l/ a v e r a g e d a il y cibcxxation T H i ' lor the-mootta of Jimr, 19S9 Forwaat U D. & W« n u r and eUrhUjr o tealght. 6,218 Fair with moderate Member of the Ao«llt Stmdajr and Moadajr. PnieM of .Circulations > ,VIIIvNO, 232 (t lasilfled Advertising on Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1939 (TWELVE PA(JES) PRICE THREE CB ^ .......... I— — ------ lamb^lain May Japanese Fear Tiny, Bui Very Sore Spots British Tricks \ Senate Republicans Name ^ hurchill, CONNECT ICUT at Tokyo Talk MHiiATten - i.M .ooo Sweep Away Dollar Edien ta Cabinet HeacT'of' Jap Negotiators ier Coniti^ers Advis- Marries Twin Sister DiscouDts Chances of As Fiancee Changes Mind Devaluation Powe^ ,|ity of Action to Success of Conference I Weight Behind Galveston. TexV July 1.—WV- On Tientsin Incident. Varationing Policeman Albert Kamens catne to Galves­ P0PUIATION-4O7.S17 DemiMnratic Leaders Gel' tain's Warnings to ton to wed Madeline. Shamblin. Tokyo, July 1—(Ab—Sotomatsu AA.tA~7S*SQ.A4l. 4 Die When Dry Makes Self Obey Law Agreement For Show* Instead he married her twin, Kato, who will head the Japanese ■many to Keep Her [ Pauline. , \ —Fort Wayne, Ind., July 1.—{JPt down Vote Wedne^ll(j||^ Said the bride: j negotiators la discussions with Brit­ Ditch Becomes —Policeman Clifford Klrkpat-1 nds Off Danzig Area | I "Well, my sister Intended^, to ain 'to end the Ttentaln dispute, said rick; on hla day off, returned to i On Restoring marry him but she changed her today he was extremely doubtful an Ills automobile .to find he bad! 1, July l —W i— Prime Min- ; ^ Administration mind. So I married him instead.” agreement could be reached. Raging Torrent parked overtime. ' lamberlain today waia re- ^ j Kamens is the son of a Phila- He took out his notebook and. in State of B' onaiderlng the advlaabllity i delphia meat market chain own­ “Unless British authorities aban­ i don their usual trickery we cannot wrote himself a ticket I Anthony Eden and Win- \ er. The Shamblins formerly lived Then he drove to the ’Traffic ment; See Ull . in Charleston, W. Va. exiiect-Bmcb from the 'Tokyo con' Bureau and paid a 50-cent fine. I urchin into his cabinet to ' fereitee,” Kato said on his arrival This map shows the comparative size of the Free Territory .of Dan­ Sucked to eath Within Victory on Mi {ht behind Groat Britain's in JapaX from Tientsin en route to zig, sorest spot in tro\iblcd Europe at the moment, with great powers Space of Minutes; 1 to Germany to keep her the capitkl. facing each other at sword's point over suspected attempts of Chan­ Waahlngton, July 1.—Vfp—A r Danzig. With unanimity suggesting the cellor Hitler to add Danzig to the Reich. Bodies Di pear itruction of the govern- ' roaring Senate RapuMlcan fiM hlch several political corn­ France Backs possibility o# official inspiration, Onlookers orrified. House Revamps ■wept away President 's said was likely to come newspapers echoed the pesslmlaro dollar davaluation powere eadjr IS described as part of of Kato, newly slated as Japan's minlster-at-large Ih. China. Japan, East Rutherford, N. J.\ July 1— day, but DemocepUe leadtn concerted barrage to con- Pledgc^of Full Arms Provision ed an agreemant tor a ieichsfuehrer Hitler that the press said, will ebneede nothing F. D. R. Accepts Relief UP)—An ordinarily dry Walnage neans what she says about and merely wlU make demands. ditch, raised to a aeethbig torrent vote Wednesday on raetadng force with force. Aid to^^land for a few brief hours by tb^boH- Neutrality Bill Over In the Houae, a t a n oUtical writer _ said flatly Tightens Grip Ing rush of rain water, today gave late night eeaelan a labellliiHi prime minister shortly Tientsin, July —The Japa­ BiU He Doesn't Like up the body of a seven-year-old toy, of RepubUeana and UemoofaBt, ing Churchill'and Eden In- nese military today tightened Its one ot four pereona sucked to deal|i paaeed a ahort time ovemment as a, gesture of Cabinet O. K.’s Pi ler's restrictions on the blockaded Brit­ neutraUty bUl dlataateftd-to Signs Measure That Cuts within the space of 15 mlnutea. Republicans Force AdojH ministration. igth of Britain's opposition ish concession amid growing doubts Three of tbe bodies, bumped se of force. Declaration; See In informed foreign sources that the Hails Gliders tion of Etdbargo In The stunning double nt Critic of Ooarilistlon. Jobs from 3 Million to through a S6-lnch culvart tor from heps only temporary on On Chance to Avoid Tokyo negtotlatlons could achieve a 100 yaftla to a mile and a quarter, Amendment; Strength iU. World war first lord of 'settlement. to 2 to Save WPA; laeue—three admlaletrntteR Iralty, had been a constant Watch Moscow Talk As Pioneers of were recovered last night soon after Into a eUta of bewDdenneaitr Chamberlain's policy of Domel (Japanese news agency) Files Four Objections. they disappeared before tha horrlfl i Surprises the Leaders. PredM IJHIaeaW on. Eden, Chambefiain's d that “regardless of the outcome gase of helpless onlookers. *niey predictad ultlnuts Paris, July i._(e)_The French the Tokyo parleys military au- elgn secretaiy. resigned tVasblngton. July 1.