SECTICIIIONOISE Impacts and Mitigation Standards of Significance '\im-.c 1mpact~ '' ould be :.1gmi1Cilnl 11 tht'} \qnJ)d result m the followmg· • r.:,pn-.urc of persons to, or generation of nmo:;c k•veb in execs:- of ... tandard-. cstablisht>d m a local general plan or nClL..C ordmance. or .1n applicable c;tand.ud of another agenc' ~pt'llflcalh For propcrh located in Si~~ivou Countv, noise lt•vcls e\.ceell!ng the Gen~rall'liln reqlllremcnt Ldn ol60 dBA m rL~idcnh,iiiV zonL'd areas('' hJCh ilfC lnt.tled to the..• northcao..,l and ca...,t of the prOJl'Cl), and 6'1 dBA for mdustnal :toned pMcelo:; (v. hKh ,ue located immc;:tb.it<.· h ~nuth of the project). for rcs1dcnhal property locntL'd m the Citv lim1tc.; of ~11. Shao..,ta (to lhL' <.;outh c1nd southeast of thL• facility), the C1ty 's l1m1ts speofied m Table 10-·L • A ..,ub-;tant1al permM\ent increao..,<.' in ambient noist' level:- that can be Jircctly attributable tn the prDJl'CI. SpeCliicalh. a 5-dB·\ increa~ resulting o;,nlelv from the operation of the pro1ecl. The o..,ccond en tenon, relatmg to a 5-dBA incrca~e, was developed '>l)lel)' tc,r thl':> project ,md was fac:;hioned after similar standards found m the CEQA guidehnl'"· Th1s en tenon wa .... Cc1rricd 0\·er from the l99R document Existing Environment Traffic on l-5 lS the most consistent source of noise affectmg the area surrounding the proje<:l site. 1-'i 1!-> appro,imatelv 2,500 feet from the project site, running southeast/northwest along the eastern side of the Strawberry Valley floor. 1-5 is the primary route for traffic travelmg between Oregon and California. In 1992, the C1ty of Mt. Shasta estimated that U1e 19881-S traffic resulted in an Ldn of 60 dBA at 850 feet, and that 2010 traffic , ...·ould re~ult in an Ldn of 60 dBA at 1,420 feet. 1l1is estimate is for 1-5 only and does not incluJe the noise from Mt Shasta Boulevard. The City estimated that the 1988level of traffic on Mt. Shasta Boulevard resulted in an Ldn of 60 dBA at 90 feet (no 2010 estimate was made). The project is approxi­ mately 1,000 feet from Mt. Shasta Boulevard. Given that tmder conservative assumptions traffic noise drop.., at a rate of appro,imately 4.5 dBA for C<ICh doubhng of di.stancc, the 1988 Mt. Shasta Boulc\·ard traffic would result in an Ldn of appro,imately 45 dBA at the project site. N01se levels fwm 1-c:; Jt the project c;ite would be ..,,milac Discrete noLc;e events in the vicinity of the Dannon water bottling facility are generated bv train traffic on the UPRR. LJPRR runs 18 to 22 trains daily through the l\.ll. Shasta areJ, haul­ ing roughly 1,800 rJil cars per week (Shannon pcrs. comm., 1998). RJilroads can generate significant short-term noise. The trains operate 24 hours per day, carrying mostly freight. Amtra~ also hac.; two passenger train:- that pa~ Uuough the area between 2 J.m. and 1:30am. Table 10-'l presents mstantaneous readings of railroad no15c at a di.:;tanCL' of 100 feel and calculated predichons of noise levels at 400 and 1,000 feet. RPOOI 1760005 DOC (CA/f3'[7 OOCl SECTION 10 NOISE TABLE lG-5 Railroad No1se Levels {dB;..:.A.;L) ____________ Description 100ft__ _ 400ft ----1.000 ft Diesel locomotive (closest po1nt) 79 67 59 Locomotive horn (intermittent) 92 80 72 _fass1ng cars (track no1~ 69 ____ 57 49 Source: City of Mt Shasta, 1992. modifications by CH2MHILL The nearest noise-sensitive receivers (residential areas) arc located approxim,Hely 300 feet to the west. Other rcc;idcntial areas in the project area are shown on Figure IQ-1. The clo~st rcstdenccs are located north and west of the vvater bottling faetlity. T.1ble 10-6 .,ummariLc the closest noiSe sources, and Table 10-7 summariLc~ the close!