H3776 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 25, 2010 In 2001, as it was mentioned, Lance I have no further requests for time, United States to observe this month with ap- Mackey was diagnosed with throat can- and I yield back the balance of my propriate programs, ceremonies, and activi- cer. He continued to run in the 2002 time. ties; Iditarod with a feeding tube in his Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I commend Whereas significant outreach efforts to the Asian American and Pacific Islander commu- stomach, but had to pull out of the the gentleman for his thoughtful re- nity have been made through the reestab- race halfway through. After extensive marks and ask Members on both sides lishment of the White House Initiative on surgery, radiation treatment, a year- of the aisle to support Mr. YOUNG in his Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to co- long break from racing, and the loss of resolution. ordinate multiagency efforts to ensure more an index finger, he is now fully recov- I yield back the balance of my time. accurate data collection and access to serv- ered and cancer-free. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ices for this community; Lance Mackey is married to his high question is on the motion offered by Whereas the Presidential Cabinet includes school sweetheart, Tonya, who is also a the gentleman from Massachusetts a record three Asian Americans, including Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Commerce musher. They have four children: (Mr. LYNCH) that the House suspend Secretary Gary Locke, and Veterans Affairs Amanda; Brittney; Alanah; and Cain. the rules and agree to the resolution, Secretary Eric Shinseki; Together they run the Comeback Ken- H. Res. 1189. Whereas there has been a commitment to nel in Fox, Alaska. The question was taken. judicial diversity through the nomination of Lance Mackey is a real-life hero and The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the high caliber Asian Americans and other mi- an inspiration to thousands of Alaskan opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being nority jurists at all levels of the Federal Americans who religiously follow the in the affirmative, the ayes have it. bench; Iditarod. I want to commend Lance for Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, on that I Whereas the civic engagement of Asian the great achievement of winning the demand the yeas and nays. Americans and Pacific Islanders and commu- four straight Iditarods. This is a great nity-based organizations has increased The yeas and nays were ordered. throughout the years; Alaskan. Thank you, Lance. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Whereas the Congressional Asian Pacific Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the American Caucus, a bipartisan, bicameral yield myself such time as I may con- Chair’s prior announcement, further caucus of Members of Congress advocating sume. proceedings on this motion will be on behalf of Asian Americans and Pacific Is- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of postponed. landers, has reached a record 30 Members this year; House Resolution 1189, commending Lance f Mackey on winning a record 4th straight Whereas today, Asian American and Pa- Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. This resolution CELEBRATING ASIAN/PACIFIC cific Islander leaders serve in local and State AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH legislatures across the Nation, in States as not only congratulates Mackey on his incred- diverse as California, New York, Texas, Con- ible successes but also recognizes the impor- Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I move to necticut, Maryland, Ohio, and Iowa; tance of the Iditarod race and all of the pres- suspend the rules and agree to the reso- Whereas, even with these exceptional mile- tige that it brings to Alaska every year. lution (H. Res. 1316) celebrating Asian/ stones crossed by the community, there re- Since the 1970s, the Iditarod Sled Dog Pacific American Heritage Month, as mains much to be done to ensure that lin- Race—frequently referred to as the ‘Last amended. guistically and culturally isolated Asian Great Race on Earth’—has attracted the best The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Americans and Pacific Islanders have access dog sled racers (known as mushers) and dog tion. to resources and a voice in the United States teams from around the world to compete in The text of the resolution is as fol- Government; Whereas learning from injustices faced by Alaska. The 1,150 mile Iditarod trail race is fa- lows: Asian American and Pacific Islander commu- mous around the world because of its difficulty H. RES. 1316 nities throughout United States history, and because of the incredible talent that it at- Whereas the United States joins together such as the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Japa- tracts every year. The Iditarod’s official site ex- each May to pay tribute to the contributions nese American internment, unpunished hate plains the extreme difficulty of the trail saying of generations of Asians and Pacific