Calling the Roll of Sooner Classes fire department for the last ten years, died No- By ELAINE LARECY vember 25 at his home of a heart ailment . While -1927- a student in Shawnee High School, Mr . Jackson Victor M. Frey, '27bus, former accountant with -1913g- was an outstanding football player and for four the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company in St. John T. Hamill, '12-'13, Guthrie city manager consecutive years, 1917 through 1920, ranked on Louis, has been transferred to the company's Dal- for the last eight years, died at his home in Guthrie the all-state team . las office as a traveling auditor . November 9 . He formerly was city manager in Walker (Ted) Pound, '23-'24, has been ap- BA'L'ES-MEYER : Mrs. August Buckles Bates, Norman. Survivors include his wife, a daughter, pointed chief conservation officer of the State Con- '27, and Henry 13. Meyer, '31, both of Norman, and two sons, one of whom, John, attended the servation Department in Oklahoma City and as were married November 27 . Mr. Meyer is director University from 1939 to 1942 . such will deal largely with oil proration matters . of the Meyer and Meyer Funeral Home in Norman . In the early boom days Mr . Pound worked as a -1914- roustabout and scout in the Texas, New Mexico -1928- Sabcrt A. Hott, '14ba, '14eng, Medford, count and Oklahoma oil fields, later organizing a truck- Capt. James D. Webster, '28bus, and Mrs. Wcb- surveyor and engineer of Grant County, died N<r ing company of his own and running producers ster (Helen Baughman, '31fa) are the parents of vember 21 . While attending the University Mr. in several Oklahoma counties . In 1935 he joined a baby son born December 2 at Pinchurst, North Hott was a star football tackle whose playing in the staff of the Conservation Department, later Carolina . the 1912 Nebraska game at Lincoln is remembered was appointed secretary of the Corporation Com- as one of the greatest events in Sooner football mission, a position he held until his recent ap- 1929 history. Survivors include his wife, a son, Dr. Al- hointmcnt . MARYMAN-BUMPAS : Miss Martha Maryman, fred Hott, '42med, Portland, Oregon, and two Little Rock, Arkansas, and Lt . Wayne Bumpas, '28- other children, Donald and Margaret Alice, both 1925 '29, Duncan, were married November 2 in Little students in the University. John L. Bell, '25ba, former city editor of the Rock . Mrs. Bumpas is a graduate of Bryn Mawr Daily 0~,Iahoman in Oklahoma City, has joined College in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania . Lieutenant -1917- the Associated Press bureau staff in Washington, Bumpas, formerly a moving picture actor, was as- Lewis R. Morris, '171aw, Oklahoma City attor- 1). C. s:gned as instructor in the Officer Candidate School ney, has been appointed state chairman for Okla- Mrs. W. O. Harris, former resident of Norman at Fort Bennin Georgia . homa of President Roosevelt's Birthday Ball cele- and mother of two alumni, died recently at her Mrs. Glenn L. Williams, (Idabel Carter, '29bs) bration to be held January 30 . From headquarters home in Laredo, Texas. Survivors include two lives on a ranch near Mountainair, New Mexico . set up in Oklahoma City Mr. Morris will direct sons, Foster Harris, '25ba, of the University De- John H. Loftin, '29ma, is employed in the clerical a statewide March of Dimes campaign to raise partment of English faculty, and Maj. Robert J. department of the United Carbon Company at money for the relief and cure of infantile paralysis. Harris, '27ba, stationed at Camp Hulcn, Texas. Borger, Texas. Ted Maloy, '29ba, who has been with the United -1918- Press since 1932, has been transferred to the Dallas Charles P. McGaha, '18, independent oil opera- hurcau . Manager of the New Orleans bureau for tor in Wichita Falls, Texas, was re-elected presi- Dietrich Competition the last six years, Mr . Maloy first received orders dent of the National Stripper Well Association at to report to Kansas City as business representative a meeting in October in Wichita, Kansas . Strippers of the organization there, but his assignment was attending from all over the nation discussed, among later changed to Dallas . He has worked for the other wartime problems, the present low price of United Press in Oklahoma City, New York City, crude oil and called for government ;,guarantee of Austin and Ilouston, Texas, Little Rock, Arkansas, a market to insure the survival of small stripper and Kansas City . He also has worked on news- well owners . papers in Waco and Tyler, Texas, and Elk City. 1920 Joe A. Brown, '201aw, Hartshorne lawyer, has - 1930- been appointed attorney for the rent control di- Rev. Thcnnan W. Harris, '30m .ed, former vision of the Office of Price Administration for six Methodist minister at Portales, New Mexico, has southeastern Oklahoma counties . His headquarters been transferred to a church at Santa Rosa, New are in McAlester. Mr. Brown has