> I noise-sensitive properties in the proJeCt ,.iCimty. TABLE 10-6 Approximate Distances from the Dannen Fac1llty Noise Source Distance to Dannon Property 1-5 2,500 feet UPRR 1,000 feet Mt Shasta Boulevard 1,000 feet Note Approx1mate diStances as measured from bUIIdmg wall TABLE 1G-7 D1stances to Closest SenS111ve Rece tors ~~------------------------------------------------- Noise Receiver Distance to Dan non Facility Measuring locations Near Private Residences Ml (South) 800 feet M2 (Southeast) 750 feet M3 (North) 300 feet M4 (West) 300 feet Note: Approximate distances as measured from bUIIdmg wall. Current noise sources at the Dannon facility include bottling operations (which are located in a building with insulated metal walls), exterior mechanical equipment (including an evaporative condenser), and material loading and unloading activities includmg semi-truck trt~ffic. Traffic noise related to the p roject is generated by employees (currently 83, but projected to increase to approximately 100) and truck traffic (currently 15, but projected to increase to approximately 40 trucks per day). As stated in the Transportation section of this document, p roject truck traffic is routed through a designated truck entrance on Mt. Shasta R00011760005 ooc (CAH9n OOC) SE.C ll011 1Q P;u&S[ Boulevard at the soutlnvL• .... t comer of the '>Ill" (a..., ...,lwwn on h~ur1.· 10-1) ,md doe~ not tr.wcl on SJ..i Vill.:tge Dnvc. The project dot.'" not tmpact rat! traffic Methods Constn!tllon notse lc\'el~ were e!-tlmat<:d using l:.PA'._ Nohc' from lcm,ftltCiioll f.qlll/'lllc'tll ''"" Opaation-., Bwldins l:tflllf mt'llf 1llld J-lnn11' Apf,lumcc•, ( 1'171) Thest.> noi<;c It''«.+... uc estimate..., because the amount and tvpe ol con.o.;tructHm t.'qUipmcnt to be u~ed , the lcK.'lhnn and dura­ tion of LL...,c, .:tnd the e:\.act nobc charJctt.•n<;hC!:t of each ptecc of eqlllpmcnt t.annot bt... prc­ dKteJ with certainty. The.• cl!:>SumpLHm..., used 10 Lhl'- analysis .:He, howcn:r. tvptcal for construction of indw.trial dc\elopmenb. Constructnm acli\ Jtlt.>..., arc e\.pl·ctcd to onur pnmarily dunng daytime hour.... (7 a .m. to 7 r m .) F.Kility nnbc level-.. were measured at \cJrJous locatlt)ns near the fae~hty prnpt.•rty lirw on June 18 and 19, 2001. O,lf\non reprc!>entativc!> \.\ en.• not advised that the mnmlonng v. mtltl tilke place until the monitonng commenced. :-.lonrtormg sites lvcre selected in respcu\....,c ll' public concern about nOJse emis::.ron'- c1nd to a~-.e<>s the total amount of nOI'>l' generated hv the water bottling facility. Spot noise-level measurements were taken for 20-nunute inten at~ Juring a 24-hour period. These spot measurement" were then compared to similar mea..,urL~ ment.