THE DILLON TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1914. COL CRUSE DIED NMWFsT NflTFs Despite the fact that 6,000 bags of IT HELENA SUNDAY sugar produced by the Nevada Sugar company remain unsold, an effort Is being put forth to resume operations next season. SLAYER OF STANFORD WHITE Arthur Chappell and A. W. Long, One of State’s Captains of Indus- TO BE TAKEN BACK TO NEW DILLON FURNITURE workmen employed in removing tim­ YORK FOR TRIAL. bers from an abandoned well near tty Leaves Fortune Realized Winona, Wash., preparatory to filling It in, were buried alive beneath hun­ From Mining. Fight to Prevent His Extradition From dreds of tons of soil when the walls New Hampshire Ends in Defeat caved in on them. for Thaw, Who May Be Re­ COMPANY Samuel P. Weston, business man­ turned to Aeylum. After being confined to his room by ager of the Seattle Evening Sun, has illness for a month, Col. Thomas Cruse been appointed receiver for the Sun Publishing company, on the suit of a died at Helena Sunday afternoon. Washington.—The supreme court ol creditor. The Sun began publication While he had not been in good health the United States on Monday ruled nearly two years ago, and is reputed for several years, he had been able to that Harry Kendall Thaw must be de­ to have lost $400,000. livered up to the state of New York STABILITY SERVICE attend to business matters until quite to be tried on the charge of con­ Two unmasked robbers entered a recently. He leaves no children, his saloon near the retail center of Port­ nearest surviving relatives being two spiracy to break out of Matteawan in­ sane asylum, or to be recommitted to land, lined up eight patrons with SATISFACTION nieces, Mrs. Mary Rae and Mrs. M. J. the asylum, or both. Thaw’s fight faces to the wall, shot the proprietor, Sweeney, both of Helena and two for liberty is, therefore, ended for Richard Dungess, looted the cash reg­ nephews, Will and Frank Cruse the time being. ister of the day’s receipts, about $100, Few men in Montana have had so Thaw is now in Manchester, N. H. and escaped with their booty. much written about them as Colonel Some of the best legal talent in the Mrs. Sarah Todd, the oldest resi­ Cruse, and yet none was more averse country has been fighting for months dent of Walla Walla and probably of u a l it y and finish are combined to produce to talking about himself or his enter­ to prevent his extradition to New the northwest, died at the Northwest Christian home in Walla Walla, last satisfaction, both in modem and period de­ prises. A practical miner and a pioyeerYork. Extradition was ordered by the governor of New Hampshire, but Fed­ week. Had she lived until March 29, Q in that business in the state, he was a 1915, she would have been 105 years signs, worthy of your investigation. By em­ doer and not a talker. Though his in­ eral District Judge Aldrich granted Thaw a write of habeas corpus. This old. She was born in Kentucky in bodying these elements in our various lines we terests for the past quarter of a cen­ 1810. action of the court was reversed by tury have been many and varied, they the supreme court on Monday. Edward Gall, a Russian, was arrest­ hope to make it plain to you that our system of have all been confined to Montana. He The decision of the court was ed at Vancouver, Wash., and soon economy in buying and handling "merchandise could never be interested in any en­ unanimous and was read by Justice after confessed having murdered Otto terprise outside of the state, and he Holmes. It held that the writ of Ludke, a farmer, near Ridgefield, makes it possible to supply you with dependable always desired to be in touch with babeas corpus did not He, and sue Wash., November 20, last. Ludke was whatever business Jie engaged in. tained the contention of William shot while visiting at the home of a Furniture at OUR LOW PRICE LEVEL. - - - neighbor, the assassin firing through Sold Mine for Millions. Traver b Jerome at every point. Thaw cannot be taken back for thirty days a window from outside the house. Cattle raising, horse breeding, sheep Announcement is made by the state and wool production, ranching on a under the decision on Monday. Thir­ ty days must elapse before the court’s tax commission of Oregon that the big scale, all appealed to him to a t mandate is handed down, and he can­ state levy for 1915 would be 3.34 greater or less degree, but it was to not be removed to New York before mills, and that the total state tax mining that he devoted most of