: .,u,i-,oo.> NOVITATES ZOOLOGICAE, Vol. X. AUGUST, 1903. No. 2. AFEICAN CERAMBYCIDAE. By Dr. KARL .JORDAN. SuBKAMiLY CERAMBYCINAE. JN 1894 I published the definition of a new jjeniis, Sajikanidiis, containing at that time one new metallic green species, 6'. vii-idesce.ns, wliich did not fit in the allied genera Metalh/ra (1864) Thorns, and Metopoti/ltis (1882) Qiied., according to the descriptions. Since then we have received several species of this relationship, two of which agree well with the descriptions of MetaWji-a stenochioides (1864) Thorns, and Metopotylun fcmoratus (1882) Qned. If my identification is correct, the genera Saphanidus, 'Metalh/ra and Metopotijlus can be distinguished as follows Mi'topoti/lus (1882) Qned., Berl, Ent. Zeit. xxi. p. 326 (type : M. femoratas). Ui>[ier lobes of eyes very short, very widely separated. Antennal segment 3 = 5. Prothorax without lateral tubercle. Intercoxal process of presternum narrow, but reaching nearly to mesosternnm. One species. Metalhjra (1864) Thorns., Sijxt. Ceranib. p. 334 (type : stenochioides). Eyes close together above. Antennal segment 3 = .5. Prothorax without lateral tubercle. Intercoxal jjrocess of prosternum short, triangular. One species. This genus has been omitted by Laeordaire. 14.") iiaphanidus (1894) Jord., Nov. Zool. i. p. (type : viridescens). Third segment of antenna longer than tifth. Prothorax with lateral tubercle or spine. Intercoxal process of prosternum sliort, triangular, (ir as long as in Metopotijlus. Four, species, inclusive of the three new ones described below. The three genera differ from Ihjpoeschrus in the basally truncate pronotum. 1. Saphanidus aeneus spec. uov. ?. Elong.ate. Underside and antenna black-brown, first two segments of antenna and i)art of legs (in tijpe the femora and part of tibiae, in the second specimen only part of tibiae) rnfous ; head and pronotum dark bine-green, elytra liluish green, metallic, glossy ; scutelluni black. Ujiporside densely punctured, the jiunctnres becondng more dispersed jjosterioriy on elytra. Third segment of antenna, which extends very little beyond end of elytra, one-third longer than fiiurtli. Prothorax a little longer than basally broad; slightly uneven above; niesial line a little raised and snioulh in iniddlc and before scutellum ; sides with lU . ( 132 ) an acute conical spine jnst behind miikllc, and bcfure tkis spine a prominent callosity. Elytra islightly widening behind, obliquely rounded at apex, sutural first close angle not produced into a spine ; seven costae on each, the to suture, but curving away from it at basal fourth. Prothorax beneath granulose at sides, plicated and sparsely granulated mesially : intercoxal process arched, narrow, granulose in reaching nearly to liinder side of coxae. Mesosternum middle ; intercoxal process about half the width of the coxa. Metasternum rough with transverse granules, except the episternnm, which is nearly smooth. Length, 15 mm. ; elytra, 11 mm.; breadth, 4 mm. Hab. Benito, French Congo. Two ? ? The long thorax bearing a rounded tubercle in front of the side-s])ine, the longer prosternal process and the broader mesosternal one, as well as the non- dentate apex of the elytra, distinguish this sjiecies abundantly from viridescrns. We received this species, and all the others from Benito as well as Batanga, from Monsieur H. Uonckier, Paris. 2. Saphanidus dubius spec. nov. (?. A connecting link between Saphanidus and Allogaster. Underside of body, front of head, antenna and legs dark rufous brown ; occiput, pronotum and elytra metallic green-blue, not strongly glossy. Head densely punctured ; upper lobes of eyes nearly as widely distant from one another as in Allogaster geniculata. Antenna only as long as the body ; scape very densely rugate-punctate ; third segment twice the length of fourth, tiiis a very little longer than fifth, eighth to tenth snbdentate. Prothorax with obtuse lateral tubercle as in Allogaster geniculata, subnodose above, very densely jjunctured, a small smooth mesial space behind middle. Scntellum pitchy black, rounded. Elytra rounded together at apex, not sjiiiied at sutural angle, costate, with the tirt-t, third and fifth costae alone rathi-r prominent, densely and coarsely jnmctate from base to apex. Prosteruum transversely plicate and punctured ; intercoxal process triangular, reaching close to tlio mesosternum without touching it. Mesosternal process also triangular. Abdominal segments 1 to 4 with a woolly patch each, ^ truncate, 6 sinuate. Legs densely and rugosely pnncturod. Length, 15 mm. ; elytra, 11 mm. ; breadth, 4i ram. Hab. Batanga, ('araeroons. One c?. 3. Saphanidus fulvus spec. nov. ?. Tawny, clothed with a clayish yellowish pubescence; antenna, femora and ab.lomen luteous, extreme tip-> of femora and upperside? of tibiae