp, their second in '45, Jar.• Iull·backand Tommy hurling. down the YIII'S since the G.A.A. WiI$ as a forward on both occasions. Tommy went foond&d in the CAthedr,' town in 1884. AI it on 10 share In Ihe three-In·a-row triumphs of was the birthplace of the Association, I suppose '49-50-51 as one of our greatest wing-backs, II wa, only fitting that Thurlel should win the for whom even the great Christy Ring held no first county championship (18871 and that I larrors. Another member of the '45 squad was Thur1&1·powered team should be the first Eddie Gleeson, who has • IOn IIIlisting Sars. victart 01 the hurling Blue Rib.nd. Of the 85 loday end whose father played with the old county championships played to date In senior Blues in the first decade of Ihe century, Two hurling. Thunes has won no IMI thin 28, or Just more of Sars. most famous playerl helped in cnll-third of the 10111. Truly a remarkeble thll greet 3-ln·•• ow triumph, the lion-hearted record, which pull them far ahead 01 lOy other Mickey Byrne, who never refused to be beaten, club or parish, in the honours 1111. Those early end thaI wonderful .rtiste with Ihe slioter, Thurles teams until the turn of the century were Tommy Ryan, Mickey collected his fifth All· dominated by Mahers 01 Kiliinan, and to show Ireland medel in '58, '1.0 blH:ome e member of how history repeats itself Ihe young Michael that select blond who tin bolll! of 10 many Maher on today's Sars, team II • g•• ndson of lriumphs. He was the Ill'$t captain 10 receive Ihe first Thvrles tlptain, Denis M.her of KlIlinan Iha Leahy Cup, Jack Dwyer and John Del. who" son John was 10 lead Tipperary 10 vic_ hurny wen' two laading forwards In Ihe '40s lory in 1945 and to blH:ome one of the immor­ and aarly '50s. In Johnny O'Dwyer, Jack has a tits of Tipper.ry hvrling. IOn .nd John has e nephaw, Irylng today to The records give Thurles as county chem­ win honoul'$ for 511'$. pions for 1904, bul the winning leam was e combination of Thurilts, Borris and Horse & Parhaps the 'Iifties end 'siKti" were the Jockey, Tom Semple was clPtain and was mOSI ,ucce"lul of all tha decades in Ihe history assisled by seven of his townsmen, wilh live of Ihe club. In eleven years 1'55 to '65 inclusive) from Borris and four from Ihe Jockey. Thl, ten county till" were won, and to compensate was the start of "The Blues" era. who wenl on for Iha 1960 dafea! by Toomevara, Iha siSler to win Ihe first 4·jn·a-row ~'06 10 '09) in club, the Crokas, won Iha county lootball Tipperary, Their last victory wes In 1911. championship, This great combinalion gave us In belween their sejections broughl two AII­ Tony Wall, ana of our greatest centre-backs; Irelands 10 Ihe Premier County ~'06 and 'OS). tha one and only Jimmy Doyle, bell·player Semple Stadium, ICe", of lodaY'1 final, honovl'$ superb; Mick Murphy, whosa carHr was cvt 1101 alone Ihe neme of the famous captain b1.I1 ,hor! by injury, and Sean McLoughlin, goal· also all those gallanl players, wno played under 5Corer suprema, The firlt three named all cap. him. Thurles had to weit 18 yeers for iU nlll.1 tained the county leam to high"1 honours, county chllmplonship in 1919, when the youlh­ Tony in '58, Jimmy In '62 and '65 end Mick in ful John Maher, Jim Lanigan and Jimmy '64. The Keane brOlharl, Conny, Larry and Harney made Iheir debut. Captained by John Mich8eI, whose father played for Munster at Joe Callan en, e Thurles selection brought hurling and football, ell played Ihalr parts in home the McCarthY Cup in 1930. setting up thll most remarkable record of 10 When John Meher retired in 1946, he heel wins in 11 yeers, whil, larry collacled his helped his club win nine county finall as well as Caltlc Cross in '58. Our present able Co, Sec· being II member of Ihree AII·lreland winning retary, Tommy 8arrell, 80bby Mockler, counly leems 1'30, '37, '451. Jim Lanigan MUlha Maher and Noel Murphy all pulled their captained the victorious leem of '37 bul had weighl in Ihose great viCIOri" of thl '50s and retired before the '45 triumph. Another player '60s, the two Illter plaving thair parlIn winning who IIIYe yeoman service to club and county in the hurling blua riband for 1958. Ihe 'Iwenties end 'Ihirties was goalkeeper When Jimmy Doyle helped Tipperary to our Tommy Butler, now Presidenl of the club; nor last AII·lreland win in '71 ha becama the first must we lorgel Ihal greal 'rlilt with th. camen, Thurl" man to win siK Callic Crosses. Jimmy Paddy Maher (Whitehead). Denis Murphy was there agein to help Sars. win thair lasl (Bunny) was Ihe capable fvn·forward in Ihe '37 county titla In '74, Iheir only success in thl triumph, John and Tom Lanigan rendered 'Open Draw', 5 Sairsealaigh, Durlas Gorm agus Ban (Blue and White) 111 P.
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