INSIDE THIS ISSUE: zarka SkillsUSA 2 O Competition Campus 2 College Connection Improvements VOLUME I, ISSUE 9 MAY 10-MAY 21, 2004 Continuing Ed 3 Courses Success in 3 Stone County Students Get Visit from John Grisham, Sr. Grantwriting Stacy Dale Joins 4 John Grisham, Sr. spoke to Marva Painted House, and his most re- Law Degree. He has been mar- LPN Department Anderson’s Beginning Writing & cent, The Last Juror. Several of his ried since 1981 and he and his Reading Improvement classes at novels have been produced for wife have two children. Ozarka College’s Stone County television and movies. He has Education Center on April 20th. casting approval rights for the After practicing law for about ten Anderson’s classes had been doing movies based on his novels and years, where he specialized in The Campus book reports and several of her has served as producer for several criminal defense, Grisham, Jr. was students read books written by of the films. His latest movie, elected to the House of Represen- Connection can Grisham’s famous son, author, tatives and served as a legislator now be viewed John Grisham, Jr. for seven years. He has since in its entirety on “He writes for six given up his law practice to write. Grisham, Sr. was a drag-line “He writes for six months out of ozarka.edu months out of the year under “Campus (heavy equipment) operator for the year and is involved with his many years before becoming a other hobby, baseball, during the News.” business owner in Southaven, and is involved with his other half of the year,” his father Mississippi. After several years as told the class. a business man, he and his wife, other hobby, baseball, Wanda decided to retire. After When asked if accomplishments Lunch Served during the other half 11AM-12:15PM Daily. having visited the Mountain View or fame has changed their family area on numerous occasions, or the family of his son, Grisham, Cost: $2.50 or $3.00 Grisham, Sr. said they loved the of the year.” Sr. stated, “not at all”. He went with dessert. scenic beauty and peaceful atmos- on to say that John (Jr.) is not phere of the small town. Upon Mickey, should air later in April. comfortable talking about himself MENU: retirement, the couple decided to He also has another movie, Skip- his accomplishments, or his earn- make Mountain View their home. ping the Holidays, currently under ings. Mon 5/10 They have been Stone County production. NO LUNCH SERVED residents for eleven years. Tue 5/11 John Grisham, Jr. was born in Chef Salad The Grisham’s have five children, Jonesboro, Arkansas. He is a Wed 5/12 three of whom live in Mississippi. 1977 graduate of Mississippi State Around Campus Reuben Sandwich One daughter lives in England and University and 1981 graduate of ♦ Ozarka Graduation Thu 5/13 works for Random House Publish- Ole Miss Law School. He holds an Thursday, May 13th @7:30PM Chicken Fajita ing. Their most recognized son, Accounting Degree, as well as a Fri 5/14 ♦ Summer I Registration - John, Jr., currently lives in Continues online through May 28th Hamburger the State of Virginia. WALK-IN: Melbourne May 14 Ash Flat May 17 Mon 5/17 Grisham discussed the suc- Pork Mtn. View May 18 cess and experiences of his Tue 5/18 ♦ Summer I classes begin five children and particularly NO LUNCH SERVED June 1st his son John Grisham, Jr., Wed 5/19 who has authored numerous ♦ AAWTYC Meeting Grilled Chicken Tuesday May 11th @11am Miller novels, including A Time to Salad SDR, Connect to Color. Thu 5/20 Kill, The Client, The Rain- ♦ Last Day for Faculty May 14 Steak & Potato maker, Runaway Jury, A Fri 5/21 ♦ Kids College - Mind & Motion Catfish June 1 - 4, Noon until 4:30 each John Grisham, Sr. of day. Tuition $60. Mountain View PAGE 2 Automotive and Culinary Students Win at SkillsUSA Students from Ozarka’s Automo- Tankersley served as the tech- Pictured below tive Service Technology and Culi- Eleven Culinary students com- nical chair for this year’s culi- from Left to Right, nary Arts programs competed peted at the conference, with nary competitions. Automotive De- recently against students from three students taking Gold partment: An- other state vocational-technical Medals and four other medal The Gold medal winning stu- th thony Hunt, institutes and colleges in the 38 winners in their divisions. In dents are now eligible for the Champ Tyrone, annual Arkansas Association of the Commercial Baking cate- National SkillsUSA competi- Blake Howard, Na- SkillsUSA 2004 Championship gory, Laura Beth Simon of tion which will take place June than Walling, Larry Conference. The competition Paris won Gold; Beverly 21-25 in Kansas City, Missouri. Wilkes, Shannon was held at the Hot Springs Con- Strauser of Morriston won Simon, Reynolds and Bledsoe, th Patty, and Clayton vention Center on April 20 with Silver; and