american chamber of commerce in hungary VOICEVol IV. Issue 16, september 2014 Envisioning a Better Future? MORE INSIDE: Incentivizing Whistleblowing Positive Impact 3 Contents 4 introduction 14 COVEr STORY 30 AmchAm nEws Dear Members and Friends… BSE Making no Headway Dare to Dream About HR 5 PEoPLE 16-17 COVEr STORY Value and Impact Envisioning a Better Future 31 AmchAm nEws Acing a Creative Network BUSINESS WITHOUT 6 PEoPLE 19-21 COVEr STORY Creating a Culture Moving to a new of Whistleblowing Model of Education 32-34 AmchAm nEws BOUNDARIES New Members 7 PEoPLE 22-23 LifEstyle Incentivizing Whistleblowing CIB EXPORT AND András Török’s 36-39 AmchAm nEws Budapest Photo Coverage 8 PEoPLE TRADE FINANCING Making Hungary More Popular 24-25 AMCHAm nEWS 40 PAtron Profile 9 PEoPLE Positive Impact Budapest Marriott Hotel Open up new horizons for your business. Choose the Thumbs up to Innovation favourably priced, fi xed rate export loans of Hungary’s 26 AmchAm News 10 -11 News & AnALYSIS Become a Disability- 41 PAtron Profile market-leading corporate lender CIB Bank. Business News Roundup friendly Workplace! Coca-Cola HBC Hungary Ltd. 12-13 mAcroEconomics 29 AmchAm nEws Hungary Tops EU Growth Jubilee Thanksgiving 42 Ceo’s notE for Q2 Charity Drive Getting on Board Voice is published on behalf of the American Chamber of Commerce by Absolut Media Zrt., Madách Trade Center, 1075 Budapest, Madách Imre út 13-14., Building A, 8th floor Editor-in-chief: ROBIN MARSHALL ([email protected]) • Contributors: LEVENTE HÖRÖMPÖLI-TÓTH, ROBIN MARSHALL, ANDRÁS TÖRÖK, Photography: András HAJnal, LÁZár TodoroFF • Design: ABSOLUT DESIGN STÚDIÓ ([email protected]) • Art Design: NORBERT BALÁZS • CEO: TAMÁS BOTKA Advertising: ABSOLUT MEDIA Zrt. ([email protected]) • Sales and Marketing: BALÁZS ROMÁN ([email protected]) Subscriptions: [email protected] • Printing: Absolut Print Kft. Bank of Websites: www.amedia.hu, www.bbj.hu For AmCham Content and Advertising: ZSÓFIA JUHÁSZ ([email protected] + 36 1 266-9880/360) HU ISSN 2062-1817 CIB_Uzlet_hatarok_nelkul Voice_A4 ENG.indd 1 08/09/14 14:51 VOICE american chamber of commerce in hungary Introduction People 5 Dear Members, Dear Friends, INTERVIEW for future generations, we put the from one sector to another can help focus on finding and encouraging entrepreneurs in divergent industries Value and Impact those pioneers who will launch and to learn from one another and to learn by robin mArshALL lead organizations in fields that are from one another’s experiences. only beginning to emerge. Some of VOICE sat down with chairs to collect their input into the these will be innovative ideas; some I encourage you to read the program to new CEO Irisz Lippai- definition of our strategy. On August may be different business models for get a feeling for the complexity of the 28 we had a very dynamic and fruitful existing ideas. But it’s not enough to organization surrounding the summit. Nagy to discuss her hopes discussion to determine the direction talk about it. AmCham’s Transparency From universities to private business and aspirations for the and next steps. It was really promising and Governance committee has taken people, their companies, AmCham staff, to organization she now to see how active the participants were, it upon itself to organize the Third other civic organizations, we’ve endeavored sharing their thoughts and transmitting Entreprenuership summit to inspire to include others in shaping this part of helps lead. their energy and commitment. entrepreneurs – decided and undecided the Hungarian business landscape. People Currently we are working on finalizing – to adopt an exciting way of thinking. and companies giving of them selflessly our strategy, defining how best we can But it’s not enough to be excited. The produce outstanding results. I am proud to WHat attRacted YOU to THE create value and make an impact in committee has worked out a program know many involved and know that with positioN IN THE fiRst PLace? a structured way. My task is to make – called ‘Start Your Business’ – to each passing year, the bar is raised. We The board asked me the same question sure we have an executable strategy Photo: István Nagyapáti encourage entrepreneurs to play within learn and adapt, learn and adapt. during the recruitment process and and detailed work plan for 2015 in the bounds of the law, to create and my answer was – and still is – that I place to mobilize and motivate not only If you have spent any amount of time contribute so to speak. At AmCham If you feel a slight tug to help organize, would like to work with interesting, AmCham staff, but also our members in Hungary over the last three years, we believe in