Thursday 28 January 2021 NEWS YOU CAN USE FREE Man wat sy been verloor, prys kliniek Sazly Hartzenberg dokter moes gaan spreek, en die [email protected] volgende oggend is Van Wyngardt se been net onder sy knie afgesit. ‘n Man van Sasolburg wat in Van Wyngard kan nie uitgepraat Desember by familie in Bloemfontein raak oor die goeie diens van die gekuier het en sy been verloor het Lourierpark-kliniek nie. Hy sê dit is ‘n nadat hy in ‘n spyker getrap het, skoon en netjiese plek waar pasiënte is geensins bitter oor die ervaring vriendelik en met respek behandel nie, maar is, inteendeel, vol lof vir word. die Lourierpark-klinkiek waar hy Hy vertel dat hy voorheen al baie behandeling ontvang het. klinieke besoek het, maar nog nooit “Die Lourierpark-kliniek in een teëgekom waar die personeel Bloemfontein bied uitstekende soveel passie vir hul werk het nie. Hy diens,” sê Jurie van Wyngardt het groot waardering vir die manier van Sasolburg, wat dié kliniek waarop hulle uit hul pad gaan om vroeg in Januarie moes besoek vir mense te help en is beïndruk met behandeling. die personeel se vriendelikheid en Van Wyngardt het aan behulpsaamheid. “Ek kan nie glo dat Bloemfontein Courant vertel hoedat ‘n kliniek so behulpsaam kan wees hy in Desember, toe hy met vakansie nie, veral as dit by pensioenarisse in Bloemfontein was, op ‘n spyker kom,” sê hy. getrap het en dit deur sy toon gesteek Volgens hom het hy nie eens 20 het. Hy het eers homself probeer minute gewag vir sy beurt nie. “Toe dokter, maar omdat hy ‘n diabeet is ek vir die eerste keer daar kom, het en die voet later begin septies raak ek met ontsettende pyn gesit, maar het, het hy besef dit gaan langer die suster daar het dadelik alles in neem om te genees. Toe die voet haar vermoë gedoen om die pyn te egter begin swel, het Van Wyngardt verlig.” dadelik besef iets is nie reg nie. As hy mense kon aanraai “Ek is opgeneem in die Pelonomi- waarheen om te gaan, sou dit beslis hospitaal waar die helfte van my Lourierpark-kliniek wees. voet afgesit is. Die dokter daar het Hy sê dat hy so dankbaar is vir my verwys na die Lourierpark-kliniek die personeel by die kliniek vir al waarheen ek elke tweede dag moes die hulp en ondersteuning. Van gaan vir behandeling.” Wyngardt gaan gereeld vir nasorg en Met sy derde besoek aan die opvolgbesoeke na die Lourierpark- kliniek het dit geblyk dat daar kliniek en vertel dat dit reeds baie verdere komplikasies ingetree het. beter met hom gaan. Hy was nog nie Volgens Van Wyngardt het die suster een keer teleurgesteld in die kliniek Jurie van Wyngardt aanbeveel dat hy onmiddellik die se diens nie. van Sasolburg. Moeg vir swak dienslewering? Maak seker u is geregistreer om te stem in 2021 se verkiesing wanneer munisipale rade verkies word. Kontak [email protected] vir bystand. As u sedert die vorige verkiesing verhuis het, maak nou reeds seker dat u adres by die Verkiesingskommissie opgedateer word. Besoek die IEC se webwerf www.elections.org.za. This advertisement was paid for by the political party and does not represent the views of this publication 2 Gemeenskap • Community Bloemfontein Courant • 28 January 2021 Indigenous groups welcome new act Nomaqhawe Mtebele the 18th century,” said Kraalshoek. groups. So it’s almost been 24 years that we [email protected] According to the Government Gazette, the have been struggling with this and many of Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act is our traditional leaders who were part of the The commencement of the Traditional set to take effect later this year after it was struggle have long passed. Only Captain and Khoi-San Leadership Act on 1 April approved by President Cyril Ramaphosa on Johannes Kraalshoek from Bloemfontein, at 2021 is described as a breakthrough for 2 December 2020. “Under Section 66 of the the age of 88, is here to witness this historical the indigenous community. According to Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act, event,” he explained. Secretary of the National Khoi & San Council, 2019 (Act No. 3 of 2019), I hereby determine The secretary also expressed that the Frans Kraalshoek from Bloemfontein, after a 1 April 2021 as the date on which the said act act will give them a legal leg to stand on in hundreds of years of marginalisation, the long shall come into operation,” it read. enforcing their rights and practices in the sought-after act is a step in the right direction. Kraalshoek expressed that the enactment same way as other traditional leaders across “This is a historical breakthrough for shows that efforts of previous and current the country. “Our ancestors would not be the indigenous people of South Africa, in indigenous leaders have not been in vain, happy with the losses we’ve experienced particular the Griqua, Nama, San, Cape Khoi although many of them are not around to in our country. Now, we can negotiate and and the Korana. Those are the fi ve groupings witness it. speak for ourselves because previously when Secretary of the