blackish. Front of head punctured, occiput rugate-granulate. Eye as large as in viridexcens. Scape of antenna paler than the other segments, and less pubescent. Prothorax flattened and rounded as in riridescens, a little longer than in that species, with a minute lateral tubercle, minutely granulose all over. Elytra very densely and minutely inmctured all over, slightly rugose at apex, with faint traces of two discal carinae ; apex of each elytrnm obliquely rounded. Both the pro- and midcoxae contiguous, the intercoxal processes very short, obtusely triangular. Prosteruum transversely wrinkled ; metasternum densely punctate-granulate at ; ( 133 ) sides. Femora not clavate ; posterior one reaching to base of foartli abdomiual segment. Length, IT mm. ; elytra, 12 mm. ; breadth, 5 mm. Hab. German East Africa. One ? , without more precise locality. Oxycaula gen. nov. Resembling Hj/pomfwes, but anterior coxal cavity open. Scape of antenna a little shorter than third segment, with a prominent, sharp, transverse, apical keel the following segments somewhat incrassate at tip as in Paroetne ; third and fonrth compressed, thicker than the following, third half as long again as fourth, a little shorter than fifth, all fringed beneath, especially the pro.ximal ones. Prothorax without side-spine, tnbereulate above. Elytra flattened, tnbercnlose, widened just before apex. Anterior coxal cavity not strongly angulate laterally, open behind ; prosternal process narrow, reaching to hinder side of coxa ; mesosternal process as wide in middle as the fonrth aiitennal segment, slightly convex, sulcate. Femora clavate. Type : 0. Xierruca spec. nov. 4. Oxycaula verruca spec. nov. Glossy ; chestnut ; antenna, deep legs and abdomen very pale bnff-yellow ; n small spot on disc of elytrnm in middle, a larger one at outer margin in front of apical dilatation, rounded on discal side, and a triangular spot occupying apex, all a little paler than legs. Head punctate, the pnnctnration dense only laterally on occipnt ; frons snbvertical ; antennal tubercles rather jirominent, a short and shallow sulcus between them ; distance between upper lobes of eyes equal to diameter of scape before apex. Antenna one-fourth longer than the body ; scape longitudinally imiiressedl at base, dispersedly punctured. Prothorax longer than broad, truncate at base, slightly widened frontad above at apex, feebly dilated at sides behind apex and more in middle, coarsely and rather densely punctured all over ; disc with an elevate mesial line from near apex to basal constriction, the line raised into an elongate tubercle behind, at each side of mesial line before middle a high conical tubercle fpale at tip), and an elongate callosity before basal constriction. Scntellum longer than broad, rounded, grey. Elytra truncate at base, densely punctured in basal half, the punctures becoming scarce in apical half, with numerous, dispersed, subseriate callosities; straight in basal fonrth, then widening; outer margin very oblique tjehind subapical dilatation ; tip rounded. Underside rather densely and coarsely punctured ; middle of first abdominal segment, greater portion of second, and the entire following segments, with few or no punctures. Femora smooth. Length, 14 mm. ; elytra, 10 ram. ; breadth (shoulder), (before apex), 3i mm. ; 5 mm. Ihih. Uenito, French (longo. One specimen, probably a ? . Paroeme (1886) Auriv. i ?. Antennal segments 3 to .5 incrassate at tip, to 1 1 sulcate, dentate at end. Prosternal jirocess reaching hinder side of coxae, mesosternal one broad : anterior coxal cavity open. ( 13-1 ) Paroeme semifemorata (1856) CUievr. The elytra of this species terminate in a spine. The insect stands nnder Anisogaster in the Munich Catalogue (p. 2836), and is the same as P. bispina (1886) Auriv. 5. Paroeme inermis spec. nov. ?. Very close to si'iiii/'cmoirifa a,nd amiid/pes ; scape of antenna rather shorter somewhat flattened, with jnst a than in either ; prothorax evenly convex above, trace of the callosities of the other species, sides rounded, not tnbercled ; pronotum and elytra densely and finely grannlose as in semifemorata ; elytra rounded together at apex, not dentate at snture, with dispersed short hairs in apical half. Length, 14— 18 mm. Hab. Warri, Niger, September 1897 (Dr. Roth). Several specimens. 6. Paroeme similis spec. nov. $. Similar to inermis. Head witliout sharply marked mesial sulcus between antennae ; scape of antenna longer, segments 3 and 4 less incrassate at tip, prothorax also longer, less dilated in middle ; elytra shorter and more rounded at shoulders, without erect hairs. Apical half of femora brown. Length, 13 mm. Hab. Lindi, German East Africa, December 1896 (Reimer). One S. Leptoeme gen. nov. Similar to AUogaster
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