fr DOCUMENT RESUME ED 032 483 AC 005 298 ,1 Resources for the Aging: An Action Handbook. Natrona! Council on-the Aging. Inc., New York, N.Y. Spons Agency-Office of Economic Opportunity. Washington, D.C. Report No -0E0 -2468 Pub Date 69 Note-252p.; Second edition, revised. Available from-Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington. D.C. 20402 (1969 0-354 -855). EDRS Price MF -$1.00 HC Not Available from EDRS. Descriptors -Bibliographies. CivilRights. Consumer Education, Disadvantaged Groups. Employment, *Federal Programs,FinancialSupport.*FoundationPrograms.HealthServices.Housing.Manuals.*National Organizations. *Older Adults. Resource Guides. Rural Areas, Veterans Education. Voluntary Agencies This handbook on resources for the aging lists nationwide. federally sponsored programs. national voluntary agencies and associations, and foundations; it includes information on the nature and purpose of the program, types of projects sponsored, and extent of assistance.eligibilityrequirements. available printed information, sources of further information, and notes suggesting use of agency or program. Categoriesof programs orservicesinclude:civilrights; consumer education; employment, training, and rehabilitation;financial assistance; food and clothing; general education and recreation; health services; housing; national associations; nursing care; planning, facilities. and staffing; programs for rural areas and small towns; program for specific areas or special groups; small business loans; trusts and foundations; and veterans programs. (n1) , U.S. DEPARTMENTOFFICE Of HEALTH, OF EDUCATIONEDUCATION & WELFARE THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEENREPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM S UK I? oP POSITIONSTATEDPERSON4ae DO OR OR NOY ORGANIZATION POLICY. NECESSARILY aGE6ORIGINATINGREPRESENT IT. OFFICIALPOINTS OFFICE OF VIEW OFEDUCATION OR OPINIONSTHE KT= 1101101300 I updatedsecond1969 and edition revised by ThePrepared National for Council the UnderCommunity on thethe provisionsAging, Action315 Program, ofPark Contract AvenueOffLe 0E0 ofSouth, Economic- 2468 New York, Opportunity N.Y. 10010 VoluntaryAgingDesigned Poor toAgencies, ThroughAssist Communities FoundationsUtilization andofand Selected IndividualsTrust Catalogued Applicable Alleviate Herein.Federal the Needs Programs,of the iii Table of Contents KEYINTRODUCTIONFOREWORD TO CATALOGUE xvixvii GOVERNMENTPROGRAM INDEXES PROGRAMS xvii1 BIBLIOGRAPHY:FIELDVOLUNTARYTRUSTS OFFICES AND FOUNDATIONSAGENCIES AND Available REGIONAL Resources ADDRESSES for the Aged Poor 217175133113 ResourcesFOREWORDBecause forit promised the AgingAn to fill Actiona tremendous Handbook, and previously was financed unmet by need,the Office theis first ofpleased Economicedition once of moreOpportunity.dedicatedBy tothe have mostto improving Thatfunded conservative promise the the compilation quality hasestimates, been of therichly 30of lives percentthis realized; ofsecond, our of agingall therefore revised the poor. people edition, the in O.E.O. the forUnited the use States of those over venerableinthe65 societyyears elements of citizens during age of arepoverty oftheir poor our later andthatland. atrobyears. least them We20 ofpercent must their work humanof all tothe right restore poor to are dignitya senseold. Weandof must self-worthacontinuingfight against to role the youagencies,This in the volume ofaccelerating trusts is a and valuable fight foundations, against source poverty ofof bibliographiescomprehensive amongthe aging.and information other pertinent ofpublic listings, and toprivatehelp Office of EconomicBertrandActing Opportunity M. HardingDirector vii ahealthINTRODUCTION healthyWhat to areenjoy body. the them. vitalOr, in needsWhich the language in is theanother later of waytheyears sociologist-activist: of of saying: human a life?roof overFood adequate one's and shelterhead, housing, a anddecent theproperly meal,good burdens.theemploymentbalanced same Poverty atmeals, all wherever stages experthas alwaysof possible, medicallife, beenonly attention.through moretheenemy. so assistance for In theshort, aging servicesa rebirthpoor. where Frailtyof human indicated. and dignityisolation The . areneeds. through added are andthepoor-20An Unitedolder, overpowering percent aStates total of ofwho the 9.7and live poormillion formidable at whoa minimalpersons areenemy, old. plungedor Morepoverty stalking inthan levelpoverty. 