We have wonderful public pools in Spokane but many families simply can’t afford to swim! Since 2012 the Spokane Parks Foundation has raised over $133,000, given out 7,642 swim passes and 4,400 swim suits to kids who otherwise would be locked out of our public pools each summer. Make A Splash In a Kids Life Make a difference for a child this summer by giving to the Make A Splash fund! We have a special need for swimsuits this year. Please call our ofÀce at 509-326-5233 for more information. To learn more, donate and get connected visit us at: www.spokaneparksfoundation.org TABLE OF CONTENTSPRESCHOOL AGES 0-5 Aquatics Personal Interest Fee Information ........................................................................................1 Dance, Music, Theatre & Gymnastics ..............................................25-26 Schedule ..............................................................................................2-3 Music ......................................................................................................27 Corbin Art Center Martial Arts, Fitness & Wellness ...................................................... 28-30 Corbin Kids Preschool ............................................................................4 What’s Happening ..................................................................................31 Corbin Kids Preschool Workshops ...................................................... 4-5 Corbin Kids Youth ....................................................................................6 Sports Spring Break Camps ............................................................................1-2 Adult Sports ...........................................................................................32 Summer Workshops ..........................................................................6-10 Skyhawks ........................................................................................33-35 Adult Drawing .........................................................................................10 Summer Camps .....................................................................................36 Adult Creative Writing ............................................................................10 Golf ........................................................................................................37 Adult Painting Classes & Workshops .....................................................10 Therapeutic Recreation Services .......................................................... 24-26 Adult Photography .................................................................................11 Bicycling .................................................................................................38 Adult Fiber Arts ................................................................................12-13 Camps ....................................................................................................38 Adult Corbin Crafts & Workshops ..........................................................13 Dance, Music & Theatre .................................................................. 38-39 Adult Jewelry ..........................................................................................13 Adult Skin Care & Soap Making ....................................................... 13-14 Fitness & Wellness ................................................................................39 Adult Art of Fine Living ...........................................................................14 Socialization .....................................................................................39-40 Adult Language & Conversational Speaking .........................................15 Sports, Skills & Leagues ........................................................................40 Outdoor Trips & Tours ....................................................................................40-41 Cross Country Skiing .............................................................................16 Senior & Youth Centers Snoeshoeing ..........................................................................................16 Senior & Youth ................................................................................. 42-43 Biking .....................................................................................................17 Group Programs & Events ......................................................................... 44 Hiking .....................................................................................................18 Facility Rentals ........................................................................................... 