making an impact within support and mentor leaders and inspiring people to promote the for the effective execution. you have likely noticed that the topic a framework. The program serves to businesspeople of the future, we’d business environment in Hungary. of entrepreneurship has slowly crept show several examples of successful be happy to discuss how you could During the first three months in the job How wiLL YOU JUDGE near the top of many agendas. This entrepreneurs, their paths, and their contribute to this wonderful effort. I have met more than 50 professionals WHetHER YOU Have beeN includes that of AmCham. As society nuggets of wisdom. No two ventures Hats off to those involved. It’s a big representing many different industries. SUccessfUL IN THE CEO’S post? concerns itself with sowing the seeds are alike, but cross-pollination step to help others take a small step. These people hold important leadership Beside informal feedback from our positions, they have already achieved members and our staff, there is a very a lot in their career, and it is very clear indicator: increasing retention AmCham Member’s Board fulfilling to see that they devote time of current members and a growing and energy to AmCham to move number of new members. President First ViCe President seCond ViCe President seCretAry treAsurer William Norbert Ferenc Péter forward things they believe in. BENkő FOGARASI PONGRÁCZ Fáth YoU Have HELD HIGH- Morgan Stanley Rózsakert Hungary IBM Hungary Honorary YoU Have Had A CHANce to poweRed Jobs foR A NUmbeR Medical Center Analytics Ltd. 1117 Budapest, member Neumann Str. 1. Get YOUR feet UNdeR THE of YeaRS AND YOU ALso Have 1026, Budapest, 1095 Budapest, Gábor Áron u. Lechner Ödön tabLE AND settLE IN Now. two CHILDREN. How do YOU 74-78. fasor 8. WHat Has SURPRised YOU services to meet their needs. In the maiNtaiN A HeaLTHY woRK/ [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Phone: +36 1 225 7350 Phone: +36 1 881-4113 Phone: +36 1 382 5924 Phone: +36 23 502 400 most aboUT THE Job? past AmCham has been a powerful Life baLANce? fax: +36 1 881-3700 fax: +36 1 382 5501 Although I was managing huge and impactful organization, which I have been lucky as I could always BoArd MeMBers At lArge organizations, this time I need to is a very good base from which to count on the help of my parents, Gábor Edina Márk Andrea GONDA HEAL HETéNyI JUHOS engage volunteers and coordinate their define those areas where we can be a helping me look after the children work. While it is fulfilling on one credible partner for decision makers and organizing things at home. Hewlett Packard Google Flextronics LHH Magyarország, 1117, Budapest, 1077 Budapest, International Career Consultants Kft. hand, it also requires very different in improving the competitiveness of Still today my mother stays with us Alíz utca 1. Wesselényi u. 1183 Buda- 1021 Budapest, 16/A. pest, Hangár Ötvös János u. 1-3. leadership capabilities and in my view our market. If I look not only at GDP during the week, which is not only utca 5-37 personal engagement becomes even but also the brain power concentrated a big help but also transmits the [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Phone: +36 1 229 9001 Phone: +36 1 888 0501 Phone: +36 30 677 5029 Phone: +36 1 392 5070 more important. in AmCham, represented by our values of living in a big family, with fax: +36 1 229 9999 fax: +36 1 888-0501 fax: +36 1 297 0158 fax: 36 1 392-5071 members from almost all industries, three generations together. When my BoArd MeMBers At lArge ChieF exeCutiVe oFFiCer WHat ARE THE biGGest I am confident the chamber can act previous employer moved to Budaörs, Bob Diána Eszter Irisz CHALLENGes IN THE ROLE AND as a source of information and be a we took the decision to move there so I MANSFIELD STEGENA SZABó LIPPAI-NAGy faciNG AMCHam itseLF? think tank for working out overarching didn’t lose time in traffic. When I am Mansfield & Amgen Kft. GE American Chamber Associates 1055 Budapest, 1138 Bp., Duna of Commerce in During my discussions with our recommendations. Our challenge now asked for advice by younger women 1051 Budapest, Kossuth tér Tower, Népfürdő Hungary 1051, members the question I am most is to define those areas of focus that I always stress two things – try to Szent Istvan 16-17. III/2. utca 22. B-C. Budapest, Szent tér 11. épület István tér 11. interested in is what they expect coincide with the interests of both our organize the help around the children [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Phone: +36 30 609 6379 Phone: +36 1 354-4710 Phone: +36 1 237 6811 Phone: +36 1 428-2080 from AmCham.
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