INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST A Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right — Living the Truth in Charity SAINT LEO ORATORY 221 Hanford Street, Columbus, Ohio 43206 Tel. (614) 443-7685 E-mail: [email protected] www.icksp.org/columbus-home TWENTIETH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST OCTOBER 18, 2020 The Most Reverend Robert J. Brennan, Bishop of the Diocese of Columbus, established St. Leo Oratory on October 1, 2020, and entrusted it to the pastoral leadership and care of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. SUPERIORS OF THE INSTITUTE EXTRAORDINARY FORM MASS TIMES Sunday: 8:30am Low Mass Very Rev. Msgr. R. Michael Schmitz, STD, JCD 10:30am High Mass Vicar General in the Institute Monday, Wed., & Friday: 12:00pm Low Mass Rev. Canon Matthew Talarico, Tuesday & Thursday: 7:00pm Low Mass Provincial Superior in the United States Saturday: 9:00am Low Mass CLERGY AND STAFF OF THE ORATORY CONFESSIONS 30 minutes before each Holy Mass every day Rev. Canon David Silvey, Rector Mr. Mike Wolf, Maintenance DEVOTIONS Coming soon... LITURGICAL SCHEDULE FROM THE RECTOR’S DESK Dear Faithful, Sunday, October 18 We are entering into a solemn period of the liturgical TWENTIETH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST (2nd class; Green) calendar, beginning next Sunday with Feast of Christ Commemoration of St. Luke, Apostle & Evangelist the King. This feast occurs every year on the last Sunday Mission Sunday: Collect pro Propaganda Fidei of October, that is, the Sunday which immediately pre- 8:30am Low Mass - Private Intention cedes another great feast, the Feast of All Saints on No- 10:30am High Mass - Members and Benefactors of St. Leo Oratory vember 1st. Following is the Commemoration of All the Faithful Depart on November 2nd. November is Monday, October 19 the month traditionally dedicated to prayer for the poor St. Peter of Alcantara (3th class; White) souls in Purgatory. 12:00pm Low Mass Christ must reign in our hearts, in our families, but also Jeremiah Choi (by Jennifer Choi) in our society. This is the social reign of Christ the King, which is very much forgotten in our times. It is the Tuesday, October 20 Kingship of Christ in all realms of human life which the St. John Cantius (3rd class; White) Institute of Christ the King is particularly dedicated to 7:00pm Low Mass promoting. Please see the opposite page for our Mass Teresa Choi (by Jenniefer Choi) and devotion schedule on the Feast of Christ the King. Please also keep an eye on the bulletin for upcoming Wednesday, October 21 information on devotions for the month of November. St. Hilarion, Abbot (4th class; White) With every best wish and the assurance of my Commemoration of St. Ursula & Companions, prayers for each of you, I remain, Virgins & Martyrs Yours devotedly in Christ the King, 12:00pm Low Mass Canon David N. Silvey, Rector Theresa Oliver, RIP (by A. Todd Wilson family) Institute's Online "Gala Giving Novena" Thursday, October 22 From October 24 through November 1, help the Insti- Feria (4th class) tute family build our Provincial Headquarters and Votive Mass pro Propoganda Fidei (4th class; Violet) Shrine of Christ the King in Chicago. Go to institute- 7:00pm Low Mass christ-king.org/giving-novena for details. During these Charles Oliver, RIP (by A. Todd Wilson family) 9 days, tune in to hear from our founder, Monsignor Wach, Cardinal Burke, our Sister Adorers and friends Friday, October 23 St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop and Confessor from around America about why it is so important for (3rd class; White) us to build this Spiritual Stronghold in the USA today! 12:00pm Low Mass Each day, a new short video will be posted. Follow Carlo Soccorsi (by Jennifer Soccorsi) ICKSP on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube to see them all! Saturday, October 24 (3rd class; White) St. Raphael, Archangel St. Leo Oratory Income 9:00am Low Mass Deceased members of Franz family (by Ralph Franz) Thank you for your generosity! Sunday, October 25 Collections: OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE KING (1st class; White) Friday, October 2: $1,240.32 8:30am Low Mass - Members and Benefactors of St. Leo Oratory Sunday, October 4: $2,454.00 10:30am High Mass - In Thanksgiving for wedding anniversary (by Sunday, October 11: $4,286.11 Heyer family) Please make checks payable to: Institute of Christ the King Upcoming Events What is a Plenary Indulgence, and how do I obtain it? Serious sins are forgiven by recourse to the Sacrament of Sunday, October 25th Confession. Venial sins, too, are remitted by Confession, Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King though pardon for venial sins may ordinarily also be obtained Titular Feast of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest outside of the Sacrament, by a sincere Act of Contrition. 