-; taken rn 1998 pnnr to e'L"hn~ facility construction. It !'houJd be noted that the prorect '>llC is a former lumber mdl and th.1t the 1998 dat,, was taken when the mill \\ilS not opcrationill. l listoncal no~e levels were probably much higher. The City of Ml. Shasta ( ,cncral Plan noi!-e <>landard lS more stringent than the County' .., C.cneral Plan noise standard. Typrcallv. Cm.U1t)' ~ tandilrds would appl) ln projects U1 unincorporated areas t'f the County The facility is \'\'holly located m Countv jurisdictwn, but border..; the Cih· and has the potential to impact noise receptors located m the Cit) lim1ts. It~ unclear whether the C1ty ha!:> jurisdictron over noise sources in the County I·or the purposes of simplifvmg this analysis, the more restrictive City standard was applied at all receptor locations, even though Lhe City dDt'..., not have juri:..dJCtion over property located m lhe Cmmty (Virag pcrs. comm., 200 L) ln cases where lhe measurements \Vcre in excess of Ctty st;mdards, the mea!'>urcmenl.., were compared to pre-project measurements. If the pre-project measuremenb were within 5 dBA of the post-project mcasuremenQ., it was concluded that there was not a s tgnificanl change in noise levelc; resulting from the project. In case-; where increases were in excess of 5 dBA, the probable noise source(s) were identifiet.l. Frgurc lU-1 pre~cnts the gcnNallocation..;; where meac:;urcment~ were taken in 1998 and 200 I Impacts and Mitigation During Construction Impacts Noise Impact 1 (N1): Construction Noise Would Be Audible at the Nearest Residences. The construction phases associated with construction of the proposet.l leach field mcludc clearing, e>..cavating, and laying pipe.;; No exterior building construction would be reqUired for mstalliltion of the thtrd boltlmg line, if Dannon chooses to install it. T}VJCal m.1jor R001011 760005 OOC ICAH977 OOC) 1() ~ ~~ ·- ~~41 Approximate Dist anc es from the Oan non Facility ---.....f. -~ .... ~ · "-= oh ..., - ..... ~ - - - == -..... -- ~-c:: --=-=-=-=- :::- :s: - '"!:: ==-=-::: T , Noise Source Oannon Property \• I \ I t-5 2.500 feel ,.. Mt Shasta Boulevard 1.000 feel ~ • I Noise Receiver Dannon Facility t·. .. I Homes Nonh 300 leet South 750 feet East 600 feet • West 500 leet • '· ! • '\~{ Note 01stances measured lrom closes! poants 10 bulld1ng walls and are approxamat1ons •' . \ ~ I ~ . .:::.. \~ I ~~ ~ ! ~ II ~~ I ·~ ,,\; \rI, '.-~ ·(~· :::-.~.;::.. ' ] ~l \ - -- ---~ ...> :::,;;..~-- ~ ·~ .., - ,, ·= ·- ~ -- -~ -;;; :_:_~'-:. ~ .. n:t - I ~-:;::.-;: ~ ........._ \. ~~ u- ' .. ' l - ~ ~ -- - -;=-=-= j Tro.t k ,, .:J~~ader II II 1~1 I' )~ PnoL '=-,-;:::, ~· J{ ..," fark \0 ~ ,., ..:;::.. • .'I . ... I I I %/ II '. II I~ ' I ~h -~· \ \ 'Ramo rowe. , (t J~ ·I I· ':, ·-..- . /j .... I I )\. ~ ', ./( I I I • I ·' ' '/' r ... .lr Trrilk 0 ~ '010 1000 FEET ,t' I ._ " ! 'd' I l ' ll ~ \ :- II //~ -----SCALE 15 AF'F'~OXIMATE " FIGURE 10-1 ~ / LOCATIONS OF NOISE-LEVEL MEASUREMENTS . OANNON BOTILED WATER PLANT MT SHASTA. CALIFORNIA I ; '""'P' "''' 1M '" T ... •M ·'>W "' "$" "'D )- // C H2MH ILL --~ SECTl()N 101~ n01se-producmg pieces of eqwpment for each construction phase are tdentified m Table 10-8.
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