V TUESDAY, JANUABT t4,-lM0'! JUanrlfPOt^r Ettruirig l|(raU> Join with Your Neighbors—rJoin the March of Dimes! Manchester Chapter No. IT e< Pock No. 4, Cub Scouts, will M d Je a a Smith; reeordair, Gertrude oommoaded on thalr fiaa work, M the Disabled War Veterans will o aovslty auction tomorrow Blevins; treasurer, Carolyn Watts; waa Clarence Wood and tho vocal- Rainbow Girls iata, Mary Proven and Judy meet tonight at 8 o’clock at the avening at 7:30 o'clock ia Ceattr love, Marlene Rlngstone; religion, Averasc Dally Net Preaa Ron roiumnu^ ^XSmSm amom Silver Lane Homes Community churcb. Proceeds of the sale will Judy McCarthy; nature, Joan Mlhor, for their beautiful muaicM For ths Month of Doesmber, 1949 House. go to a summer outing fund. Fath ­ Beauregard; Immortality, Mary rendltiona. Mra. Anhq Robb w m HALE'S ^ Tbc t n t aU'profMakmal itock ers are urged to attend as they Are Installed Provap; fidelity, Pat Touag; pa­ thanked for her aervlcea In In­ Cleedy aad mtta stooge M teOb ^•■iPMy t9 Ida:' in MnnchMUr for will have several items oC Interest triotism, Barbara Shennlng; serv­ stalling the mother adviaor and pstatafa this aftarasoat sisafiy 4 n r tWMty-flv* jrenr* wUl be pre* A meeting of the Hartford 9 , 8 3 1 Cmnty Federation of Democratic for them. ice, Muriel Clsrk).^ conference ob­ the Board. nai not so esM with seeaalaaal iented this evenlnfc »t 8:16 at the Virginia Johnson New server, Lois Hooey’; outer observer, Refreahmenta enjoyed after the- Msmlier of tho Aadlt siiiialuifPBiPr icuruiny iHFraiD Women’s Club will be held to-nor- diinto tonightt Thursday Moody. Hollister School auditorium when Members of Center Church Cyp June Henry; musicisn, Alice Sar­ ceremony were served by the Ad­ Wednesday !l^oming Speciak Baieaa o f Otaroulattoaa the Civic Drama Guild of New row evening at eight o’clock in the Worthy Advisor; Re> visory Board under the diairman- M anchffsfffr— 4 City of Village Charm Hotel Bond. Manchester members Club who plan to join the bowling gent; choir diractor, Marilyn Mc­ fork wlU appear in "Peg O’ My ahlp of Mrs. Virginia Ferris and who wish to attend are asked to party Saturday evening, should ceive Many Guests Clelland. Heart." Ticketa for the production make reservations tomorrow by Other members of ths advisory Mrs. Mildred H alt which is being ^>onsored by the contact Mrs. Mae Holden, tel. 3743. (CtsartSeS AfivarthilBg m Paga IS) MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 15, 1950 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE POUR CENTS telephoning Eleanor Hussey, 4704. Miss Virginia Johnson, daughter board follow: Chairman of board, Clearance of VOL. L X IX - NO. 97 Manchester Rotary Club will be Mrs. Edythe Massey; secretary, on sale at the auditorium box of­ Forres Hartin of Lenox street Manchester Lodge, No. 1477, of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Johnson of will direct the games at the Mili­ Mrs. Harold Leggett; treasurer, fice at 7:15 th.s evening. Loyal Order of Moose, will termi­ 16 Cambridge street was installed Mrs. Gladys Coleman; mistress of tary Whist tomorrow evening in nate the “House of God" member­ aa Worthy Advisor of Manchester S t Bridget’s hall, under the aus­ ceremonies, Mrs. Bertha Chap­ HALE'S North Dakota Great Grandma Agree to Let The Holy Innocents Mothers ship campaign Sunday, January 29 Assemply, No. 16, Order of Rain­ man; master of ceremonies, Ralph pices of Gibbons Assembly, Catho­ at 2:30 at the Rainbow ballroom, Circle will meet tomorrow eve­ lic Ladies of Columbus. Table ss bow for Girls, at a acmi-puhllc in­ Coleman; transportation, Wln- Danger to Health on Strike ning with Mrs. Blrmano Oaraventa Bolton. New l/mdon Lodge of throp Reed, also Mr. and Mrs. Ditt- Workers well as door prizes will be awarded Headquarters Moose will provide the ritual team stallation Monday evening in the DRESSES Roads Blocked Congress Set of 109 Lakewood Circle North. and refreshments served. Masonic Temple, with many guests meyer. Mrs. Mary Beauregard, and dignitaries from Connecticut Mrs. Mildred Halt, Mrs. Virginia FOR One Group. Values to $12.98 The Holy Angels Mothers Circle and Moo.<tehcart. Til.. "TTio Child present from various Masonic or- Present officers of Temple ganlzaUon.o. Ferris. Mrs. Edith Dowling, Harold And Welfare Seen By Big Drifts Draft Dates will meet tomorrow evening at the Chapter, No. 83, Order of Basteni City," will be guests. Members are L,eggett. home of Mrs. Alex Grushas of 813 urged to attend and bring their Miss Gertrude Blevins was the Star, are anticipating a large turn­ Installing officer and was later Mr. and Mrs. Elton Johnson At Chrysler Plants; wlve.s. ALL SALES FINAL Ointar street. out of the local members and oth­ were escorted and Mrs. Johnson Blixzard Fades Today Truman and Military ers from out of town, at their was presented with a beautiful $3-00 In Coal Walkouts Omnectlcut Chapter. 