Crystal Bozeman of Ozarka’s Gold Medal winners White. an awards banquet on April 21st. Pleasant Plains won Bronze. in their culinary divisions will Also competing in that cate- attend the National Skills and There were gory was Jolene McMullen of Leadership Conference in June six Automo- Fayetteville and Bekki Taylor to compete in their technical tive students of Desha. field. who attended the confer- In the Dining Room Service SkillsUSA is a national organi- ence. Champ category, Kimberlee Bledsoe zation serving high school and Tyrone of of Bald Knob won Gold and college students enrolled in Calico Rock David Taylor of Dardanelle technical, skilled, and service won a silver won Bronze. occupations. The state com- medal in Job petition boasted a record Skill Demon- Four students competed in the number this year with 1,371 stration; and Culinary Arts category: Sean students competing in 55 Joseph Blake Howard of Straw- Reynolds of Mountain Home events. Pictured at Right, berry won a bronze medal in won Gold, and Kyle Price of Culinary Depart- Automotive Service Technology. Marion won Bronze. Adam ment: (Back row), Tyrone assembled and answered Berry of Greers Ferry and Jose Sean Reynolds, questions on an automatic trans- Aguilar of Fayetteville David Taylor, Kyle mission clutch pack in front of a also competed. Price, Adam Berry, panel of judges. Howard com- and Chef Tanker- peted against 60 other students in Ozarka SkillsUSA sley. (Middle row), eight different automotive areas. Advisors, Automotive Beverly Strauser, He was required to take a writ- Service Technology Laura Beth Simon, ten and hands-on exam. Also instructor, Larry Kimberlee Bledsoe, attending the competition was Wilkes; and Culinary and Jose Aguilar. Anthony Hunt of Bexar, Nathan Arts instructor, Chef (Front row), Bekki Walling of Cave City, Shannon Rick Tankersley, ac- Taylor, Crystal Patty of Newburg, and Clayton companied the stu- Bozeman and Jolene White of Melbourne. dents to Hot Springs. McMullen. Ozarka Continues Improvements to Campus One of the older buildings at Ozarka College is the old nurs- ing building, which is located behind the Hall Building. Last summer, the inside of the building received a new look, as it was remodeled to serve as the student center. Currently, the building is getting a much needed “facelift” on the outside. Independent contractor and bricklayer, Steve Riley of Melbourne, is bricking over the metal siding of the building. He and Van Tate are about halfway complete with the work. Please be cautious around this area over the next several weeks until the project is complete. COLLEGE CONNECTION VOLUME I, ISSUE 9 PAGE 3 Ozarka’s Continuing Ed Announces Upcoming Classes Ozarka’s Director of Continuing Edu- This class is open to students who for non-profit organizations. He is co- cation, Karla Rush has announced sev- have previously completed Wilton founder of the Ozark Foothills Film- eral opportunities for courses coming Cake Decorating Parts I and II. Tui- Fest and currently chairs the board of up in the next several weeks from golf tion cost is $60.00 which includes sup- directors for that organization. to fundraising. plies and materials. Registration dead- line is May 10. Classes will meet on Tuesday and A beginning golf class will be Thursday evenings from 6-8:30 p.m. on available on Monday afternoons in A Fundraising Course is Set For June 8, 10, 15 and 17 at Independence conjunction with Coopers’ Hawk Golf June at The Center for Workforce Hall (Room 103) on the UACCB cam- Club in Melbourne. Students will learn Education at the University of Arkan- pus in Batesville. Cost for the course basic USGA rules, fundamentals of the sas Community College at Batesville. is $60.00. To register, contact Kath- golf swing, holding golf clubs, equip- UACCB and the Business Outreach leen McNamee at 870-612-2081 or ment needed and other general con- Division of Ozarka College are coop- Karla Rush at 870-368-7371. cepts of the sport. eratively offering a four-week training course titled “Fundraising Essentials”. Instant Piano For Hopelessly Busy Since this class is strictly for beginners, The class will provide an overview of People will be offered again this sum- no advanced or individual instruction fundraising activities, evaluate their mer on Thursday, July 1, 2004 will be provided. Students will receive strengths and weaknesses, discuss how 6-9:30 p.m. reference materials and will participate various activities work for specific or- as a group in putting, chipping and ganizations, and look at integrating This workshop is provided by Music driving exercises at the golf course. different activities and strategies into a Masters School from Tunnel Hill, successful annual fundraising plan.
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