his at­ that time. would be $1,053,000 less than for 1914. tention. When he soil out his mine at The next move in the caBe is for the The levy for next year is based on a See the Display ol Bissell Carpet Sweepers in Our Marysville, the Drum Lummon, to an New York authorities to take. It has total valuation of $932,413,080, and it English company for a cash considera­been said the state does not intend will produce a total tax of $3,112,000. Window. Be Wise and Prudent—Buy One. tion of a million dollars and a stock- to prosecute Thaw, but will return Visitors to Yellowstone National interest, which later it is said netted bim at once to Matteawan. park next season may bathe in the twice the cash paid, he did not retire, natural hot water that spouts from ALLIES INVITE AID. the many geysers In the vicinity of from mining. Instead he put his Old Faithful inn. Henry J. Brothers, money into the development of other Give Guarantees to Greece and Rou. a Salt Lake attorney, has been grant­ properties in the Marysville district, mania in Case They Enter War. ed the concession for maintaining and developed a big paying property, London.—Great Britain, Russia and public bath houseB in the geyser dis­ trict. though just how big he always re­ Prance have given guarantees to both fused to give any hint. Roumania and Greece that the latter John Killman, aged 19, shot and Directed Operations. country will not be attacked by Bui. seriously wounded Claude Rinehart, Up to a short time age he made reg­ garia In the event that the Greeks aged 35, at Lents, a suburb of Port­ ular trips each week to his mine, and should come to the aid of Servla, and land, following an attempt at suicide directed its operation. He was also that the Bulgars will not molest made by Sylvia Killman age 16, sis­ WE STAND BACK OF THE GOODS opening a property on Scratch Gravel,Roumania if this state should elect to ter of John Killman, who declared the enter the war. girl had been driven to the act near Helena, his hope being that it through mistreatment at the hands would be the biggest gold mine in This action of the Jriple entente, G. T. PAUL, PROPRIETOR coming on the heels of Bulgaria’s as­ of Rinehart. this section of the state. He was also After spending the night guarding interested in the development of oil surance that it will continue to main­ tain the strictest neutrality with re­ the body of Game Warden A. S. Hub­ lands in Eastern Montana. * lation to tlie international conflict, is bard on u lonely trail near Elk creek, _ Until within a few years Colonel Sheriff William Singler and Deputy generally accepted as foreshadowing 3E= Cruse had large interests in sheep, tlie entry of Greece and Roumania Sheriff Wilson, walked to the cabin of horses, cattle and lands in different into the struggle. his slayer, Loris Martin, arrested him parts of the state, but he had been and brought him to the jail at Jack­ disposing of these, so that it is prob­ Street Duel at Reno. sonville, Ore. Martin claims he shot Ijj able that his investments in those lines Reno, Nev.—In an Impromptu duel Hubbard in self-defense. which a few years ago were estimated over a woman, W. Murphy and C. Fa­ The people of Ellensbcrg, Wash., üi at a million dollars, were at the time rias emptied pistols at each otherhave been experiencing tlie coldest æ A Merry Christmas to All Our Patrons Monday on Center street from a dis­ weather in years. The Yakima river of his death comparatively small. is frozen at the intake of the city æ m 78 Years Old. tance of fifteen feet. Murphy was hit four times and a fifth bullet slightly power ditch, causing further delay to æ Colonel Cruse was born in County BUY YOUR wounded a bystander nearly a block the resumption of tlie hydro-electric æ Cavan, Ireland, in March, 1830, of ster­ away. Farias was not hit and gave plant, which was put out of commis­ æ ling Irish stock, possessed of that himself up. sion several days ago by ice cakes alert an 3 ■ ;"orous mentality so char- breaking the turbines. æ acteris' race. His educational Newlands Had Close Call. Since the Salt Lake people have tfi Holiday Candy and Nuts privih limited in scope, be­ Carson, Nev.—The vote in the No- been In control of the Ely-Gibraltar tfi ing siKii as were afforded by private vember elections was officially can­ Mining company property located two I vassed Monday before the state su­ and a half miles north of McGill, Nev., s bR schools in his native land.
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