Island- crimes such as the murder of Vincent Chin, that nature ‘‘throws jagged mountain ranges, ers who have enriched the Nation’s history; and other events, can help perfect the Na- frozen river, dense forest, desolate tundra, Whereas the history of Asians and Pacific tion; and miles of windswept coast at the mushers Islanders in the United States is inextricably Whereas Asian Americans and Pacific Is- landers, such as civil rights activist Yuri and their dog teams. tied to the story of the Nation; Whereas the month of May was selected for Kochiyama, Medal of Honor recipient Her- Add to that temperatures far below zero, Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month due bert Pililaau, the first Asian American Con- winds that can cause a complete loss of visi- to the following two historical events, first, gressman Dalip Singh Saund, the first Asian bility, the hazards of overflow, long hours of May 7, 1843, when the first Japanese immi- American Congresswoman Patsy Mink, the darkness and treacherous climbs and slide grants arrived in the United States, and sec- first Asian American member of a presi- hills, and you have the Iditarod.’’ In addition to ond, May 10, 1869, when, with substantial dential cabinet Norman Y. Mineta, and oth- a very exciting race, the Iditarod race every contributions from Chinese immigrants, the ers have made significant strides in the po- year attracts fans and spectators from around first transcontinental railroad was com- litical and military realms; and Whereas celebrating Asian/Pacific Amer- the world and creates many important jobs for pleted; Whereas today, according to the United ican Heritage Month provides the people of Alaskans. States Census Bureau, the Asian American the United States with an opportunity to Lance Mackey who won this year’s Iditarod and Pacific Islander community is one of the recognize the achievements, contributions, race provides an inspiration not only to fans of fastest growing and most diverse populations history, and address the challenges faced by the Iditarod but to all Americans. in the United States, comprised of over 45 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: Now, Mackey grew up in a family of dedicated distinct ethnicities and over 28 language therefore, be it and victorious mushers as both his dad and groups in the community; Resolved, That the House of Representa- his brother have won the Iditarod race. In Whereas the United States Census Bureau tives— 2001, Mackey suffered a severe career and estimates that there are 15,200,000 United (1) recognizes that Asian American and Pa- life set back when he became sick with throat States residents who identify themselves as cific Islander communities enhance the rich Asian alone or in combination with one or cancer. However, after a year of treatment diversity of the United States; and more other races, 1,000,000 United States (2) celebrates the contributions of Asian and away from dog sledding, Mackey recov- residents who identify themselves as Native ered from his cancer and was able to resume Americans and Pacific Islanders to the Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander alone or United States. his career. Just a few years later he won his in combination with one or more other races, first Iditarod race and then went on to win and projects that by 2050, there will be The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- three more times for a record four consecutive 40,600,000 United States residents identifying ant to the rule, the gentleman from as Asian alone or in combination with one or wins. Massachusetts (Mr. LYNCH) and the Mr. Speaker, I strongly urge all of my col- more other races, to comprise 9 percent of the United States population; gentleman from Missouri (Mr. leagues to support this resolution. The annual Whereas section 102 of title 36, United LUETKEMEYER) each will control 20 Iditarod race is an amazing event not just for States Code, officially designates May as minutes. Alaska but for the entire country, and Lance Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, and Mackey, the champion for the last four years, requests the President to issue each year a The Chair recognizes the gentleman deserves our recognition and congratulations. proclamation calling on the people of the from Massachusetts. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:19 May 26, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25MY7.062 H25MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE May 25, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3777 GENERAL LEAVE In closing, let us as a body take a Today, we face a crisis in our com- Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- moment to recognize the valuable con- munity. Right now along the gulf imous consent that all Members may tribution of the Asian and Pacific coast, Asian Americans in particular have 5 legislative days within which to American community and celebrate are struggling because of the impacts revise and extend their remarks and to their rich cultural heritage by sup- of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
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