Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 12-1-1913 Volume 31, Number 12 (December 1913) James Francis Cooke Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Cooke, James Francis. "Volume 31, Number 12 (December 1913)." , (1913). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/32 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. the ETUDE REQUIS1TESF0R "the====52 New Publications MUSIC TEACHrq Chaminade Album Two-Part Songs New Rhymes and Tunes m.thodS FOR THE PIANOFORTE to yield you a l«£t ),*,££' Pro,"«ul TOR WOMEN S VOICES ior Little Pianists CC*SS AND ACCOUNT book a MONTHLY JOURNAL FOR THE MUSICIAN. THI Price. 50 Cent* Price, 75 Cento A .ollection of bright, 10- ludlou* and By H. L. CRAMM A collection of the most popular pieces MUSIC STUDENT. AND ALL MUSIC LOVEKS by the celebrated French woman composer, Edit'd l.v JAMES FRANCIS COOKE aiUpiral f..nrUr7n M-lmob., seminaries, for Including such favorites as (>ir“ <te Haltct, , t -,r. eric*. (I SO err rear l« I all** SUM Mkta, taka. IWB. torn. high school choruses nnd for woiuen s Op. 20 Autumn, Callirhue, The Flatterer, I’ierette, ™E SiTANDARD LESSON BICAln a...n. euiieei’.". rJJU£ “ M'mi4lV to1 strrti rlulm The very best powdl.le muterlal ban Price, 75 Cent* Scarf Dance, Seranadc and others, all records with stub* , ' -•y*jrv: - ...„. r,r». ln*eti drawn upon In the nmklng of this newly edited and revised, together, with a laadc our resources fur this purpoae being A most Interesting book for elementary biographical sketch of the composer, and pupils,nunn.he studies^her sod t0 tceooau.^^k'“ * toSSSSSi uuricidlcd. The ln-st Ktandar.1 nnd eon- students, which may be taken up In con¬ Mine. Chaminade's own direction's for play¬ teu.poriirv writers nre represented. It Is n nection with any primer or instructor, and ing some of the pieces. A Chaminade L^sa^cWis«wco.o. u,ok ..f cunvenlenl slw In the usual octavo be used while the young students are still Allium Is in itself a superior collection of form. learning the staff notation. The pieces the very host class of drawing-room music. arc as simple and ns tuneful as it Is possible to make them ; most of them have verge* accompanying them which may be tossTe" SEA.*** dirMk~\*m Hung. The music throughout is pleasing ■«» AND "ECEIPTS. IVkH, „ » MtBil'K.—Write iia n drlalie aotlc* Tbe Vocal Instructor and appropriate and at the same time the Concentrated Technic , it ini. THE KTITIR .lopped. Maat ot By EDMUND J, MYER liook is really helpful and instructive. Price, f 1.00 For the Pianoforte blank BILLS. (Large.lM(i9,ri'faprfW THE ETUDE will he roniinsrd A practical, conimoii-seiise system, based By ALOIS F. LEJEAL upon Hi.lure's laws or demands, for the Price, $1.00 "U*'® te*chers- DESK TABin study and development of the singing A technical work for more advanced (Package of IU0 ) | 5e. For .11 VI.Ice. This hook 1* born of the authors Study Pieces in Octaves students, to be used in dally practice, to especially practice directions to tht pe»A ^ many yenrw of praetl.-al and successful foster and conserve flexibility of the fingers VAL.-.NO rreelpl studio experience. It alms to give to the For the Pianoforte and wrist, insuring perfect evenness of touch Cl100i(?| Rleavesle v’eS rruledt?A," musicM<?NY paper, TA,L 9*10.". He. MB and smooth, pearl like scale playing. All a hi ■ on whirls i which tUe whole system la based : the sing¬ By A. SARTORIO. Op. 1021 departments of technic are fully covered In STUDENT'S HARMONY TABLET. H 4 ing movements, the necessary physical ex- condensed logical form. '5 lea™ ruled music paper. 7x7. It*. bacrlfs Teachers and Scholars Both crc|s,-s. slid the nerve eatlsihenlcs. Its Price. 11.25 BLANK MUSIC COPY BOOKS. MAM MRIPTS. Manuscript* should l>e • <l<tr«-« d to object Is to develop the singer physically Prices, I Oe to 35c. TIIE ETUDE. Write on one aide of On- sheet o«l». and v.s-ally. The beginner. Ihe more ex¬ A masterly exemplification of modern octave playing for students of Intermediate BLANK MUSIC PAPEN. 