National Khoi & San that will be recognised under this act. This is “In 1996 the late President Nelson different traditional leaders came together Council, Frans Kraalshoek, described the truly the fi rst of its kind in our country. Never Mandela constituted the National Khoi & San we could only contribute as guests with other commencement of the Traditional and Council in order to take this matter up for people speaking on our behalf,” Kraalshoek in South African history has there ever been Khoi-San Leadership Act as a long awaited an act to recognise these communities since constitutional accommodation of indigenous concluded. breakthrough. Bfn-bloemiste ’n seëning vir klante On the Web this Week Sazly Hartzenberg nie geniet wat sy doen nie. www.bloemfonteincourant.co.za [email protected] “Wanneer ek snags droom, droom ek van blomme en hoe ek hulle gaan rangskik. Ek Martha Goliath van Bloemfontein, beter hou van verskillende kleure en teksture.” bekend as Ouma, is vir die afgelope Blommerangskik het haar lewe geword 26 jaar deel van die bloemistebedryf in en volgens haar hou sy nooit op leer nie die stad en het sedert sy by ’n plaaslike en is elke dag ’n plesier wanneer hulle bloemistewinkel begin werk het, talle weekliks nuwe blomme ontvang en sy die toekennings opgeraap. geleentheid het om te “speel” en na hartelus Goliath, wat tans werknemer is van Izami te rangskik soos sy goeddink. Bloemiste, het as deel van haar blomme- Een van Ouma se drome is om haar eie avontuur binne ’n wêreld van blomme vier akademie te begin waar sy opkomende Interfl ora-toekennings ingepalm, sowel as bloemiste kan oplei en die noodsaaklike Beste Bloemis en Beste Rangskikking. Martha Goliath van Bloemfontein, beter vaardigheid kan help ontwikkel. Sy wil ook Volgens die eienaar, Ruaan Dreyer, is bekend as Ouma, wat vir die afgelope 26 jaar graag wenke met jong mense deel wat hulle The annual Bloem Show is known for the Ouma die hart en siel van Izami en het haar deel van die bloemistebedryf is. sal nodig hê om in die bloemistebedryf te magical rides Photo: Facebook rangskikkings al baie aandag getrek en FOTO: Marco Moors oorleef. ontvang sy gereeld erkenning en dank van Dreyer sê die bestuur van Izami het Just in case you have missed klante. Op die vraag wat haar werk vir haar geweldige waardering vir Ouma en haar Dreyer het aan Bloemfontein Courant beteken, het Ouma Martha geantwoord werk, en voeg by, “Ons wil Ouma Martha it, these are Bloemfontein vertel hoedat Ouma se mooi maniere, haar dat blomme haar passie is en verduidelik graag bedank vir haar diens en wens haar Courant’s top four stories omgee, entoesiasme en sorgsaamheid deur dat haar werk vir haar verander het in ’n nog vele gesonde jare en voorspoedige jare online: almal om haar waardeer word. stokperdjie. Daar is nie ’n enkele dag dat sy toe vir die toekoms.” Student volhard ondanks MMM tackles roads to improve quality 1 struikelblokke Pierce van Heerden the quality of the roads in the city whilst and other members of the community. “This [email protected] ensuring the safety of dedicated sidewalks has helped me acquire new skills and we are Frats-storm saai verwoesting in Bfn for pedestrians. making progress,” he said. 2 The Mangaung Metro Municipality (MMM) MMM also engaged with labourers and Another project worker, Thozama Mbali, has started to roll up its sleeves, and residents to get their views on the recent joined the project in 2020 and said this Bloem show 2021 cancelled roadworks are in progress all across the City developments. Joseph Moutlanyana, opportunity has meant relief to her as she is 3 of Roses as the upgrade of the road network who is a labourer on the project, able to earn a living to provide for her family. in the city is now gaining momentum. shared his happiness to be part of the The MMM also spoke to community Aeroplane wreckage found in This is according to municipal road infrastructure programme in the member, Mmametse Sekwe, who said it 4 Bultfontein spokesperson, Qondile Khedama, who said Bloemfontein area. According to him, the is very rare that they see progress with that the MMM is committed to improving project has created job opportunities for him municipal projects in townships. NEW Shop NOW OPEN! 59 Nico van der Merwe, Oranjesig Tel: 082 578 8179 FULL NUTRITION 86 Harvey Rd, 125 Curie Ave, Heuwelsig Spar T: 051 447 2930 Editor - Pieter Delport REPORT NEWS: [email protected] SALES STUDIO AUDIT Corni Fourie - 051 505 0997 The distribution of this ABC Marelize Dunlop - 082 291 4124 Elmarie Venter newspaper is independently Business Manager - Corni Fourie Carien Papgis - 082 659 7741 audited to the professional 051 5050 900 Anne Theron - 074 481 5070 standards administrated Production Manager – Nita Lloyd Judy Barnard - 076 791 0304 Liezl Magson by the [email protected] Nettie de Beer - 082 822 4538 Audit Bureau of Felecia Wessels - 051 5050 926 Circulations of South Africa.
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