45 Kayaking ..........................................................................................18-19 Registration Form .........................................................................................46 Rafting .............................................................................................. 20-21 Stand-up Paddle Boarding .....................................................................22 Therapeutic Recreation Registration..........................................................47 Rock Climbing ........................................................................................22 Medical Information & Waiver .....................................................................48 Whats Happening ............................................................................22-23 Satisfaction Guaranteed & Youth Outdoor ........................................................................................24 Refund/Cancellation Policy ........................................................................48 AQUATICS We want to extend a BIG thank you to the Spokane Central Lion’s Club and the Spokane Fire Fighters Union IAFF Local 29 for sponsoring Free Swimming days in 2014. We are very appreciative of the ongoing support from organizations such as these. 2015 FEE INFORMATION Season Pass Admission By By Daily Regular 04/05 05/26 0-3 Years Free Free Free Free Youth (4-17 years) $40 $50 $60 $2 Adult (18+) $80 $100 $120 $4 Seniors $40 $50 $60 $2 Family $160 $190 $250 N/A Extended Season Lap Pass (Good at all public lap and open swim times during the pre/post $110 $130 $160 N/A and regular swim seasons) Adult Punch Card-20 total swims $60 $60 $60 N/A For more information call 509.625.6200 1 AQUATICS CORBIN ART CENTER SPRING 2015 SEASON SCHEDULE Lifeguard Training Course & Witter Aquatic Center Lifeguard & CPR Recertification Pre-Season May 11th-June 19th Lap Swim M-F 11:30 AM-1 PM 1 Week | Ages 15+ ,I \RX DUH ORRNLQJ Regular Season June 22nd-August 29th Lap Swim M-F 11:30 AM-12:45 PM IRU WKH SHUIHFW VXPPHU MRE WKLV FRXUVH *At least one lane available Monday-Friday 10am - 4 pm & Sat-Sun 1-4 p.m. LV IRU \RX $V D FHUWLÀHG OLIHJXDUG \RX Post Season August 31st-Sept 11th Lap Swim M-F 11:30 AM-1 PM ZLOO EH UHVSRQVLEOH IRU HQVXULQJ SHRSOH·V VDIHW\ LQ DQG DURXQG WKH ZDWHU 7KLV All Aquatic Centers FRXUVH ZLOO FRYHU &35$(' )LUVW $LG Regular Season June 22nd-August 29th Open Swim Su-Sa 1-4pm DQG OLIHJXDUGLQJ 7H[WERRNV LQFOXGHG 9DULRXVHYHQLQJRSHQVZLPWLPHVDYDLODEOH 3UHUHTXLVLWH PLQLPXP \HDUV ROG 0RUHSURJUDPRIIHULQJVWRÀQGPRUHYLVLWVSRNDQHSDUNVRUJDTXDWLFV SDVV DOO SUHFRXUVH WHVWV Witter Aquatic Center, 1300 E Mission Ave Full training course-$175 Need a Job? Find an application at 3 ) 30 6D6X $03M spokaneparks.org/aquatics. ) 30 6D6X $030 Need a certification? 0) $030 /LIHJXDUG&355HFHUWLÀFDWLRQ-$70 Take one of our classes! ) 30 6D6X 9 AM-5 PM ) 30 6D6X 9 AM-5 PM 0) $030 Water Safety Instructor 4 weeks | Ages 16+/HDUQWRWHDFKDOODJHV ZDWHUVDIHW\VXUYLYDODQGVZLPPLQJVNLOOV 7KLVFRXUVHZLOOWUDLQLQVWUXFWRUVWRWHDFK $PHULFDQ5HG&URVVVZLPPLQJDQGZDWHU VDIHW\ FRXUVHV DQG ZLOO FRYHU DOO WRSLFV QHFHVVDU\ WR EHFRPH D VXFFHVVIXO :DWHU 6DIHW\ ,QVWUXFWRU 7H[WERRN UHTXLUHG 3UHUHTXLVLWHPLQLPXP\HDUVROGSDVV DOO SUHFRXUVH WHVWV Witter Aquatics Center E. Mission at Upriver Dr. $200 ) 30 6D 9 AM-6 PM ) 30 6D 9 AM-6 PM Private Lessons 1HHG LQGLYLGXDO DWWHQWLRQ IRU VZLPPLQJ OHVVRQV" 3ULYDWH OHVVRQV DUH RIIHUHG DW DOO VL[ DTXDWLF IDFLOLWLHV /HVVRQV DUH WDLORUHG WR LQGLYLGXDO·V QHHGV VNLOO OHYHO DQG VFKHGXOH ,QVWUXFWLRQ RIIHUHG IRU DOO VNLOO OHYHOV DQG DJHV )HH LQFOXGHV IRXU KDOI KRXU LQGLYLGXDO LQVWUXFWLRQ VHVVLRQV &RQWDFW $TXDWLFV 2IÀFH DW WRVFKHGXOHAll Aquatic Centers $125 2 Register online at spokaneparks.org AQUATICS CLASS OFFERINGS 2015 AQUATIC SWIM LESSONS GENERAL INFORMAITON Swim lessons are $48 per child, per session. Maximum enrollment is 6 children per class, minimum is 3 children. Deadline for enrollment is the THURSDAY before the start of the next session. Classes may be canceled due to inclement weather, contamination, or other unexpected circumstances. Makeup days will be Fridays. All efforts will be made to hold each class. Tadpole | Parent Child $48 Turtle $48 Barracuda $48 2 weeks | Ages 6-36 months Advanced Beginner-Level 2 Advanced Level 5 Climbing in and out of the 2 weeks | Ages 5-9 2 weeks | Ages 8-12 pool Holding breath underwater Surface dive Floating on front and back Rolling from front to back Flip turns Arm and leg movements Treading water Sculling Parental knowledge of safe Jumping independently into Front and back crawl water practices the water Breaststroke Prerequisite: Must be Changing direction while Sidestroke accompanied by adult swimming front or back crawl Butterfly Prerequisite:
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