12, Its, U p. L'nnlrll.utlons on nni*lc-t*achlng »nd n.o«lr ».udr ere perienced singer, and the busy teacher will eollelted. Although every poeelble ear* l« teket the all find material and information of the or somewhat advanced grades. There are eight studies In all, each one working out *P«tl^ai io*e“tri4Xa i,,Cl,“, <4*' pnlillnhern are not reaponnlble for meDOsrrlpce Jd highest value In this hook. For the young Indian Songs photographs either while In tbelr pownaiWiei »r IB teacher just starting out or for self-ln- some particular point. Mr. Sartorlo s work By THURLOW LIEURANCE BLANK MUSIC PAPER. sfructlon. It trill prove Indispensable. Co¬ Is always interesting and melodious, but 100 leaves 7x8% with wide spicing. 21b tr.inslt. rnavallable manuarrlpts will be retoram in studies of all kinds be is at his very Price. $1.25 ADVCIITIMMi It ATEN will h- - n' "" piously Illustrated. Handsomely printed BLANK PROCRAM FORMS, rot Aurertmementa mud reach this office not l«t*f and substantially hound In Hexifdc cloth. This volume contains a set of original or Pupils’ ltecitals. 50c per hundred. Indian melodies which have been personally the r.tb of the month preceding date of *• transcribed and arranged by Mr. Lieurance, DIPLOMA FORM. 21*19 Price I Be. Nr. Insure insertion In the following Inane. who resided for a time with the Indians ment. 25c. TBIBI with that purpose in view. They are ex¬ TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES. IU*K la Selected Classics ceptionally striking and characteristic num¬ Entered at Pl.llael.-lfB n P. 0 Etudes Melodiques MUSICAL PRIZE CARD. 6K*'K •*>" Copyright. IMS. by Theodore PrB For Violin and Piano bers, well within the range of the average I Oo. For the Pianoforte singer, and specially adapted for recital REWARD CARDS, litho in Colon, art d Compiled tad Arreaged by F. A. FRANKLIN purposes, with a tasteful but not difficult By E. NOLLET. Op. 43 accompaniment. The volume will contain 15. 50c. Price, 50 Cent* some interesting literary matter regarding MUSIC WRITINC PENS. Per desea lie. Rome of the gems of classic melody Price, Si 50 Indians, their customs, music, etc., with PROFESSIONAL OR VISITINC CAPOS CONTENTS selected from the works of all the great mas- pictorial illustrations. 50 for 35c, 1 00 for 50o, 500 forlUl Fifteen splendid studies, similar In style “ THE ETUDE"— December. 1913- ter* and arranged In playable, but effective and grade to Heller's well-known Op. 45, Neatly printed in the four moot popdei nun form, for amateurs and students. This vol¬ hut more modern and far more Interesting of type. ume will serve as a preparation for more in musical content. Each study is In itself RUBBER STAMP AND INK PAD. 0« extended study of the classics nnd afford a charming ples-c of music, but each one 30c, two linen 40o, three line* Mb ealuable practice In ensemble playing. All exemplifies some important feature in ,rl, the selections are la admirable taste. Old Fogy publishers, el e. It prove* piano-playing. These studies are carefully His Opinions and Grotesques edited and fingered. ROLL BLACKBOARDS. Edited and with an introduction by 2*:ift.,Sl .SO'^XxiPj.Sl.SOi 11 »*■» JAMES HUNEKER Price. $1.00 CHART PAPER RULED. sheet. 32*14 containing four stave, d *»” Popular Recital Repertoire .Some years ago the name of Old Fogy For the Pianoforte Operatic Selections commenced to appear In the musical maga¬ ADHESIVE LINEN TAPE. If, zines as the nom de plume of a writer of paid, 1 2 oente. Ked, blue and I »• • Price, so cent* For Violin and Piano power, individuality and imagination. Hun¬ A new recital or drawing room album, Compiled mad Arranged by F. A. FRANKLIN dreds wondered who the writer was, but ADHESIVE PARCHMENT P*Mt;. containing standard and original modern up to this time his identity has never been parent.) Perpa.ka«e, P°* l»|,l '®<; ',„ , works, every number s gem. Such pieces as Price, 50 Cent* revealed. We may say that he is one of the 12 yards In a roll, postpaid, I Ooj tl» Dvorak « "llumoreske" and Schutt's .4 fa most successful and highly lauded of all yards In a roll, postpaid, Be. /Hen Hw.r are Included, together with The violin is essentially a melodv Instru¬ the music critics of the present day. many other piece* by popular Amertran and ment, hence the many beautiful melodies to In the character of Old Fogy he has writ¬ PtoV"bn*'*mi.lcI,U"‘h'lSS2r J? *- European writers, ju«t surh things as one be found In the standard operas nre espe¬ ten his most intimate thoughts upon mus¬ music, height 3% inchea By«pn-.aar wants to play. The pieces lie chiefly In cially suitable for violin,, transcriptions. ical subjects. These have to do with the grades four and five.
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