88th Infan­ Frank J . Mansfield Marine Corp forty-eighth anniversary celebra­ arm bouquet. But There Is Lots Chiefs Want Power to try, “Blue Devils" Division, will tion tomorrow evening In the Ma­ League Auxiliary will meet tomor­ Mrs. Rccave exemplified the mert Sunday, January 29 at two lic Temple.. Worthy Grand Ma­ row evening at eight o’clock at Majority degree to aix girls who Bureau of Mines Di­ Of Sting and Snap Be Able to Act iu o'clook a t Putnam Phalanx hall, tron Mrs. Vera F. Miner of East the Army and Navy clubhouse. have terminated their activities in Five Persons Pension Plan Issue Washington street, Hartford. All Hartford will be among the guests. Refreshments will be served. Rainbow, namely, Arlene Tedford, Smali Lot of rector Gives First In Fresh Cold Blast Eniergenry, However who were ‘Blue Devils" at any ' Lois Doggart, Gloria Gibbons, all time are invited to attend. Discus­ A special meeting of the Wo­ Walter T. Mahoney, Jr., of the past worthy advisors; and Arlyne Indication hy Key Fed­ Die in Blaze BuDciin! Washington, Jan. 25—(C)—Pres­ 8 9 ,0 0 0 ill Walkouts To­ sion of the future of the division man's Society of Christian Service IT.S.S. "Ferry," stationed at San Custer, Lorraine Mitchell and ident Truman and his military IntalliRcnce of Jury Diego, who is home on a 25-day eral Official Govern­ By The Associated Press t Paiglit Jury day as Six Monffis of will be up for debate. will be held at the North Methodist Jean Hall. HANDBAGS chiefs agreed today to a plan to Criticized by Judge church Tliur.sday evening at seven leave, wa.s guest of honor at a din­ ’The installing officers were 8iibsero ooM—30 to 43 be­ Regular 32.98. Real leathers, {Mastic or faille. ment Feels Situa­ Mother Runs Back Into] leave peacetime draft-inductions up Negotiations Fail to o’clock. The members will sew on ner party, Sunday, which was at­ low — froae bfissard - swept List Grows New York. Jan. 25.—(A>)— tended by 19 relatives and friends. northern plalae today. Rain, to Congress If the President is giv­ blocks for the new patchwork bed- Ranges, Refrigerators CLOSE OCT PRICE tion Becoming Serious House to Death Aft- Bronx County Judge Samuel Bring Agreement in quilt. His mother. Mrs. Edith Mshoney, enow and eleet pelted central en the power to act in an emer­ Joseph told members of a prepared and served a turkey din­ er Sounding Alarm | gency. Washers and All Bulletin! states, delaylag traffic. New State Continues to Buck deadlocked jury yesterday that Dispute; Talks. Break SILENT GLOW ner and all that goes with It. at her TRUSS FITTING England was sheeted with toe Secretary of Defense Johnson they "have less Intelligence home, 79 Ridge street. Her son relayed the views of the president Off 1 5 Minutes Be­ has been with the Navy for 16 Other Ap|iUances Plus Tax Washington, Jan. 25.—</P) Hatboro, P s„ Jan. 35—(P)—Fire after an overnight storm Wave of Symputhy than s two-year-old child." By AMRON Oraduated Bxperta —The chief of the Burean of which kUled a t least two per­ and the Joint chiefs of staff to ths The jury had failed to reach Coming Soon months. $1.24 reared through a row bouee in a House Armed Services committee. In Mercy Death Case fore Stoppage Begins; Aloo Abdomlaal Snpporto. Elaa- Mines said today he has ad­ wartime housing project today, sons. a verdict In the trial of an al­ OIL BURNERS The group Is considering an admin­ leged narcotics peddler, Leon­ Day Shifts Swarm Out 'The meeting of the League of .rto Hoalery, and all typea ol our- f1aJW.IlAUcOltt vised iSesident Tmman that killing all five occupants of the istration request for a three-year To Keith's . .. Women Voters, scheduled for this By The Associated Press Bridgeport, Jan. 25—(A>)— The ard SelamI, 37. gleal applimaoeo. Priyale Fit­ a national emergency in coal house. extension of the selective service evening, has been cancelled. A blltzsrd which swept acroes law. state of Connecticut continued to The evidence Included a film ting Room. Small Lot may now exist or at least ap­ One might have escaped. Mrs. Detroit, Jan, 2 5 .— ( f f ) — A the northern plains—hitting hard­ Johnson's letter was made public buck a wavs of sympathy today showing an alleged narcotics pears imminent. Dr. James Claire Morrow, 41, dashed un­ HSlC. strike of 89,000 auto workers Quinn’s Pharmacy clothed from the burning bouM est in North Dskota—faded today as tho committee heard pleas for aa It tried to get a sympathy-free hit Chrysler corporation’s na­ Says ‘Hasty Heart’ Boyd, the burean director, continuing the draft law from Qsn.
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