been macor of Mexico . Hartshorne, relief administrator for Pittsburg George W. Walker, '30ba, former school teacher County and construction superintendent for the at Chin Lee, Arizona, is principal of the Macy W.P.A. in McAlester and Oklahoma City. Day School, U. S. Indian Service institution, at Mac%, Nebraska . -1921- W. Max Chambers, '21 ba, '29ins, superintendent 1931- of schools at Okinulgee, has been elected president Doyle S. Crain, '31hus, formerly with the Okla- of the Okmulgcc Chamber of Commerce. homa Tax Commission, is a Civil Scrvicc (,out- mission investigator at the United States Customs 1922 House in Portland, Maine. Louise Winn Getchcll, '22ba, is head of the C. Merrill Hewett, '31eng, '33tns, an employee catalog department in the University of Maryland of the Pan-American Refining Corporation, has library at College Park . been transferred from the company office in Balti- H. E. Wrinkle, '22ba, '31m .ed, superintendent more, Maryland, to the refinery at Texas City, of schools in Oklahoma City, has been appointed Texas. He and Mrs. Hewett (Elva Trueblood, '30 chairman of the committee in charge of Oklahoma's ba) are living at Dickinson, Texas. part in the national Victory Cores program for Melvin G. Howe, '31pharm, is a pharmacist at high schools . The program calls for a streamlining Fort Sumner, New Mexico . of public education to aid the war effort, and will LOUISE ALLBRITTON, '38 Howard Lenderking, '31eng, and Mrs. Lender- introduce courses in pre-flight training, pre-induc- Blonde and willowy Louise Allbritton, '35-'38, king (Edna Bickett, '31bus) have moved from tion training, wartime citizenship and physical fit- a newcomer in Hollywood, has been designated Bridgeport to Woburn, Connecticut . Mr . Lender- ness into high school curricula . by Universal Studio as its "star of the year" after king is head of the standards department of Rem- appearances in Who Done It?, an Abbott and ington Arms in Lowell . -1924- Costello epic, and Pittsburgh which stars Mar- Elden S. Magaw, '311aw, was appointed clean of Capt. Byrne W. Bowman, '24, and Mrs. Bow- lene Dietrich . Before signing up with Universal Temple University Law School in Philadelphia man have selected Sherry Lou as the name for Miss Allbritton studied extensively at the Pasa- following the resignation of the former clean to their baby daughter born recently in Oklahoma dena Playhouse, testing ground for aspiring assume duties with the Office of Price Adrninistra- City. Captain Bowman is on duty at Camp Gruber, young thespians . The romantic triangle plot of tion. Mr. Magaw became professor of law at Oklahoma. Pittsburgh calling for Miss Allbritton's eventual Temple in 1933 after practicing law in Oklahoma William H. Bayliff, '24ba, '29ms, former teacher triumph over La Dietrich gives the former Uni- City for two years following his graduation . He in St. John's College at Annapolis, has been ap- versity drama student the unique distinction of was named administrator of the school in Oc- pointed executive secretary of the Maryland Board being the first woman ever to break in on a tober, 1941, a position second in importance to of Natural Resources in Annapolis . Mrs. Bayliff Marlene Dietrich screen romance . She was born the dcanship . Mrs. Magaw is the former Mildred is the former Nelle Jones, '25ba. in Oklahoma City, moved later to Wichita Falls, Holloway, '35ba. Lee Jackson, '24, associated with the Shawnee Texas. PICKENS-WALTERS : Miss All iePickens,'31ed, JANUARY, 1943 1 5 Oklahoma City, and James F. Walters, Tulsa, were master Headquarters of the Second Air Service married November 4 in Oklahoma City. Mrs. Area Command in Fort Worth, Texas. Walters teaches in Gatewood School in Oklahoma Tardy Guest Misses Fire Fred H. Grove, '37journ, has returned to Shaw- City. Mr. Walters, a graduate of East Central State nee city Shawnee Star Being late to his own birthday party November as editor of the after working College at Ada, is employed at the Douglas Bomber as sports editor of the Valley Morning Star in Har- Plant in Tulsa. 28 probably saved the life of Thomas F. Bartlett, '40-'41, formerly of Oklahoma City, now a stu- lingen, Texas, for several months . -1932- (lent in Harvard University at Cambridge, Massa- JACOBSON-HARRIS : Announcement has been Norman Futor, '32ba, '341aw, '39ma, formerly chusetts. A group of his friends had already gath- made of the marriage last August in South America assistant state attorney general in charge of tax ered in the Cocoanut Grove night club in Boston of Miss Yvonne Jacobson, '37ba, '39ma, Norman, matters, has been appointed assistant in the office and were waiting for the tardy honored guest when and Theodore R. Harris, New York City. Mrs . of George Miskovsky, new Oklahoma county at- the disastrous fire which took hundreds of lives Harris was in Buenos Aires attending the Argen- torney.
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