30one-third are to 43headed percent of allby familypersons of the householdsaged over who55 years are in theTheyuseful,Resources natural have perhaps beenreaction for even called the toAging-Anan the indispensable forgottenthreat Action of helplessones, weapon Handbook the old invisible in the in warthis members againstrevised povertyof secondour societyamongedition, .the .canbecause aging. be a helpwithdrawal,This you book activate isolation then, dynamic is designedfrom the programs mainstream,to help foryou the articulateself-effacement. agingage,poor a meaningfulto thein your grip community,of call poverty to action, in yourlater designed county,years, tois withthere,yourThey life'sstate. to need help most tothem. effectiveknow They that ammunition: neednow, tothey know are the notthat Rx forgotten.Tenderyou are at They the ready, need toset know for action, thatyou armed are roof,human a decent dignityhope meal, medicalof a job.. attention,. and perhaps bestLoving medicine Care, of and all allfor that the implies:rebirth of a ix ofdevelopment You'llthe aging fmdpoor of innew of this yourprograms book community. newgeared directions specifically to to providethe needs, new capabilities dollars andfor potentialitiesthe creative Aperhaps, RoofMany Over olderno matter One's poor howHeadAmericans limited would the facilities rather remainand conveniences, where they are,than in move abodes out of of many the block, years resultinghowawayThe much from aging from betterurban poor uprooting, theyor are rural frightened,may neighborhoodshave be. been even known sickened, into to unknown result by change. in strangemany The serious new mental environs, healthstrain, problemseven regardless the anguish of ruralofdeath. Thison-the-spot development Handbook housing will and rehabilitation. helprenovationyou help of You themdwellings will cope fmd whichwithagencies inevitablecan dealingfurnish change withyou orhousing,with the assistancedisturbances urban and in Asuggestedobtaining Decent Meal methodsimproved to housinghelp you conditions implement foryour the own agingprogramspoor andin your innovate area. new You ones. will find ignoranthowfoundFood minimal, starving is of a theirlarge that for rightsand stands want worrisome to ofbetween obtainfresh vegetables. problemthemproper and food,toa thedecentIn ormanyaging intimidated meal. poor.places In they manyby thehave places red been tape, they found nohave matter to been be x so,Many even cannotif they managecould. Solutions by themselves to needed to cook supply, a meal. preparation Many have and no distributiongas or electricity of food to aredo obtainable. Refer to the section concerned with such services, for ways and means to bring Athem Healthy to your Body area. productivedisappearedIt has been job after learnedof worka regimen thathas seemedmany of three illnesses to well-balanced effect among the same the meals kind agingeven ofa day miracle. for chronic a few months.complaintshave Doing a Old Age is a Long, Long Time...Finding Jobs for the Aging Poor significantof Oldhuman age takeslinklife, between itan may estimated growthat ever-growing 25even to 30longer. percent span To of whenearn a lifetime. one'sjobs ends, breadthe As geriatricsfor whatever American advances reason, ethicis the and span the bepainfulonly Forprevented alternative those bridge who withto available cross. in suitable their They seems earlier jobs are to often oryearsbe job a victimsstatic earnedtraining. and of a deadeningan Failingliving, eroding nohealth waiting sensematter can of period howworthlessness be restored meager,. in thisthat many iscan a restorativeinstancestherapeutictheir scope through service ofpurpose. accomplishment, meaningfuland which This inbook work. turn has can canFitting been helpprove the known you of aging great find toman service servejust or thewoman ato remarkably channelthe communitywith newleading effective skills as well.to within such and willirreparableThere also arebe lossfound of course, of insight, this the hearing,catalogue bedridden or of other whoresources. physicalare so easily handicaps. forgotten. Means And of the assistance aging who for sufferthem xi yourwithRESOURCESFor ownadded the program most suggestions part, needs.we to have help listedyou nationwide,formulate presentations federallysponsored for assistance programsin inestablishing depth and representativeforNational the aging voluntary poor arrayare of agencies similarlyfoundations and listed associationsgeared for yourto the consideration. increasingly needs of the geared We aginghavetopoor, programs included chosen anda fromwide service Theand requirements.themFoundationFoundations are applicable Directory, are obviously to publishedprogramsan excellentinand1967 projects by source the which Russell of financialdo notSage easily Foundation. aid andfallintosupport Federal and programmany of effortschurches,andGenerate other on behalfstatebusiness, vitality and of theFederalin labor yourneedy and linesagencies.aging. other of communication Study volunteerKeep theirin touch groups. programsto withwith Try yourlocal tohelp state'sfamily engender improve
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