—(ffl-^Preal- Deatka In Freak Aocidenie Washington, July \ — Wi — IMS' on the devaluatta cabinet In a three-hour meeting with ^riUes here are Atermlned to In- Power Planes were highly doubtful BiM government Feb. 20, 1928, dent Roosevelt’s prc-mldnlgbt slg- ’The deaths came In two freak ae- playing independence a little ahead tlon to the attempts of the Pre^dmt Lebrun at the Elysee Pal­ 'y searching and questioning.” cldenta, asperated by leaa than three of the traditional Fourth of July, tbe anna ' Inister then to deal with Tbo^new regulations for enforc­ naturs of ths $1,750,600,000 relief blocka and tha Maca of tea mlnutea. Pmddeni ace today unanimously approved ing tbe'-blockade which the Japanese the Housk sent a aeutrallty MU to ■ion la view « t Um Premier Daladleris declared, deter­ bill gave assursnes today that 2,- U.' S. Expert Pays High Arthur Unger, 7, disappeared first 3>urcblll and Eklen have ImposedNjune 14 Included a reduc­ 000,000 WPA workers would bavs la tha ditch at tha foot of Uhlaad the Senate today that dlaregardsd vote to oonttnna « «ted targets of Nazi press mination to*back Poland fully In the tion in t ^ hours In which traffic arms ehlpnMnta. event of a German move against jobs during the next 12 months. Tribute to Soarers; street. PrealdSnt reoommanda- ind both now are staunch might paasXtbe, barriers and the ’The second victim waa Sophie tlona and eohtatned an arms em­ m ld -jr •8 of Britain's policy of Danzig. cloning of several entrances to the ’The relief measure, which under­ New Way of Spotting Tha A communique issued after the Kostoplaa, 11, who was aucked into bargo, although a modified one. jp defensive mutual asstst- British concesaloD, including the In­ went drastic revision In perils- the niring stieam at.'fi p.m. (eA.t.) vahw the dcllnr fWthar neea. unusually tong meeting said simply ternational brid^ connecting Brit­ “ Up and Down” Winds RepubUeana espioded tha prema­ tain a 9S.OOO,OOftSW that the premier had Informed the msntaiy pulling and hauling be­ yesterday, ten minutes after tha 1 observers declared no ish, French and Jipanese areas. tween tbe House and ths Sanste, Unger toy was swept to his death. ture flreworka In a night aearion ive at this time would be president and cabinet ministers of Long delays of th m British ves­ Elmira, N. T., July 1—(JTl—A filled with drama, aomrilmM with ItapuMleanak aided tcUve In Impressing Hitler the general European situation; waa approved finally late yesterday Sitting on a concrete wall which oorat-rydSiga at sels between TientsiiV'. and Tangku, and signed by the chief executive scientist reported today that a new fuaneled a 12-foot span of water comedy, by forcing adoptlen of tbe other Municbi' over the "which remains very serious." at the mouth of the HM liver. Indi­ embargo in an amendment which ed to death a r ’ Is Impossible, Trustworthy informants, how­ shortly before tbe new. fiscal year method ot locating “up and ^ w n ” into a S6-lnch pipe, she slipped and oa agraarnam___ cated more severe Japadqse control started. waa drawn out of sight, acres ming: some Democrata supported. Their s Responae. Favorable. ' ever, said that he reiterated also of river traffic. \ (fvinds high In tha air roakaa it poe- strength aurprtasd administration yaata and vagslag i beral Evening Star's pollt- France's pledges of aid to Poland Mr. Roosevelt expressed his dis­ BlMa to guide airplanes more ac- "Help! Helpl-r u leaders. maatla M hrwrrtnA i should the latter call for help to op­ The office of the Japanelle-domi- satisfaction with many features of Hysterical playmates, all were tspondent said Capt. David nated Chinese mayor of T ie n t^ dis­ eurately from hasarda which such Many aenators said tbe tnctualaN a, chief government whip, pose a German move on Danzig and tbe bill, but said that ha obvloualy wtnds sometlmea ereato. sItUng on the apron___ wall of a modified arms embargo bad taking soundings among said there was no change In his de- tributed “final warnings” to C ^ e se could not withhold his approval bars feat ia the torrent, added thelf ttasa^for several days on termination .to.- stand ■ by thew merchants within the British ’ apwfe'•aMF’Sar ' stMaSfa,'<BHMl Churchin Into the cabinet pledges.
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