8:30am Low Mass However, even after our sins are forgiven, some temporal 10:30am High Mass followed by Exposition and punishment due to our sins remains, which we must endure during this life or in Purgatory. An indulgence is the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament remission before God of the temporal punishment due for After the Exposition, the Litany of the Sacred Heart, and the our forgiven sins. Under certain conditions the faithful may Act of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred receive a plenary (entire) or partial indulgence through the Heart, as requested by Pope Pius XI, will be recited. ministry of the Church, which has the authority to distribute · By decree of the Apostolic Penitentiary, all faithful and apply the merits of Christ and the Saints. To acquire a who attend Mass on this day at a church in plenary indulgence it is necessary to perform the work to the care of the Institute of Christ the King which the indulgence is attached and to fulfill the may gain a plenary indulgence under the usual following three conditions: sacramental confession, conditions. Eucharistic Communion, and prayer for the intentions of the · Please note that a second collection will be taken Sovereign Pontiff, all within a few days before or after the up on this day for the Seminary of the indulgenced act. Institute of Christ the King. Second Collection for the Seminary of the Institute Next Sunday, there will be a second collection after Sunday, November 1st: Feast of All Saints, 8:30am the distribution of Holy Communion for the benefit Low Mass and 10:30am High Mass. of the International Seminary of the Institute of Monday, November 2nd: Commemoration of All the Christ the King at Gricigliano, near Florence in Italy. Faithful Departed, Requiem Masses at 9:00am, 12:00 It is customary for our apostolates to take up a noon, and 7:00pm. collection for the seminary twice a year. Nearly one hundred seminarians are currently there in formation Please check the weekly bulletin for up-to-date for the priesthood, including over twenty Americans. information on upcoming events at St. Leo Oratory. These are your future priests here at St. Leo Oratory! Please pray for them and support them according to your means. May God reward your generosity! Registration at Saint Leo Oratory Census forms are still available in the back of church and on the stands next to the side Polyphonic Choir and Gregorian Chant Schola: vestibules, for those families who would like to Singers Needed register at the Oratory of St. Leo the Great. St. Leo’s Oratory is in need of more men’s and women’s Please fill out the census form and return it to the voices for the Polyphonic Choir and for the Gregorian Oratory office (221 Hanford Street, Columbus, Chant Schola which sings for High Masses on Sundays OH 43206; [email protected]), or drop it off on and Feast Days. If you are interested in volunteering Sunday in the collection basket. your time and talent for the glory of God by singing the in the choir and/or schola, please contact: Mass Intentions For the Polyphonic Choir: Mr. William Heyer Saint Leo Oratory is still accepting Mass [email protected] intentions. When submitting a Mass intention For the Gregorian Schola: Mr. Charlie Combs request, please specify the intention and whether [email protected] the intended beneficiary is living or deceased. Please also provide your name and some sort of STAY CONNECTED TO ST. LEO ORATORY contact information in case we need to reach you. The recommended offering for a Mass intention is Join our Flocknote platform and receive information $10. Mass intentions may be submitted in person from the Oratory via Text Message and/or Email. or mailed to the Oratory (221 Hanford Street, Columbus, OH 43206) Text “STLEOCOLUMBUS” to 84576 The American Province of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest initiated a prayer campaign, 40 Days of Prayer for America, which began on September 14th, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, and continues until October 25th, the Feast of Christ the King. You are cordially invited to join the campaign even now and unite your prayers with ours for the conversion of our nation and its citizens back to Christ our King! To join the 40 Days of Prayer, please make the spiritual commitment to do the following three things faithfully each day until October 25th: 1. Pray the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2. Make a sincere Act of Contrition 3. Pray the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel Let us be united in prayer so “That Christ May Reign!” in our beloved homeland. About the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest is a Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right whose goal is the honor of God and the sanctification of priests in the service of the Church and souls.
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